The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, April 03, 1919, Image 3

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SNAP SHOTS. y (By Rev. YV. H. Faust.) ' The man who faces the dark - walks in his own shadow, hut he who walks toward the sun has a clean path. A live cootie can cause more, feeling than a dead elephant, and few active members of a live church are worth infitely more than hundreds of unconcerned members. Lots of people feel that it mat ters not to what church they be long, yet these same folks would not say “any man’s wife is as good as mine.” More grit is required to beard the lion in his den, than to stand on the mountain top and loudly denounce all the lions in the walks below. The uninnocent man wants to he judged by the facts in the ease, but the guilty criminal wants ev idence of a true character to be withheld. A snake and a cootie are pretty low down, but they are a million fold more decent than a blind ti ger liquor seller who, by his ne farious trade, debauches the young manhood of the country. .. Any man can take a short cut on a crooked road, but a straight road is the shortest distance be twvven righteous points. Judging from the action of some autoists on the highways, when Clod made them he put about as much gray matter in their heads as could he held on the surface of a cani- P,.ric needle point. When a girl will giggle and swing in a hammock with a boy smoking a cigarette, it is a sure sign that some fellow is going to get a cook without paying $40.00 per month. When a man serves on the grand jury he is more inclined* -than ever to believe in David’s theological conclusions. These shots reach Germany—a post card from a friend with one v one posted on it—“A curious phe nomenon of value—no two bald beads alike.” These faddists who advocate getting up early these spring mornings, and taking long walks, sure are going against all natural feelings. Every boy sometimes under twenty-one must climb the fool line. The sooner he reaches the top the better off is the world. The man who always walks a round with a pM tico theoloj.i al -chip upon his shoulder, will a! ways find sorm fighter w m is bold enough to attempt to k i • y it off. Wliat must God think to see some men in the rural sections, riding to a church building to worship in an automobile that costs more than the church house. If some men could be bought for their real worth and sold ac cording to their own estimation, the government would need no in come taxes to finance its affairs. There is room in a well organ ized orchestra for only one first fiddle, but the music would he mighty incomphte without aP the others chiming in and doing their part. The fellow who opposes educa tion and good roads these days is so far behind 1' e times that no earth-worm would stand more chance of catching up with an aeroplane than he would of over taking today’s procession. A flee dog can bark and oppose iHie progress of a two-ton truck, but the truck doesn’t stop mov ing on because of the barking of the fiee. The reason why some churches are doing the same now that they did a half century attribu table to the pastoral leadership. Some preachers allowed materi alism and laziness to dwarf them in the making. DR. GODDARD IINVENTS TERRIBLE ROCKET WITH RANGE OF 200 MILES. Worchester, Mass., March 29. Dr. Robert 11. Goddard, professor of phisics. at (’lark college, act ing under the patronage of tlie- T'nited States war department, lie Smithonian insti ;“ion, Clark mi "e: Ay and W ster Polv teelini • institute, has invented a new rocket that is reported to be terrible engine of war,with an al titude range of seventy miles straight up into the air and a (Us ance range of at least 200 miks. The rocket has been developed n a special laboratory at Worces er Tech, and the signing of the irmstice prevented its being put o actual test in warfare against lermans. The Goddard rocket is propell id by a perfect gas engine install ed in the lower part of the shell he explossions that generate the power coming from cartridges that are fed into the chamber by a clock-like time device. The •oeket does not require a cannon to start it on its flight, the jour ley beginning from any point where a man can get. The weap on feature of the rocket is in the head, ’ where a chamber is fifed to contain either high explosives >r gas. THE GREAT GOOD ROADS CONVENTION AT MINERAL WELLS TEXAS. .Mineral A*’. ID. Tex., March l!9. (Special)— Every detail for the eventh Annual Convention of the United States Good Roads Associa tion, United States Good Roads Exhibit and the Third Annual Convention of the Bankhead Na ional Highway Association have been carefully worked out; is the mnouncement made by Mr. J. A. Roundtree, Director General, of hese organizations. United States Senator Bank lead, president of the Associa tions lias written positively that le will attend the convention and preside over the same. Govenor AY. P. Hobby of Texas will deliver The add re. s < f welcome, whi will be responded to by Govenor (’has. 11. Brough, of Arkansas. The program contains the names of some of the most distinguished speakers of the United States as well as some of the most able and nost practical i .and builders and engineers throughout the nation, positive assurance has been giv en by Governor Bilbo of Missis sippi, Pleasants of Lousiana, Rob inson of Oklahoma, and Lazaren do of New Mexico, that they will be in attendance. Senator Morris Sheppard of Usts, congres msn Blanton, Parrish and Mcßee of Texas, lion. James I. Blakeslee, Fourth Assistant Postmaster Gen eral, Maurice O. Eldridge of the United States Road Department, Hon. Geo. AY. Norris, Chairman Farm Loan Board of AYashington ,vil! all be in attendance and take part in the convention. Di rector General Rountree has been lotifled by more than thirty Gov ernors I'iit they have an pointed delagates of the leading Pressing Business I have opened up a complete and