The Jackson news. (Jackson, Ga.) 1881-????, January 12, 1882, Image 1

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W. E NABP, FiUiihir. TOLUME I. TI’OICS OF THE DAY. Cetkwayo is to visit England in the spring. _ Who will mourn for the plumber— perhaps not one. Carl Schurz is lecturing on Civil Service Reform. > St. Gothakd’s Tunnel was completed ;on the 23d of December. t I Better to predict and miss than never 'to predict at all. — Vennor. “Gail Hamilton” will spend the winter with Mrs. Blaine in Washington. A newspaper published at Tin Gup, Kansas, is called the Garfield, Banner. It seems that the public generally in England are disgusted with the Guiteau trial. Shctleb Colfax asserts there is noth ing that would induce him to return to public life. Strange as it may seem, the country is full of people who are seeking for the autograph of Guiteau. Prices are keeping right up, and the farmer who happens to have a full granery, should be happy. As a weather prophet, Vennor has lost his prestige, now anil forever more. We swear by him no longer. The Italian Senate has adopted a bill which confers the light of suffrage on all who can read and write. Queen Victoria requests the London Standard to deny the statement that she will open Parliament in person. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, like Mr. Whittier, pleads inability to write poems to order. Growing old, you know. The London Times says the Guiteau trial is unprecedented. We are pretty sure it is, so, far as this country is con cerned. It is not known how near the North Pole the Jeannette reached. The de tails of the expedition are awaited with some anxiety. I Strangely Guiteau has not yet in sulted any of the jury on his case, but his whack at them will come when they bring in their verdict. United Ireland, a newspaper, is now printed in London, all the material of the concern having been shipped there from Ireland the past week. An eminent physician says high-heeled shoes cause the calf of the leg to dwin dle away to the leanness of decrepit age and become a thin, shapeless shank. In a fiftv-mile bicycle contest in New York the past week, George Gideon was the only person who completed the dis tance. Time, 3 hours, 13 minutes and 8J seconds. A saloon-keeper in Brooklyn has been sued by a Methodist minister be cause the minister's son loafed about the saloon, and he was thereby deprived of his services. The meats in a gallon of oysters should weigh eight and three-quarter pounds, and a gallon of oysters that does not weigh that much, has been stuffed with water and is a swindle. Henry Watterson, writing from Washington, approves the course of Judge Cox and Mr. Corkhill in giving Guiteau all the rope he wants. It will help to hang him. r L he “ v shaped hull of the polar vessel Jeannette did not save her from being crushed by the ice ; but it is with a feel ing of joy that we are able to chronicle the safe return of a greater portion of her crew. Timothy O. Hon r, of Wisconsin, the new Postmaster General, is sixty-five years old. He was at one time a United States Senator, and at the Chicago Re publican Convention, was one of the notable “305.” Marriageable ladies seeking rauk will please bear in mind that President Arthur persistently denies the story i current that he is about, to be married. I There is nothing at all in it and his heart is just as big as it ever was. S’ Representative MoMiIIiAH has intro duced a bill for the assessment and col [Section of a three per centum tax from smell person or corporation doing busi ness in the United States or Territories an all net incomes above 33,000. v i Lady Land Leaguers in Ireland are to be arregted, and for their reception, a r special jail is being provided. This tneans that, aecordingto all expectations, there will be, for some time to conid. ladies , . jail in Ireland for political .offenses. Several Cincinnati brewers, disgusted with the way the weather has been act ing, are putting in ice machines, and will have ioe whether old Boreas wills it or not. Hypothetically speaking, it doee THE JACKSON NEWS. -V. look as if Satan and science were going baud in hand. The memory of Guiteau will be per petuated by plaster casts, the product of the sculptor Clark Mills, but who it is that is anxious to adorn their mantel pieces with copies of it would be hard to say. Everyone has had about enough of him already. There are two Congressmen now serving who commenced life as pages in the National House, and a Senator whos start in life was as a page in the Senate. The Congressmen are Townsliend of Il linois and Wise of Virginia. The Sena tor is Gorman of Maryland. Dr. H. G. Glenn, of