The Jackson news. (Jackson, Ga.) 1881-????, January 19, 1882, Image 1

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W. i. UAKP, Publisher. TOLU ME I. TOPICS OFJTHE DAY. Patti made a great success at Cincin nati. Beck start FBELiuaHUYSEN is a Sun iay-school teacher. San Francisco lias raised $20,000 for a statue of jGarfield. Nett resolves are easily made and tasily broken. They are a cheap article. Sorry to say, William H. Vanderbilt las no more marriageable daughters on hand. TiiF. Ohippewa Indianreportcdto e starving on account Of smallpox quarantine. Shipping beef from Texas via New York to France in refrigerator cars has been begun. Oscar 'WibitE, the fektlietie poet, will be the guest of Mr. J. M. Ktoddard, of OKilodalnViia. It is thought that Congress win en ieavor to do something novr, that the holidays are over. It is the pink of fashion novr to have a sore arm—uulcss you can show a pret ty respectable looking scar. Vanderbilt viuia Anl l-mai ness, has enough and wants to live in peace. He has our sympathy. _..D\sDta contains a population of 135,- 008. Nevada was admitted as a State when her population was only 62,000. ffuiTEAU in the dock makes as much uoise ns Guiteau out of the dock. What iTrfxl T <a t Jri® bodiiyill gut some day. Hrnry B. Cohlky, oi rnnauftlpma, bitten on the finger three years ago by a tlog, died a few days ago of hydropho bia. The Providence Pruts suggests that the plaster casta of Qaiteau be used for eupsidores. Good things to spit at, that’s a fact. - A co-temporary, speaking of the Gui teau trial, thinks it about time to “drop” the subject—Guiteauff at the end of a rope, a* it v^-re. boss Shepard, who is iu Mexico, was bitten by a tarantula a few weeks ago. The bi(e of a tarantula is deadly, Shepard- got wall. This is a conun drum for. rcau Beal culture is at a premium in Bos ton. The clerk of the new Mayor, Green, is an author, named Robert Grant, bis most notable production being “The Frivolous Girl.” The cars on tlie elevated roads in New York are to be run by means of a pneu matic engine, if the experiment proves a success. The engine makes neither steam nor smoke. A bridal outfit valued at $4,000, and confiscated to the Government beoause of the non-payment of duties, was sold at auction in New York, in separate lots, for less than $2,000. The Postmaster-General has been asked to remove an Indian postmaster who does not bajieve in hell. It is thought the act would change the opin ion of said postmaster. The Pope is more seriously than ever considering the advisability of leaving Rome. He says his situation is becom ing intolerable. He is accused of being a rebel and enemy to Italy. It is a lamentable fact that on Christ inas day a number of American citizens called on Guitean, at the jail, and -wished him a happy Christmas. Really, crime is getting to be viewed yery lightly. The latest thing in Chicago is a mar riage ceremony performed by departed spirits. Mediums, who are suppositi ously under the control of the departed spirits, do the tongue-rattling part o the job. It seems that Jay Gould controls tin 2s’ew York World, and Cyrus W. Field the New York Exprew, All hi# control newspapers, but all newspapers are not controlled by big men by a good deal—no indeed. Charles Dudley Warneb says that while the country is filled with people unable to pay for a newspaper, he has never heard of auybody unab’o to edit C. D. W. seems to fully under el and tlie situation. Theodore Trt/ros is on another lectur ing tour. We may say right here that lecturing, ss a profitable business, is not generally as popular as it hug been. The lecturer has become nearly as great a !*>re as the book agent. It is rumored that one of Sira Burn hnrdt’s silk stockings was stretched to ruination Chriffttnas by someone at tempting to put a lead pencil in it. Bara '“erhaps sill know better than to hang - L<r stockings up next time. Inc Vex- Orleans Picayune eonpratu '•etes husbands and fathers of the South Ui their good luck in not living in a seal- climate. It would be a good idea to mention this feature in an adver tisement urging Southern emigration. * iUeftuux cavalry vatefkß a tabs THE JACKSON NEWS. that at the time of Jeflf. Davis’ capture by Union troops, the saddle-bags and hostlers on liis horse were filled with $14,000 in gold coin, which the captors buried in the ground and aftewards secured. Mr. Boswell Smith, publisher of the Century Magazine, gave $5,000 in Christinas gifts to, his employes, and $16,000 of the valuable Century stock to the leading memliers of his literary and •usiness staff. The Century deserves lie greatest success. Guiteau has a patent reversible brain. He admits that lie is sane now but claims insanity for the 2d of July. Ho has the genius to lie’sane or insane at will, and seems, at all times, to understand his condition, His conceit makes