The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, March 27, 1919, Image 7

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Social and Personal News NICHOLS—DUNAGIN. Married at the Baptist Pasto rium Sunday evening at 7:30 p. in. Mr. J. T. Dunagin and Miss Cora Nichols. Rev. AV. H. Faust officiating. The popular young couple re side in Lawrenceville and returned immediately after the ceremony for their future home. W. C. T. U. MEETING. The AV. C. T. U. met at the Bap tist church Monday evening, with Mrs. A. P. Harrison, leader. Quite a tine program was given. Reading, Mrs. J. P. Williams; Solo. Mrs J. AV. Griffeth ; Reading, Miss Jones, of Christian College; Paper by Mrs. AV. O. Perry; I)net, Mrs. A. D. MeCurry and Miss Ora Lee Camp; Paper, Mrs. AV. M. Holsenbeck. After the program the Pres., Mrs. Horton, took charge of the meeting. Thirty five members were present. De lightful refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mesdames Kees ler. Roberts, Mayne and Holsen beck. Air. F. M. Kireus, route 3, who has been suffering for several months with a general breakdown was in Winder Wednesday. Airs. Flora Haynes and little son, Bobbie, reached Winder last Thursday from New York City, her home for the past six years, to spend a month with her father, Air. 11. J. Garrison. It has been several years since Airs. Haynes visited AVinder, where her child hood and young girlhood years were spent. SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT. ' On Friday evening, March 28, a1 8:30 o’clock in the school audi torium, the primary grades will give an entertainment, the pro ceeds of which will go toward buying supplementary readers for the grades. The charges for the evening’s entertainment will be, all chil dren ten cents (10), adults, flften cents (15). The followinw is the program: CHARACTERS Queen —Helen Gradick. King—Philip Carpenter. Princess —Pauline Roberts. Nurse —Mary Weatherly. Old Woman —Thelma Lancas ter. Faries —Sarah Barber, Mary Lamar Jackson, Mary Louise W al den, Mary Francis Cooper, Dor othy Richardson, Geraldine Full bright , Marietta Faust, Marcia Smith, Francis Eberhart, Annie Hunter Hargrove, and Estelle Long. Gentlemen-in- waiting; James Perry, Dean Turpin and Harold House. Ladies-in-waiting; Era Mincey, Nina Meadow and Pearl Kinney. Pages; Morton Cooper, Oran Roberts, P. R. Smith, Trumanß ell and Edward Royal. Cook; Ruby Lee Bell. Maid; Mary Wilie Wright. Boy; Hubert Henson. Reading; Mrs. J. P. Williams. Playlet; Little Grandma’s in key, Pauline Roberts, Francis (’raft, Evelyn Moore, Mozelle Tol bert, Gertrude Young, Harriette Seagars, Bethehline McDonald, Bertie Ruth Doster, Louise Ja cobs and Bonnie Beddingfield. Grandchildren; John Cash,Dor othy Maynard, Roy Poole, and James Segars. Mrs. T. M. Foster has returned from a visit to friends in Bishop. Dr. W. C. Pirkle, of Baxley, Da. was in Winder today on his way to Hoschton, liis old home, for a few days visit. He is one of the leading physicians of South Ha. Air. ami Airs. AV. B. Mathews spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Dr. C. B. Almond spent Tues day in Atlanta. Air. W. A. Brooks spent the week end with his family here. Air. Hiram Sharpton has been sick for several days. Airs. Bob Camp is spending a few days in Atlanta with friends. Airs. AV. 0. Perry is spending several days in Atlanta this week. Airs. Lillie Lamar is the guest of her sister, Airs. Seymour, of Gainesville. Dr. and Airs. Gibson Nowell, of Atlanta, spent the week-end here with relatives. Dr. and Airs. G. AV. Delaperriere and Airs. Harry Seagers spent Fri day in Athens. Airs. G. A. Johns and daughter, Alary Louise, spent Friday in Ath ens. Misses Lenora Hosch and Free man, of Hoschton. spent Saturday with Airs. Clinton Goforth. Air. and Airs. A. A. Camp are visiting relatives in Logansville this week. Airs. J. P. Perry has returned from a visit to her sister in Mon roe. Airs. Bradley is visiting her daughter, Airs. Whit Parks at Au burn. We are glad to know Air. 11. D. Jackson is improving and will soon he able to he out again. Air. Geo. Williamson, of Athens, spent Sunday with Alessrs. Guy and John Kilgore. Air. Earl Kilgore, of Emory Uni versity, spent the week-end