The Jackson news. (Jackson, Ga.) 1881-????, January 26, 1882, Image 2

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f|l)e gaekson Ijcsts. JACA'SON, 0,1., JAN itf, 1882 \V. IL SI 4IIP. - - Editor. Iltmpton' had n grand masked bell 1 ist reels. Mr. .t imwM> Vickers, r.n old citi *->n ofllerry county i'< dead. The Henry county Weekly anoundns tV.c death of Mrs. J. 11. Ihtvis of tliat county. Mrs. Logan nn aged lady of Griffin i* rieitd. Mr. Snell, of Henry county, died of r nicer of the face. The AtU" a Post-Appeal will con tinue ns an evening paper. A farmer of Jasper, Texas, c’nitns to hue produced n worm proof cotton. Wjlkin on county lias voted down the liquor. lr is id a company i* l einp organ ized t > rmbnlm Guiteau a body nod flier it over the country. A hart less wretch, near Sumpter. Gn., caught a cow and cut her tongue out. Hi. Yr—should he cut also. Two men and one woman, negroes, were hung at Kei Isville, N. f ~ oy tne 14th fur murder. Jesse WilliaifT-, col, was linn red in the jail at Savannah, on the lGtfi, for the murder of T"hy Loekcy. Mr. W. P. Wilson, of Hampton, ■ ml Miss Mattie Manley of Spalding > re married. A. C. f: B. F. Wylv, grocery mer . hauls of Atlanta have failed. Li.abil* about $120,000, HSsetU $170,000. The uvno ol t c pm'-f flint Hum 1 o'.< 4, Dougherty cmitMy/j , has been changed to Ilanlaway. 11. M. M •Int.osh, ag-*rti for tin* Sin j*.*r sowing rmohino in Griffin, Aav* 1 tie New*. skipped to Texas witli considerable rash. Truck I.tying on the M. & It., Tlx tension, nt Macon, is progressing fine ly notwithstanding the very lHid wenth -1 r the past few weeks. Jtaring tlic pas' year, 1 ,000 people \ err killed by railroad nrcidents in the United Sir.tes. Tlic Griffin New* appeals to tin* people to w nko up and do something in tin* matter ofihn proposed Giiffl", Jtlon'irel'o and Madison railroad. Gapt. Henry Jackson, reporter of lho S i,.mi *e CniJit, li is resigned and l is (miner law partner, •(. H. Lump kin, F*q , bus bnn appointed bis sue ceasor The b'.ack confln nt sin ill pox is 1 aj> n : i a great many points ir. Tex as, It is siid to have been first intro, dtioed by exiled Unxinu Jews, lie t na' a< it nr iy. it is very obstinate and fatal, requiring the greatest care to keep it from spreading. The hanging of Guitenu cannot le nu immediate matter, ns most peo ple seem to think. Under the law he 1 annot be banged until thirty days niter the opening ol the next term of tbo court. Thi* will not he tiiiiii the 4ill of Aptil and therefore the date id GuiuauV e xecution ennnnt possibly take place until the 4th ol May. The citizens of Milner, (hi., nt a meeting held for the purpose, with .1. V, iiend ns chairman and Jno. L. Read ,eeretary, passed resolutions denounc ing the actions and doings of their pres ent mayor, ns being in conflict with the principles of good order, contrary to good sense, violent in the extreme, partiality, <£<\ The man wanted by the marshal of Home, perpetrated a swindle, by draw ing twice from the bank for the same lot of cotton, to the amount of $3,000. < 'no-fourth of the money recovered in addition to n £SOO. reward, is offered tj the captor. The people of Atlanta nro waked up on the small pox question, aud pro caution i- being taken against the dis ease by vnscinating. The diseasn is spreading to an nlarmingcxtent t hough out the North and West. It is report ted in Chattanooga. Joe Brown has ofilct >tcd with the Republicans over since the war, and succeeded in splitting the Democratir