The Jackson news. (Jackson, Ga.) 1881-????, January 19, 1882, Image 2

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§l)* ladiscn JACKSON, GA. y JA M 18, 1882. — W. K. HARP, - - Editor. Emory College lias over 200 students nml still they come. Ouitean says that his speech will in ike eight columns in the Herald. The dead body of a hahv was found sewed up in a sack on the streets of Atlanta. Guiteau wants his body to bring $lO - if he is Lung. Floyd county took the prize at the Exposition for the best bale of cotton raised in Georgia. The National llnar i of Health bul letin reports small-pox as prevailing iu 1C Slates and two Territories. North Carolina made589,(514 gallons of corn whisky during the year ending June SO, 1881. A fire in Savannah Saturday night destroyed the warehouse of J. \V. Lathrop & Cos. About $20,000 worth of cotton was destroyed. A colony ot 3,000 colored people is to be at once t stahlishcd on the 1 teles na and Iron Mountain railroad, south of Forrest City, Ark. A Calhoun county Ala. negro boy, leu years old, lias burned a barn and stolen $l7O within a f vv weeks. J. T. Langley, boot and shoe man ufacturer of Horne, has failed, liabil ities $9,000 and assets $5,000. The death of Capt. Win. W. 'Villi nmson, one of the most, prominent cit izens and ablest lawyers, of Miledgo ville, is announced. It occurred last Wednesday morning. Atlanta Post-Appeal : The work of demolishing property on Peters street goes bravely on, to make room for the Macon Brunswick railroad extension to enter the city. Policeman McKibbcn, of Gridin, has been fined $25. and cost and sus pended for 30 days, for neglect of du ty, during nil entertainment one night at Patterson's Hall. What has become of the Griffin Dai ly News ? Has it busted, suspended, or “what” ? We liav'ntseen a copy, or heard of it, since Bro. Niles sold out to a Northern gentleman. The grand ('bickering piano, which was given away at the Exposition by the company, was drawn by Frank Powell, of Waco, Texas. Twenty-five thousand and sixty-three unities were on the registry. The government of the Province of Quebec, is considering the scheme of the establishing of a lottery, the pro ceeds of which are to he applied to the payinenT of government charities, which now weigh very heavily on the provincial Exchequer. Mr. J. W. Woodward, living near Shelbyville, Tonn., has, perhaps, the largest calf on record. The weight at its birth was 104 pounds; at two weeks 170 pounds; at four weeks, 212 pounds at three months 412] pounds. Miss Sarah Shea, a young lady of sev enteen, returning from school near Mc- Millans, saw a young man lying drunk on the track of the East Tennessee, Yir gini.i and Georgia railroad, and dragged him off in time to prevent his being run over by the train. It is said that the railroad company will present the young lady with a life pass over their .ines. A lew days ago a little boj 12 years old, named Wylie Bullaid shot his mother in the neck with a pistol nt Giiffiu. The discharge of the pistol was accidental. The wound is not considered dun gerous. The Albany News says the Brims-, wick train is crowded every morning with negroes seeking work in the tnrpi iiiiue district. It is very much afraid tlmt the farmers will stiff, r tor labor the owning year. 11. I*. Mclntosh has disappeared trom Griffin without settling with hi.< creditors, lie was arrested in Allan ta for larceny alter tiust, but com — • A.*> arrast The latest census bulletin gives Georgia the following figures Male 702.981 ; female, 770,199 ; native. 1 531,610; foreign, 10,504; while, 310,- 909; c010red,725,113 ; ( binese, 17, Jnpunese, none ’ Indian, 124. The total population in 1880, was 1,5-42,- 180, agaioat 1,184,109 in 1870. The Times mentions a fearful trag edy in Lousiana, in which two Col nmbufl ladies were tho victims—Mrs. Lewis and Mrs Thompson; A broth* er'in-1 iw ot the former, by the name of Robert Lewis, wounded Mrs. Lew is fatally and her sister badly in the neck, and then killed himself. He wanted Mrs Lewis, who is a widow, to marry him, and she refused. Macon proposes to have an art ex hibition in May. It is not expected to have aoyil iog of the magnitude of the C >Uon Exposition, but it is pro posed to have the finest exhibition in the way of paintings statues, anti- quiiios, pottery, china and carving* ever Keen in the South. Our new railroad will be completed before then, and we’ll nil take a ride over to Macon , in manse, on a grand excursion, to witness the show. Bishop Cain.of Tvjki* and Louisiana, a colored man heu and the Halves too and Houston road for S2O, 000 lr having been refused entrance to a fiiaUclaw coach. AN A UAL. LI(I.