at his home. Air. J. T. Flanigan, of Law renceville, spent Alonday in Winder on business. Master Joseph Perry is back home from the Piedmont Sanita rium much better than when he was carried there two weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Chick, of Monroe, motored to Winder on last Monday afternoon and spent a few hours with Miss Arlevia Bur son. Mrs. Annie Anderson, Misses Cora and Susie Anderson, of At lanta, spent the week-end with the M isses Ida, Nellie and Aileen Kil gore at their home on Woodland Ave. Air .and Mrs. Green Hill, Mr. Henry Hill and Mrs. Clinton Go forth motored to Gainesville Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Goforth re mained for several days with Miss Annie Goforth. Miss Annette Hamilton, of At lanta, spent Sunday with her grand mother, Mrs. M. J. Perry. Mr. W. E. Hamilton, of Wash ington. D. C., spent several days here last week with his grand mother, Mrs. M. J. Perry. The many friends of Mrs. Pat rick, mother of Mrs. Dr. Hodges, are glad to know she is improving from her serious illness. Mrs. Lena Chandler has returned to her home in Athens after spend ing several weeks with her sister, Mrs. T. A. Maynard. The many friends of Mr. Jud son Jackson are delighted to know he is improving and was able to he at church Sunday, a place he never missed going on the Lord’s day when he was well. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bullock and daughter, of Athens, came up Sun day afternoon to see their mother, Mrs. Williamson, who fell Sunday morning ami broke her arm. Mrs. W. H. Quarterman and her daughter Mary, spent the week-end with Miss Mary Russell in Athens. Mrs. Vernon Moore is spending a week in Atlanta with her sister, Mrs. Milas Wiley. Capt. and Mrs. Miles Wiley and little daughter, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brooksher. Mr. Clifford Pharr, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Pharr, landed from overseas at Newport News, Va., on March 13. Clifford is expected to return home in the near future. Airs. I). D. Kesler, Airs. W. R. Walker and daughter spent Sat urday in Gainesville. Air. and Airs. Jno. AV. Alillsaps are spending the week in Winder to the delight of their many friends. Air. Wootson Smith and Master Cary Alorris, Jr., of Athens, were here yesterday. Alisses Gregory, AVood and Mc- Dorman and Alessrs. .Aurhur, Crawford and Weatherly of Athens motored to AVinder Sun day and were guests of Aliss Er mine Thomas. All-. Wiley McDonald and Air. King of Gainesville were in Win der a short while Wednesday! MARCH MEETING OF THE W. C. T. U. The regular Alarch meeting of the Woman’s Christian Temper ance Union was held at the Bap tist Church, Alonday, Alarch 24. There was an excellent attend ance and deep interest was mani fested in the following line pro gram prepared by Airs. A. T. Har rison on proportionate and syste matic giving: Prayer—Airs. Alary Burson. Appropriate Bible Selections — Airs. Harrison. How Aliss Alelvina Became a Tither”—Airs. Pink Williams. Duet —AJrs. A. 1). AlcCurry and Aliss Ora Lee Camp. “The Deacon’s Tenth”—Airs. AV. Al. Holsenbeck. Solo —Airs. J. AV. Griffith. Reading—Aliss Henrietta Jones Expression Teacher at Southeast ern Christian College and Winder High School. Five new members were report ed by the treasurer, Airs. Edgar DeLaPrerriere. Delightful refreshments were served by the hostesses, Airs. L. Al. Alayne, Airs. D. I). Keesler, Airs. J. Al. Roberts and Airs. AV. Al. Ilolsenlieck. Airs. L. 11. REID, Press Superintendent. VICTORY. A large number attended serv ices here Sunday afternoon. Rev. Collins failed to till his appoint ment, but Rev. J. T. Maltbie preached a splendid sermon. Mr. Robt. Wiley and family of Union Grove visited Mr. J. E. Wiley and family Sunday. Mr. Charlie Umphrey and fam ily of Candler visited Air. J. B. Evans and family one day last week. Air. T. J\. AfcDaniel ami family visited relatives here Sunday. AVe are glad to note that Air. John Roebuck, who is suffering from appendicitis, is some better. Airs. Saids is very ill at the home of her granddaughter, Airs. J. Al. Simpson. There are several cases of the ‘flu” in this vicinity. Aliss AYillie Aland Tullis of this place and