party in the last campaign and cap tured th l’curbon wing, for lie says he stands on bis same old pin'form and “they have come over to him." Its n''*nrd to insinuate that the true Dorn ucracy of Georgia, (called Indcpeiu! nuts) arc trying to entice bint away from Ids party. They have got enough of Georgia's trator, ami don’t you for get it. The idea of a /Vmoem t indor -1 ing Joe Brown—why, vve bad just as soon be accused of supporting l". S. Grant. The news from llie recent floods is lirsiressiiijf. The Mississippi river is brimming full and within a few inches of high watermark in 1574, and if no abatement in the rains soon, the low country along the river is threatened with inundation.* on tiie Tennessee and t.t!u>r rivers are nearly submerged ; duelings floating down the sparging streams and thousand* of people are forced to leave their homes. A por * iifen, of'Xasiiville is inundated and bunts unload their cargoes some dis tance iip broad street. A train cross ing the river near Aberdeen, the bridge gave way and the engineer and lite tuaii plunged into the river U> escape. The lire man was drowned. BIG I Slti: Atllnnlcrs The .Sufferers Los* 8300 000 Weglean from the Poet-Appeal, the following information concerning one of the nest diaasterons fires ever wit nessed in Atlanta since the effects of Sherman’* torch. The fire wasdiseov cred shout one o’clock last Sunday morning, in the basement of the Brown building, known as Block’s candy and cracker factory, on Alabama street. The watrr supply being n failure and the lack of help and propper manage ment, the fire got under headway and eight large store houses nnd most of the contents were burned. Insurance shout $200,000. A gentle man resident of Richmond, Vn., i* re ported a* being burned tip in the Wil son House. A woman is also reported missing. The Brown finildine, Frank K. Block’* candy and cacker manutso tory in the < ngine room o‘‘ wli'efi oc the fi'st il >or the fi e originat'd, 1 "ikling fiml stuck to at loss -in k. null'lliii" rv, etc . v .hie at $75X00, iit -in r and for gfi.OOO; bnihling vt in d' 835 000, insured t..r S2O 0 >0 .Tulin Stephens A i <>., grocery and "i ni'iiissnn on il’lianla. biiililiiig and •■lock total l.>s“. So. k value at $ 15, (tOO. insured at SIO.O O li ll ibl lll _■ <i tied l.y '' es. N H < 'lli-O 111 valu'd m $7 50'), insinain-i $5,000 •1. J. fim neii. groceries; 1 iss !>l, 000, damage 1 by water; covered by insurance. .Store of Mis M. K. K'ltny, rvcclinicd bv ('ainpbiil Ac Jolu'Snn, I'quota. To n' less. Sock vahn dat S 1,000; in*iiinne.e $1 000. Building valued it §2.500. J. F. 11-dd's livery fttabl -s (vitlglit fire three limes, with slight damage. Four hundred head of stock wi re i limed into the at reels, the nuijriity not, VI t Vi covered Wilson House, with stores under neaili of 110 i aid, Wood A Cos., to* li'ieeo and clears, L. Cohen, liqn- rs J 11. M. ich.nt, groceries, nml B n Jxmin lbo., tohnee nnd cigms, res pectively, hot* I ■ and stoics total los*; slocks pntiafiy saved The loss of the 1 1 il soii House and sioie* is pul l 86.1,000 Howard. Wood <6 tlo.’s stock al §>lo 001; John D, Meivliani’ nt. 815.00 J. Levi G-.h-ii $15,00:1. H' l'jiiniii IJ>os SIO,OOO. W. G. N.if H'.'ips, b*s Jf.500. Abyssinian library, b*s 81,000. I lie two better' buildings w ere a |i:H ' of ilie Wilson House. There were iwo or three shoe m ikci a shops in i In- Im-euieiit. ri'C loss amounts to afiout SSOO. The Jackson bidldln£r totally des • rn\e l. I. >*s $24 000, insurance slG,* COO. In this building were A. Ilaa* & l)ro , brokers; loss §5,000, J. M. Pondi r, broker. Dr. It sc and If. H. Monmangli. offi es, a -gi cga'c loss $2,- 000. Tin- rooms up stairs were oec . I•!