thoroughly up-to-date Pressing Club in the basement of the Winder National Bank Building. All my machinery is absolutely new. and I have a first-class Hoffman steam presser. All kinds of Dyeing, Altering, Dry-cleaning, and Pressing done. All work guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered anywhere in side city limits, I solicit your trade. The New Winder Pressing Club PHONE 334 | PAUL AUTRY Mgr. and most prominent men to at tend the convention and partici pate in same. The delagates ap pointed by the governors, State Highway Commissions, county Judges, Mayors, Chambers of Commerce, Autoiru bile and <:-o l- Roads Clubs, number over 10.000. It is confidentially believed that f,t {east two 1 1*• ds or more i these deligates that have been ap pointed will attend. The Good Roads Exhibit which is held under the auspices of the association, promises to be one of the most instructive and best feat ures of the convention. The lead ing manufactureres in road and street machinery and materials have tak •|.n<e. Truck and su tomobile dealers have shown their deep interest in the conven tion. The wonderful amount of inter est that has been manifested over the Bankhead National Highway Association, which will he presid ed over by Hon. T. S. Plowman, President, shows that this con test will draw the test will draw the largest crowd possible to at tend and contest the route from Memphis to El Paso, Texas. Mineral Wells is making ar rangments to entertain the dele gates and visitors in the most hos pitable manner. Delegates living east of Little Rock, Arkansas, and all the way from Washington are requested to purchase round trip tourists tickets. This the only possible rate that can he secured for the convention. Taking every thing into consideration, “Good Roads Week” in Mineral Wells promises to he the greatest gath ering of good roads boosters ever held in America. We have on hand a few two horse White Hickory wagons and one one-horse wagon that we wish to close out at once. Will make the price interesting. J. M. BROOKS! lER & SONS. Scored Cylinders Fixed without warping or en larging. Use same old pistons and rings. Hood’s Garage 1 33 Clayton St. Athens, Georgia DON’T NEGLECT A RHEUMATIC PAIN Go after it with Sloan’s Liniment before it gets dangerous Apply a little, don’t rub, let it pene trate, and —good-by twinge! Same for external inches, pains, strains, stiffness of joints or muscles. Lameness, bruises. Instant relief without musslness or soiled clothing. Reliable —the biggest Belling liniment year after year. Eco nomical by reason of enormous sales. Keep a big bottle ready at all times. Ask your druggist for Sloan’s Liniment. Sloan's Liniment Kills Pain RESTORE THE HEARTHSTONE. (The Dawson News.) We must get hack to the hearth stone—the foundation and bul wark of all c during national strength and .. tness. The ten dency of our modern life is dear y away from this shrine. ,p he fev erish and shallow diversions of mr day have cast a mournful hadow on the fireside, and where mee families and their friends were wont to gather for pleasant •nd beneficial communion only he ghosts of delightful recollec ions hover. More than we need nore picture slioyvs and vaude ville, more than we need more au omobiles, which have been as lard on the homes as the films, we need the circle of family and friends around the hearthstone. Nothing will take its place. The indoing of Rome from without was largely the result of the crum fling of Rome from within. Let t not be true of America; yet, ,ve must beware, avoiding those lungs which were the pitfalls of itherpeoples. It is said that the Swiss cherishes his fireside above all other things of earth— it is omething sacred to him, for it typifies devotion and love. With great and turbulent nations on ev ery hand and earth’s most ghost y battlefields just beyond her borders the little republic ofSwitz erland continues decade after de *ade along her peaceful way. The tey to her enlightened and valor ius state is the plain and health ful hearthstone. Ere it is too late nay America learn a lesson from lie republic of the Alps. GET A CHEVROLET The World’s Leading Car More Truth Than Poetry Beat it, Beat it, little car, They all wonder what you are, Climbing all the hills on high, Passing many others by. As it passed the first man cussed, While the second merely fussed. But the third man said: “They say It won’t stop; it’s a Chevrolet.” All consent with one acord, It’s a car you can afford. In the swamp or in wet grass None of the others are in its class. In the sand or in the mud It pulls out where others just chug. Economical? Well I should say None can equal the Chevrolet. Summer, Winter, Spring or Fall Has a little on them all. Woodruff Hardware Company THE UNIVERSAL CAR Ford Cars have such a world utility that it would almost seem as if every family ought to have its Ford car. Runabout, Touring Car, Coupe, Sedan, (the two latter have enclosed bodies), and the Truck Chassis, have really become a part and parcel of human life. You want one because its service will be profitable for you. We solicit your order at once be cause, Yvhile production is limited, it will be first come, first supplied. • Flanigan & Flanigan Phone 129 Winder. Ga, Optimistic Thought No revenge Is more heroic than that which torments envy by doing good. In Everyday Life. It Is well to remember that excel* ent things nre rare. One thing sure, if nothing more, You can’t beat it, so don’t get sore. Easy riding, very nice Beats the auto world for price. If yo think some other best We can change your mind by test, On the hill or in the sand It can go to beat the band. Come and try it if you will, •Going up the steepest hill, Maybe we are talking funny But this car is backed by money. We can meet you any day And heat you with a Chevrolet. Come and get a demonstration It will gain your admiration If you want a car, come try it. And we are sure that you will buy it.