Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, December 16, 1909, Image 12

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TWO UGLY ANIMALS. Those Big Pigs, the Rhinoceros and the Hippopotamus. THEY ARE HARD TO CAPTURE. Getting Away With One of the Colossal Brutes Makes the Work of Trapping the Big Felines Seem Like Child’s Play—Methods of the Hunters. Trapping the big felines is child's play compared with the work of cap turing those lumbering, colossal ani mals of tile “big pig" family, the rhi noceros and the hippopotamus. Too stupid to tame or to break to a halter and too heavy to transport through hundreds <>t miles of wilder ness, it would take a man halt a life time to bring one of these live to six thousand pound creatures out of a jun gle into civilization. Therefore the expert's only chance is to tind a cow with a calf amt to capture the young one. Compared with the alert, grim ex terior ot the leilnes. there is little in tlie appearance <>t a phlegmatic, pon derous pm like a rhinoceros to indicate its real ferociousness. There is hard ly a wild animal in existence which is more dangerous than this rarest <>t all our menagerie captives. Awkward as the great creature appears when at rest, once aroused it dashes through the dense,st thicket with the Irresisti ble speed of an express train. To catch a rhinoceros the trapper proceeds with preparations nun it as would an explorer hound lor a two or three year expedition in tin* interior of an unexplored continent, for the difficulty confronting him is the three fold one ol lirst penetrating a tlmu sand or more miles Into tin* interior: second, of rinding not only a rhinoce ros. but a rhinoceros cow with a on If old enough to capture, and.' lastly, of transporting his prize across hills and mountains and plains, over rivers and rpvinca. across swamps and through forests to civilization. Skirting swamps and rivers, the men nt'e ever on the lookout for the deep, round spoors, like a pie plate driven Into the mud, for in this wet ground tin* rhinoceros loves to wallow, Fre <juently live or six months elapse be fore (he tracks of a cow and a calf are picket! lip. Noiseless and from well to leeward, the trapper and ins men gradually steal nearer until the eow and tin* call are Inclosed in a circle. From ahead, out ot the maze ot cam* and creeper, sounds the uneasy stamping (if the cow. With a halt snoit, tin t grunt, in an instant the rhinoceros is all attention. Head raised and nostrils sniffing. she searches the air steadily At sight ol one of the savages the cow dashes with the speed of a race horse at the man. charging the human decoy, and M that instant the trapper’s title is beard, and her furious charge is over, provided the bullet reaches the heart by striking just behind the left foreleg—the only vulnerable point in the inch thick armor with which the beast is clad. Now and then it happens that the trapper fait* to kill In time—his gun may miss tire, intervening trees may interfere or the marksman may miss his aim. Then the life of the decoy depends upon his own agility. To run to one side before t lie rhiuoceros is a I most on lop of him would be fatal, for tlie swift brute would overtake him with a few hounds. His only hope is to wait until the deadly horn is almost at his feet and then, with the swift ness of a mongoose dodging the aim of a cobra, to leap to one side while the ponderous creature, unable to turn short in time, dashes onward under Us own impetus. Twice, three times, a clever native hunter will dodge in this way. giving the trapper ample time t>> bring down the rhinoceros. Then comes tin* tracking of the frightened calf, which lias tied at the tirst sign ot trouble, and soon it is pushed, prodded and shoved up a bridge of log skids into a cage of the bullock cart. But even more* dangerous is the trap ping uf tlic hippopotamus, l'or, al though in itself the “rhino” is u more savage nutagonlst thau the •’river horse.” the trapper hunts the former on laud and brings down at a safe dis tatice. whereas in the ease of the hip popotamus lie must tight in the same primitive fashion that savages have used for ages. Hand to maw. as it were, he must engage this two ton tnouster while standing in the how of a frail canoe, for the hippopotamus, as Its name, the “river horse.” means, is a land and water animal and must be harpooned and brought ashore be fore it expires, otherwise it would sink at ouee to the bottom of the river, the coveted ealf escaping among the other liippopotamuses Instead of following the stricken cow to shore, so that the youngster may be caught.