Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, December 16, 1909, Image 6

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GREA T CUT PRICE SALE AT E. Lloyd Thomas’. FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS, s WE are going to offer the people some of the best bargain prices they have ever had the opportunity to buy at. We are offering bargains that will attract attention, that will cause you to buy from us, that will save you money, and we cordially in vite you to our store for your personal inspection. n-TWiwTiHui ■wiiibi mi 1-tihi.i .ii j hti Jrr—^iit—inn ■ll ■■ —n—— I——rrr ii ■■iiimwii imm iwii—tiith —r —rm —rrr Wil ■! !■■■■! ■ —II ■■lf l !'■■■ W——W ■■■lllli-WraiIBUrMHIHIH r '~ r —, m ■■■!!■ 11l - - * II In !!■ | IIMIIMIM H Hill I I 111 ■■■■—ll 1 I ■.!—■■ —I ■ I II Ml— —■—III —MI ■II ■ 111 ■>l in l—l —!■■■ ■ Mil ■HMIIT— ~ Mti We quote you below some of our bargains, and we feel sure you will appreciate same: Dress Goods Woolen Dress Goods worth $1.2") per yard, this sale 87c Woolen Dress Goods worth 75c per yard, this sale 48c Woolen Dress Goods worth 50c per yard, tins sale 37 c Corded Lustre worth 75c per yard, this sale 48c Kliantung Silk worth 50c per yard, this sale 85c Superior Morai Silk worth 50c per yard, this sale 85c Poplin Satin finish worth 50e per yard, this sale 85c Repp worth 50c per yard, this sale 85c. Avondale Worsted worth 80c per yard, this sale 20c Woven Suiting worth 80c per yard, this sale 20c. Cotton Suiting worth 15c per yard, this sale 10c Rest (tilting tie per yard Flannelette Oc per yard Ginghams 5c to 0c Calico I l-2c to 5c We can truthfully say that these are the best bargains ever offered to the public in the way of Dress Goods beautiful paterns with an assortment of colors. These goods just received and of the latest weaves and styles. To see, means you will buy. Shoes! Shoes! Best Bargains in Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Shoes ever offered anywhere. If you will come and see, we will surely sell you your Shoes. We have not the space to make prices, hut invite your inspection. Our space is too small for us to tell youof all the bargains. You will have to come to our store, where you will see all goods reduced to the lowest price anwhere. Come, Everybody and Tell Your Neighbors what They Can Do with Us. Remember this sale will last only until Christmas, which is onl> a few days now. E. LLOYD THOMAS, Winder, Georgia Next Door to Winder Banking Company. Silks Yard-wide Tafcta Silk in several colors, worth $1.25, this sale 95c. China Silk in several colors, worth 50c, this sale 88c. Silk waist patterns, all colors worth $8.50, this sale $2.95. Now is your opportunity to get a bargain in a Silk Dress or Waist. Jeans at Jeans worth 40c, this sale 29c Jeans worth 85c, this sale 24c Jeans worth 25c, this sale 18c Water Proof worth <->c, this sale 48c This is your chance to get Grizzle and Eiderdown to make children cloaks. Beautiful white, pink and blue 75c quality, this sale 48c Beautiful white, pink and blue 85c quality, this sale 24c Rubber Shoes for Hen, Women and Children at less than wholesale cost. Get them now while the price is before you. Ladies’ Hats We are going to close them out regardless of cost, so don’t miss this opportunity to bny Millinery. Gents Shirts and Underwear Dress Shirts cut from $1.25 to 89c Dress Shirts cut from 1.00 to 74c Dress Shirts cut from 75c to 48c- Dress Shirts cut from 50c to 35c Fleeced lined knit Shirts and Drawers 45c Wright Health Underwear cut to 89c Boys’ knit Shirts 18c Jeans Pants cut from $1.50 to $1.25 Jeans Pants cut from 1.25 to 95c Men’s Wool Sweaters cut to 95c Men’s Cotton Sweaters cut to 45c Boys’ Sweaters cut to 45c Ladies’ Underwear Ladies’ Best Undershirts and Pants cut to 45c Ladies' Medium weight Undershirts cut to 21c Ladies’ and Misses’ Knit Pants cut to 15c.