The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, April 03, 1919, Image 5

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Social and Personal News DAVIS—LORD. Married last Sunday afternoon at the Methodist parsonage, by Rev. W H. Mashburn, Mr. D. P. Lord and Mrs. Clara Davis, both of Winder. Mrs. Clyde Williamson Hostess to Young-Matrons Federal Club On Thursday afternoon,Mrs. Clyde Williamson entertained her dub at a beautiful St. Patrick party. The living room and din nig room where the games were played, never looked prettier than on this occassion, on each card table was a growing plant in a green jardineer, and on the dining table was a cut glass vase of pink and white carnations. As the guests arrived Mrs. Will iamson, assisted by her sister,Miss Grace Jackson, served a delight ful apricot ice with macaroons. Music was enjoyed dining the the piano by Mrs. Bradley and sev eral Irish solos by Mrs. Potts. Gren baskets were given as fa- vors. After many interesting games of “500”, a salad course with ice-tea was served. Those enjoying Mrs. Williamson’s hospi tality were; Messdames Alice Dunn, Mac Potts, W. 11. Quarter man, O. M. Jackson, Lester Math ews,, J. L. Jackson, W. A. Brad ley, T. M. Maynard, G. A. Johns,, Graddiek, J. W. Griffeth, 11. E. Millikin, Claud Mayne, A. D. Mc- Curry, H. T. Flanigan,, C. O. Mad dox, W. O. Perry, E. F. Saxon,J. M. Jackson, Miss Fay Wilkinson, and Miss Grace Jackson. MOCK FACULTY FRIDAY NIGHT, 9:00 O'CLOCK. High School. An interesting and amusing program has been planned for Friday evening by members of the Winder High School. The first part of the program presents “Capt. Anne of the Red Cross” —a play in two acts. Following the play, and during the intermission vaudeville at tractions will be featured. The “Mock Faculty” will con clude the evening’s program. Each member of the faculty will be highly imitated. This promi ses to be a scream from start to finish. Music —by School Orchestra. Admission,loc and 20c. Benefit —Earn and (Jive Fund and Library Fund. Come. STATHAM LOCALS. Miss Emmalene Sikes, of Bes sie Tift, is at home on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs. T. J. Sikes. Miss Marelle Cronic spent the Aveek-end with her parents in I loschton. Misses Daniel and Ross were in Athens shopping Saturday. We regret so much to lose Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grizzle who mov ed to Greensboro Monday. Mrs. E. B. Sikes, of Atlanta, spent several days with Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Sikes. Rev. Mr. Cloud, of Tignall, filled the Baptist pulpit on Sun day and delivered two very able sermons. Miss Eva McDonald spent the week-end at home. Miss Rosa Reeves spent the week-end with her parents in Win der. Drs. Daniel and Holcomb were in Winder on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Harrison have bought Mr. W. H. Grizzle’s home on Broad street. Miss Cathleen Bolton, who the past week at Oglesby, returned Sunday evening . Mrs. M. J. Robertson, of Ogle thorpe, spent several days with Miss Nelia Robertson last week. A great number from Statham went down to Bethabara on Sun day. Miss Stella MeElhannon spent several days last week in Atlan ta. Mrs. W. E. Young was a visit or to Atlanta recently. Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Wilsonand Mrs. G. C. Mosely spent several days in Atlanta last week. Mrs. H. T. Flanigan has re turned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Harry Kilpatrick, of At anta. Mrs. J. M. Hood, of Athens,, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Potts. Dr. W. ('. Potts bad one of his friends, Mr. Stokey Bishop, of Camp Jessup, to spend several days with him this week. Misses Ora Lee and Pauline Camp spent Saturday in Atlan ta. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Lowe and children, and Mrs. Charley Lowe, of Bishop, were the guests for sev eral days last week of Mr.and Mrs D. A. Anthony and Mr. and Mi’s. Custer Ross at their homes on Broad Street. The many friends of Mrs. John Craft are sory to hear of her ill ness of several days. Mr. Lamar Smith, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with his father, Mr. S. P. Smith. Mr. W. Z. Hill is out again after several weeks illness. Mr. Hill is one of Barrow county’s good far mers and splendid citizen. There were a few fine days last week for plowing and the farmers nade good use of it. Mr. and Mrs. George Foster, of near Jefferson, were visitors of friends here last Sunday. Mr. C.W. Barber, who had his hand badly larcerated and one finger cut off in the planing mill of the Winder Lumber Cos., sever al days ago, is able to be out. He came near losing his entire hand. Mr. Custer Ross spent Sunday at Dry Pond, beyond Jefferson. Mr. Parks Stewart, of Law renceville, was a visitor to Winder Sunday. Mr. Fred Weaver and family of Norfolk, Va., spent a few days in Winder last week en route to Ocalla, Fla., on an extended visit to their daughter. Mrs. Weaver is a sister of our townsman, Mr. J. A. Helms, and Mr. and Mrs. Weaver were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Helms while here. Miss Kate Fiver, of Atlanta,vis ited home-folks here last Sun day. Mrs. W. 11. Faust and Mrs. Wal ter Lyle attended the Sunday School Convention at Bethabara church last Sunday. Mrs. Sarah A. Suddath and Miss Morgan Rucker, are visiting her children and friends in South Georgia for a stay of six weeks. Misses Ruth Mahaffey, Carrie Hunter, Gladys Hardy and Mrs. Bob McElhannon, of Jefferson, spent Sunday with Mr. C. O. Nib lack and Miss Sclirta Niblack. Miss Nitercris Robinson and Mr Louie Robinson, of