California, has put 30,000 acres in wheat, and expects to sow 15,000 acres more. That is the way they farm, where, when a young married couple start out to milk, they have so far to go and are gone so long that their children bring the milk home. Big farms out there. The Detroit Free Press, a religious paper, says: “In the last 100 years over 4,000 people have been burned up in theaters, and in the same time over 6,000 have perished in church acci dents.” Where is tfie good of publish ing such statistics ? It seems that there is everything- to shake one’s faith. We believe there is a general demand for a fractional currency for convenience in mailing purposes. Silver is out of the question for this purpose, and postage stamps are a nuisance to business houses receiving small orders by mail. It is of little importance what shape this small currency is in, just so long as it will serve the purpose in question. Congress ought to make some provision at once. The immigrants to this country dur ing November were distributed among the various nationalities thus ; England and Wales, 5,823 ; Ireland, 3,284; Scot land, 980 ; Austria, 1,454 ; Belgium, 59 ; Denmark, 314 ; France, 529 ; Ger many, 18,900; Hungary, 593; Italy, 2,978 ; Netherlands, 358 ; Norway, 1,- 291; Poland, 223 ; Russia, 1,721 ; Swed en, 2,870 ; Switzerland, 451; Dominion of Canada, 8,807; China, 2,711 ; and from all other countries, 228. Senator Gall, of Florida, Senator Jones, of Louisiana, and other Congress men, have bought the -:>ld Whitehall’ gold mine, near the Wilderness battle field, in Spottsylvania County, Virginia. Gold was first found there in 1809. The mine was worked by Commodore Stock ton from 1848 until just before the war. It has since been owned by Gilbert R. Fox, of Pennsylvania. Nearly $2,000,- 000 worth of gold has been taken from the mine. An exchange whose editor seems to have had some experience, says: A doctor will sit down and write prescrip tion ; time, five minutes ; paper and ink. one-fourth of a cent; and the patient pays sl, $2, $5, $lO, as the case may be. A lawyer writes ten or twelve lines of ndvice, and gets from $lO to S2O from his client. An editor writes a half-column puff for a man, pays a man from fifty cents to $1 for putting it iu type, prints it on several dollars’ worth of paper, sends it to several thousand people, and then surprises the puffed man if he makes any charge. Allen G. Thurman is charged by the Washington Critic, with producing a panic in the Senate. It says : “ A noise like unto a clap of thunder at sea was heard. Davis, of West Virginia, sprang to his feet in amazement; Hoar trembled, Vest laughed. Beck looked as though he had heard that noise before, and turned toward the Democratic cloak room and beheld Ex-Senator Allen G. Thurman with his old bandana in one hand and a good snuff box in the other. Beck told Davis not to be alarmed; it was nothing but Thurman blowing his nose. And the Senate proceeded to business.” Persons who have unlimited faith in the predictions of Prof. Vennor, a so called Canadian weather prognosticator, will perhaps have that faith somewhat shaken by the perusal of the following, published three months ago in his almanac for 1882 : “ Dcoembfrr, 1881. —T hardly like the looks of this month, viewed from the present etawl poitit ("September 18). It looks ugly, and smacks of cold— bitter, biting cold, north and smith, east and west. The month bids fair to he cold and dry rather than otherwise, and this cold may be somewhat proportionate to the heat of the past summer, and extend to extreme Southern and Western points. The entry of the month is likely to bring in winter abruptly in most sections where winter is usu ally expected or experienced. The first week of the mouth will probably give the first good snow falls of the season in New York/* It doea not aeem that he hit it very well that time. In his almanac for 1881, for the same month, he said : “The characteristics of December probably will be those of the preceding two montbfc. This I believe will be one of those Decembers that will cause inquiries of the oldest inhabi tant as to w hether there ever bad been such a December before. In Canada flowers may bo diecoreiod in bloom in op*n garden, and plowing will be continued almost up to Christ mas. ” Now had Vinner transposed the order of this, the hit would have been capital. But then—he didn’t Depend upon it, whatever may be the mind of an old man, old ago is only re ally happy wjjep, on feeling the enjoy ments of this world pass away, it begins to lay a stronger hold on those of anoth er.