him the more contemptible. It costs the Lord Mayor of London $150,000 a year to keep up expenses, requiring his own salary, which is but $50,000, and an additional SIOO,OOO. Where the additional SIOO,OOO comes 1 rom is his lookout. There may be, of course, an occcasional perquisite. Rev. Talmaoe has had to let down on ' free salvation. ” The annual expenses *>f the Tabernacle are $20,000 and the Income—contributed in envelopes by the members—has never exceeded $17,000. So it has been decided to sell the pews ~ TANARUS„ bernacle to make up the deficit. It is stated that Prince Bismarck excels in the employment of a particular class of spies, who are known to his countrymen as "reptiles.” They are sham revolutionists, whose business it is either to get on to the staff of Radical news papers, or to play a loadiug part in Socialist electoral committees, for the sake of bringing to light real offenders. The grass on Christmas Day was ns green as it usually is in the month of . April, and according to the old supersti tion, the year of 1882 will witness an un usually fat graveyard. The preceding Christmas was a “White Christmas,” but it would be Hard to find a year more disastrous to human life than that just closed. If the year 1882 surpasses vR,-- thon indeed we may expect to have an 1 ' awful time of it. Prjshjxkt Grew, of'SpSm, "Sk., “ turn on ” his theater or his opera when ever he likes, and sitting quietly at homo in the Elyseo can hear all the first artists of bis conntry. He has a tele phone connection with the Opera, the Theatre Francais and the Opera Comi iue, and the voices are heard in his drawing-room os clearly and distinctly is in those theaters. Says the Boßton Journal: “Clara Louise Kellogg sang about SI,OOO worth to the inmates of the Nebraska Peniten tiary, the other day, and asked nothing for it. A man who had never stolen any thing or made love to another man’s tiorse would have to pay $2 to hear her. About the only mar who gets left now idays, and has to pay a big price for all the fun he has, is the honest, iespectable, hard-working citizen,” — 1 Aocordin’o to the Cincinnati Gazette, President Arthur is seriously considering the advisability of becoming the son-in law of Queen Victoria. It appears that Mr. Halstead, of the Cincinnati Com mercial, was to set as best man at the wedding, bnt the premature publication if the matter in the Commercial has probably imperiled the consummation if tills part of the programme. Anyhow, Mrs. Grundy is going to have the Prasi ient marrying somebody, and it does not matter much who. E. H. Tai-pen, of Hammond, Indiana, went, to Dr. Dodge, a Chicago dentist, to have his teeth drawn. He insisted on taking chloroform, and the anaesthetic was given. Within half an hour Tappen was a corpse. An inquest was held and a verdict was rendered only after a large number of experts had been examiner!, all of whom agTeed that the use of any anaesthetic was dangerous, and that chloroform was especially so. The num ber of scientific medical men who ad minister anaesthetics is yearly growing smaller. There should boa law prohib iting its use as an ansosthetio altogether. The four-year-old child of Mrs. M. F. Cappege, at New Orleans, last week, shot and instantly killed his mother. Mrs. Cappege was giving the child in. dructions with a pistol, showing it now to aim, and after she had gotten through with the rudiments, she sat back from the little fellow on the floor to witness his dexterity as a shootist. He oex-ked the play-thing, took deliberate aim, and fired. Mrs. Capi>cge fell to the floor * •• orpse, the ball having e-tored her .Min. This young mu did remarkably •veil for his age, and when he grows up, .vdl !*e able to distinguish himself at ready frontier repartee. There is noth ing like teaching the young idea how to shoot. _ The operations of the Mormon mis sionariea in England have been called to the attention of Mr. Gladstone, and he was asked if the English Government ean do nothing to prevent the “ decoy ing c-f thousands of young persons to life of immorality in Utah.” ThaMinU -1 ter replies that “he fears it is a matter wherein he cannot interfere, >s it is to be ! presumed the ymutg persons g > volan. tartly.'’ To this the Heston UtraM sa> JACKSON, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 18S‘2. quires: “ Would it not be worth while for somebody to inquire more particu larly than has yet been done whether our pwn government cannot do somotliing to prevent the landing of purposed and avowed law breakers, recruited in foreign lands to strengthen an inchoate rebellion against the authority of the nation, and to swell the ranks of an alien and organ ized barbarism within our borders ?” The Nation’s Dead. Asa matter of general interest we give the following list of national mili tary cemeteries, together with the state ment of the number of interments in each: , IXTIKMI.NIg. Same of Cemetery* Known. Unknown. Total. Annapolis, Hid 2/285 204 2,489 Alexandria, La 534 772 I.Butf Alexandria, Va 3,40*2 120 3,52*2 AuderHonvillo, tia 12,793 921 13,714 AniUtum, Md .