The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, March 20, 1919, Image 1

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VOLUME 4, NO. 12 MR. GEORGE C. HAYNIE A SUCCESSFUL FARMER Mr. George C. Haynie an Ex ample for Thousands of Others to Follow. Mr. George C. Haynie, of Pente cost district, Barrow county, one of those quiet unassuming men and one of our good citizens has solved the real problem of farm ing and independent living. Having passed 60 years of age, doing his own work and studying how to farm so as to make some money every year and not culti vate too much land, his results should be worth something to those who have pursued a differ ent policy and be an example for thousands of others to follow. Hundreds of farmers are like many men we know in all the dif ferent walks of life, they think they know all about how their business should be run and refuse to profit or learn from others who are succeeding. Their egotism and stubborness will not allow them to do otherwise. There is another class who do not know, have not learned, but who desire information and wish to get bet ter results from their efforts. To this latter class we are giv ing the information as to how Mr. Haynie farms and makes money, trusting it may be of benefit and help them to do likewise. Mr. Haynie does his own work, is past 60 years of age, plants less land than most men but manures it moderately well and works it rapidly. Last year he had only 4 1-2 acres in cotton which made him 5 bales of cotton, averaging 454 pounds each. He spent 21 days preparing the land and working this 4 1-2 acres until laid by. His receipts from his five bales of cot ton and the seed were about S9OO. This 4 1-2 acres yielded gross per acre S2OO. In addition to this Mr. Haynie made more than enough corn ami other feed stuffs, meat, vegetables, milk and butter to pay the living expenses of his farm and his cotton crop was clear money or the net profit to him. There is no man in town w-orking for the average salary wdio can do this well. Mr. Haynie tries to make a good yield on small acreage of all his crops and make everything at home and some to sell. This mode of farming has proven a success to those adopting it and all others ways of farming a failure. Any man will be profited and better his financial condition by follow ing the course of Mr. Haynie. It is the wise and only successful way of farming. DR. HAM AT FIRST BAPTIST. The annual Evangelistic Servi ces of the First Baptist Church will begin April 28th. The pastor will be assisted by Dr. John W. Ham, successor of Dr. Len G. Broughton at the Atlanta Taber nacle. Dr. Ham is one of the South's-leading pastors and is a preacher of great success and of power. OVERCOAT LOST. I lost a dark gray overcoat last Friday between J. M. McElhan non’s farm and Mr. Gene Duna hoo’s. The finder will be liberally rewarded by returning it to The Times office or to my home on Eoute 5. T. N. SUDDETII. THE BARROW TIMES BAPTISTS HAVE GOOD DAY IN WINDER Monday the preachers of the sec tion around about Winder and the workers in general, gathered at the First Baptist Church for an all day service. The ladies served a bountiful lunch at the noon inteiVnission* and despite the large crowd pres ent, the viands were so plentiful that the people came back for sup per. Among the visitors present were: Rev. S. P. Higgins, Auburn. Rev. J. Fred Eden, Toccoa. Rev. A. J. Goss, Monroe. Rev. W. S. Walker, Monroe. Rev. T. C. Hardman, Commerce. Rev. W. L. Culbertson, Com merce. Rev. J. C. Black, Cornelia. Rev. W. L. Bell, Montieello. Rev. E. C. Gaddis, Macon. Rev. W. E. Moore, Winder. Rev. J. S. Sente, Winder. Rev. W. H. Faust, Winder. Dr. Arch C. Cree, Atlanta. Rev. J. T. Maltbie, Hoschton. Rev. J. T. Grizzle, Hoschton. Rev. T. C. Buchanan, Winder. Rev. J. P. Ely, Winder. Rev. S. E. Rogers, Social Circle. Rev. Mr. Black had just return ed from France where he had been in the “Y” service, and brought a very strong message at 11 o’clock. Dr. Cree, state mission secretary, spoke at the close of the Monday night service. The series of meet ings throughout the day were very beneficial. The churches are waking up. Two of our city churches are now very deeply interested in drives— the Methodists to raise their part of the thirty-five million