— Daniel Webster, JACKSON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12,1882. NEWS GLEANINGS. Pineapples arc grown at Walatka, Florida. option is becoming popular in Virginia. Corinth, Miss., is showing an interest in silk culture. A sea-cow was recently seen in the bay near St. Augustine. Mississippi is displaying an unusual interest in railroads. Virginia now ranks eighth as a pro ducer of iron ore. In 1870 she was twelfth. Twelve thousand barrels of rosin were disposed of in one sale recently by a Sa vannah house. The Chief Justice of Alabama is a printer by trade, and formerly worked at the case at Athens. The machinery to be used in improv ing Apalachicola, (Fla.) harbor has ar rived there and work will begin at once. Col. J. S. Mosby, of Virginia, when he returns from China, will marry a well known society lady of Alexandria. Stock raising in Texas offers greater inducements to the capitalist than any other business carried on in the coun try. New Orleans property owners will have to pay a tax of three per cent, to meet the necessities of the city govern ment next year. Asbury Bush, a ferryman, shot and killed a negro named Charlie Nixon, at Warwick, Ga., for refusing to pay five cents ferriage across the river. Lucien Beard has been pardoned out of the Virginia penitentiary at Rich-, mond after having served eight of an eighteen years’ sentence for horse steal ing. Five hundred inhabitants at Ozark, Ala., and not a Smith in the directory. Perhaps the old and well known Jones family have kept them out with clubs. Thomas Jefferson has been arrested at Wilmington, South Carolina, for strik ing Ben. Franklin with a rock and throw ing sand into John Adams' eyes. A large petition is being, gotten up in Alabama, praying for the opening of Coosa river to navigation, and beseech ing that no delay be permitted. The convicts in the Tennessee tiary will issue an address to the people of the State, soliciting funds to purchase an organ for their benefit. The Spite of West Virginia has no indebtedness, the constitution of the State forbidding the creation of any I a bility hi the nature of a public debt. Reports from Hoover Hill gold mine in Randolph county, North Carolina, still continue good. Since tlio rich strike was made a few weeks ago, it is estimated that the ore raised is worth $50,000, and it still holds out with splendid promise. This mine is owned and operated by an English company. Bibb county, Ala, has a curiosity in the way of a stalk of ribbon cane. It divides itself into two prongs near the ground. Below the fork the stalk lias double eyes. Above the fork, and in cluding botii prongs, it is ten feet long and has thirty-two joints. Senator Brown, of Georgia, said in a recent interview that he received no ed ucation to speak of until be was of age, At thirty-three he was elected to a Judgeship, and at thirty-seven became Governor. He is now, at sixty-eight, a United States Senator. Gainesville (Ga.) Southron: Gen. Longstreet will ask the Legislature of Tennessee and North Carolina to give him charters for the extension of his proposed road into their States. Gen. Longstreet does not pretend that he can build the road all by himself, but with ’proper encouragement can and will do so. Atlanta Constitution: Many farmers say they will plant more corn next year. These are not the intentions of spring. When the present crop of cotton is safe ly out of the hands of the producers, prices will go up with a venomous bounce, and then our gifted husband men wiil plow up the corn they have planted and proceed to scatter their cot ton seed over the face of nature. Natchez (Miss.) Democrat: Yester day Mr. Jerome Converse shot and killed an immense rattlesnake, which measured eleven ; id a half feet in length and fif teen inches in diameter. This monster snake had nineteen rattles, and its upper fangs were one inch long, and when shot had a large rabbit in its mouth prepara tory to swallowing it. Mr. H. B. Evers, of England, repre senting a I/onden syndicate, has recently bought 676,000 acres c f land from the State of Mississippi, lying principally in the Yazoo delta, and for which he has paid the State about £50,000. Mr. Evers says that if the State will give his syndicate aid they will in the next four years bring to the State 160,000 English immigrants, 60,000 of whom will lie voters a -oon a- naturalized. Orange county, (Fla,,) Reporter: Devoted fco (lie Interoat ol Jackson and Butts Countv. Eleven yean ago, Dr. J. F. J, Mitchell, of Lake Jessup, ate some Oranges and planted the seed. The trees are now ten years old This year eighty of the seed ling trees from iftose seeds are bearing, and last week die Doctor sold the fruit from the eighty trees for $402. These trees, as they are ordinarily planned, would cover about one and one-third acres of land—a yield of about SB4O per aeve, which, for young grove, is not a had showing by any means. The Doctor has four young groves, and lie reports his crop this ye,y- per cent, larger than last year’s crop. Deland, (Fla.,) Agriculturist: We re gret to give very -vU.