* 1,818 4,871 Arliugtou, Va 11,915 4,349 1C,204 Bali’a Bluff, Va 1 24 -2ft Barrancas, fla 708 657 1,455 baton llouga. La 2,489 495 2,964 battle (iround, D. G., 43 .... 43 Beaufort, 8. C 4,748 4,493 9,241 Beverly. N. J 14a T 164 fcrownyillth T 3Xft* 1,417 1,879 2,796 Camp Butler, 111 1,007 356 1,36*2 Camp Nelson, Ky .2,477 1,165 3,64*2 Gave Hill, Ky 8,344 683 3,927 Chaimette. La 6,837 6,674 12,511 Chattanooga, Tenn v 7,999 4,903 1*2,96*2 City Point, Va 3,789 1*3.4 5,159 Gold Harbor, VA 678 1,581 1,954 Dorinih, Mias 1,789 3,927 6,716 Crown Hill, lad 681 3*2 713 Culpepper, Va 466 911 2^367 Custer Battlefield, M. T.... 202 ... 202 Cypreaa Hills, N. Y B*7lo TO 3JBO Danville, Ky..,*.. a 336 6 343 Danville, Va 1,172 155 1,327 Fayetteville, Ark 431 781 1,212 Fiun’n Point, N. J 2,614 2,614 Florence, 8. C.. 199 2,799 2,598 Fort Doneison, Tenn 158 611 609 Fort Gibsoii, I. T. 215 2,212 2,4*7 Fort nan...-, v u 2/J 675 Bi 4 Fort Leaveuworlii, Kan..... vu om 1.7H.1 Fort McPbarsou, rveb.... it 162 *291 443 Fort Him Hi* Ark 711 1,182 1,803 Fort Bcott, Kan 390 10: 651 Fredericksburg, Va 2,4*7 1‘2,7i0 15,2 >7 tiettyeburg, Fa 1,907 l,ouß 3,5/5 Uleliuaie, Va. 284 9dt 1,195 Graf6m, W. Va 034 029 1,2 A HaiAplon, Va 4*9*o 494 5*494 Jefferson HarraCht, Mb ... 8, 4 2,9 6 1j,49J ileffeicOU (Jjljr, Mo 349 4r2 701 Ke.ikuk.lowa 012 *3 645 Knoxville, Tenn 2,090 1,040 3, MO Laurel, Md 2/2 0 250 Lebauon, Ky 6V4 277 K>B Lex-iigDin, Kj 80* 108 913 Little Hock, Ark 3,265 2,3*1 t.odi Logans CrokvroadH, Ky.;. 3.5 *66 u LvJuUUi. I‘arU, Aid. 1,0*7 160 1,303 Muriotta, <ia ,io3 2,903 10,id Memphis, Teun 6,.00 0,ot? 13,37? ileiAC* C*lt>, Jdo. 284 7*o 1,03* Mobile, A a 7. 0 113 B*9 Mound City, Id 2,50* 2;72l 6,2*10 Aiaativil a, leuu,... 11,6*3 4,ibl 10,8*6 Natohef, Miss ~od 2, <O9 8,033 TSw Albany, Ind 3,1*9 tnfl 2,0..5 Mew lleruu, ,N. C 2, 77 1,077 3,*2 4 Fhiiadeiph.a, Pa 1,081. 28 1,9/9 Fiiuburgh Landing, ieuii. I,**9 2,861 *,*9o •poplar Wove, Va 2,i98 4/MJi 6,U9 ®crt Hudsuu, La 650 3,*23 3,8i9 fltleigh, N. C 019 562 i,i*i Iticllmoud, Va 54* f.7>.0 t,<:42 Hock Lueu'l, 111 **77 19 ;.90 Bajlsbuiy, N. C 94 1J,u92 12,1*6 Ban Antonio, 'icx&fl 3.4 Hi*/ 4id Haven Hints, \ a. 160 1,298 1,333 Soldiers’Home, D. C 5,314 238 6,0 2 Staunton, Va llj.l s*o .*3 River, Tehrt 3.821 2,324 6,145 Vickhburg, Miss 8,8*96 l*,iU4 16,090 Wilmington, 27. C 710 1,898 2,490 W'inebecter, Vn 2,094 2,*0fl 4,453 W'oodiawu, Eiunra, N. Y... 8,0.4 16 8,1*99 Yorktovrn, Va. 748 1,434 2,18* Total 1.1,302 147,508 318,87 Of the whole number of interments indicated above there lire about ti/JOd known and 1,5> >0 uniuiowu civilians, and 6,10d known, 3,200 unknown Oonleoer ates. Of these latter the greater por tion are buried at Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira, N. Y., and Finn’s Point Cem etery, noar Bulem, N. J. The inter ments at Mexico City are mainly of those who were killed or died in that vicinity during the Mexican war, and include also such citizens of the United Btates as may have died in Mexico, and who under treaty provision have the rignt of burial therein. From the fore going it will appear tliut alter making all proper deductions for civilians and Confederates there are gathered in the various olaces mentioned the remains oi nearly SUU.OOO men, who at one tirno wore the blue during the late war and who yielded up their lives in defense of the Government which now so graciously cares for their ashes.— National Trib une. v Cold Feet. Very many persons do not properly care tor their feet. They use cotton stookings and thin shoes in winter; sometimes they sit, perhaps for hours, with their feet damp and even wet. It is not infrequent for females to go about their household work half a day at a time with feet inadequately protected, while the cold currents of air cause a temperature forty degrees less near the floor than overhead. Some people be come so liabituated to cold feet as not to “feel” the chill the long-continued cold having contracted the blood vessels and destroyed tlio proper sensibility of the nerves. Not a few persons go to bed in a cold room, with the feet still cold, to have them yet further chilled by a cold bed. Now, the feet sustain a olose nervous relation to the rest of the body. Hence it is that the physician applies heat to the feet to relieve a congested brain. The feet of one whoso are paral yzed will kick when tickled, though the person is not conscious of the tick ling, nor, except by sight, even of tlie kicking. This indicates, too, why a rusty nail in the foot causes the fearful disease, lockjaw. Good health cannot tie enjoyed unless the blood circulate-, warm and strong through the