Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, December 16, 1909, Image 10

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THE GLAD WAY. With eyes that see the best in life, With hands that work and win, With f<Vt that, tread in simple faith, And hearts that know no sin; We all may take our way in peace And enter where the gates Are opened wide and where the land Of constant sunshine waits. With hopes that mount to noble . ' heights. With dreams of love and truth, With fancies playing here and there Back in tin days of youth, We all may go the* wav content If those whom we have passed Bememher that we smiled on them When skies were overcast. The word we sped to those who toil ed, Who journed through the night, The laughter which they heard us waft To heave n in its flights, These will await us at the gate When we shall enter in With eyes that see the best in life, With hands that work and win. —F. W. Taylor, .Jr., in St Louis Star. • m 1 lir New Industry for the Framers. Our government has undertaken to teach the farmer how In* may de rive an additional profit from the by-products of his farm, and this is to 1h* brought about by convert ing into denatured alcohol of all re fuse vegetable matter. Frozen po tatoes, rotten apples, stale water melons, cornstalks and cobs —in fact, any vegetable that is unfit for consumption is yetgood enough to yield alcohol. The Department of Agriculture has erected a model still, and has opened a school in Washington for instruction in the method of manu facture, and in use of denatured alcohols. The distilling plant is the smallest practical outfit which can he operated profitably, and it has a daily capacity of twenty live bushels of corn, which produces eeventv-five gallons of alcohol nine ty-five per cent pure. Such a planjt would cost at least $2,.100 too great an investment for the ordinary farm er, hut easily made possible and profitable if erected jointly by a number of farmers living in one community. Comparatively few farmers are able to personally inspect the model still at Washington, but the Agri cultural Department has planned to offset this disadvantage. The ex perimental stations in each State will send expeits to this alcohol school to become thoroughly ae- quainted with the plant itself, and to take a course of lectures on the subject-. When these men return to their'respective States they will he fully qualified to teach the local farmers the best method for pro ducing denatured alcohol. At the present time in France there are 27,000 farmers who op erate distilleries for producing al cohol used in industrial purposes, and there is no reason that the agriculturist in this country should not turn their attention to this profi table business. Many of our farm ers use gastdine for running pumps, corn shellers, saws and other ma chinery, and there would lx* a great saving whore alcohol, manufactured from the veg< table refuse which ordinarily is wasted, to he substitu te* for the expensive oil. —Harper s Weekly- NOTICE. Owing to ill health. I ant closing up my affairs, and this is to notify all parties indebted to me either by note or account that 1 must have an immediate settlement. You can find your note or account either at my place of business or at Smith Carithers Bank. Yours respectfully, A. D. Chandler. m- handicapped This Is the Case With Many Winder People. Too many Winder citizens are handicapped with a had back. The unceasing* pain causes constant misery, making work a burden and stooping or lifting an impossibility. 'I he hack aches at night, prevent ing refreshing restand in the morn ing is still and lame. Blasters ami liniments may give relief’but can not, reach the cause. To eliminate the pains and aches you must cure the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills curt* sick kidneys and cure them permonenily. Can you doubt Winder evidence? W. A. Manders, Foctory Hill, Winder, (In., says: “For soipe time 1 had kidney trouble and rheumatism. The pains in the small of my back were like knife thrusts and if 1 stooped, it was only with the greatest difliculty that I could straighten. My kidneys were sluggish, the secretions from the organs containing a sediment and being attended by pain during pas sage. 1 tried various remedies, but without tin* desired results until 1 used Doan’s Kidney Pills, procured at Turner’s Pharmacy. I improved from the first and after I had finished the contents of four boxes, my kidneys were restored to a nor mal condition and the pain and lameness in my back had disap peared.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Cos., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the l nited States. Remember tin* name —Doan’s — and take no other. A NEW DEFINITION. Womankind has long smarted under the contemptuous lines of the poet, which termed her “a rag and a hone, and a hank of hair.” But after years of cogitation some bright woman has retorted with the state ment that man is a “jag and a drone and a tank of air.” Of course there is little justice in either of these definitions, when ap plied to the great majorty of either the sterner or the more charming sex. The emphasis varies with the passage of the moons. .lust at present, so far as woman is con cerned, the “hank of hair” is more in evidence than the rag. There is no gainsaying the propo sition that the drone and