-uny prospects] fo the orange cipp-’-nuiVh worse than w gave some time ago. About two month hack the fruit began splitting, and after the rains commenced it became serious— those oranges could not be shipped. Within the past two or three weeks the fruit is dropping off the trees before it is ripe in alarming numbers. Not lifty per cent, of the fruit will come to full efecti on ; consequently a vast amount of immatured fruit is being pushed into Northern markets, ana yet bring good prices. The small amount of real good fruit left on the trees will give such re turns that the orege growers never saw before. Mr. J G. MeElloy, of Banks county Ga., relates the following oceuranc which happened ot his plantation, near Harmony Grove, a few days ago: While his three little l>oy> were standing in the yard a large hawk swooped down and flew away with a chicken in his talons. Thebovs thinking that his majestv might i/ \ i, . . drop the chicken, followed him some dis tance. when, to tkyir delight, they nw him drop his prey As soon as this bap pened the hawk commenced circling arouud where the hoys and chicken were congregated, and finally lighted on the eldest boy, who ws ten years old, and fastened one'taloi in the boys chin. The second son went to the rescue, when the hawk caught htoi in the arm with the other talon, thu- lplding both the boys at his mercy. life third and yougest, seeing the perilou-Jo tuation of his broth ers, drew his knifl ’it., to work and succeeded "in ‘"'"i bis brothers and killing or. both legs were cut to the bone, just above the claw, be fore the boys were released from tbeir dangerous position. After his lordship was dispatched lie was found to be a large bird, and measured twenty fou inches from stem to stern. Didn’t Bin the Bet. Two friends were discussing the mer its of their acquaintances. Said one of the gentlemen: “Talk about mean men; now there’s old Strassherger. He’s the hardest, driest, meanest old Shylock that over lived. That man ! why 1” And there ho stopped, as if words couldn’t do justice tc the subject. “You’re mistake*,” said his friend. “ He’s not so had; even the devil isu’t so black as lie is painted. Now I’ll bet you $lO I can borrow SSO of him before night.” “ Done 1” and ths money was put up. On posted the sanguine book-maker to Ids intended victim. “ Strassherger, my boy, howare yon?” and ho slapped lain on tlio back of a faded ready-made coat with a capital as sumption of good-fellowship. “ Veil, I was all r-i-g-b-t. Vot’s do madder mit you?” “ Look here, old fellow, I nnulo a lit tle bet about you just now, ha, ha ! It’s a capital joke. ” “ Urn 1” said Strassherger. “ Veil ?” “Yos, I bet $lO with Smithy that I could borrow SSO of you to-day.” “ Feefty tollar!” “Yes, that was the amount.” “ Und you bet ton ?” “That’s what I put up.” “ Veil, now look here, my friend” (in a low whisper) “ you go straight avay and ‘hedge.’” •U/****'’ Painting iru Roofs. The best paint for Jin or iron is com posed of pure linseed oil and earthy ochres, red or yfelmw. The coarser granulated powders are best as a pig ment, ua they offer less air holes ami give a firmer hold for tho oil on tho grits and thus bund them to tho metal. The oil in this manner gets close to the metal and offers resistance to the air in removing the atoms from its cohesion. Beware of all metallic oxides or mineral paints, especially on lofty towers or in accessible coverings ol metal. Rooting tin should, when laid, be kopt clean from windfalls of dust, and painted once iD every two or three years, by tho day—never by contract. Metals applied in the angles of roofs, as flashings, where shingles aro laid behind parapet walls, should he widl painted on both, sides, and the exposed crevices between the laps puttied ami painted, aud thus cut off leaks in corners “ which no feller can find out.” Woodwork should never be allowed to close down on the metal, but instead, a span.; of one or two inches should always be left, so that paint can be easily applied to all flashings on all sides, and where t> .lust can be easily swept out. Many troublesome leaks occur from the base of balustrades shut ting down so close that dirt, is complete ly imprisoned, and, consequently, in time decompose'ii sets in and the metal coverings aro ruined. Bay win dows, with balcoaias, or with other ornaments, if put on with an idea of permanency, should leave ample room for the painters’ brmhes to reach every angle, nook or comer, and thus save a thousand leaks.