The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, February 27, 1919, Image 3

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AX IMPORTANT MATTER. The Georgia State Board of Health Advises Early Ty phoid Vaccination. The prevalence of typhoid fe ver is a variable quantity. Some years there are only a few reai epidemics, and other years there will be epidemics of the disease that will invade large communities. dust what 1919 has in store for the people of this state in the way of typhoid fever is dif ficult to forecast; however, since we have had a somewhat mild winter and are promised an early spring, we are per suaded to believe that the sum mer and fall will find us with a large number of cases of ty phoid fever. This is a reason able prophesy since a mild win ter with an early spring pre dispose to early fly breeding, and early fly breeding would guarantee an unusually large number of flies, and they will be seen early in the spring and typhoid fever spreads by means of flies. From the above facts, there fore ,it is reasonable to conclude that to use no measures to safe guard ourslves, our families and our communities from this easily preventable disease is worse than folly. What can he done? Each in dividual in the state can be vac cinated against the disease and practically without cost, '-peo vided you do not wait until the rush comes for vaccine to or der yours. Our laboratory has a large quantity on hand now, ready for free distribution and to get this and have your physi cian or health officer adminis ter it now is to do the wise thing. Don’t wait until our surplus stock of vaccine is ex hausted an dthen wire, telling us that you have an epidemic of typhoid fever in your communi ty, and ask for vaccine. The time to pray is before the devil conies. The way to avoid typhoid fever is to be vac cinated NOW. *■ In making up your order for fruit trees and grape vines, do not forget to include an order for flowering shrubs and bulbs. Then go just a little further and order some shrubs at least for the church and sclioolhouse. Or perhaps you can find redbud, mimosa, dogwood and crape myrtle sprouts in the neighbor hood all ready for transplant ing. Somehow or other let’s get them to beautify our own yard and school and church grounds. —The Progressive Far mer. •>*£ . ; . CHURCH NOTICES SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Preaching Sunday at It $0 a. m. Sunday school, 3 p. m., J. M. Williams, superintendent. Preaching Sunday evening 7 o’clock. A cordial invitation to all to worship with us. J. J. Shed, Pastor. y„ ——————— NAZARETH CHURCH. Preaching every fourth Sunday at 11 o’clock and the Saturday before. HARMONY GROVE CHURCH. Preaching every first Sunday at 11 o’clock and the Saturday be fore. Everybody welcome. T. M. LEE, Pastor. Pinch of Poverty. Next to the proletariat of India and China, the Russian peasant feels the pinch of poverty and hunger more keenly and more frequently than any other citizen on earth, says the Nation al Geographic Magazine. Best Persian Camels. The best Persian camels are the powerful one-humped kind, which an bred in the province of Khorassan. This animal can carry a burden of 600 pounds at the rate of 20 miles a day. The ordinary Persian camel, however, will carry 400 pounds at the rate of 15 miles a day. A SWEET LIFE IS GONE Friday, February 21, at the home of her mother, Mrs. Sarah Hardman Andrews, of Statham, occurred the death of Mrs. Pearl Horton, of Atlanta. She had been only a few days visit ing her mother and sisters, when she was stricken with in fluenza and lived only a little while. Rev. W. 11. Faust and Rev. J. H. Woodf of Winder, conduct ed the funeral service at Stat ham Baptist church Sunday af ternoon. Her sweet young i had been crossed by many sor rows, having to give up her father, only brother ,four prec ious babies, and a few months ago buried the idol of her home, her sixteen-yar-old dang Ruaht. Those who will miss her home going most are her husband, Mr. Jud Horton, her two little girls, Sarah and Inez. To her mother she had always been comfort and joy, who as long as her health permitted, spent a portion of her time with her baby daughter Pearl. i How blesse dare those who die in the Lord was truly dem onstrated to those who witness ed her last moments and saw the testimony of joy radiating from her face just as she crossed over the bar to rest in her Sa vior's mbraee. W extend to the bereavd family in this great loss and sorrow, our sincre sympa thy. M. 11. S. TAFT LACKS FAITH IX THE SENATORS WHO FIGHT LEAGUE. San Francisco. —“The gentle men in tin* senate who are set ting out to defeat this league of nations are those 1 would not trust overnight,” former Presi dent William H. Taft said to day at a luncheon given in his honor by civic organizations as a part of the program of the Pacific coast congress of the League to Enforce Peace. “They are citing the constitu tion as an argument against it,” continued Mr. Taft. “1 revere and worhip that great instru ment ,and it is anew story to me if the constitution prevents this people from playing their part in bringing peace and or der and happiness to ourselves and the other peoples of the world. “This is not a political ques tion, God forbid. 