\SE OltMI „ A\\<i; For fhe Town of Jackson for I lie Year 18*2. See. 1. Bo it ordained by the Tnten dat it nml Commissioners of the town of Jackson, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same : That no person or persons shall re tail any spirituous or fermented li quors of any kind, whatever, within the incorporate limits of the town of Jackson, in quantities of one quart or less, without having first obtained a li cense form the Clerk and Treasurer of said town Commissioners, for so vend ing, for which license, he, she or they shall pay the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200,00.) Said license to be paid quarterly and payable in advance. See. 11. Be it further enacted. That a license of Twenty Dollars ($20.) he imposed on each and every person or linn doing a dry goods or general merchandise business. See. HI. Be it further enacted that a license of Five Dollar* [.ss.j bo im posed on each and every person doing a millinery business. See. IV. Be it further enacted : That a license of Five Dollars ($5.) be imposed on each and every person do ing a jeweler’s business. Sec. V. Be it further enacted, That a licence of Ten Dollars (510.) be im posed on every person doing a drug business. Sec. VI. Be it further enacted, That every person keeping a hillaird table, bagatel, pool, or other like tables, for the purpose of playing thereon, or per mitting others to play thereon and charging for the same, shall first ob tain license from the clerk and treas urer for which lie, she, or they shall pay, for each, Fifteen Dollars. Sec. VH. Be it further enacted, That any person keeping a barber shop shall obtain a license, for which they shall pay Five Dollars [$5.J See. VIII. Be it further enacted, That a license of $12,50,be imposed on each and every track or pin alley, on which any number of pins may bo us ed. Scc. IX. Beit further enacted, That no person or persons shall keep a liv ery, feed, or sah’ stable, or let out, for hire, horses, mule, or other stock, bug gies, carriages or other vehicles, with in tho corporate limits of Jackson, without first obtaining a license from the clerk and treasurer, for which li cense they shall pay Twenty Dollars [120,] Provided, that nothing in this section shall be construed us to allow any person or persons taking out this license, to run a dray or hire out a dray to be run in town, for the trans portation of any goods, wares or mer chandise whatever. See. X. Bo it further enacted, That no person or persons, residing in the town of Jackson, shall vend or sell nt auction, goods, wares, merchandise or produce or any article, within the cor porate limits of Jackson, without first obtaining a license, for which they shall pay Ten Dollars (slo.| And it is further enacted, That no trancicnt auc tioneer or other person now resident of Jackson,shall vend orsell atauction, goods, wares, merchandise or other produce, whatever, in the town of Jack son, without a license for which they shall not pay less than $2.50 per day. See. XL Be it further enacted, That no person or persons shall run a dray, waggon, cart, or other carriage for the transportation of goods, wares, or mer chandise of any discretion, without first obtaining license, for which li cense they shall pay for a one horse dray Five Dollars |ss.] Two horse dray Ten Dollars ($10.) For cadi ad ditional horse in like proportions. Sec. XII. Bo it further enacted, That a license of $5. per day, he impos ed on each and every person or persons who shall run a Gift Enterprise, Prize Jewelry Box, or any game whatever, to which prizes are attached. Sec. XIII. Be it further enacted, That each and every Express Compa ny having mi agency and doing busi ness in the corporate limits