— California Architect. The departments at Washington em ploy over 10,000 clerks. Confederate Hond Text. As considerable interest has been aroused in regard to Confederate bonds, and as the majority of people are un acquainted with their terms, the follow ing wording of a SI,OOO bond is given as a matter of information : “ No. 7,403. First Series. “CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, " Loan Authorized by Section 6 of February 17, 1864, Act of Congress. “On ths first dy of July, 1864, the Con federate States of America will pay So tho bearer of this bond, at the scat of Government, or at such place of deposit as may lie appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury, the sum of one thousand dollars, with interest thereon at tho rate of six per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually on tho first daya of January and July in each year. “The Confederate States have, by an act ap proved February 1, 1864, enaoted that the principal and iuteroet whereof shall bo free from taxation, and for the payment of the in terest thereon, the entire not receiptH of any export duty hereafter laid on the value of all cotton, tobacco, and naval stores, which shall bo exported from the Confederate States, and ths net proceeds of tho import duties now laid on so much thereof as may he necessary to pay annually tho interest, are horeby specially pledged, provided that the duties now laid upon imports, and hereby pledged, shall hereafter be paid in specie or in sterling oxohange, or in the coupons of said bonds. “In witness whereof the register of the treasury, in pursuance of the said act of Con gress, bath hereunto sot his hand and affixed tho seal of the treasury, at Richmond, this Ist day of March, 1864. F. Ajtehbon, “For register of the treasury.” “Entered, R. 15. 8. Recorded, J, J. W. f ’ Ou the left of tho bond at a right angle with the body ol tho bond aro the words, "One thousand dollars,” and on the right, “Six per oent. per annum.” Attached to the bond aro sixty coupons, payable every six months, from January 1, 1865, to July 1, 1894. The coupons are as follows: “Loan under act of February 17, 1864. The Confederate Staton of Amorica will pay to heater thirty dollars for six mouths’ interest, due January 1, 1865, on bond 7,403, for SI,OOO. 80. Tyler, Register,” except the dates, which, of course, are all dif ferent. beginning at January 1,1865, and ending wiih July 1. 1894. Squeaky Boots. Jf boots squeak, there is no time when they do it with such persistency and vigor as on Sunday, when the owner is passing up the church aisle to liia pew. And tlio more carefully he goes and on tiptoe, the noisier they are. The New York Herald has entered into a campaign against squeaky boots, and the result is a number of communications suggesting various remedies. “One who lias tried it” and “Sympathy” agree that, the best plan is to nave a shoemaker put some powdered soap-stone between the outer and inner soles However, this should DO Itone I.SIUW UIC >. > ' mule, the suggestion is worthless in the caso of boots wliioh have already been ordered, paid for, and entered upon their career of squeakiness. “Envy” hits the case of existing boots and shoes, with his suggestion “to bore small holes, olio inch apart and one-sixteenth of an inch in depth, in the centre of the sole of each shoe. Thou fill each hole with a drop or two of sweet oil-and let it soak well into the shoo before using. If the shoe still squeaks repeat the remedy ; a squeaky shoe always succumbs to the second dose of sweet oil.” “B. ft. O. gives the philosophy of the squeak, and writes : “Squeaky shoes are caused by the vacuum between the insole and the outsole. Treading on the solo of a shoe forces the air out of the vacuum, which produces the sound we call squeak. The proof of this is that a so-called “turned shoe,” having no insole, forms no vacuum, therefore does not squeak. A piece of muslin or other bimilar material, gummed on both gules, which will adhere to the inner and outer sole, thus filling the vacuum, will of necessity prevent squeaking. This applies to shoes in process of making. Now, as to tlioso which are already made—three or four pegs or brads driven in tho outsole, be tween the shank and the toe, will close tho vacuum and prevent the squeak.” This latter suggestion appears to nave a •pice of mischief in it. Unless great care was exercised in inserting the peps, the wearer would soon begin to wish tliat he lmd the squeak