(•<I by Mr. It. H. MeGrvs al. lo** of Ini nit lire and persnunl i {lets. $5.00 and G A. Loe and family, less el Imniiure nnd personal effects 81.000 Don, Oglctrce tt Go , gme. ro s. totally destroyt'd; loss on stock ST,* 000 Dunn s cotnmere.i il ngrnrv n t• stairs to'aliy destroved, ]o*h $5,000 Ijitngston & Urnne, htiilding ami stock saved,slight damage to latter in money, I’. AO. T. Dodd, groceries,ami Sur gical Institute, the former damaged bout sl-500 by water; Institute non r Dodd's caught fire several times but extinguiaheo with little damage. in Ohio Jinn Down South I lunch on of Into traveling through portions of the Sunny South. One would sttp'pose from iva-nii • some of the U- pnhliean Jntll'imls ot tin North, that the S.niili was alwtivs Imstile to the North. lint I find the South has hern maliciously misrepresented. The tnnj alty ol the people South tire in dnstriotts liusliaihinn ti, mote general and social t’'an the peopl ■ of the VVe-t. God speid (lie platform ot Farming World, which belicvs the ;;r is over, refuses to dig tin the nu ininsbi's of the last, know s tin Nor l h. no South, but seeks to unite the com n:n i-tercsta of all seotiui* and par ties into one harmoniously. \ more peaceable and quiet people itian tin Southern people will hardly be found on eirth Tl'cy are gen runs and in dnatiions, advancing slow 1 v but sure ty to a lligb degree ot emitu ttce and .prosperity. They are a'ways retulv with an otttsl' etched bund and hearty welcome to their brethren ol the N ortli. During my atay in tin* Sutih I h ve never sin n any ini ions at p 'l* Every nta'i caa bis vote unhurt and unmolested. Ft ' edom <>t till Mg' • and iiidepeiid* nee in decision, ns pet mining to p di'icH, is characteristic ot th" Soiitbern people- and this p> r ogativ is denied 11 > one. I liepe, in the name i t all that is noble and good, that slanderous campaign dooiimei t- Icive had tlieir day, and n i l tin ninn tlinu) eitl 01 tlio North ot the Seiiih Farming World: Yakkbb. Fr<>m Mr.J W. Miller e leawi that the original coniiac'ors on tin- Columhna tntttl line have tailed. We believe the name of th. f|>m is S..w v> r <P Cos, who live ir T>nnc"co They have a latge t,mnber of routes and stib-let the contracts Mr M'lhr took th f’obmilms con'rset about the li st nl November. Sawyer A Cos R"r>e ing to | r.v sls p* r *< mob n o e foi the ser vice ili t they were allow ii by 'ln* poet Oftie" !)■ (•ar'ineiii. \l. M I rr ha* bet n running 'be mail re nlarly eve since, and as h- looks *o Sawn ir*t 'o , In* bis p* be i I o e about SIOO. The mol has not been stopped, however. aMr Miller bus in aha newr e<>nt rad it b llie p*tmo • > rat I oluuibus,—f Lump'-in lmte i p vudeiit. This in'cr. sting ai Lic u trim the American It gisw r : Motiarcli'lfs have from the origin of our free in* stiimi ins, pia diit and their downlah, sooner or later, on account of alleged wan: of capaci y in ihe people for Bell govt rnmenl. They say that pop ill,ar government is inny suited to ti e ehihllinod of i aiinns ; nnd llial the i.iu'ory of t lte nr and has ileinonstiateil the iiieapaci'y ot man i<• maimain tree gnvernmen as permanent thing,ami lha I aoonel nr later the | lie* gt.iie I and misled b designing dein agiiugitea iitd | ofilicians, will show heir incapacity for free gnvgrnraoni and siihmjt to I lie overtlitoa nt their liberties It i* tine, that like causes aie mlnibited to prmluce like iwsnds ii ll <|. r simi in circnniA mice, Hi* nry phvlnsoidiy t'selling l y example. Wlu n ifii* people become corrupted by luxury,pri ffigacynml exuavagiin e they loose tin >.