1 am glad President Wilson went to Eu rope because he went bearing a promise of a league of nations. “The application at this time of the doctrine of avoiding en tangling alliances is reaction ary to the extent of delaying world peace one hundred years. The question at this time is whether the whole great plan of the league of nations is to be de feated because .we can t get a two-thirds majority oi' our sen ate for its ratification. ,f “A peace-loving nation of fighting men” was the way Dr. Henry Van Dyke, formerly min ister to The Netherlands, de scribed the United States. He said objectors to a league of na tions held that to enter such a league involved abdication of nutionl sovereignty, but, on the contrary, it involved an asser tion of sovereignty in a willing acceptance of a common law of self-restraint. A referendum throughout the country would find DO per cent of the voters heartily approving the league, Henry Morgenth formerly ambassador to Turkey, said. Last Words of Rulers. The ancients had an ear for last words, anil among the reputed fare wells of Roman .-nperors there have been handed down Nero’s cynical, “What an artist the world is losing In me !” Julian’s cry of surrender, “Thou has conquered, O Galilean!” and Ves pasian’s irordc, “I feel myself becoming a god.” Appropriate Last Words. The Elizabethans are full of well chosen last words. Marlowe makes Tamburlalne assume the sobriquet of Attlla with his last breath: “For Tam burlaine, the Scourge of God, must die!" and the duke of Guise exclaim as the assassin does his work: “Vive la messe! Perish Huguenots 1" INCOME TAX DUE. Returns Must be Filed on or Be fore March 15—Bill Provides Heav} Penalties. Washington, I). C. —Work on the collection of $0,000,000,000 has been begun by the bureu of internal revenue. This is the estimated yield of the new pevnuo bill. The income tax provisions of the act reach the pocket book of every single per son in the United States whose net income for 1918 was SI,OOO. or more, and of eevry married person whose net income was $2,000 or more. Persons whose net income equalled or exceed ed these amounts, according to their marital status, must file a return of income with the col lector of internal revenue for the district in which they live on or before March 15. Here is what will happen to them if they don’t: For failure* to file a return on time a fine of not more than SI,OOO and an ad ditional assessment of 25 per cent of the amount of tax due. For “wilfully refusing” to make a return on time, a fine not exceeding SIO,OOO ,or not ex ceeding one yera's imprison ment, or both. For making a false or fraud ulent return, a fine of not more than SIO,OOO, or imprisonment for not more than one year, or both, together with an addition al assessment of 50 per cent of the amount of tax evaded. For failure to pay the tax on time, a fine of not more than SI,OOO and an additional assess ment of 5 per cent of tin* amount of tax unpaid, plus 1 per cent interest for each full month during which it remains unpaid. In addition to the SI,OOO and $2,000 personal exemptions, taxpayers are allowed an ex emption of S2OO for each person dependent upo nthem for chief support if such person is under ’’THE REASON WHY- I bank here, “said one of our commercial patrons, “is because I can always depend upon getting individualized service- Service that will meet mv particular need— Service which will take care of the particular situation involved—in an inteligent, practical and helpful manner.” The same thought has been expressed by many other progressive business men who bank through this Institution. We invite Commercial Accounts. WINDER NATIONAL BANK WINDER, GEORGIA FOR QUICK SERVICE AND FIRST-CLASS MECHANICS I). I. GAINES GARAGE TWO-DOUBLE-FOIR At the (i. J. Allen old stand, Athens St. All Work Guaranteed or Money Refunded We have an ample force of expert mechanics WE FIX IT