Buford, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Robinson and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Nunnally of Statham, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Williams. Mesdames W. C. Horton, Paul Roberts, and W. If. Quarterman; Misses Gertrude Davis, Mary Lou ise Johns, Grace Jackson, and Rliett Nowell, were among those who had the great pleasure of hearing Madam Gluck in Atlan ta Friday evening. Mrs. Edwards lias returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Hawthorn, of Atlanta. Mrs. R. L. Johnson and chil dren are the guests this week of her sister, Mrs. F. W. Bondurant. Mrs. F. W. Bondurant had a letter from her brother, Mr. Mal eome Stanton, who is now in Chu quicamate, <’bile, S. A. He also sent her a chest of curious that are interesting indeed to see. They are all from South Ameri ca, and different to anything ever seen in this country. It has been five years since Malcome was at home anr his friends here will be glad to know he is prosperous and getting on all o. k. Mr. Arch Perry has ben quite ill but is better today. Misses Horielle Hood and Lu cile Griffeth, of Athens, were at tracive visitors here Friday. Miss Inez Cooper spent Sunday n Athens. The Lyceum entertainment at the auditorium on last Wednes lesday evening was greatly en joyed. Mrs. Annie Jackson spent the .veek-end in Gainesville. The Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist church was entertained on last Tuesday afternoon in the church parlors by Mesdames M. J. Perry Minnie Daniel and W. T. Appleby. Quite a large number of ladies were present. After the business meeting, delightful re freshments were served. Mr. John Hill, of Hoschton, was a visitor in Winder last week. j* Mrs. Lillie Lamar has return ed from a weeks visit in Gaines ville. Mrs. Walter Jackson and little daughter, Mary Lamar, are spend ing some time with her parents in Monroe. Mr. Clinton Goforth lias return ’d from a visit to Gainesville. The entertainment at the school luditorium on Friday evening given by the primary grades was mjoyed by a large crowd. More than S4B was taken in during the evening, which will go towards the school library. Mrs. B. A. Julian and little son, have returned to their home in Athens, after spending a week lere. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Mayne and •hildren, Miss Joe Smith and Rev. R. E. Moss spent Monday in Ytliens. Mrs. Haralson and -Mrs. Eley nother and grand-mother ofMrs. (). Maddox have returned from Florida, where they spent the winter. Miss Ermine Stanton has re amed from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Johnson, of Clarkesville. Miss Birdie Smith, of Decatur, s the guest of Miss leie Smith. Mr. Lucius Tucker, of Sparta, Ga., who has recently returned rom France, spent Thursday with his aunt, Mrs. John W. Shields of our city. Protracted services begin at the Baptist church April 28, Rev Jno. Ham, of Atlanta, will do the ireaching. Mr. A. A. Lynes will lave charge of the music. Meesrs. Tom Burson, Claud Pa nt and Misses Mildred Thrasher tnd Lena Hamilton motored to \nderson, S. C., and spent Sun day. Mesdames W. A. Bradley, W. O. Yrry, and Alice Dunn are spewi ng several days in Atlanta this week. Mesdames Florence Hammond 3en Hammond, Misses Josephine md Elizabeth Hammond and Miss Bessie Aycock, of Monroe, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Camp md family Monday. Dr. .and Mrs. G. S. Williams, Mr. Paul Paul Williams and Miss Mary Alice Strange motered to Dacula one evening last week.. Miss Fay Wilkinson spent the week-end in Atlanta with friends. Mrs. C. S. Williams and Mrs. T. M. Foster spent Tuesday in Bo gart with Mrs. Miller. Miss Hattie Patrick, one of our attractive young ladies spent the past week-end with her par ents, near .Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Bailey and daughter, Kathleen, are visiting relatives in Winder this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Eavenson and Miss Gladv, Mrs. P. S. Rob erts and Sarah Joe, spent the week-end in Bowman, Ga., with their parents, Mrs. Eavenson re turned with them. Wednesday, Mrs. W. C. Horton was hostess to a spend the day party in honor of Mrs. Paul Rob ert’s birthday. Covers were laid for twelve. All enjoyed the six course dinner to the fullest, and STRANGE’S To Mothers and Purchasers Of = HOSIERY CADET and BUSTER BROWN STOCKINGS There never has been a time when mothers have so much trouble with their children’s Hose as now. Remove this trouble by Buying Your Stockings from STRANGE’S, where one hundred per cent value is given. Double Heel and Toe, Finish Perfedt* % No Crying of the children, “My feet hurt!” That “darned” cheap stocking makes a knot that will cause a saint to frown. Buy Buster Brown and Cadet STOCKINGS % Make your children comfortable and their minds can, and will, develop. The largest , most complete line of RELIABLE HOSIERY in the country. Not what you pay , hut what you get for your money J.T. Strange Cos. Department Store each left wishing many happy re turns of the day. Mrs. W. B. McCants returned Saturday night after a two weeks trip to Milledgeville, Ma *on and Atlanta. Mr. T. J. Camp, who has been located at Camp Jesup, Ga., was in to see us one day this week, lie lias recently received an honor able discharge from the service. Mr. Camp says the Times has al ways been a welcome visitor to the camp. METHODIST CHURCH. Sunday School at 11 :00 a. m. new time. Preaching at 12:00 o’clock, new time. Evening service at 9:00 p. m., time. You are cordially invited. J. 11. Mashburn, Pastor. HORSE FOR SALE. 1 have a good horse to sell. Gen tle; works well. Dr. 11. P. Quii lian.