of Jack son, shall nay a license of Ten Dollars ($10.) See. XIV. Be it further enacted, That each and every Telegraph Com pany having uu office mid doing busi ness in the corporate limits of Jack son,.shall pay u license of Five Dollars Lso. | Sec. XV. Be it furlhcrenacted.That each and every Heal Estate Agent do ing business in the town of Jackson, shall pay a license of Five Dollars [ss.j Sec. XVI. Be it further enacted, Thatoaeh and every Insurance Compa na having an agency and doing bod iless in town shall pay a license of Ten Dollars, and that eaeli and every resi dent Insurance agent shall pay a li cense of $5. See. XV 11. lie it further enacted. That each and every tranciout Insu rance Agent, shall pay a license of $30,- 00 in advance. See. XYIII. Be it further enacted, That each and every non resident phy sician or patent medicine dealer, doing business in t lie town, sludl pa.i a lluouse of $5. per day. Sec. XIX. Be it further enacted, That no apothecary or druggist be al lowed to vend spiritous or fermented liquor*, in any quantity, whatever, without first obtaining license for which they shall pay (200,00, provided, That this section siiall not he construed as to prohibit any apothecary or druggist from disposing of spirituous or fermen ted liquors to persons having a eertiti c" from a regularly qualified physi cian. •See. XX. Be it further enacted. That each and every Guano A cent, do ing a business in the town of Jackson, shall pay a license of $lO. See. XXI. Be it further enacted. That each and every keeper of a lum ber yard, for the purpose of selling lum ber. shall pay a license of $5. Sec. X\II. Be it furthnr enacted, That each and every person, who shall keep a hack, carriage, or other vehi cle, for the transportation of persons, to and from, or about the town and charge for the same, shall pay a license of $lO. Sec. XXIII. Be it further enacted, That each and every Pawn Broker, having an oflice, and doing business in the town of Jackson, shall pay a li cense of $-■>.tK> in advance. See. XXIV. B. l it further enacted. That a license of $25,00 be imposed on each and every Banking Company or Broker, and on each and every agency of* bank, doing business as such, in the town of Jackson. Public or private hanks, ..r brokers, persons or firms, en gaged in buying and selling exchange, bank notes, stocks and other securities or gold and silver, for a profit, or loan ing money, discounting paper or ad vancing on eollatteralsfor commission, or otherwise, shall be deemed a bank er or broker. Section 24 does not apply to Nation al Banks. Sec. XXV. Be it further enacted, That a license of $lO. he impoaed upon the owners or lessees of each and ev ery Ware House factor or factors or other persons who weigh Cotton and charge storage on the same. Sec. XXVI. Be it enacted That the proprietors of each and every Hotel, Restaurants or Eating Saloons, shall pay a license ofslo. provided that this section shall not be construed to apply to Private Boarding houses. Sec. XXVII. Be it further enacted, That all license granted tinder the fore going sections. except such as are pro vided for in this section, shall be quar terly in advance, and to date from Jan uary Ist, 1882, except all sumsofsls. a,id under, which shall be paid in ad vance. Sec. XXVin. Be it further enacted, That any person or persons violating any section or provision of this Annual License Ordinance fo*lßß2, upon con viction. shall be fined not more than $25. for each and every day so offend ing, or be imprisoned not more than 30 days. Sec. XXIX. Be it further enac ted, That it shall be the special duty of the Marshal, to see to the enforement of this ordinance and to report all viola tions to the indendant, and for a viola tion of this duty, he shall be fined or removed from office. See. XXX. Repeals conflicting ordinances. Y. A WRIGHT, Inteudant. Wm. M. MALLETT, Cl'k. and Treasurer. A special dispatch from Atlanta, Gu., to the Columbus Enquirer Son says : There was a large gathering of Lie pendants in Atlanta to-day from all parts of Georgia. Among ilie prom inent persons were lion. W. 11. Fel ton, Dr. Mil er, Minister Scruggs. General Longstrcet atid Judge Hook. A platform