back again. _____ They Will Sin No More. An Eighteenth Ward baker, John 8. Sapter, put up a job of exceeding cruelty on the small boys who make life pleas ant for tho residents in the vicinity of Fullerton street and Broadway. Every afternoon when (lie Imkor drew up at a store, it was the reprehensible custom of the wicked lads to mount the wagon in the owner’s absence, and appropriate whatever samples of pio aud ginger snaps came in their way. One after a'win four of the hoys were at there post when tin: baker arrived. A half dozen pieces were suspiciously easy to get at, lmt the guileful “ kids ” had no thought of wrong in others, and, with many expressions of satisfaction, fled t<> a contiguous ravine with the pro vendor, and in a remarkably short space of time had coiled round the indigesti ble. Their sensation of repletion was ail too brief. The baker had seasoned his pastry with tartar emetic, arid the only reason the young bandits retailed than sfto s was because they were tied on. Jhe agony ended at, last, and four woe-begoae, pallid-faced small xnes, with stomachs as empty as the promise of a politician, bo. their hearts filled with intentions of future honesty and uprightness, crept ami tottered toward their respective homes. Cleveland Leader. lie Had Lett II is Card. No matter how witty you may be, someone is likely to be more witty still and to turn your weapon against your self. When two gentlemen fell out with each other one of them went to the other’s house, and in largo letters wrote “scoundrel” on the front door. The next day, when they met by accident, number two said to number one: “ How did you dare to call on mo, yesterday, sir ?” “ I did not call on yon and I never will call on you,” was the bitter reply. “Well, sir," continued number two, “either you or one of your friends called, for this morning, when I came out of the house, I saw your name writ ten an my door.” Such a (Setting Up Stairs. There is a man in the Sovonth Ward that is probably the meanest man in this country. Ho had rather play a joke ou his family than to pay a note. Hia peo ple, the xvomeu folks, are as afraid as death ol' tire-arms, and when there was so much talk about toy pistols killing children, they worried their lives out nearly, for fear the little five-year-old would get hold of one of them and blow a lot of his thumbs off. The family was away for a week or two, leaving this mean mau aud the little boy at home, and from all reports the man and the boy had a healthy old time. This mean man is a groat sportsman, and lie lias a neat little revolver that, he can kill a rat with four times out of tivo. While tho family was away lie got a lot of blank cartridges for the revolver, and he and the youug hopeful used to go down in the basement and tire blank cartridges at tho furnaee door. The little fellow got so he could shoot blank cartridges like a hero, and he promised not to tell anybody that papa had been teaching him to shoot, though he was as proud of his proficiency as could be. The family got back, aud one evening there were two or three ladies in to spend the even ing. The party missed the mean mau and the little boy. The ruoan man loaded the revolver with blank cartridges and told the little fellow they would have some fun. lie fixod the little fellow up like an Indian, and told him to take the revolver and go in the sitting-room and yell, “whoop,” and fire the wliote seven cartridges. It was a piomo for the lit tle fellow. He came up out of tho base ment, opened the door and “ whooped," and began to fire. They were talking about trimming night gowns, or some such inuoeeut pastime, when tho firing commenced. The mother of tho child recognized him, and started to take tho revolver away, but lie pointed at her and fired a second shot and got behind a locking chair and kept blazing away. The mother thought she was kill*- 1 and fell over a hassock and rolled under a table. One of the lady callers got up on a sofa and pulled up her skirls so if there lia<l been bullets in the revolver every one of them w ould have bit her. Another got behind the stove and held an evening paper up before her, and they all yelled murder. The grandfather was sowing carpet-rags, and at. tho first fire be dropped a stitch and fell over a cuspidore and began to say his prayers. An old lady who had come in to borrow some goose oil, run up stairs and got into the bath-room and locked herself iu. As the last Bliot was fired at the cat, which was trying to got under the stove, tlio moUM mill) came in, urA -n-Wiiig the boy bwnutne said, “ HelkiShavingsome iim the visitors, (and be coolly took >..fe revolver and put it in his pocket aud asked if any of them were hit. ’I” * all said they were hit, and, do you know, that mean man actually pretended he thought they were wounded, and went probing around for the bullets. Then he told them it was only a lot of blank cartridges, aud that he and tho boy had been practicing for two weeks, aud then the women went at him and camo near pulling all tin. hair out of his head, be cause be was mean enough to search them for bullets. Some men, who have never run for office even, are meaner than Pnsley.