extremi ties. Mothers should see to it that their children’s feet are well clad ; and should from time to tune during the day re move their shoes, to make sure that they are warm. They should further tram them to right ideas and habits in this respect. With all persons the rule in winter should lie woolen stockings and thick soled shoes, and rubbers in wet weather. Extra soles, whether of cork, felt, or even thick pasteboard, may lie ued to great advantage. Clipper* or shoes that can be easily removed should lie worn about the house. If the feet are perma nently cold from the shrinkage of the blood vessels, this will tend to enlarge them again. Il; such cases they should be soak, and every night, for a tune, in quite-warffi water. A TOTOfq lady ate half a wedding cxke, and then tried to dream of her "future husband. Now she says slj, would rather did than rnuiry tlie man that she law in that dream, Devoted to the Interest o£ Jackson and Butts Countv. THE BROKET HEARTED. I Raw that tb Hght of her h**uty had feflrd; Thfi eye t'iat .Uumed It gazed wildly and drear; The trustee, neglected, huug loose and unbraided. And rthrouded a cheek dewed with memory’s tear. Yet the breathed not the name of her cruel de* ceiver; The aolace of frlendnhlp ’twe* vain to impart. 81ie had loved with the warmth of a guileless be liever; But man had been faitkfeaa and broken her hear! The dwelling is low where ehe withered In aadnese. The >K)\ver is deuerted, her harp 1h unstrung; The roeos she- twined, the light uoteß of gladnes*, No longer shall blossom, no more a hall be euug. The dove hath a refuge, a home of protection, When reutis the storm-cloud, amt vivid its dart; But desolate wanders the maid of affection When truth hua been alighted and broken her heart* She has gone, and her relics the willow w£epn OV5r J In tle grave’s quiet slumber are huahed her deep woes; Slio hears not the sigh of a recreant lover, Nopronniflea blighted disturb her repose. Her spirit, too pure for the bonds that enclnillied it, Now hallowed in realms whence it ne’er shall de part. Looks radiantly down on the wretch who disdained It; On liiiu who has rifled and broken a heart Retribution. He was a prettv little fellow Of per haps 3 yearn, and tie looked through the window of the restaurant with hungry, longing eyes at the big cakes and rows of tempting pics; at last flattening his iittlo nose against tlid glass as if to be nearer the beautiful viands was more Satisfying. There was something in his appearance which was so different from tlio ordinary little stroet boy that 1 first stopped aud looked, then addressed lnm with t “ Avo you Isungir, little boy?” lie then turned quiokly, gave a littlo nod, and said laec ically : “Awful 1” “ Well, soppoto: wij go in there and get aomothing to ? ' The child’s face brightened ; then lie hesitated aud said, dubiously : “ Maybe mamma wouldn't like tne to.” “Where is your mamma? How came you here clone V” “She’s borne, sick. I*vo mnnod awny;” and he looked up iu my face with big, brown eyes in which then) was a sparkle of mischief, “Run away, have you ? lam afraid that is very naughty; won’t your mam ma be anxious F " Oli, she’s sick, she’s awful siek! And I ain’t had anything to eat to-day. ” “ Have you any brothers and sisters?” Tho little face sobered at once as he said i , I “ No, only Elody, an.! she’s gone away, and papa's gone away, and ms u ma suys maybe eht/s going away, and she don't kuow what 11 come of me.” “ Who is Eioise? Your sister?” “ Yes’in.” “ Where has she gone? Won’t she comeback?” ; “No, she ain’t sever coining back ; they put her in a little black box and took her to heaven, and mamma cried; she said she wouldn't never come buck again, and I haven’t anybody to play with now/’ “ Eioise ! ” The name had struck a chord in my heart which awakened painful memories, and while tho little fellow was talking my mind had strayed bock to years ago, and a vision of a beautiful false friend rose before my eyes. Suddenly I atked the child ins name, “Edwin Alexander Anderson.” For an instant I felt faint and sick, happy wife and mother though I now am. That nanio brought back to me a time of wretchedness never to be forgot ten. and I utmost fell like turning away and leaving the child—A/# child—to bis fate. Rut, thank Heaven I the impulse was only for a monent; I knew now why those brown ejes thrilled me so; but with the impulse to turn away came a whisper from my food angel : “Do good to those who dtspitefully use you.” And, seeing the little fellow still looked longingly at the cakes, I took him in, gave him some buns aid a glass of milk, and a bag of cookies to take home; but he could not go alme probably, if, as lie said, he had rui away; so I asked him where he lived, ind if he knew the way home. “ We lives now in No. 10 Pine street., but I dunno where ’til.” I was not at all