<• starling virtues ot irnfigaiy and moral worth, and tlm' Ilia’ll eslimation of their rights at,d liberty which are essentia to qualify a people for free government. \Vhcn iliev lieeome cnrrupteil and their elee'i uiH can be ciiri- u by tnui.i-y and fiaud w hen voteiscau be luuigl.t at tile elections like sheep ill l“f sluinibles, the capicity for fr. e gov c nmerit is gone. Hut we no it"t despair of the capacity of onr people yet 111 pel pi'tllMU! till'll' liberties ill lliis great coUUHy and In tore our in stil ill lons he overthrown tliwe will be siii'li manly and desperate struggle* as the world has never wit nessed before. When the moral sense of a polits icat parly in power beconv n so cor rupted anil debased a s to act tin 1 y <n gage in sch' rues of repiidirtiton of public obligation*, and to i age money to subsidise and corrupt the people ai tie ei ct ions, and proclaim as il.eir m!e of actions t hat anything is j os' i - in nn.i als and in law winch w ill tend to keep themselves ir. power, 'here is an end to ;he c • p:toity ot the people to maintain ilnie lilieities il 'hex tail to <!i*Crd sueh n puny from power at once. There must, he a training and elevation of the inma l sense as well as the iulellecuia! fae n 1 tics to fit a pc pie foi lieu govern in' lit. M inro Adver tisci; Mr. Harris Smith .s son i.f Mr, Gus Smith was ihe proprietor of a one horse faun last year, and not il vny large one horse laiui at that. lie p'ntiied ten acres in cotton and six in corn. lie paid out for labor, in making hisciop, thi' ty five cents only. He made nine I ales of eottor, weighing Jive bun died and forty pounds < ach, and one handled and fifty bushels of corn, lie used eight hundred pounds of gu ano on Ids eo'ton, nut qu’tc one hun dred pounds per acre. Had his crop m>t Miff-red from tliediy weaiher. ho would have made a bale and a hall if cot ton per acre Sheriffs Safe for February. \XT ILL Hl* S’ I.D I'cforr Court House \\ floor, ill Ihrtn'vn of .l.ickson, Itults coun ty, f., on the K*l<sT n-’*:sl>AY in lie*!. l s K2, within ti.e hour.-* of sale, tUc lol iawinKproperly lo*vvit : One und Moss Knjfir.o, five 1 mrso power, levied noon hm tlU' property ot \V. J'. M If I'll T virtui* of one It l.t inmuml from the Superior Courl <r Dulls founty, t.i fovor of M. V. McdvlHSen vm \V. 1. MiilJtnt, i'. 1. Ui lg*\v.ty *Sc Willi un Tluix toii. TliiaDeo., 21th, 1 s-S 1. J. O. BKaT’CII amp. She rill’, IL C. urai. r.E SOU) before t!ie Court House \\ door, ill tin* town of .l.tekson. Bull** enmi ty. On., on the !'IST TPRSDAY in FICBUTA IL Y next. Ij>B2, within the lentil liours of sale, t'.ie following doserihott properly to wit : Hxt.v tteros <ft*ind, tieitig n |Mtrt oftho t’ole m;tn I md, situ tted. lyjny; mihl in the coun ly of Butts, bounded us follows : North by lumls of It. .1 [..itvsiiii : West hv Mrs hut}' lv.tusoii; Must by .losiuli Krecnmn ; South by Josiuh I'ree iiGiii. l.oviod upon as the property of It. W. Colomnn, by virtue of one fi fit i>sucd from the 611 I>islriet (J Nl.. in fuvor of R. P. Brooks, vs. R. \V. • oleumn. Jmade by J. B. Brooks, L. C., und returuotl tome, this Mw.. 2d. 1 ssi. J. o. BEAlH.'llami*, ShcritT, B. C. u T II.T, I’d! St >T.r> before the court house door \ t in fh.e town of.l.tekso . Itntts county, Ca. on the IM sl).