—A. W. Jiolker in St. Nicholas. What sunshine is to flowers, amiability is to the family. Cross looks atvl cross words dwarf and strave the souls of those around us. —Ex- INSTINCT AND REASON. An Interesting Illustration of the Two Traits of Monkeys. An illustration showing the differ ence between instinct and reason in monkeys came under tlie observation of David Starr Jordan, the famous naturalist. At one lime be bad two lively Macacus monkeys called Bob and Jocko. These were nut and fruit eating monkeys and instinctively knew just bow to crack nuts and peel fruits At the same time he had a baby mon key. Mono, of a kind that had the egg eating instinct. Bui Mono bad never .vet seen an egg. To each of the three monkeys Dr Jordan gave an egg. the tirst that any of them had ever seen. Baby Mono, descended from egg ear’- - ancestors, handled his egg with ail the inherited expertness of it long developed in stinct. He cracked it with bis upper teeth, making a hole in it. and sucked out all ils substance. Then, bolding the eggshell up to the light and see ing there v as no longer anything in it. in* threw it away. All this lie did mechanically, automatically and just as well with the tirst egg as with any other lie afterward had. And all eggs since given him be lias treated in the same way. The monkey Bob took his egg finr some kind ot nut. He broke st with his teeth and tried to pull off tile shell. When the inside ran out amt tell cm the ground he looked at it for a mo ment in bewilderment, then with both hands scooped up the yolk and tin* sand mixed with it and swallowed it. Then lie stilled i lie shell into his mouth. This act was not instinct; it was reason He was not familiar by inherited instinct witti eggs. He would handle one better next time, however. Henson very often makes mistakes at first, lint when it is trained it becomes a means far more valuable and power ful tlmu instinct. The third monkey, Jocko, tried to eat his egg m much the same way that Bob did; but. not liking the taste, he threw it away.—St. Nicholas. EASY MONEY. Picked Up by the Sharp Chap Who Cat on a Word. Just by way ot showing how easy it is for some men to pick up a few dol lars by their wits a young fellow strolled into a cafe the other after noon ami. joining m conversation that was being earned on by convivial spirits, declared lie was the most “iu loruiuate" individual on earth, lie immediately began telling a story of his personal troubles, but before he had got the narrative well under way there was a chorus of interruptions, and tiie talkative young man was po litely informed that his Kngiish need ed revising, since lie should Have used the word ••unfortunate’’ instead of ‘'in fortunate.” The newcomer insisted that infortu nate was the correct word to use, and the argument waxed warm. Finally, with a show ot heat, the young man who started the trouble declared that while be bad only a few dollars be would wager them that lie was cor rect. So anxious were his friends to lay wagers with him that he dul not have money enough to meet all the de mands, but be succeeded in putting up sls in separate small bets. The men who were certain that the garrulous young man was wroug iu the use of the word infortunute sent out for a dictionary only to And that they had been "stung” ou a "sure thing” bet. the big book ou spelling showing that infortunute is perfectly proper and means unfortunate. “Yes.” said the winner of the bets as he pocketed his new portion of wealth. ”1 have won money on that before. I collected $lO this afternoon on a similar wager." Philadelphia Record. Flying Fishes. A dazzling silvery splendor per vades the surface ot the body of the best known species ot the dying fish. The summit of its head, its back and its sides are of azure blue. This blue becomes spotted upon the dorsal tin. tlie pectoral tin and the tail. This tish is the common prey of the sea birds and the more voracious fishes, such as the shark. Its enemies abound in air and water. If it succeeds in es caping the Chnrybdis of the water the chances are in favor of its meeting its fate in the Seylla of the atmosphere. If it escapes the jaws of the shark it will probably tall to tlie share of the seagull. Too Honest. Woggs—Young Smith has failed in business again. I’m sorry for the boy. but too close adherence to high princi ples ruined him. Boggs How so? Woggs—He advertised. “Our product is thoroughly tested before it leaves the factory.” which is a very hard thing to live up to when you are man ufacturing dynamite.