Air. Luther Thornhill of Zion’s Hill were married last Sunday afternoon by Esquire J. E. AYiley. Air. Thornhill recently received his discharge from the U. S. army. Airs. Thornhill is noted for her cheerful disposition and will he missed by her family and friends. The following delegates were appointed to represent our Sun day-school at the convention to be held with Ebenezer Church next Saturday and Sunday: Air. J. Al. Simpson, Air. Pasco Carter, AH. E. W. Bell, Mrs. Alma Rock more, Aliss Alodeen Evans, Miss Alemphis Timms. Rev. J. R. Burrell will preach here the second Sunday afternoon in April. Hoschton, Sharon, Union Grove and Duncan’s Creek were well represented here Sunday. Air. E. AY. Bell will preach his first sermon at Betliabra next first Sunday. Mrs. Pirkle Jackson and baby aie visiting relatives in Gainsville this week. FOR SALE—I have a few bu. of very fine planting seed for sale, Mexican white Rose variety; $2. per bushel. J. E. PENTECOST. } CHRISTIAN CHURCH. R. E. Moss, Minister. Sunday School 10:30; Claud Alayne, Supt. AVe had 104 last Sunday, we want 200 next Sunday. AVont you come? Morning worship 11:30. Sub ject :“A Brief Retrospect.” Evening services 8:00 o’clock. Subject: “The World’s Deep De sire.” The public cordially invit ed. C. E. 7:00 o’clock. Last Sunday was a great day for our church. Both audiences were large and very attentive. The fine spirit and enthusiasm of the members and their willingness to do their part are very gratify ing to the minister. Don’t forget our protracted meeting beginning the first week in April. Get ready. CEDAR CREEK. The farmers are all taking ad vantage of this pretty weather. Air. Albert ilinesley of Bethle hem was in this burg Sunday. Alisses Ella Alae Summerour md Susie Sikes motored to Au burn Sunday. Alisses Nell and Lorene Segars spent Friday and Saturday with Alisses Grace and Darline Aloon. STRANGE’S Exclusive Distributors Paul Jones % t Middy Suits, chil dren's Dresses, Boys’ Wash The best Middies known today— PAUL JONES. The only garments to be had when colors are absolutely fast. Trade where your money brings the right returns. J. T. Strange Cos. Department Store Several of our neighbors of this burg motored to AVinder on a business trip Saturday. Alisses Lizzie Kate and Afabrie Stewart visited Aliss Pauline Staneil Sunday. Sunday night a singing oc curred at Air. June Woods. They report a very nice time. Saturday morning the news from the bedside of Air. Hubert Daniel says that lie is improving very rapidly and thinks he will lie home soon. Air. AV. J. Moon and wife mo tored to Braselton last Sunday to visit his uncle, Mr. J. 11. C. Ran dolph, who is real sick and lias been for several months. His mother, Airs. Ella D. Aloon, came home with him to stay awhile, as she her home with her chil dren. Air. John Stewart, Emory Stew art and Aliss Ruby Stewart mo tored to Carl visiting Sunday. Air. Albert Ilinesley passed down the road going towards home, looking mighty sad, Sun day afternoon. Stay at home on Sunday afternoons, Susie. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that llio North Georgia Telephone and Telegraph Company lias applied to the ' Railroad Commission of Georgia for authority to increase local exchange rates at AVinder and Statham, Georgia, and a copy of said petition, together with the rates proposed to he made effect ive, has, at the direction of the Railroad Commision of Georgia, been filed with the .Mayor of Win der and the Alayor of Statham, where the same will he available for public inspection at any time. This application has been as signed for hearing before the Commission at its meeting to be held on Tuesday, April Bth, 1919, at 10:00 o’clock a. m. in its of fices at which time opportunity will he afforded all interested par ties of being heard. This notice is published in ac cordance with the rules of the Railroad Commission of Georgia. NORTH GEORGIA TELE PHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. By its officers, G. AV. SMITH, President. RALPH SMITH, Manager. 4-3 i We have oil hand a few two horse White Hickory wagons and one one-horse wagon that we wish to close out at once. Will make the price interesting. J. Al. P.ROOKKHER & SONS.