the jag are often found together and the tank of air is the tertium quid. The “jag and the drone and the tank of air” is a distinct contribu tion tu our literature- It is a plum good ’un and we believe that it has come to stay. Home Tribune* Herald- “A KNIGHT IOR A DAY” In richness of costumes, hcautv of stag* 1 pictures, dainty dancing, sweet singing, dazzling electrical effects and a bewildering wealth of scenery, B. C. Whitney’s big musi cal Ha! 11a! “A Knight For A Day’’ which comes to The Lyric theater on W ednesday, Dec. 22, is claimed to he the peer of all musical productions. A small fortune has been expended on the mount-inn of the piece and the electric effects are said to bo marvels of mechanism. • The members of the chorus have selected not only for their beauty, but for their vocal qualification as well. The presentation is made under the direction of Ben Falk, and the cast includes George Ovey Louise Horner, Nan Dodson, 8. E. Lewis, Ellen Tate, Will H Stowefl, Grace Pearse, Farle 8. Dewey, Phil Fein, Joseph Leighton and a num ber of others equally popular musical comedy. PROFESSIONAL CARDS LEWIS C. RUSSELL. ATTORNEY at law, W inder, On. Offices over First National Bank. G. A. JOHNS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. * Winder, Ga. Office over Smith & Carithers’ Bank Practice in State and 11. 8. Courts. W. H. QUARTERM'AN ATTORNEY AT LAW Winder, Ga. Practice in all the courts Commercial law a specialty. W. L. DkLaPERRIERK DENTAL SURGERY*. Winder - - Georgia Fillings, Bridge and Piate-work done in most scientific and satis factory way. Offices on Broad St. SPURGEON WILLIAMS DENTIST, Winder ... Georgia Offices over Smith & Carithers bank. All work done‘satisfac torily, Phone 81. DR. S. T. ROSS, PHYSICIAN and surgeon, Winder, Ga. Offices Rear Turner’s Pharmacy. EDMOND F. SAXON, M. D. WINDER, GA. Office over Turner’s Pharmacy. Residence on Broad St. ’Phone 110. Attend all calls day or night. DR. R. P. ADAMS, BETHLEHEM, GA. General Practice. Telephone. Office Hours—7 to 9 am; 7 to 9 p m. ALLEN’S ART STUDIO. All kinds of Photographs made by latest methods. All work an d promptly. Office on Candler St., Winder (la CHILDREN —AT THE— ‘'Awkward Age? ’ I v \ \ Avflf Ak / V / ■■■■ ■— ■ STILL WE CAN MAKE PRETTY GOOD . . . Photographs of them. And you know you'd like to have the pic tures to send away, and some to keep for yourself. Bring the children in, and let us show you what we can do. ALLEN ART STUDIO WINDER, GA. Schedule Seaboard Air Line EASTWARD. •No. 62—For local stations,Mon roe and Columbus... 9:45 a m No. 32 For Norfolk. Washing ton and New York... 1:52 p m No. 58—For local stations to Athens 7:32 p m No. 36 For local stations north of Athens, Richmond and East 12:11 a m WESTWARD. No. 3.7—For Atlanta, Birming ham and west 5:23 arr. No. 57 for local stations and Atlanta 7:45 a m No. 33—For Atlanta, Birming ham, Memphis and West 3:12 pm No. 53—For Atlanta and west 6:18 p m These arrivals and departures are given as information and are not guar anteed. Schedule Gainesville Midland Railway SOUTH BOUND No. 11 —Lv. 8:35 a. m. No. 13 —Lv. 2:50 p m. No. 15 —Lv. 10:30 am; Sun. only. NORTH BOUND No. 12r—JLt. 11:26 a m. No. 14 —Ai. 5:40 p m. No. 10 —A.. 4 >25 pro; Sun. only. 10 Per Cent. Saved on Plows WOODRUFF'S taaaar rtrrmrT* iSB AtiH-'arumraTT —wnw m ■ r , i nn irr ntii ■ im ■■■ mm bum ’ '■ im-rofmn— ——-HI l Milu.—mu!■——- - ■ j.-u-.'—r o-M-wrt mr -[ lrari —| |ill | || I —II —II ■!—J——l__|_ WE ARE HEADQUARTERS for Plows, and mean just what we say when we say we can save you 10 per cent, on your Plows. We have the goods, and we are willing to make the prices: Small one-horse Chilled Plow 8 4 00 Large one-horse Chilled Plow 4 50 Small two-horse Chilled Plow 6 00 Regular two-horse Chilled Plow 7 50 Extra large two-horse Chilled Plow 8 (XI Best Chilled Middle Breakers 7 50 Steel Middle Breakers 9 00 Large Steel Middle Breakers 10 00 Chattanooga Reversible Disc Plows 33 00 Avery Reversible Disc Plows 33 00 John Deer Stalk Cutters 28 00 We affirm that the above prices are 10 per cent, under what others get for similar goods. Come while they last, and save money. ■in— Woodruff Hardware and Manufacturing Cos. WINDER, GA. ANNO I'NCK.N I EXT. I beg to inform my friends and the public that I have secured the agency for tlie celebrated iLQ&CSX hub brand shoes / For Men, Ladies and Children. Before buying vonr shoes call and inspect my line. 1 wiU save you money and sell you better shoes. F. HOFMEISTER Winder. Ga. I Overcoats made with regard to fit and service. These two l essentials, cs well ns, are found in the “Shield Brand” 1 garment, built to meet every possible requirement demanded by J either weather cr wearer. Correct lengths, full width and artful I desi fixing furnish the style. A cold i 1 winter day will prove the reliability j j m of the “Shield* Overcoat. / I Vfi ur-3.: c pi fa— /■: p l , l . i , r ru CtSP 111 The to P notch of style and /U A I 111 j| na quality. SoE in seven grades / /djPx 'll / 1 J \vfw Ji : |\.\\ \ at seven prices, ranging [ / V Kil i : H l \ from SIO.OO the lowest, to {/| wT * M 1 lU/ffl I a V $20.C0 the highest. ndT c I:] 1 tA' ),A. Each garment bears two y ” \ vjSk shields, one gives price, HHll Ml! ASk the other proteceion. Pa \\ Look for the “Shield.” > 1 GUARANTEED I / , /II ThU S the label that io pe wed j i Vjlj j 1 L. F. SELL, Hoschton, Ga.