RIGHT—WE FIX IT QUICK YOUR PATRONAGE WILL BE APPRECIATED I). I. GAINES GARAGE eighteen years of age and in capable of self-support. Under the 1917 act, this exemption was allowed only for each depend ent “child.” The head of a family—one who supports one or more persons closely con nected with him by blood rela tionship, relationship by mar riage, or by adoption—is enti tled to all exemptions allowed a married person. The normal rate of tax under the new act is (i per cent of the first $4,000 of net income above the exemptions, and 12 per cent of the net income in excess of $4,000. Incomes in excess of $5,- 000 are subject also to a surtax ranging from 1 per cent of the amount of the net income be tween $5,000 and $(>,000 to 05 per cent of the net income above $1,000,000. Payment of the tax may be made in full at thh time of fil ing return or in four install ments, on or before March 15, before September 15, and on or before December 15. Revenue officers will visit ev ery county in the United States to aid taxpayers in making out their returns. The date of their arrival and the location of their offices may be ascertained by inquiring at offices of col lectors of internal revenue, postoffices and banks. Failure to see these offieres, however, does not relieve tin* taxpayers of his obligation to file* bis return and pay his tax within the time specified by law. In this case taxpayers must seek the gov ernmnt, not the government the taxpayer. Another Auto Device. An electric light, that is switched on to illuminate nn automobile step 11s the door is opened lias been patented by au English mvrnicr. Drink Buttermilk Free'y. The use of buttermilk is largely a matter of habit. Southern cities con sume almost as much buttermilk as sweet milk. The difficulty of keeping milk sweet hns been largely responsi ble for the popularity of buttermilk am <\ beverage. , RUPTURE EXPERT HERE. Seeley, Famous in This Special ty, Called to Athens. F. H. Seeley, of Chicago and Philadelphia, the noted truss expert, will personally be at the Gorgian Hotel and will remain iu Athens Thursday only, March (i. Mr. Seeley says: “The Spermatic Shield will not. only retain any case of rupture perfectly, but contracts the opening in 10 days on the aver age case. This instrument re ceived the only award in Eng land and in Spain producing re sults without surgery, injec tions, medical treatment or pre scriptions. Air. Seeley has doc umnts from the United States Government, Washington, D. C., for inspection. All charity cases without charge, or if any interested call, he will be glad to show same without charge or fit them if desired. Business demands prevent stopping at any other place in this section. P. S. —Every statement in this notice has been verifid be fore the Federal and State Courts. —F. H. Seeley. Drones in the K ve. “It Is civilization which has given us the woman who toils not, who .Ives for pleasure, who takes from life gifts for which she makes 00 return.” —Ex- change. Duties of the Queen Bee. It may be interesting to some peo ple to learn that all the work in a bee hive is done by female bees. The drones, or males, live on (he lnbors of their more industrious female com panions. Moreover, there Is no such thing as a klag bee. The rnler of the hive is the tjueen, hnt she Is a ruler in name only,- betng guarded and pro tected by Hie bes-s stinpfy because the colony would become extinct if she did not lay eggs at a prodigious rate. It Is not unusual for a good queen to pro duce her own weight In egg* In a single dny, and she keeps this op for weeks at a time. THE FORD Is the Car to Buy Orders for FORD CARS will be filled in regular order THE FORD is the best car to buy. Come to see us and let’s talk the auto mobile situation over. If your car needs repair ing, bring it to us. We employ expert mechan ics and use FORD parts exclusively. Flanigan & Flanigan Slamming the Lounger. Many a man’s standing would bei better If he didn’t spend so much time sitting.—Boston TranscrlDt. YOU CAN- Save money by taking advantage of these low prices on standard goods. Arm & Hammer Ar Soda, 6 for ZiDC Temple Garden Ar Coffee, per lb ZiOC Navy Beans, per 2^ Armour’s Oat Meal, perpkg IZ2C Gold Dust Flour 1a at per bbl MZ.ZO Van Camp’s Soup at 2 cans for ZDC Post Toasties, 2 at boxes for Lu C Country Hams at per lb Canvas Ham ia (sliced), per lb Hominy Corn |A per can lUv fb a s lt : p .! r .! 00 SI.OO Tomatoes, per 10c Ketchup, per (hi aa gallon sPi.UU Call us at 102. Goods delivered anywhere in sidecity. Give us atrial. E. S. BENNETT Market and Groceries