centenary fund, the Baptists to raise their part of the fifteen million educa tional fund. Mr. Faust, who is chairman of the committee on arrangements, this week. out the association are well attend ed and that new interest is mani fest. Many letters have been re ceived and a large number of sub scribers to the denominational pa pers. REV. RICHARD W. WALLACE VISITS HERE. Rev. Richard W. Wallace of Valdosta, who was attending a board meeting of his church in Atlanta Monday and Tuesday [spent Monday night in Winder re turning to Atlanta Tuesday morn ing. He reports his work at Val dosta as moving on nicely and that on last Sunday his church gave $14.00 for missions. ATTENDING OPTOMETRIST ASSOCIATION. Mr. J. L. Whitley, of our city, is attending the Georgia Associa tion of Optometrist in Atlanta this week. Mr. Whitley has risen rapidly in his profession and is kept busy all the time. He gives good ser vice and that is what the public demands. He will return the latter part of the week where he can always be found in his office ready to ex amine your eyes and fit you with glasses. SPECIAL NOTICE. All the white teachers of Bar row county are directed to dis miss their schools on Friday, Mch. 21, and attend a teachers’ Insti tute, beginning at 9 o’clock promptly. WINDER. HARROW COUNTY. U.V., THURSDAY. MARCH 20. 101 *> BARROW MAKES APPLICA TION FOR ROAD FUND Judge Hill has made formal ap plication for a portion of the fed eral emergency road fund avail able before July 1. The amount he applies for is SIOO,OOO with which he intends to build four first class roads, all of which are very important high ways in Barrow county. These roads will be surveyed, built on a grade and all soiled. The four roads to be built are as follows: the one from the Jack son county line, beginning at O'Shields’ bridge on the Mulber ry river and running to Reeves’ bridge on the Appalachee river at the Walton county line; the Mon roe road to Hendrix bridge at the Walton county line; the Thomp son mill road and the one by Bow (man’s mill, J. N. Pentecost farm ,and by the old James Thurmond place to the line. There will be 41 miles total of these four roads that penetrate through the different sections of the county. Judge Hill has acted wisely in taking advantage of this federal fund, and by so doing will add much to the development of our section and therefore the pros perity of our people. No one thing does so much for a county as good roads and this move of Judge Hill means that in a few years more there will be a net way of first class roads through every section of Barrow. Over 40 counties have taken ad vantage of this federal fund of $1,344,000 available before July 1. A second fund of $2,000,000 will be available for use in the state of Georgia after the first of July. Good roads, good schools, good farms, good and progressive citi zens make a good and great coun ty, and it takes all of these things to bring about this desired result. A GOOD OLD NEGRO DIES. Old Unale Hamp Bradley, one of the ante-bellum negroes who had lived for years on the farm of Mr. J. N. Thomas, near Bethle hem, died last Thursday at the age of nearly 80 years. He had lived a life that com manded the respect of all of his white neighbors and all of them were his friends. Such a man be Jie white or colored, is worth some thing to his community and is al ways missed when death takes him away. Uncle Hamp was honest, up right and industrious, acted well his part as an example for others of his race, and The Times believes that his soul is now resting in the fields of paradise as a reward for his service. IN MEMORY OF LITTLE OLLIS HALL. The little eighteen months’ old son of Mrs. Joe Dali, of Winder, departed from earth to heaven on March 6, 1919. The little fellow’s life was brief but sweet and God plucked it from earth to bloom in heaven. Weep not dear mother for God does all things for the best and some day you will meet your dear little boy and the two other preci ous children gone before in a bet ter land where there will be no parting. Rest assured his soul is in heaven. A Friend. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF BARROW COUNTY PROMINENT VISITORS HERE FOR THE WEEK Miss Euri Bell Bolton of G. N. and I. College, Milledgeville, Miss Florida Allen, of the State Agri cultural College, Athens, Mr. Holt of the U. S. Agricultural Exten sion department and Mr. M. L. Duggan, State Rural School Supervisor are spending the week in Barrow county with commis sioner Holsenbeek, Mr. W. Hill Hosch, County Demonstrator. The above visitors will attend the teachers’ institute Friday which is open to all who wish to attend. ST. PATRICK PARTY. By far one of the most attrac tive parties ushering in the Spring season was given last Friday even ing by two charming hostesses, Misses Burson and Vickery at the home of Mrs. Milsaps. The guests began to assemble at eight-fifteen and continued to arrive until a bevy of voices filled the spacious rooms. In the receiving line were Misses Burson, Vickery, Wilkinson and Mrs. Paul Brookshear. After pleasant greetings were exchanged among the guests they passed into the dining room and were served hot coffee and deli cious sandwiches by Misses Clay ton and Smith. Large bawls of yellow bowers and clinging ivy formed a lovely setting for the beautifully costum ed g.tests. The emblems of St. Patrick’s day were carried out in minute de tail. An attractive Irish program was the feature of the evening. It opened with a model lesson on the life of St. Patrick, presented in a most attractive manner by Miss Wilkinson. This was followed by several Irish melodies beautifully render reports that the meetings through ed by Misses Hinton and Davis. An amusing reading was given effectively by Mrs. J. R. Williams after which all the guests contri buted to the pleasure of the even ing by telling their varied ex periences with Pat and Mike. Late in the evening an ice course was served, in a unique way, giving the effect of the Emerald Isle. Among the guests invited were: Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Faust, Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Marshburn, Rev. R. C. Moss, Supt. and Mrs. J. P. Cash, Prof, and Mrs. R. L. Mar shall, Prof, and Mrs. W. M. Hol lenbeck, I)r. and Mrs. W. L. Bush, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, Mrs. P. Brookshire, Mr. Cooper; Misses Alice King, Christine Clayton, Gertrude Davis, Meadow O’Far rell, Lona Bellah, Odessa and Lil lian Moore, Fay Wilkinson, Alice .and Ida Kilgore, Annie Berry Hin son, Icie Smith, Flossie Henson, Mary Lou Cargill, Essie Stephens and Rose Dillard. BACK FROM CALIFORNIA. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Maughon reached Winder Saturday from San Francisco, Cal., where Mr. Maughon has been stationed for the past nine months in the Naval Service. Mr. and Maughon are looking well and enjoying fine health but are proud to be back ■among their large circle of friends here who are giving them a warm welcome. Mr. Maughon was principal of our school before enlisting in the army. SMITH-MAYNE MFG. CO. MAKES FINE SHOWING The first annual stock holders meeting of the Smith-Mayne Mig. Company was held at the office of the Company on last Thursday the 13th. A good majority of the share holders were present in person. The annual report of the secre tary, Mr. Claud Mayne, reflected splendid progress for the year. The financial showing was de cidedly pleasing to the stock hold ers, and the prospects of the Com pany for the ensuing year were very much better than expected. Among the items of interest dis closed by the secretary’s report was the facts that the Company is now employing 30 to 40 hands with a weekly pay roll of aromnl S6OO, that the weekly production js now above 60 desks, that the line is being handled by the big gest dealers in New Y r ork, New Orleans, Memphis, Nashville, At lanta and other large cities in the country. Mr. Mayne also reported that the Company had filled a large con tract for the war Department at Washington, some of the desks probably going to the western which by the way gives two of Winder’s manufactured pro ducts the distinction of going to help in the war. It will be remem bered that when our boys reached the western front, soon after war was declared, they found Bell Overalls already there and wait ing for them. We are glad to ha'* jn Winder sueh enterprises a* tlie dmith- Mayne Manufacturing Company and sincerely hope this concern is the forerunner of a number of other manufactories of the same kind. The close proximity of