\Y in FICBIiI : AUY next. 1882. within the hours of gale, the following described property to-wit : Forty acres of land in the North-West corner of lot of land numlor not known, lying und be ing in t lie county of Butts nnd bounded as follows: North by latnls of Mrs. Bishop; West by lands of Must mi Hendrick; South by lan Ls of the estate of John Currie; Knst by land* sold by M. V\ McKtb ben ns administrator on the estate ofTho. Mc- Kibben, on the Ist Tuesday in Oct>HT, IS?I I-<*x • Jed utttm as the property of John Currie, by vir ttir of one fi fa issued from the Justice eotutof the 616 District t*. M„ in favor KolW. Duke \s. JohntNirrie. property pointed out by plaint ill*. Tenant in possession Kiven i oticc. ns required t y Inv I.evy made Oct., 6rtt 1881. TliU January 3d I'VSU. J. O. BEAt'CIIAMP. Sherifi', B. C. TlflLh lIR before the iN>ttrt house door \ > in the town of Jackson. Butts cnnntv. within tlie lej’td hours of sale, on the f ift>T TI’RBDAY in I'i-HIU’AUY next, 1-SN2, the ft>l lowinK described property to-wit Ten acres of land in the North-fvist corner of lot of Hnd No not kunxvii, situate t, tH-inßiuid ly ing the county (*f Butts, and l>oumi and as follows North lvland's of l>r. J. H. Bryans; West by lands of tbe entitle of IV Bumble . South by lands of the estate v*t J. B. Ihitnhlr . Hast by lands o|" W. \ Klde". levied upon as the i>rqK’rty of the estate of.l. IV lu.nble, by virtue ot three tux fi fas issued by J. <. Andrews and W. Nutt, tax collators of Butts tsnmty l\r the years 1879, 1-SBO, nnd 1881, in favor of the State of Beorght and coun ty ot Butts vs the estate of.l. IV l'umbh*. Ten ant in possession notified in the tei .ns of the boy. Levy made and returned to me by J. M. MeMi eliuel, B. C. ThU January :td, IWJ. J. b. BISAIVITAMP, Sheriff 11. 0. PErtTTY SHERIFF'S SALE. \ 17 !Ui HE 1,1 >l.O the Court House door \V in the town of .Turkson, Butiseonnty G*i. on the FIRST TCfv-MWY in fT.IUir\KY next, the following: ie*tri , 'e<! piNVM>rtyto-wit : One hundred nud tfiuflfMuf outre or less, lying: and hem* in the rottniy of Putts mu' 'yuii do la* follows North hy land* of iVlliiatu White, or P 1 While: Wost hv 1-uvU f K s While; South hv Ihiuli* of W.C T. (tedium, K.i*t hy hind* of.? It, Thom.o* 1 evitsl ujkmi us ihc property f M 9. Hurler hv virtue of one ft In issiiel from the Superior Courto r Butt* • •'unty. in fUvorof.V l\ Wall vs. M. S Barber. Tenant in po-wossion giv en legal notitx?. Thf*. lantvify f*th IK* W. l IT WRY, LHpnty sheriff. W' 1 I. BF SOI l> lefbre the court house floor in the town of Jackson. Pultspounlv ta. on the FIK T TCKSDAY in FEHKI'A KYnext. within the legfttl hours of sal . the following properi v owit ; One eleventh undievWrl interest in the McTn tosh property, known ti* the Mclntosh Hotel, ly i-ig and being in the Town of '*e In tosh nmi In dian Spring* reserve, now ocoipieti hy K. W. i ,*ilier: eonlumiUAT eight sere* more or less. , | Numbers 3t> on which the Hotel and stable atul ' irtnien arc idtunted. containing? 4 ft ere* less ri) feet front on main street ’U feet deep whercoti is situated a wiuill wood building; known is Che ?