was formulated abolish ing the pole lax and advocating young men lor promotion, and condemning conventions. It was agreed that Dr. Felton should make tho race for governor, and lie cortgentcd to do so. Indtpendanta will run in every county for the legislature, and in every congressional district. A big paper will be issued here advocate ing the movement and favoring the tariff, l’residi nt Author endorses the departure, and the fight will be warm. Montgomery Advertiser: It is sta ted that many farmers throughout the country are disposing of portions ot their mules and plantation stock gen erally in order to curtail their opera tions and run smaller farms. This i s regarded as a very sensible and pruden" tial step on tho part of tho farmers, and tho result will be very different from what it tuny appear without due thought. Sheriffs Sales fot February. YTTILL BE SOLT) before the Court House YY door, in the town of Jackson. Butts coun ty,Ga„ on the FIIWT TUESDAY in FEBRUARY next, 1.5’82, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing described pro|>erty to-wit : One Wood tuber and Moss Engine, five horse power, levied upon as the property of \V. I>. Marinin, T. .1 Ridgeway & WilliamTlmxton, by virtue of one tl fa issued from the Superior Court of Butts county, in favor of M. V. MeKibben vs W. I). Marinin, T. J. Ridgeway fc William Tlmx ton. This Dt*o., 24th, I**!. J. O. BEAUCHAMP, Sheriff, B. C. WILL BE SOLD before the Court House door, in the town of Jackson, Butts coun tv, (3a., on the FIIWT TUESDAY iu FEBRUA RY next, 1882, within the legal hours ot sale, the following described pro{>erly to wit : Sixty acres of land, being a pari of the Cole man land, situated, lying and being in the coun ty of Butts, bounded as follows : North by lands of K. J. Luwhoii ; West bv Mrs Lucy I.awson } East by Josiuh Freeman ; South by Josmh Free man. Levied upon us the property of R. W. Coleman, by virtue of one ii fa issued from the iil4 District <3. M.. in favor of R. I*. Brooks, vs. R. W. Coleman. Levy made by J. B. Brooks, L. C., and returned tome, this Dec., 2d, 1881. J. O. BEAUCIIAMI\ Sheriff, B. C. i it ILL BE SOLD before the court house door \ \ in the town of Jackson, Butts county. Go. on the FIRST TUESDAY in FEBRUARY next, 1882, within the legal hour* of sale, the following: described property to-wit : Forty seres of hind in the North-West corner of lot of land number not known, lying and be inn in the county of Butts anu bounded as follows: North by hinds of Mrs. Bishop; West by lands of Marten Hendrick: South by lands of the estate of John Currie; East by lands sold by M. ' . MoKib licti us administrator on the estate of Tho. Mo- Kibben, on the Ist Tuesday in (>etoter. 18H1. Lev ied upon as tho property of John Currie, by \ir tuo of one ti fa issued from the Justice com t of the filtt District G. M., in favor Uobf. G. Duke vs. John Currie, property pointed out by pjuintitf. Tenant in possession given notice, as required by law. Levy made OeL, sth ISBI. This January 3d 1382. J. O. BEAUCHAMP, Sheriff. B. <\ \ YTI LI. BE SOl.Dbefore the court bouse door \ V in the town of Jagkson, Butts county, Gu., within the legal hours of sale, on the FIRST TUESDAY in FEBRUARY next. 1882, the fol lowing dcaosihed property to-wit : Ten m-res of land In the North-East corner of lot of land No. not known, situated, being and ly ing the county of Butts, and bounded as follows : North by lands of Dr. J. H. Bryans; West by hinds of the estate of J. B. Thimble ; South by lands of the estate of J. B. Dutnble : East by lands of W. A Elder. 1 ,evied Upon jus the property of the estate of J B. Dutnble, by virtue o. three tax ft fas issued by J. O, Andrews ami W. C. Nutt, tux collet tors of Butts county for the years 1P79, 1880, and ins I. in ftivor of the State oft Georgia and coun ty of Butts v*. the estate of J. B. Dumble. Ten ant in possession notified in the terms of the law. U'\y nuule and returned to me by J. M. MoMi chael. L. C. This January 3d, 1882. .1. 