—Puck. Quite at Home. Bacon—And did you feel at home traveling in Russia? Egbert—Oh. quite at home. When the brakemen called out the stations I couldn't understand them Any better than 1 can over here. —Yonkers Statesman. Flanigan & Flanigan’s GIGANTIC DISPLAY * =======—O F PIANOS ORGANS BUGGIES and AUTOMOBILES. Two solid car loads (72) Organs just received. Car load Pianos will be here Monday. Nothing makes a more lasting Xmas present than a Musical Instrument. No house com plete without one. All these must be sold within the next tfwo weeks, as we move into our new building-January 1, 1910. Prices guaranteed. Terms to suit. Yours to please, FLANIGAN & FLANIGAN. TO FIND FAULT. People Are Sometimes Paid For That Express Purpose. You have no idea how many things are wrong in a big business until you are paid to look tor them, writes Ge lett Burgess in Collier’s. There were the clocks, for one thing, when I tirst began. The girls wore too many rats in their hair, there was grease on the elevator doors, expensive hats were dumped oue on another, the ventila tion was had, the boxes on the shelves showed from the street through tlie show windows and about a thousand other things. Then Spindclbeim sold teapots just like our eighteen cent ones for 14 cents, and for a concern like Smith & Cos. to be undersold is fatal. There’s really nothing that so enrages Mr. Smith; also Rubinstein's window dresser has beaten ours. too. at times. Down it goes in my little report. Wouldn't any woman love my job. Yes. it's fun to be paid for being a misanthrope, but it's hard work too. At 9 o’clock 1 begin my promenade through the store —downstairs, up stairs. basement, attic and annex. If a girl at tlie counter lias dirty finger nails or too wide a pompadour to suit me I stop and talk pleasantly, buy 9 cents' worth of edging and so get her number from the sales slip. She nev er knows anything about it till her superintendent gives her a scolding the next day. 1 have eyes like a hawk and a nose like a hound and ears like a small boy under the sofa when a young man's calling on big sister. In ten minutes t have spotted the dust in tlie* corner of the aisle, a girl who wears brass bracelets, a porter who is not attending to his duty, a badly ar ranged counter, an error in spelling on a placard, two store detectives loaf ing on their job and a hideous com bination of colors in the front window. 1 go to the ladies’ room and make a note of these things surreptitiously. 1 don’t dare go then* too often, though, for fear I’ll be identified, so sometimes 1 run back io my office, two blocks away. So it goes till about -I o’clock, hither and thither, nigh and yon, look ing for trouble. It doesn't do a clerk any good to be uncivil to me, 1 can tell you. or to make me wait too long for my change, but 1 try to be fair, and if 1 tiud a particularly willing and considerate sales person down that name goes iu my report too. You might suppose that there'd be good graft iu that; but. of course, 1 keep my position only so long as the head of the drill has absolute confidence in my integrity. The funny part of it Is that the more 1 complain the better he likes It. I’m like the opposition party in congress. I'm never satisi.,.l. When i am I’ll have to look for an other position. At 4 o'clock I go back to my little office HDd dictate my report from my Dotes to a stenographer, and when it's typewritten 1 send it to the bead of the firm. _ - CITY PRESSING CLUB In Easement of H. J[. GARRISON Building. Pressing, cleaning’and dyeing. Altering’ a spe cialty. First-class work, prompt attention. Phone 180. ALONZO MINTON, Proprietor. Headquarters for FIREWORKS I have on hand FIREWORKS of all kinds. Call on me- Your wants can be supplied at honest prices. J. J. FOSTER, Pea Hill, on YVinder-Jefferson Road. c i|af? * of ,he advantageß ihi-B Of these shingles. i Thcy ’ re fireProof |S: .J. windproof, make the FINE DRIVING SNOW CANNOT PENETRATE handsomest kind of a rnDTDiriITMETAL roof, and when they are i/UK I Kllin I SHINGLES once on they’re there to stay, for “Cortright fr —; Metal Shingles” last as long at the building itself. ' No trouble, no care; a coat of paint once every five years is all the attention they need. * Yes, they’re cheap, quite cheap, considering their ad vantages, and we’re sure youll be more than satisfied with them from the minute you see them on your root LEATHERS & EAVENSON, W,NDE 0A