— reek's Sun “In the Trade.” *.O called the salesman aside and asked fqr tho proprietor. His general appear ance -was hardly one calculated to in crease ones faith in the business boom, aud the salesman told him that tlio pro prietor had gone East. “ Well, perhaps you’ll do juntas well,” wn the reply. “I’ve been in tho fur niture .'trade myself, and would like to talk confidentially about prices, -with a view to purchase.” The salesman ached to bet him a dol lar that bo had never handled any tiling more extravagant than a washboard, but he remembered stories he had read about millionaires in disguise and kept still. “I’m solid as an Eastluke bedstead,” the customer continued, “an’ want bot tom prices. No veneer about me. You sec by my talk tliat I understand the biz. Oh, I’m rigid, there, any time o’ day. I’m a chamber suit painted to cor respond with the carpet or the paper on the wall 1 Sen? How much time do you give on large orders?” The salesman observed that they gave all the time necessary to make out the bill. “But I’m in the trade. Jerusalem! Can’t you make allowances for that ? I’m clear quill, ail’ just from the dry kiln, mu’ don’t yon forget it. lain’tnothick-lippcd son of an Egyptian carved on tho hack of a sofa. I want livin’ prices an’ reason able time.” The salesman repeated his remark about the time given. “Tlicn you’ll lose a mighty good cus tomer, Mister," responded the individu al. “ A genuine mahogany purchaser, trimmed with raw silk and bended with coin. 1 ain’t no extension table, to bo pulled out and shoved in to suit the con venience of mill who get rich out o my trade. I ain’t no hat-rack to hang your blasted mean suspicions ou. Ta ta..” Ami the gentleman who belonged to the trade and wanted special terms passed out. In about five minutes tbo salesman went out to mail a letter and found him in a rival establishment, try ing to trade a bushel of onions for a pine washstand aud a dozou clothes pins. It is well known that the very feeblest electric current,-, produce audible sounds in the telephone, which is more sensitive to weak currents than tbo most delicate galvanometer. M. I’elftt lately dedal< 1 that the heat necessary to warm a 1 ilogramine (two and a quarter pounds) of water, one degree, if converted prop erly into tin: energy of electric currents, would sullicn to | reduce in a telephone an audible sound for fen thousand years continuously. “Oh yes,” said Mrs. Brown, as she surveyed with evident pleasure the little parlor sideboard, covered with old china and decorated with highly-colorod tiles ; “ Mr. B. remarked last night that 1 was becoming quite an atheist,” and the old tally’s countenance fairly beamed with delight as her eyes rested on a 10-eent Japanese tea-pot. —Newark Cult. IEKBB: s!.*• par imam. NUMBER 18. A Cornish Village. On the summit of tho west bank it touches the villago of Saltash, whioh is built down tho liillsido to tho water’s edge, and whioh is like most other fish ing villages in Cornwall—clean, solidly put together, unornamental, and a w hitish-gray in color. The deficiency of color is dispiriting to the artist who has come from the contemplation of the more opulent architecture of the Conti nent. The cottages, one and two stories high, of concrete, brick and stone, with diamond-paned windows, -have been designed to shelter without any other idea than utility. Their white or yellow walls seem to be vertical strata of the indigenous rock of their foundation*. The ensiles and the doom are painted block, and the streets are made of gray macadam. What littia color there is gains brilliancy from contrast with these quiet sur romidings. The verdure is the greenest, and the fuchsias blaze in relief. Up on the hill, with a somewhat dis orderly little grave-yard inclosing it, i a serious-looking, square- towerc church, like many others in Cornwall, of gray sandstone, well worn by the weather of centuries, which lias smoothed all the edges. The church is nearly seven hundred years old—the tower oliler—aud whore time has made a gap or a scam, tho “ restoration” has been effected in tho most economical way, The concroto used to fill in has include, the