6. UK C ell \MI*. Sheriff B. 0. DEPUTY SHERIFF’S SALE. Wild, BE SOLD before the Court House door in the town of Jackson, Butts oonntv On. on the FIRST TUESDAY in FEBRUARY next, 1882, the following described proper! vto-wit ; One hundred and ten acres of land more or less, lying and being iu the county of Butts and boun ded as follows • North by lands of W iHmm White, or I’. L. White. West hv land* of H. S White; South by lauds of W.O. T. Redman; East by lamia of J. It. Thomas. Levied upon as the property of 'l. S. Barber by virtue of one fl fa issued from the Stii*erior Court of Butts county, in favor of A. P. Wall vs. M. S. Barber. Tenant in possession Riv en legal notice. This, January 9th 1882. W. D CURRY, Deputy Sheriff. WILL UK SOLD before the court house door in the town oflacltson, Butts county (3a. on the FIR T TUESDAY in FKHKI AKY next, IMMi vrhhin the lesp*.l hours of sale, the following: -atwtfiM properly 10-wtt : One eleventh undivided interest in the Mcln toah property, known ait the MclntoVn Hotel, ly ing and len*c in the Town of Mclntosh and In dian Sprit’.£.4 nwrvt. now occupied by B. W. <'oilier: ctMiteininr eijfht acres* more or less. Number* 9& on which the Hotel and stabl and irardeu art' Mtu*td, contnininf? 4 acres* less feet front on main street SO feet deep whereon is situated a small wood building known as the luftmar's store house: also two acres each, otTlot : No.-4‘, at tl Ad all in. the and known as | the Mclntosh property UM’ifd on a* the prop* j •rty l> r)rt*f and to satisfy one fl fa twial from the IHmifheny county superior Court, in fiww of j J, N FretchiuA Co-v, Bryant A, Collier. Prop-* eifty pointed out by K. t*. PiaintifP n At* j tottrey. Tenant In nosNeoeon ffiven written no- ' tkv, as requited by taw. This. January J. O. BEAUCHAMP. Sheriff, B. C. v Advertised Fetter*. To he certain to get any of the follow ing letters, which now remain unclaim ed in the post otfice at Jackson, par ties calling for them must say adver tised. A —Henry Allen. B—Green Barber, Thos. R. Bailey’ It L Barnet; Bond A Nutt. C —J L C'aston; Caroline Carmichael. F—Miss Jennie Fitch (2); Wesly Foster;. D W Frazier. M—Clem MeC'ure; W. 11. Merrett; O W Moore. N-J H Nutt. P—James Pullhiam; Win. Peterson. R —Dempse Reeves; Mary Jane Rush. K—-Mrs Sarah E Kent. S—.l B Scott; A J Stubbs; J F Smith; Mrs M L Smith; J B Scott. YV—Henry C Williams; Wm Wil son; Juo L Willard; Mrs Harriet Wise. Geo Atkinson,eol; Miss Mattie Head, cal. If not delivered in 30 days, will be sent to the dead letter office. \V\ E. HARP, r M. Jan., Ist, 1882. The Columbus Enquirer gives an in teresting account of one C. G. Adams, alias Ames, who claimes to represent several hundred newspapers. He had victimized every community through which ho passed, taking subscription but never sending any papers. He swindled the ladies of Newnnn out of fifty dollars, nml was badly wanted at iItMU NTH, MAN UFA CTUREES OF AND DEALERS IN Boots, Shoes, Leather and I. h ATIIKR FINDING S. LIES-ST IICLDB.VE SHOE HOU3EIN MIDDLE GEORGIA. Keep constantly in Stock, a full line of Zeiiler’s, Boiflea’s, Heiser’s and Caifeli’s Eire Shies, ■ HAND AND MACHTVic sewed. Home Made Brogans, For Men and Women, $1 50 ; Boys and Misses $1 25 ; Copper tipped sl. oct73m 22 HILL HTREET, GRIFFIN, G-A HOLD l STOP THERE! NEW G-OODS Arriving at the New Rock Store, A. ic, WATKINS &. Son., * ' ’ jacksoiii, WE invite the at torn ion of the people of Butts county, to our generai stock of goods, which we are offering at prices that will warrant them to trade with us. CFTJST LIBTB3JT, Ladies shoes at SI,(W worth 51, M; Childrens shoes at;6o cents, worth 75 eci ts and a dollar. Boots and Slioes Men’s boots at 52,35, worth ?3,C0; brogans atsl,2s, worth $1,40. Ladie’s Dress Goods. Alpacas and worsteds at prices never before known in Jackson. Shawls at 50 cents, worth 75 cents and SI,OO. STAPLE GOODS, Such as shirting:, ihectftig, bleaching:, prints and checks, at bottom prices. j^roTxoisrs. Ribbons, laocs, tnmmtngs, Rid pi >-os, sdk lira, Indies collars and cuffs, combs, buttons, tltimbles, needles and tliroad, tud many other tilings too numerous to mention. CLOTHIMG-. Jeans of the Best Quality. GEKJTS UKDBSWEiR. Shirts, collars, cuff-, cm vats, suspeuders, half hose. etc. ' 'GROCERIES. Good feoffee and pounds, cheap at 5 pounds to the dollar. Sajrarat 10 pounds to the dollar. Ba eon,- flour, lnrtl, syrup, molasses, tish, etc., laui(is, looking