sire of the locality myself, so hailing in omnibus I re quested to be carried :o my destination; and then the awkwardness of meeting his father flashed acrosi me, till 7 recol lected he had said “Papa’s gone away.” “ Whore has your papa gone?” “ He’s gone to thtdogs.” The answer was certainly startling, and notwithstanding, r perhaps in con sequence of my nervuusne-s, I smiled, and felt in rny throat a mingled incli nation to laugh and cry. Then I said beriotisly: “IV hat do yon warn ? Who told you that?” “ Oh. T heard a man tell the doctor so when he dime to see Eloise, and I found it in the big map-hook mamma let me have to ’muse me.” “ Found what ?” “ Ids of Dogs ; tlrnfs where he’s gone. I gnss he aiu’t coming back.” A littla p use, then iu a low frightened tone, “ he’s awful cross ;he made mamm i cry, hd d.” I felt guilty of learning famite secrets, mi I turned away from that subject and sad ; “ Is your mother very ill V “Oh, she’s dread uliick 1 She cough* and coughs, and spits up lots of red spits; it's awful I ” Poor K oioe, the brilliant beauty, was indeed dy r.g ! I looked down aVthe lit tle i>ov in hie shabby clothev, and f. re membered the eleganc of his mother’s attire when we were girls together ; I re membered, oh, so well ' But I awak ened from my painful re very by niy lit tle c mpanioo’s cvclairotng: “ Here we are i ” I j i ; 4 the driver, and we got cut and mounted three flight* of stairs in *• shab by lodging hcue. ft opened & door, and there, lying on a stretcher, with a hard mattress, was ‘.he wreck o£ the brilliant beauty I lntd not s*ca for tea years, end who. but tor the child, I should never Hava rccognlz-d, Sot so with her, however; *•> the door opened uU u*t wlul4 watered she held hat her hand, saving in a low, breathless voioe : “ Eddy dear, where have you been ? ” Then she raised her eyes, and, seeing me standing in the doorway, she turned deathly pale, and, throwing up her hands, said, wifttly: “Oh, Goa, she lias Cotno, she has come I Alice, Alice, forgive mo ! lam dying now ! ” Forgive her ? Yes, with the grim shadow of death hanging over her I could not do otherwise. I went to the bedside and took her hand. "I urn glad to have found you, Eloise; all is forgiven.” I could say no more ; the poor, thin face, feverish eyes and shrunken form toade my heart ache. She raised her- Eelf up, and, clutching my hand, said : “ Listen, Alice, lam dying. I must speak now; my punishment is from Heaven jhe has left mo. Yon are re- venged, and iny little girl has gone, and he ” —pointing to the boy—“ the image of his father, will soon be alone, all ttlone 1 My father and mother aud sistbr are all dead, and his father—l do not know if lie is living or dead, but he should not have my innocent boy to ruin. Oh, Alice, you look the same as ever; will you take care of my boy ? ” For an instant I recoiled; I take Edwin Anderson's child to mf house to live ■with my children ? It seemed impos sible ; but those largo, wistful eyes wore fixed on me ; 1 must answer. “I will find a home for him, Eloise.” “You will not take him yourself, Alice ? ” And sho raised herself up, aud excitement lent strength to her voice. “ Alice, I heard of your marriage to a good man. Have you children ? ” “I have a little girl 3 years old and a baby.” “ Then for God's sako take my boy and make him goo 1; let him be your child, and, when he gets old enough to understand, givo him that desk," point ing to one on a table at her side. “ I have written out my history as a warn ing to him. and all my p.[>ors of any value ate there ; I have nothing left of mv father's property j he has sold it all and squandered the money. I believe he went to Europe and is living some where in Italy with another of his dopes; my boy ia portionless. Will you, oh, Alice, will yon forgive all aud take him?" “I will,” I could say no morn, and, the excite ment, being ovek, she fell back exhausted. I summoned assistance from one of t'i other rooms, and begged them to go the nearest physician ; but it was too late ; he camo but to say that Bho wns go : ng font, and ere night she died with nor head on my shoulder. I bad sent a note to ray husband ex plaining ray absence, and hie was there with a carriage to take home myself and our new child. He knew nil. I had told aim the sore secret of tny heart before I married him, As Eloise had said, ho was a good man, and when I told him her wish about her boy he said quietly : “ Tho child is ours now.” There was a quiet funeral, and Eioise Anderson was laid beside hor lost little girl. And this is the story of our two lives. Yeurs before, Eioise Grayson and I, Alice Browne, wore togethc? at Ma lame C.’s boarding-school for young ladies. Her father was called wealthy, and she and u sister several years her aenioi were all that were left of a large family. Eioise was very beautiful, and, when at