-*p'‘*r'* store house: Also two seres each, olf lot No 49 nud Snail In the inehr-ure: and knotrn us the Mdntnflh property levied on as (he prop- : erty hy virtue anl to satisfy one fi f:i issue ! from the Pent-bertr eounty SuprrioT C'*nrt. m favor of j J N FretehmA 00.,in. Bryant A. OolMer. lYop- j eriv puniti'ttoul by N. C. ('oilier. PlaintitTa At* j turner. Tenant in |wv**e*.onn given written no* t ee, a rcqtUred by low. This, January Hh J and. FEAITHAMF. Sheriff, r: C Advertises! B.otters. To be certain to get any cil the follow ing letters, which now remain unclaim ed in the post office at Jackson, par ties calling for them must guy adver tised. A—llenry Allen. B—Green Barber, Thus. It. Bailey* R L Barnet, Bond A' Nutt. C—J L C'asti m; Caroline Carmichael. F—Miss Jennie Fitch (2j; Wesly Foster; D \V Frazier. M— Clem McCurc; \V. 11. Merrctt; O \V Moore. N-J H Nutt. B—Jnines Pullmum; Win. Peterson. R—Dompse Beeves; Mary Jane Rush. K—Mrs Sarah EKent. K—-J B Scott; A.l Stubbs; J F Smith; Mr* M I, Smith; .1 B Scott. \V—-Henry C Williams; Wot Wil son; .100 L Willard; Mrs Harriet Wise. Geo Atkinson,col; Miss Mattie Head, col. If not delivered in "0 days, will be petit to the dead letter office. W. E. HARP, P M. Jan., Ist, ISP2. A game cock was carried off by a bald eagle near Rome, On. lit fore the eagle got him out of hearing he crowed cheeifully in mid air. Three and tys afterwards he came home by land. The eagle has not been sen since. ilBHJti 411 TB, MAN UFA CTUAKIIS Of A NT) DEA LEIIS IN Boots, Shoes, Leather and i )'ATIi K 1 INDIN'iS, URG ST 111113 U SkO.i HOUSE IN MIDDLE GEORGIA. Keep constantly in Stock, a full line of life's, Ei fiefs, lew’s it r asfl lfi’s Ki.i a, HAND AND MACHINE SEWED. Home EVSade Brogans, For Men and Women, $1 50 ; Boys and Misses $1 25 ; Copper tipped sl. oc.Tdm 22 HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, GA ""HOLD"! STOP THERE! NEW GOODS Arriving at the New Rock Store, A. Me. WATKINS & Son., Jackson, Georgia. WI: invite tlic Attention of tin’ people of Uutts county, to our Rcnerui stock of good.*, which *rc arc ofleriny; ut prict.’.slliatwftl wiirnint them U> lrude with us. TTJT XjTE'i’SlSr. I. Klica shoes al worth Jl/.O ' Cliilclreiis mliocs at;GO cents, wortlt 7.3 cei t.-* anti a dollar. Boots and Shoes Men’s boots nl?- > ,3\ worth 63,00; at 51,23, worth 61,10. Ladie’s Dr ass Goods, Alpnouannd worsted.* at prices never beforo known in Jackson. Shawlsut 60 cent*, worth 76 cents ami STAPLE GOODS, Such ss shirting, sheeting, bleocliiugr, prints and checks, nt l>ottoni pric;s. ITOTICNTS. Itibbons, Isct .v. trimmings, Kid elovrs. silk ties. Indies collars and cufls, combs, buttons, thimbles, needles und thread, and many other things too uumcrous to mention. CLOTHING. Jeans of the Best Quality. GENTS UNDERWEAR. Marts, collar*, r*iiss emvut*. mp(mkrs, liulf bw, etc. GROCERIES. Good .!.<Vr 6 ihoukla, cheap at '■ pound, to thi- Su tear nt ta pound, lo tlic dollnr. Bn c*in, four, lard, *yrt.p, motusaca., eu\. lam;**. lookii.R Klaysc*. amid, tobacco, blacking, ink la|.cr, wall. Tinware Hardware. Ghissware. woooden ware, buv'kets, etc. Our good ara new and fresh, und we will sell them tov;ou at railroad prices. o*ll and see us before t;vn*U elsewhere. The “Will l*E” Sewing Machine! r ri* FnvoriM* J tßJCiin it is lie LiEMest HUSKING; the iu j-t qnitt; mslte the prttiest s t,-h; and lias more convenience* than any It is mntstt<d five years and is the easiest to sell, and gives the best satisfaction of any T a tending purchasers are soleiited to amine it before buying. Ilesponsible dealers .F. I>. Ac T. SMITH, AT holcule and Ke?til Denies, Rro.ld street: CJcorsla.. .70 Athens Wiitclmian: There t. two gentleinoii now living in Athens whom common report connects with getting a big slice of the G uifedernie money, laken from wagons hi Wilkes. We