Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, December 16, 1909, Image 3

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Vi/E WOULD again call your attention to the many values we are giving. We ” are still selling goods at our Clearance Sale prices which have been on for some time. We are offering rare values in all departments of our store. Our stock must be reduced by January Ist. In order to have it so, prices are still low. Any thing in fall merchandise at greatly reduced prices. Many have grasped the oppor tunity, and have been benefited by the low prices, but we have yet in store for you many good values in “anything to wear.” The low prices we have put on our Men’s and Boys’ Clothing is the talk of the whole community. We are actually selling men’s $lO suits for 84.98. This is men tioned just to give you an idea as to how cheap we are selling clothing. We have enjoyed the best shoe business this season than we have in some time oast. We not only have the goods, but we have the prices right. We carry a large one of shoes. Anything in shoes for men, women, children and infants. Ladies’ and Children’s Jackets and Skirts. We have a few left to close out at exceedingly low prices. To increase our business we need you. To fill your wants you need us. Everything to Wear m NiP CAME BACK * Incident In the Career of an Old Time Opera Manager. A SURPRISE FOR MAHETZIK. It Came at a Time When Max Was . Broke and the Sheriff Had Levied Upon All His Stage Properties—Mme. Maretzek’s Thanks to the Carpenter. In the old days in New York city, before there was a Metropolitan or a Manhattan Opera House and when the Jbeuter of the theatrical world was Tiround Fourteenth street. Mas Maret zek and Strakosch were prominent at the old Academy of Music. There was a keen rivalry between them. Stra kosch had Nilsson, and Maretzek was exploiting Di Mursku. By some error of dates both were booked for New York at the same time. Strakosch was at the Academy and Maretzek. having closed a poor season elsewhere, had halted in New York before going to Philadelphia and secured a week at the Lyceum theater on Fourteenth street. There were strong bills at both places. Each man ager had his friends, and the bill posters had a busy time of it. A round of bills for one company was no sooner t posted than the rival billposter cov ered up the poster with the rival com pany’s sheets. At last, for the matinee on Satur day, bills at both houses were sudden ly changed, every vacant fence place plastered over quickly, and with a pelting storm in the morning the man agers began to put out “paper” to 111! the houses. Alfred Joel was the busi ness man for Maretzek and an adept at "papering" when necessary. With a house packed from parquet to gal lery Joel had counted the boxes, found ■ only SIOO in the house and announced it to .Max when the curtain fell be ' tween the acts. This was serious to Max. The ever ready money lender who had “put up for him" had a lien on the box office, a sheriff’s officer was in waiting on the stage, and it was a question of re plevin before the properties and cos tumes could be liberated to follow the company to Philadelphia early next morning. “Well. Alfred." quietly said Max. “1 guess I’m used to trouble. But there is a good, big house anyway!" Then, turning to his wife, who was the harp ist of the orchestra, he clasped both her hands, kissed her and remarked: “Let your fingers do their best. 1 want to hear you play. It does my good, you know, even when SHOES there's trouble." There was hustling after the per formance. Legal talent was at a pre mium. creditors were obdurate, every thing that was supposed to he Maret zek’s was temporarily in “hock." and Mme. Maretzek in tears, with longing looks at the harp she valued. The scenp of negotiations was trans ferred to the greenroom just as the of ficers making the levy were searching for more, and when their backs were turned the old stage carpenter hurried Mme. Maretzek away, theu called her back again five minutes after and pointed to the orchestra. The harp had disappeared. Clearing out everything on Sunday morning, while the boxes of properties were be ing taken away. Max and his wife stood iu the center of the darkened stage. Both were crying. The instru ment they valued most had been taken from them. Other things had been liberated, but no harp, and with a scene of grief that no others than themselves could have appreciated they were silent. Then Old Man Guernsey stood be tween them and waved his hand above them into space. There were a creak ing of pulley wheels, an injunction from the carpenter to “look out for your heads." and. lowered from above, came Mme. Maretzek’s harp, lauding on the stage between them. "Now you've got It again, get it away quick!" said Guernsey. "Stop crying and be thankful. That's all.” He moved off without waiting for thanks, and a pathetic scene with Max and his wife closed the incident. To them the harp was as a part of them selves. To lose it was more than a misfortune, and in a broken voice the lady called the carpenter back to her. "Please let the harp thank you.' said she. "and listen. It will speak with my hands on this Sunday morn ing.” She placed herself beside it, seated on a box. and. with a smile that chased away tears, gave for a moment or two, as only she could give it. the air of the doxology, "Praise God. From Whom All Blessings Flow."— New York Times. Trouble Ahead. A north country coroner is said to be waiting the suicide of a local poet who wrote about clasping "the two tremu lousjmnds" of his ladylove, but which the printer made to read "the two tre mendous hands.”