school she bud admirers who would meet uu and bow iu our daiiy walks. After we left school I made her a visit of a few days and invited her to come and see me iu our quiet country home when she liked. Hhe hud, however, too gay a life and too many admirers to care to accept my invitation then. Mean while I settled down at home ami helped my mother sew and learned to keep house, and also learned something else —to love with all uiy heart a handsome, dashing young man who bad come to our quiet village to stay for a few days, but had lengthened out those days into weeks. Edwin Anderson almost lived at my father’s bouse, and, at last, with my father’s lull consent, we were en gaged. Of course in the fullness of my joy I wrote to ail my friends, and Eioise among the others. Not long after, she wrote to say she was coming to make me that, long-promised visit. Well, she came, ana at her very first meeting with Edwin she completely monopolized his attention; she came to my room that night and declared herself unarmed with him—“a perfect Adonis.” Hhe envied me, called me a sly pass for catching such a handsome man in that out-of the way place; then kissed me good-night and left me with a strange chill at my heart. Ido not know how it was, bnt she was always with ns; we never seemed to be alone, and she englossed him completely; sometimes she would laugh and say so caroletmly: '* Oh, Ally, you must not mind ; but your Edwin's voice j tint chorda splendid iv with mine; you will lend him to me, won’t you?” I>* they sang together and I listened. I, too, could sing, but my voioe was nothing to hers. Who was very fond of rhling. and ws had but one lady's horse and she hud forgotten to bring her habit; ® nearly every meaning she would borrow mine, and the two would go off for a ride and not return until din- ner-time. My father began to look coldly at her, and my motlier often sighed as she saw them together. I wa* too proud to show what I felt, but I locked my door at night now; I could not bear to hear Eloise rhapsodize about my lover, whom I never saw now except in her society. She stopped for six weeks—six weary weeks to me. Then one diiv, after a longer ride than oanwl with Edwin, itho announced that she must go b me at once. Her talk and manner were flighty all flay, and until late at night we hetird her moving about her room packing her trunk—snch elegant clothes as she had, putting my quiet muslins and cambrics in the shade. Next morning she loads us good-by and wont away, my father romerkitg after she bad gone: “ Well, I don’t want to ba inhospitable, but I hope that girl wont come hurt) again very soon. ... All day I waited and w&tched for Edwin. Now, I thought, I will have him to myself pn<*> mors; but ho did n t I eomo. The ne%t day waned, uud still he tU wrt <wf- Om tba third day of weary waiting 1 took up the newspaper after my father had got through with it and looked carelessly and absently at the advertisements, the local items, and then my eye wandered to the marriago list. There I saw the marriago of Alex ander Anderson to Eloise Greysou. I did not faint nor scream. I only feit numb for a while, then I quietly handed the paper to my mother, pointing to that place, and as quietly left the room aud went up-stairs to my 'own chamber, where I sat by the window, looking out on tho moonlit garden, aud tried to un derstand. My mother soon followed mo, imd then passed the most miserable hours of my existi nee ; my first, love and faith and joy all shattered. Of course I felt as If J must die ; but I was proud; I would not be pitied by tbo neighbors ; and bo 1 threw off the awful pain when I was with others. Youth is verv buoy ant; I had good health, a good home ftndgcod parents ; and soon two bright, tensing cousins were invited to make us a visit; so in time I crushed this love, which was sin now, from uiy young heart. Five years afterward T met mid learned to love with a quieter, deeper afieetion, born of respect, my good husband, Hen ry Halford, an elderly lawyer, vh< came to seo my father about a lawsuit, and having come oncC came again and again, until at last he came to carry mo to u beautiful house in the city ns its mistress and his honored wife. We have two dear littlo oliildrou, and I am Very hap py, and very proud of my “ elderly ” husband. We call our now son Alexander Hal ford, dropping tho old name forever; and I pray that he may boas good and honorable a man as his adopted father Ub The Uen*e of Hob Law. Tho existence of mob law In a commit i ty indicates ehlier a state of senu-civ - i r.ntioii as di played in our frontier set loinoi ts where government is still in mbryo, or a lack of confidence in the .unties roeti tl out by the courts. When rc find this diaord r apparently increas k mold ami conncrtative portions of Iu country, ami when summary ven wirti for crime is winked at if md .pciilj approved by ohi-r, respectable i -opltyil w evident tliatsonu thing more I.mi ordinary is wrong. They don’t 1 .prove of mob law hi cause they believe t. to lx) right. I hey know it is all wrong, oil a d.sgiace to the flammunity even .lien the suff. rer from it deserved bis ate, instead of being, as is sometim *s b<- eoso, an entirely innooeiiUndi'idua 1 . Vhy is this? There cun he only one .newer. It i til.