our city to the almost inexhaustable supply of timber suitable for the manufacture of furniture of every kind gives us a decided advantage over other points. It means much to our city and section for all of us to boost the Smith-Mayne Manufacturing Cos. The directors elected for the new year were: W. B. McCants, R. A. W. Smith, L. M. Mayne, Claude Mayne, A. Y. Evanson, J. M. Williams and W. C. Horton. R. A. W. Smith was elected presi dent ; L M. Mayne, Vice-president; Claude Mayne, Secretary and W. C. Horton, treasurer. Dividend No. 1 was declared and the stock holders are all pleased with the bright future for this wonderful plant. C. W. B. M. MEETS AT THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. On Tuesday afternoon at four o’clock, the Christian Woman’s £oard of Missions met in the church parlors. Avery interesting program was given by Division jNo. 1, led by Miss Mary Shields, Division No. 2, led by Mrs. Clin ton. Goforth will have charge of [the April Meeting on Tuesday afternoon, April 14. The Division No. 1 held their regular monthly study class and business meeting on Monday afternoon at the home of Miss Mary Shields. There were fifteen present. Delightful refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Rev. R. W. Wallace of Valdosta was at the meeting and received a cordial welcome. YOUNG JERSEY COW FOR SALE. I have a fine young Jersey cow, fresh in, for sale. If you wish to buy see me right away at Auburn, Ga. Mrs. Lula A. Cain. 81.50 IN ADVANCE FINEST COUNTRY SCHOOL BUILDING IN THE COUNTY One of tlie finest and most mod ern buildings of all the country chools in this county has just been erected near the home of Mrs. Lovie Thomas and on the farm of Mr. E. 11. Odum. There had been two schools in the same sehool district, one of these being New Chapel and the other Corinth And these two buildings were in a dilapedated condition and only one and a quarter miles apart. Superintendent Holsenbeek and the County Board of Education got the people of this district to unite and agree to consolidate the two schools. Asa result they lo cated the school at the above men tioned place, a central point, and they have this new and up-to-date building, a credit to any communi ty- The school has already begun with an enrollment of 85, under the management of Miss Mamie jOdum as principal and Miss Vera Parker as assistant. The Board of Education named the school Argonne after the Ar gonne Forest, where many of our boys from this county fought in the great war, and it was to com memorate their bravery and sacri fices that this name was selected. Messrs. R. L. Thomas, J. T. Aus tin and W. P. Thompson were ap pointed trustees of the school with R L. Thomas as chairman and treasurer. These are all splendid men and will look closely after the interest of the school and we feel sure will have the united co operation and support of all its patrons and the district at large. A CARD OF THANKS. We take this method of express ing our gratitude to all who help ed hs in anyway during the recent illness of our family and death of our baby. The aid, both friend ly and material, that our neigh bors rendered shows plainly that the world is still full of good Samaritans. We thank each and every one who remembered us in any way. We wish especially to mention the nurses, Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Fos ter, W'ho worked so faithfully, and the good women who secured their services; also Dr. Hodges, whom we think did as efficient work as could be done under the circumstances. Again we wish to mention the members of the Second Baptist church, the other people of Win der ,and all of those both in Bar row and Jackson county who help ed us in anywawy. May God rich ly bless each one of you is our prayer. J. J. Shedd and family. FIRST METHODIST. Sunday School at 10:20 a m. Preaching by the pastor 11:30 a. m., subject, God’s Government in Human Lives. The presiding elder will preach 'at 8 p. m. and hold the Second Quarterly Conference after the preaching service. J. H. Mashburn, Pastor. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Services for Sunday: Bible School at 10:30 a. m. Preaching at 11:30, “Barnabas A Good Man.” Junior and Senior B. Y. P. U., 7 p. m. Preaching at 8 p. m., “Comfort For the Christian”