The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, September 25, 1919, Image 1

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VOLUME 4, NO. :5 MR. PAUL HOSCH UNDER GOES OPERATION FOR APPENDECITIS Mr. I’a ul Hosch had to be oper ated on last Monday night for acute appendicitis, and has been in a critical condition since the operation. His condition is more hopeful as we go to press as lie is resting 1 tetter today. Paul Hosch is one of Winder’s splendid young business men who lias forged to the front in the in surance field and his numerous friends are trusting that lie will soon be out of danger and restor ed to health. WINDER GETS ANOTHER ELBERTON CITIZSN. Mr. L. (>. Cleveland of Elberton, lias accepted a position as office man with the Bell Overall Com pany. Mr. Cleveland is a fine young business man, who went through the public high school of Elberton with highest honors and then spent two years at Mie Geor gia Tech. El her ton has furnished Winder with many of our most progres sive citizens, and we gladly wel come them and would not object ao several hundred more of the same kind. They are helping much in the business and industrial growth of our city. UNION GIN AND WAREHOUSE COMPANY. The union gin and warehouse company of Bethlehem, is an en terprise for that town and section that bids fair to grow and expand and he of great service to the far mers of that community. The object of this corporation, which is composed of its leading citizens, is pecuniary gain to it self or its shareholders, and the business to be carried on is that of operating gins, warehouses, merchantile stores and other simi lar lines of business, including the buying and selling of cotton, cot ton seed, fertilizers, hulls, meals, buggies, wagons and farm mach inery, groceries, foodstuffs, dry goods and other lines of merchan dise. This corporation hopes to be of much benefit to shareholders/ afui to the public generally and soli-, jcdts the support and cooperation of all citizens. CHURCH SOCIAL. Each member and those con nected wit lit he Christian Church in any way are cordially invited and urged to lie present at the Church Social on next Wednesday evening, Oct. Ist. at 8 o’clock. Special Music, Light Refresh ments, and a good time awaits you come. A FORMER CITIZEN OF WIN DER. Mr. R. C. Moon, one of Jackson Comity’s tine young men, son of Mr. (1. M. I>. Moon, ex tax re ceiver of that county, was in Win der Monday on business. Ralph was with the Ist National Jank, of this city several yeans ago, and he has many friends here who would like very much to see him a citizen of Winder again. FOR SALE. ¥ ————— r \ One Second hand range stove *for sale cheap.—Herrin’s Ten Cents Store. THE BARROW TIMES IN WASHINGTON CITY FOR A FEW DAYS Mr. W. C. Horton. President of the Hell Overall Plant of Winder. Atlanta, Gainesville and of Char leston, S. C„ is in Washington City this week perfecting the papers with the government for the big Overall Plant, lie will have in operation at Charleston in a few days. Winder is the center and home office of all the Bell Overall Fac tories and the home of President Horton, who lias done so much to place Winder on the map as one of tlie large manufacturing cities of the Smith. President Horton has been for tunate in associating with him, in the successful operation of these large plants, such men as Messrs. R. B. Havenson, 11. M. Rankin, L. A. Fortson and W. 11. Jennings, all of whom are men of energy, fine business ability and thorough ly in love with the great enter prises with which they are con nected. REV. J. H. MASHBURN AT BOWMAN. Rev. J. 11. Mashburn, Mr. and Mrs. Roseoe Eavenson and Mr. and Mrs. W. < ’. Horton went over to Bowman last Saturday night and spent Sunday in that thriving town. < Rev. J. 11. Mashburn had been invited to come over and help them in their undertaing to build a handsome new church building as hevvas known and loved by all the people of that section . He delivered a great sermon to a large audience and through his efforts and influence the new' church building is assured. ONE OF THE LEADERS OF THE AMERICAN COTTON ASSOCIATION. Col. T. J. Shackelford, of Ath ens, one of the leaders in the great American Cotton Association, spent Tuesday in Winder attend ing court. He is a large farmer, as well as lawyer, and is very much inter ested in this great movement, the purpose of which is to try and or ganize the