The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, March 20, 1919, Image 4

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The Barrow Times- Published Every Thursday A. G. LA MAI?, Editor SUBSUMPTION KATES One Copy Six Months One Copy One Year *l-50 * All communications mutt be tigned by the writer Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice under Act of Congress March 3, 1H79 THE FELLOWS WHO KNOW. General March estimates the number of men killed in the-late war at seven million, two hundred ami fifty-four thousand, and still there are politicians who are trying to defeat tin* establishment of a league of nations that we may never again have such a war. It is really amusing to have men who delight in expressing their views in opposition to the league of nations and trying to persuade themselves, through their egotism, that they know more about this great question than Wilson, Taft, Lloyd George and Cleineneau. Life's a funny proposition after all, and there are many funny people you meet during your brief experience this side of eternity. We often think that if some of these fellows are so fortunate as to land in paradise, the first opportunity they get they will oppose the wisdom of God in an effort to prove they know a little better than He how His Kingdom should be managed. —o It is generally understood that the Eighty-second division will sail for home in the early part of April. o— — Atlanta had a million dollar fire a few days ago which consumed over eighty ears of perishable property. The organization of a co-operative cotton export corporation with capitalization of fifty million dollars is advocated by Governor W. I’. Harding, of the Federal Reserve Board. —o The Seventeenth Engineers are due in the United States March 24th, and will be ordered to Camp Gordon for demobilization. —o A great wave of enthusiasm seems to be spreading over the country for William Howard Taft as the next president of the United States. o Deputy Sheriff J. W r . Webb, of DeKalb county, was shot and in stantly killed a few days ago by an unknown man, who also wounded Deputy R. T. House. The officers were shot when they discovered the stranger asleep and woke him to search his car. a— William Jennings Bryan, who has been ill for several weeks in Washington City, has recovered sufficiently to go to Baltimore where he ami Mrs. Bryan celebrated bis fifty-ninth anniversary yesterday. —o 1 THE LIFE WORTH LIVING. The life of a human soul is of stub short duration in this ■world that when seriously contemplated one is lost in the realm of wonderment and bewilderment beyond the power of expres sion. Even though we live to a ripe old age the end arrives so quickly it can scarcely be realized. It seems only yesterday to the man of seventy when he was young and reveling in the joys and activities of young man hood. Knowing our existence here is but a few fleeting moments, how strange it is that, we give most of the years allotted to us to envy, strif *. jealousy aim hatred, instead of to love and song and to laughter. How surprising it is that we do not cultivate a longing to avoid the unkind side of life and refrain from doing those things which help to increase the burdens, the sorrows and disappoint ments of others. How much brighter every life would be if it were imbued with a yearning desire to do something for tin* betterment of humanity, to make others happy, to strike tin* chains from every heart and give the stars of hope new luster. A great divine has truthfully said —“there is a better ambi tion than merely to stand high in the world, it is the ambition to lift mankind a little higher. There is a nobler character than that which is merely incorruptible, it is the character which aits as an antidote and preventative of corruption. Fearless to Speak the words that bear witness to rightousness and truth ml purity. Patiently to do the deeds which kindle hope tfud strength and virtue in our fellowmen. Generously to lend a hand to those who are striving to climb upward, faithfully to give our support to the effo is that are making to purify and elevate the social life of the world.” This the kind of life worth living, and if men could have their eonscienees thoroughly awakened to the realization of the fact that to brighten a human heart and fill it with hope and glad ness is one of the grandest and greatest acts which can he done to lift that heart and life to loftier ideals, what a transforma tion would take place on this planet. ('apt. Jack Crawford, the poet scout, has expressed a beau tiful sentiment alony this line of thought in tin* followitiv verses: If 1 could clothe each jeweed thought, That comes to me in nature's bowers, In classic language suc h as taught Away from Western woods and flowers, If 1 could sing the sweet refrains That in my soul in silence cluster, From many a heart I'd strike the chains And give the stars of Hope new luster. If I could scatter all the gems, That light my soul in darker places, I’d pluck the hope-buds from their stems And wreathe them o’er despondent faces; If 1 but had the power to stay The blighting hands of pain and sorrow, The human hearts that wilt today Would lift their heads and bloom tomorrow. If from tin* Master’s hand above. To me the longed-for |>ower was given, To change all bitterness to love, Of every earthly hell make Heaven, The lowering clouds would swiftly flee From the light that follows after, And every wave of Life’s broad sea „ Would gleam with love, and song, and laughter. V4|^CwOj^py<i * ll A BEAUTIFUL SERVICE FLAG We cannot say now who origi nated the beautiful idea of the Service Flag in honor of the men —yes, and the women, too —who have entered the service of our country, hut it has soared nation wide until now, not only do we find them with one or more stars displayed proudly in the homes from which loved ones have gone, hut we find them in our churches, our lodges and societies, business concerns, towns and counties, and in all conceivable places. And this is as it should he. We are showing herewith a cut of the very beautiful Service Flag of the Georgia Woman’s Christian Temperance Union. Already it has more than a thousand stars, and more are being added con stantly. One loyal mother hn* five stars on this fiag, representing her five sons in the service. The Georgia Bulletin, in speak ing of this State Service Flag says: “Winder is the only Union send ing the names of women, and also has the distinction of sending in the longest list, sending 54 names. AH Winder should bo proud of this.” The Winder Woman's Christian Temperance Union is one of the .strongest and most active in the State, having at the last report 129 members. Led by their very efficient and consecrated Presi dent. Mrs. W. C. Horton, this Union has proved a power for good in our community, and it deserves and should receive the hearty support of every lover of righteousness and humanity. WOMAN'S TEMPERANCE UNION MEETING. The regular March Meeting of the Winder Woman’s Christian Temperance Union will be held at the Baptist Church, Mon., March 24. at 3 :30 P. M. A splendid pro gram is being prepared by Mrs. A. T. Harrison, the subject being Proportionate and Systematic Giv ing. This will be a very interest ing meeting and everybody is in vited to be present. The hostesses for the afternoon will be Mrs. 1). D. Keesler, Mrs. J. M. Roberts, Mrs. W. M. llolsen beck and Mrs. L. M. Mayne. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. A special ordination service will be held next Sunday morning at \1 :30 when four now Deacons and two new Elders will be ordained. Evening services at 8 p. m. The annual protracted meeting will begin on the evening of April (2nd and continue thru two weeks. Rev. R. E. Moss will do the preaching. The Young Men of Today Demand Better Clothes Our clothes are of the better kind. Our designers have incorporated all the style, snap and wearing qualities in* the clothing we sell. The new models in men’s suits which we are showing will be of interest to you. Beautiful Spring patterns in models suitable for all ages. Come in today; look them over—glad to show, and have you try them on. Our store is filled with many new things for spring. Kilgore-Kelly Cos. “Goods to Wear” Card of Thanks We are so grateful to the people of Winder for their demonstrations of friend ship and for their liberality to us after we had lost most everything by fire. Words cannot express our grati tude. Gratefully, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. Miss Kate Fiver, of At lanta, was the guest of home-folks- last week-end. LOST.—A pair of gold-rim glasses somewhere in Win der. Please return to J. L. Lanier. Mr. Dawson Burnett, one of the old and respected citizens of Winder for a number of years, is spend ing a few days here this week. He was one of the brave old Confederate sol diers through the entire war, and although now in his eightieth year is quite active. ON LEAP r< MARKET ISnßp, "ben To M Our sausage and also all our other meats are fresh and sanitary—and they’re Cheap. We sell: Pork Chops ICa per pound Pork Roast lA/i per pound..., All-Pork Sausage ICn per pound vdv Mixed Sausage lAa per pound JUv Pork Head 12V per pound Country Ham IC/ per pound Good Country Butter, per pound E. S. BENNETT "Market and Groceries Telephone No. 102 Mrs. T. A. Maynard car ried a party of friends to Atnens Tuesday evening to witness ‘The Holy City.’ Her party consisted of Mes dames W T .C. Horton,Chand ler, Graddick, Vonderlieth, and Mr. Jeff Henson. Mr. D. S. Nicholson of near Greshamville, Walton county, spent Monday in Winder looking after business matters. Mr. Nich olson was one of the splendid citi zens of Barrow county until sell ing his farm and mill last year and buying a farm in Walton to which he moved the first of the iSMii STRAND Show Starts at 10:30 a. m., 2:00 p. m., 5:00 p. ni., 8:00 p. m. TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT THE BOX OFFICE TICKETS ARE SOLD FOR EVERY SHOW SEPARATE. ADMISSION 55 CENTS Mr. John H. Hill, of Montezu ma, spent the week-end in Winder. He is one of the big farmers of that section, he and Mr. G. Smith of this city, owning the finest farm of 2400 acres in Hous ton county. He was accompanied here by Mr. L. B. Hamilton, of Montezuma. Mrs. T. N. Holshouser was car ried to Atlanta last Saturday in a st lions condition, which necessi tated an immediate operation. Her friends here will be glad to learn that she is getting on nicely and will, it is thought, soon be restor ed to health. TUESDAY, March 25th