-delay anil A fli. mtv, if i- it impossibility i • many caa-, of pnn idiing criminals through the ordinary uolliods This Constitution was -.mreml t > guarantee to crin Inals the r ght to a ji.-edy and impartial trial, but that in cost case. i the lost thir g they want. Tlio vary first effort of a prisoner's at iirm is too often successful, is lor de ny, in tho hope that new subj* cts may oiigross the attention of the pub ic, wlt ic: sos become scattered snd the moat infiiverahlo facta forgotten. That, the public bus any tight to a speedy trial is a fact, too often ignored. This of itself tends to encourage crime, for the moral effect of punishment is largely lost when so long delayed, even if conviction is attained. Then the Insanity dodge has boon played so extensively of late years as to nrhctic&lly work a denial of jus tice. Mon whose sanity had been trusted all through life in every sort of business transactions are suddenly found to have become irresponsible beings, and the law which would have ln-ld a man re sponsible in all ordinary matters sud denly finds him irresponsible should he lake a notion to imbrao his bauds in tho blood of his fellow-man. To heighten the absurdity, if possible, a person whom twdvo men have declared so in sane that be can kill bis brother without legal responsibility, is allowed to go forth a free man to carry out bis deadly work on someone else. It would seem that oven lunatics who go shout killing peo ple ought to lie confined in the interests of society. The general public is en tirely out of patience witli all this, and the feeling has Income very general that if the courts will not punish criminals the people will take the law in their own hands. This is not creditable, bnt dealing with facts, there is no use mincing things. When the people of this country oonelndo to abolish capital punishment they will do it through their Legislature!), and in the meantime they expect tne courts to puinsu com - speed ily and vigorously. With the certainty that punishment in a legal way is sure to follow crime tho motive and excuse for mob action will dis ippesr, and with it the acts themselves.— Ht/nUtenvilln Herald. The Eavesdropper. The roost contemptible thing in nature is the eavesdropj-r. Tbs name was originally given to the person who listened beneath the windows and at the doors of people’s lions s, but custom authorizes it mi in spesking of any of the tribe of contemptible sne.iks ho p, k about ami listen and pry into their ueighb. rs’ affair*. The eavesdropper the impress of bia character noon his couuteoance and betrays it m h sneaking p gait. He sidh b into every company where he thinks any private matt, r it being discussed, and peeks over tl eir sboiilders with tuft mouth scape like a young, chimney swallow waiting for a worm, and here he will stav until tlie oompnny is eith* r compelled to change tho subject of their t k or seek bouib some .pit not info ted by the ev.- dropp* r. led two gentlemen ait down at any p hit along the street and engage in private conversation, and it will not i be long before the eaveMlropper toko* up bia position n'-sr-th. mto pry into what do s not cone, m him. Yriur ‘ avesdropper has no shame. He cannot take a hint, and th. re are hut ] ; two ways to get rid of him. One is to go where he can’t find yon, and the ’ other U- to kick him for hit; insolence , Those- who prefer tho former method lean take it, but -a for ourself we have - detox-rained to adopt the latter, tlxe next ‘ rime occasion requires. Tu man who Vs “going to uo," never floes anything. t *1.50 i er NUMBER VK POPULAR SCIENCE. i Ordinary combustible subßtanoesmay be .set on tire by nitric acid. Ocb earth is moving through space with a velocity of nine miles a second. The temperature of the blood depends on the rapidity with which it is oxidized, Coagulation serves in nature the purpose of stopping wounds. Balt pre vents it. The edible swallow’s is made from a secretion from the glands of a kind of swift. Defective color vision is chiefly man ifested in the inability to seo the differ ence between blue and green. Glucose is used for manufacturing table syrups, candies, food for bees, arti ficial honey and in brewing. When warm air is forced through a hot mixture of turpentine and water a disinfecting substance is produced. In oases of arsenic poisoning the phosphorus which exists as phosphoric acid in the brain is replaced by arsenic. A