talked with a party the other day who accompanied the wagons tip to a day or o of the tobbeiy, and ie ►ays tlieie was ample opportunity to overcome tiie drivers and esetpe The li ams were often separated, one wag on dropping several miles behind the rest and the guard oouhl easily have driven into some cross road, hid the treasure and mad* good their escap<. The entire capital of the tanks of Macon once pa-sed through Athens, hut few kuew what the wagons con tained. Hern mdo county is a glorious oini*y for edtiots. They are hound lo grow fat down there. It takes all the lime of the two editots of tne Brookvill Crescent to eat wliatisdct * ated to them by the people there. On Now Year’s Day they bad eueiimhers, ripe tomatoes, squashes, ions ingears, Irish potatoes. str.|> beans, watermel ons, turnips, cabbages, beets, etc, or anges, lemons, bines bananas, pine apples, grape fruit, etc.—Jacksonville News. R _ _ nil juns 1 FOR. 1882, OFFERS Important inducements, TO SUBSCRIBERS AND To Those Getting up Clubs. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY To Get A Celebrated "While Sewing Machine 1 For Nothing, to: Thr, NEWS n 2fi column paper, published weekly nt JACKSON, the COUN ITV SITE of BUTTS county, centrally located between Macon and Atlanta, on the NEW Macon it Brunswick Railroad Extension. It hf ft live, hvenl paper and gives the general news throughout the State, as well ns Southern news items and the General Topics of the day, also a large amount ofllteratue which will be found interesting to the general reader. Subscription Price, $1,50 FEE -A-TSFITTTIM:, INV iRIABLY IN ADVANCE. The Best ADVERTISING MEDIUM, IX llADDlib GEORGIA, Being pul>li.*lied in a section of eottntry wliich is jnst. firing developed fiy tlie fiiiikling of anew milrotul and firing circulated among tin tnteligent ami pros perous cliiss. Sufiacrilions arc being added, every week, to our Already Large List, which is circulntcil tfirougliont a scope of country, 40 miles square, tributary to Jackson. TF3IE FOLLOWIN' Q- INDUCEMENTS Arc offered to OAH subscribers, ONLY, nt ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS each, fur year’s subscription. For A Club of 5, We will give n line pocket knife, or .a year’s subscription to the NEW 3. For A Club of 15, Wc will give a good Now Silver \\ utch, Steiil \\ inder. For a Club of 30* We will give .• EN DOLLARS IN GOLD. For A Club of 50. We will give n celebrated “White Sewing Machine.” warMhted, with the Conipumiy's w ritten guarantee to keep it in repair lor five years. For a Club of 100, We will give a fine DOUBLE-CASE GOLD WATCH, Stem Winder, with a GOLD I’LATED Chain of a bountiful design. For A Club of 175* We will give a fine Home-Made Piano-Box Buggy, warranted to be as good any that eau be put up anywhere. We will give each CASH Subscriber, for this year, obtained through a club or Otherwise, a printed cerlitßcate, entitling them to ifc chancej FREE of charge, in a drawing for one “Whites’ Sewing Machine, With all the Extra Attachments, and Company’s written guarantee to keep it in repair for five tears: the price of which is $*50,00. This pn.pfantion W hold good, provided 11s mar.v as 50 subscribe?!! are obtained front this dale. Jan uary 17th, IS?2. to December 31st, 1882. Ti.edrawing will be conducted hurl}, three or four disinterested gentlemen of Jackson, will be secured o - ... the drawing. The goods wc olVer Vrftt, can he seen In* calling at ,flc * ottlcc. Volmnibu". but voi' ?uj* rely on our propositions.