ghvsses, snuff, tobacco, blacking, ink paper, soap. Tinware Hardware. Glassware, woooden ware, buckets, etc. (kir pood are ew and fresh, and we will sell to*<ou ut railrt>ad prices. Call and see us before ehewkere. The “Will I E” Sewing Machine! The Lindies Favorite! ® stitch; and has more conveniences than any It is warranted five years and is the easiest to sell, and gives the best satisfaction of any .T. I>. Ac T. F. SMITH, Wholesale and Retail Deales, 39. Broad Street: AL YNTA, Georgia. A9 LaGrange. He was denounced a few days ago by the St. Louis Republican as a fraud. He shipped his valise to Columbus from LaGrange and tramped through the country and was arrested before he had time to deposit his bag gage. He lias returned to LaGrange under escort of the marshal. He will some day come to a good end—of a rope A special Washington telegram in the Nashville Morning World of the l2ili says: A leading fibtral Dem ocrat of Georgia said to-day that the report to the effect that Senator Jo seph E. Brown was to be the liberel candidate for governor of his State was without foundation. He said that if ail orgaized movement o! that kind was inaugurated either Emory Spet r or Wm. 11. Felton would be the gubernatorial candidate. Gov Brown, ot Georgia, stated that be was sure he would make a poor Mabone of Georgia, “ for, ’’said he. “I intend to vole tor the O' mo cratio nominees in 1884, and for ihe Democratic candidate tor governoro Georgia, as well. ’’ A. YV Gillespie, of < uthbert, lias fail ed with $22,030 liabilities. Bad col j ections the cause. IB _ _ IB n itm “ FOR 1882, OFFERS Important Inducements, TO SUBSCRIBERS AND To Those Getting up Clubs. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY To Get II Celebrated "White Sewing Machine' For Nothing, The, NEWS a 28 column paper, published weekly at JACKSON, the COUN TY SITE of BUTTS county, centrally located between Macon and Atlanta, on the NEW Macon & Brunswick Railroad Extension. It is a live, local paper and gives the general news throughout the State, as well as Southern news items and the General Topics of the day, also a large amount of literatue which will be found interesting to the general reader. Snbsci iption Price, $1,50 IFIEUR- J^ZLTZUrTTIM:, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. The Best ADVERTISING MEDIUM, IN SliDßliE GEORGIA* Being published in n section of country which is just being developed l>y the building of anew railroad and being circulated among an inteligent and pros perous class. Subscribers are being added, every week, to our Already Large List, which is circulated throughout a scope of country, 40 miles square,tributary to Jackson. THE FOLLOWING INDUCEMENTS Are offered to CASH subscribers, ONLY, at ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS each, for a year's subscription. For A Club of 5, We will give a fine pocket knife, or a year's subscription to the NEWS. For A Club of 15, We will give a good New Silver Watch, Stem \\ inder. For a Club of 30, J We will give *EX DOLLARS IN GOLD. For A Club of 50, We will give a celebrated “White Sewing Machine,” warranted, with the I Companay’s written guarantee to keep it in repair for five years. For a Club of 100, I We will give a fine DOUBLE-CASE GOLD WATCH, Stein Winder, withal GOLD PLATED Chain of a beautiful design. For A Club of 175, j We will give a fine Home-Made Piano-Box Buggy, warranted to be as g° p ‘B any that can be put up anywhere. inn to tii! anl We will give each CASH Subscriber, for this year, obtained through a club c r ß otherwise, a printed certificate, entitling them to a chance, FREE of chaiY ■ in a drawing for one ‘‘White’s’ Sewing Machine, j With all the Extra Attachments, and Company's written guarantee .*? it in repair for five years ; the price of which is $50,00. This prop®* l jji-M hold good, provided as manv as 50 subscribers are obtained from this i•. uary 17th, 1832. Xo December 31st, 1882. The drawing will be con " u f* e ‘; ‘ d ILI three or four disenterested gentlemen of Jackson, will be secured t vv\V:H the drawing. The goods we offer you, can he seen by calling at office. No humbug, but you may rely on our propositions.