solution of smelling salts in water, with a slight pnqxirtion of other saline matters, contains all the elementary tmdies which enter into the composition of protoplasm. Thin disks of very different sub stanoes emit sonnds when exposed to the action of a rapidly interrupted beam of sunlight, proving sonorousness to be a property of matter. German scientists are making a study of the relative distribution of blonde* and brunettes, in aid of tlieit investiga tions of the origin of the German people. The anteunse of insect*, besides being orgituß of touch, seem to be organs of smell. Flies, deprived of their anteiinte cease to display interest in tainted meat. Tiie arguments of Malthas in rognrJ to the relation between food supply and increase of population are siiid to apply to fish. They increase mois rapidly tliau their food. Ammonia is to be found everywhere. Ily susi>endlng a piec.) of glass, and after u while washing its outer surface by moans of a spray bottle, the pressure of HinmoiiiA may lie asm rtaiued. A goou climber oan ascend only 9 000 feet in nine hours ; that it, raise his own weight 1,0.10 fe. t an hour. The work done hy the h. art is iqmvaleut to raising i<s own weight 13,800 loot iu the same lime. The archwopteryx, the famous fossil, r. ptile-like bird, was about the size of s pigeon, si and lia l a ta 1 as long aw its bony, supported by numerous vertebrae, a 9 iir of leathers corresponding to ta. li vertebras. The fo lowing is useful in removing inlt ft ans or blotching wood: Oxalie ~oid dissolved iu warm water, aud ap pli ,1 to 'ho parts stained, will remove stain, or blench wood that is too lurk to match any ether part. Two of the old-world reptile* have re cently been disooveiel at Stuttgart. Siino aurus L tne name given them, aud they form an imp. riant link iu thechaiu of evolution, being land animals in pro cess of adaptation ro the waUr. Longings. Though wo seem grieved at the short ness of life in general, we are wishing every period of it at an end. The minor longs to be of age. then to be a man of business,'then to make up an estate, then to retire. Thus, although the whole life is allowed by every one to be short, tho several divisions of it appear long and tedious. We are for lengthening our span in general, but would fain contract the parts of which it is composed. Tho usurer would he very well satisfied t'> have ail the time aiiiiihiluU and be tween the present moment and the next quarter day. The politician would bo contented to lose three years of his life, could lie place things in the posture, which he fancies they will stand in, after siieli a revolution of time. Tho lover would l>e glad to strike out of his exis tence all the moments that are to puss before the next meeting. Thus, us fast as our time runs, we should he very glad in most parts of out lives, that it ran much faster than it and ais. Several hours of the {lav hang upon our hands; nay, we wish away whole years; and travel through time an though a oonntry filled with many wild and empty wastes, which wo would faiu hurry over, that wo may arrive at these several little settlements or imaginary points of rost. An Occasion for Boycotting. In reply to a correspondent who in dignantly asks if nothing can be done to stop the vandal* who are transforming the face of tho country into one vast ad veivising medium, tlie (Springfield He publican observes that one obstacle in the way of preventing such outrages is the melancholy fact that farmers and landed proprietor* “don’t care, ora if they do, it is only $1 or $2 worth. Tlie dii approval of the advertising flend ia cbnfl felt by persona who don’t own any fences or sheds or rocks—who have nothing but a sensitive ta-*te and a pow erless indignation. These unfortunate j> ople can't do anything exot-pt swear i.ev.-r to l uy a particle of the soops or dentifrice# or elixirs or suspender* or other contrivances so insolently alvei tised, and never to deal with the ftdvcr ttsi ra. We shonld like to see a league f. rniod, lionud by that sol. mn obhpa t on—it is a ;>eriectly proper occasion for lioycoUing.” How Forest Fire* f'tort. Investigations made in Canada and Michigan show that the destructive for est fire generally start and spread in the brunch.-* and foliage of trees that ure loft on tho ground by the lumbermen. Tho rtsrioua bough* of the p ne, hem lock, spruce and fir will, when dry, kin dle with the touch of a spark, and pro duce beat so intense ns to give a tiro headway. It will then dry the wood in Imng trees to such an extent that they will bum readily. After a for fire baa beau raging for considerable time it heats the air that moves before it, so that it yreporea the treea through u:.ica it paste* lb feed the advancing flames. A tire once under headway -i .11y continue in its course till } tin CAtvusivo' clearing or body of wafer 1 in aaelwd.