— London Mail. Bridget—Will yez have yonr dinner now. sorr. or wait for the missus? Head of the House—Where is your mistress. Bridget? Bridget—There's an auction beyant the corner, sorr. an she said she’d stop there for a mlnnit. Head of the House—Have dinner now. Bridget-New York Sun. SHOES THt HOWATD LETTER: From THE INSURANCE PRESS, NEWYORK Mr. F. \V. Bondurant, Manager. M inder, Ga. The enclosed letter is indeed tragic. ITifortunately 1 am nut premitted to reveal the name of the writer, but I lielieve he would not object to T. 1. P. publishing it unidentfied for the good of the cause. Sincerely — Dear Bill: May 27, 1909. Acknowledging your letter of yesterday, I would gladly increase my life insurance s‘>o,ooo, if you could place it. But you couldn’t. For tomorrow I am to be operated on for cancer, and the doctor tells me that my chance of survival is one in twenty. This news will surprise you, since it is less than a year ago that your examiner passed me the forth time in ten years. lam trying to he hopeful, but there is an oppressive solemity in the thought that this may he my last day on earth. 1 have been putting my house in order. It did not require an ex pert accountant. My assets are: (1) (’ashin hank,s9-11 ; (2) House hold and personal effects, not worth selling; (3) Life insurances,s3o,’24o -as follows: (1) Mort gage on home, '51,500; (2) House hold monthly hills, §195. This is myjfinaneial exhibit after sixteen years in business. Not a strong showing for a man of 37 : But I lx gan on nothing,' and had to work my wav up. Just as things are beginning to come my way, 1 find myself on the brink of the un known. Mv orfly comfort in this crisis is mv life insurance, and I honestly thank you, Bill, f>r your counsel and persistence. Sometimes l have almost hated you for loading me with such a burden. On a yearley income never higher than $3,800, it has been a big strain to carry §30,240. Last year out of every dollar I earned, 1G cents wen for life insurance premiums. But it was worth the sacrifice. What else would 1 he leaving behind today? If I had banked tin umount of the premiums, my sav ings would have l>ecn less than §5,000. And I doubt if I would have saved that much, for some times it was a terrific struggle to pay the premium, and only the fear of forfeiture forced me to it. But now I thank Heaven that I took the insurance and kept it, for it enables me to go into the operat ing room with anxiety only for my self, and none for Nell and Buster. If I do not come out alive, the funeral expenses may he paid by that weekly premium policy of §240 whicih I have carried just for that purpose; and the $5,000 policy I took when I built my house, will wipe off the mortgage, leaving $25,000 clear. This even at 4 per cent would yield an income of SI,OOO which, with no house rent to pay, should make Nell and the hoy fairly comfortable. I face the uncertainty of tomor row with neither remorse nor worry and I owe this peace of mind largely to you You helped me choose the wiser course. Ten years ago I con fidently looked forward to riches and old age. Tomorrow, life and its opportunities may be cut off. My air castles will have tumbled, and my cherished hopes as dead as my flesh- However, through life insurance my family wili receive some of the money I did not live long enough to make. They will have a home and a sure income for lift —things which even had 1 lived, I could not have guaranteed to them because of the uncertainties of health and of business, I.if<* insurance lias done for my family what I could not do myself. My own experience is a conclusive demonstration of its blessed service to humanity. It may seem strange for me to write you thus from my grave-side, SHOES Winder, Georgia as it were, hut T want you to know of my heartfelt gratitude to you, and the great cause you represent. Yours sincerely, Fred. LIKES TEXAS. Our townsman. Jno. H. Smith, and family, who moved to Vernon some three years ago, from Winder, will leave for the latter place about Dee. 20th, where he and his brother in-law have purchased a large mercantile business and will take charge of the same on Jan. Ist. We understand that Mr. Smith has been very successful in a busi ness way since coming to Texaß> and is not moving hack to his native state because he or any meml)er of his family is dissatisfied with Texas, hut on account of the splendid business proposition which has been made them hack there. While here, Mr. Smith has made Wilbarger county a good citizen, and he and his family have many friends here who will regret very much to see them leave this state. —Vernon (Tex.) Record* Mr. Smith is the .son-in-law of Mrs. Gallic Millsaps, of this city, and, together with his brother-in law, Mr. J. W. Millsaps, recently purchased the stock of goods of Griffith, Smith A' Go., and on Jan uary 1, 1910, will take charge. Both of those gentlemen are ener getic young business men, and no doubt will meet encouragement at the hands of the trading public. Messrs. Smith A' Millsaps I**l ieve in printer’s ink, and the readers of The Nows will be kont posted as to the host and cheapest the market af fords. CARD Of TRANKS, We desiro through Tli > News to express our sincere thanks t<> friends and neighbors for the manifold acts of kindness and words of sympathy expressed during the long illness, death and burial of our dear mother. May God’s blessings rest upon each of you. George Hamond. Mrs. Geojge Hammonl,