fragments of the ruined part, and bits of gargoyles and other carved word are found imbedded in the plosterk Look from tho houses to the people— there is on infallible correspondence. Tho men are brown nud strong, a little sod, with largo frames, but uo spare llosh ; and the women, wdio are grand at tho oar, aro scarcely their inferiors in physical proiiortions. They are frank and independent in manner, gathering tlioir living from the sea. There is little vice among them—the smart dresses and chubby faces of their children are cer tain indications of ribmostio virtue; but that Home of them fall to tho besetting Hill of the English may lie inferred from what we heard one of them say of nneighbor: “Hi- wass as dliruuk ns fourty muintops'l-sheet blocks.” — IF. If. Ridtinp. _ A Straight Man. It used to be all the fashion with lec turers to have the Mayor ot tho town or some other prominent citizen introduce them to the audience as a send off, aud upon tho occasion in the years gone by when the tomperane* lecturer struck a certain town iu Michigan, not over fifty nblou f-om Detroit, the Mayor stood t>|A—<ve the audience and began: ‘ ‘ T judieft and—and—ladies and—and.” “ Gentlemen,” whispered the lecturer. “ Yes, of course—ladies and gentle mon, 1. have the honor to introduce you to the notorious—’m, the honorable— the honorable mister —miator ” Hero oeourrod another painful pause, during which the Mayor walkod over aud naked the lecturer his name. “Simpkins.” was tho reply. “ J have the honor to introduce,” he repeated, as ho walked hack, “ the hon orable Mistor—Mister—hang it I I never could remember a name two minutes I It’s of no account, however. Ho and I : have been playing poker all tho after i noon at tho hotel, and I give you my word that ho is us straight as a ten-foot pole. Get up, Judge, and shoot off vonr lecture I”— Detroit Free, Press. Barth-Eating Tribes. M. Grevuux, a French aaval surgeon, has lately been exploring the northern parts of South America, more especially in the valley of the Orinoco and its afflu ents. Among other facts of observation, lim states that the Guaraunos, at tho delta of that river, take refuge in tho trees when the delta, is inundated. There they make a sort of dwelling with branches and clay. The women light, on a small piece of floor, the fire needed for cooking, and the travoler on the river by night often boob with surprise long rows of flumes at a considerable height in the air. The Guaraunos dis pose of their dead by hanging them in hammocks in the tops of trees. Dr. Crovaux, iu tho course of his travels, nut with geophagons or earth-eating tribes. The clay, which often serves for their food whole months, seems to he a mixture of oxide of iron and some organic substances. They have recourse to it more especially in times of scarcity; but, strange to say, there are eager gourmands for the substance, individ uals in whom the depraved taste becomes bo pronounced that they may be seen tearing pieces of ferruginous clay from huts made of it and putting them in their mouths. Concerning Authors. There is an abundance of writers to* the press, and to illustrate this fact, I may say that the editor of Harper's Magazine has Mr: ndy a sufficient mini bi-r of uccepted articles on hand to serve for two years, lb uce should he not re . cive a single fresh contribution his sup ply would last till 1881. Iho rejected matter, often of interest and real value, which is daily declined by magazines, newspapers, and booksellers, would fill a good-sized wagon, Bonner, of the Ledger, has for some years left orders with his clerks to allow no contribution to bo left for examination. He has his regular list of writers, who fill up the space allotted to them, and thus the pa per is made up without any new con tributors. Authorship and writing for tlie press is now overdone, and there are hut few, and these are, indeed, lucky who can make a living at it. It is said that the magazine writers aro not an "iiviable olasH. They may receive SIOO for in article, but it is so difficult to get nn article published that they are not mu ,.-b letter than a mere newspaper Bohemian. A lea-ling magaziuist is said to re to his income from this souroe at $1,200 a year, which certainly is nothing to boast of. I have read in the newspa pers that a young man who had fitted himself for journalism by a college ed ucation, had recently engaged to tend bar in a saloon at 88 per week. This may be intended as a piece of humor, hut there is a sad truth underlying it.— A’< w York Letter. “Ed” writes to know whether it is safest, to carry money in the pants or vest pockel. Money is securest when it’s invest-Ed.