Southern farmers and for them and the business men and bankers work together and hand together to get a price for our cot ton that will gi\e a legitimate profit and enable the cotton plant er to prosper. This is a great movement and should enlist the support of every farmer, every business man every hanker and all classes who feel an interest in the prosperity of the South. Cotton is our main product as a money crop and it is not bringing the price it should with the short, yield for this year. Col. Shackelford made a repu tation for himself at the New Or leans meeting recently, of the as sociation, and was one of the strong men at that meeting, and so recognized by Mr. Wanamaker, the President of the Association/ and by all the hundreds of dele gates present. ESAU AND JOCOB Mr. St John, while out in the country one day this week saw two little twin negro boys, named Esau and Jacob. If they pattern after their namesakes of the olden days, there will he trouble in this fam ily when they grow to manhood and Jacob will get the better of Esau. WINDER. HARROW COUNTY. GA.. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. II LITTLE RICHARD WAL LACE IN A HOME BE YOND THE SKIES The Times mentioned the ser ious illness of little Richard Wal lace of Valdosta, in last weeks’ issue. Rev. R. W. Wallace brought him from Valdosta last Friday night to the Piedmont Sanitarium in Atlanta, hoping the specialists of that city might reach his case and restore him to health, hut they could do nothing for him and at 11 o’clock Saturday night the soul of this bright little hoy of (> years was welcomed to the beautiful home already prepared for him in the paradise of God. This news brought sadness to many hearts in Winder, where he lived for more than a year until the beginning of 1919. lie was one of the brightest hoys of his age we ever knew and was the only child of Rev. and Mrs. Wallace. If sympathy can partially as suage the grief and sorrow of these devoted parents, they can feel assured that they have it from the citizens of Winder, all of whom feel so deeply for in their loneliness and with their broken hearts. The Times would long to say something that would cheer and comfort them, but in these days of sadness and darkness through which they are passing, there is nothing that can be said to lesson the sorrow of these grief stricken parents. Our heart reaches out to them in siueerest sympathy, and may the Cod who has always sus tained them be their strength and comfort during the days that are so dark and dreary. LIFE INSURANCE FIRE Automobile Protection Our Automobile Policy covers loss from Fire, (Any source) Theft. Transportation, Collision (Full coverage.) Attention Cotton Buyers We will insure your cotton for any length of time; and any time of the day or night. Donff leave your cotton unprotected because it is late when you get it moved in. Use this department for your pro tection and convenience. * Mr. Property Owner The season is here when most fires usually occur. Call our represen tative today ami ask him to inspect your house and place a Policy on it with one of our fifteen good Companies. We are in the Insurance Business to stay with a MILLION DOL LAR BANK as a PARTNER. Insurance Department North Ga.Trust&BankingCo. S. F. MAUGHON, MANAGER. OFFICIAL ORC.4N OF BARROW COUNTY BARROW COUNTY PIG CLUB MEMBERS It is indeed with much that 1 state that we have one of the best County I’iu Clubs in our, 1 state. Most all of the members of our club this year have given much attention to their work and the results of this will be shown by each of their pigs. Those may be seen on exhibit at The North ( ieorgia Fair. I’ig Club Members we are lucky to have some men in our ( county who arc deeply interested in our w ork. I know each of you' will he glad to know that the Rocky Ridge Stock Farm, Mr, G.| S. Millsaps proprietor, will give a good pu re‘bred Poland-China boar pig to the Pig Club Member in Barrow County who has the best Poland-China pig and exhibits same at The North (ieorgia Fair, <>f course this prize is given in addition to any and all offered by the Fair Association. Pin ( lub Members we should each and all show our apprecia- tion to Mr. Millsaps for the inter est he is taking i.i our club work, also for the very liberal prize pig be is to give this year. We can do this first by thanking Mr Millsaps personally the lirst time you see him and second, by doing your best to have the winning pig in our club. We are very fortunate to have men like Mr. Millsaps to take an interest in helping to make our Club Work a success also to help in developing our Livestock in the county. I feel sure there will be others in our county to give us more cooperation in the future. Yours for service, W. Hill lloseli. County Agricul tural Agent. SOUTHEASTERN CHRISTIAN COLLEGE HAS LARGEST EN ROLLMENT IN ITS HIS TORY. The Southeastern Christian College of Auburn, Georgia, has the largest enrollment in its his tory, and bad to decline a number I . 'of students for the lack of dormi tory room to house them. Auburn is ail ideal place for this college, because the students are free from all the temptations that hinder their progress in large town and cities. There are so many things to make them spend money, and the object of sending young men and ladies to college is to accomplish something worth while and tit them for the stern duties of life. Going to college is not to have a good time and frolic the years away while there. There is no disputing the fact tlmt the fewer the temptations and the opportunities to spend money and have a good time is the place to send boys and girls if you wish them to study and to gain real knowledge. We have no sympathy for pa rents whose main consideration in sending their hoys and girls off to college is for the name, and feel ing little interest in the moral wel fare of tlieir children, or whether they improve mentally. And the boy or girl who goes to college merely to frolic, have a good time and spend all the mon ey they can get out of their pa rents. will accomplish little, and would be far better off at home and put to work. Many hoys have been spoiled by college life who would have made good farmers and business men with only a public school educa tion. *1.50 IN ADVANCE MR. AND MRS. N. J. KEL LY BACK FROM N. C. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Kelly are at home again after a pleasant week with his brother at Franklin, N. C. This is Mr. Kelly’s old home be fore coming to Georgia immedi ately after the Civil War. He was one of the old confede rate soldiers who endured all the horrors of four years fighting for a cause dear to all Southern hearts and is one of Winder’s old est and most prominent, citizens. When he came to Winder there were only a few houses here and no railroads and now we have 4500 inhabitants. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly enjoyed their visit very much and came home feeling refreshed and young again. VISITING LAWYERS AT COURT. The visiting attorneys here this week are .Judge Geo. C. Thomas, .bulge 11. S. West. Col’s. T. J. Shackelford, Wolver Smith, Strickland and Gambell, of Ath ens, P. Cooly, of -lelTerson, On-in Roberts, of Monroe, Nix arid Kelly, of Lawreneeville, J. A. Perry, of Atlanta, and K. I). Ken yon of Gainesville. YOUNG MAN UNDERGOES OPERATION AT AUBURN. Mr. Ed Pool, of Chattanooga, son of Mr. A. J. Pool, of Auburn, underwent an operation in the above city last week. His parents received a telegram Monday informing them his con dition was serious, and his mother left immediately to be with him. His friends are hoping for favor able news from him before many days. TWO BRIGHT BOYS AT A A M. COLLEGE AT MONROE. Til lie and Ephram Mathews, the two height young sons, of Mr. and Mrs. (J. B. Mathews, of Mul- berry, have entered school at the A. & M. College near Monroe, Ca. This is one of Georgia’s splen did educational institutions and a. fine place for young men to ac complish something. RETURNED TO HER HOME IN ALABAMA. Mrs. Asbury Smith, of Liberty, Alabama, returned home last Sat urday after a visit in this county of two weeks visiting her bro thers and sisters and other rela- lives and friends. She is a sister of Mr. W. M. Hol loway of this county. Mr. and Mrs. Smith went to Alabama about 20 years ago and Ihis is Mrs. Smith’s first visit to her old home in the past nine years. It was greatly enjoyed by her and by her relatives and friends here. BIG SPEAKING IN WINDER NEXT MONDAY AT NOON. In The Interest of Tot Ameriotu Cotton Association. If yen are interested in better price for cotton come to Winder Monday. A good speaker will he on hand who will give you infor mation you ought to know. Tell vonr neighbors and let’s have a large crowd. Mr. T. L. Wills, of Atlanta, has been visiting friends in Winder for several days.