The Jackson news. (Jackson, Ga.) 1881-????, February 09, 1882, Image 1

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W. E. Publisher. VOLUME I. NEWS CLEANINGS, Sponge culture is a success at Pine Key, Fla. The public debj, of Tennessee is_a lit tle over $25,000,000. Knoxville expects to have water works in operation about the Ist of June. A Baltimore liniment manufacturer ill ClUV4ii'U&U4£. This season's Louisiana sugar cropitas fallen short from 25 to 30 per cent. The population of Virginia is 1,512 - 565- ' L. Alab mi cultivated 2,179 acres of to bacco last year. The Mississippi (State lunatic asylum has 500 i l '. mates. Tl’.e value of productions Tu .Missis sippi in 1870 was $8,154,758; In 18-'(\ $12,352,375. A. few days'ago Columbus, Mils., in vested SBOO,OOO in a cotton factory, and now the capital amounts to $1,250,000. A Van Buren, Ark., man has a con tract to dig 1000 persimmon roots to be shipped to Los Angelos, Cal. A four story hotel, with all modern improvements, and to, epst .$75,000, is a probability, at Birmingham, Ala. Atlanta’s' first grain elevator is com pleted. It qost $33,000, and lias a stor age capacity of 200,0(0 bushels. Georgia raised less than 2,000,000 bushels of oats in 1870, and in 1880 the production was over 5,000,000 bushels. Pensacola, LTa., has voted against re pudiating her turte-hcllum debt, and re cently paid $300,000 of it. bix hundred and one convicts in the Arkansas penitentiary. Over 100 of the number are murderers. Tlie individual deposits in the four national banks at Nashville amount to $3,702,831.02. tShad are becoming numerous In the Alabama, and are sold in the Montgom ery markets. Birmingham, Ala., taxes retail whisky dealers $350, while Moulton charges only S2O. Oratidison Harris, .Tr., was convicted of body-snatching at Augusta, Ga,, and sentenced to" pay a line of SI,OOO or work in the chain-gang for twelve months. A stick of yellow pine timber at Way cross railroad, Fla., measures fourteen end, and is 94 feet long. A company will cnmmence work at Atlanta on the Ist of March ou a facto ry for the. 'manufacture of stationary engines. A large ixirlion of Arkansas has been carried by the late three-mile local op tion law, and hundreds of saloons were closed with the c'ose of the year. A factory will be established at New Orleans ft, prepare cotton-seed oil for cookjtig, illuminating and lubricating puvposes. In the Green county, Tenn., poor s li.use the daily expense of each pauperi averages four and a half cents. The billj of fare ought to be printed for the sake of curiosity. Alabama has 51,540 square miles, is divided into sixty-six counties, eleven of them being 1,000 square miles or more in dimension—the largest, Baldwin, being 1,620 square miles. The smallest are flreen and Etowah, being each 520 square miles. Twelve tramps visited Columbus, Ga., a few days ago, and a few hours after wards they were beginning a thirty days sentence on the rock pile. This treat ment generally and vigorously applied will reach the very marrow of the tramp nuisance. The Little Bock Democrat says that a great many people in that country do not understand that it is a greater crime to kill a human being than it is to steal a Choctaw pony, with flax uiane and tail, worth $14.75. The Florida Southern railroad projects an extension to Pe ry, Ga., which will pass through one of the richest undevel oped sections of the State. The com pany is composed" of ■ Boston capitalists said to represent $40,000,000. A heavy force is at work on the Georgia line. Atlanta Constitution: If one of the products of the cotton plant is to run hog’s fat out of the South, this remark able weed will harr.f*..eoi‘ regarded as the author of anew and higher civjU We are all the victims of dis eased hog’s fat and a too frequent use of the frying pan. Fort Smith (Ark.) Independent: It is no longer Old Arkansas, hut New Ar kansas. The flint lock rifle, the coon skin cap, the yellow dog, the belled spurs and the quirt are only remembered as the past, and good stock, good farms, good schools, education and refinement have taken their place. Macon (Ga.) Telegraph: With the in crease of our industries comes also the demand for skilled laborer' ie South has not got them. All our boys have been trained to be lawyers and doctors. Georgia has not an institution for train ing yoitngtnrn a- skilled mechanics She has several so-called military attach ments, hut not an institution devoted to practical knowledge in mechanism and manufacturing, which is now' her great est need. Why She Conldn’t Go Any Faster. Iu the bustle attending the departure of a boat from the iron pu r at Coney Is land, while the strong-voiced young men were calling out, “All aboard,’' a very fat woman approached, her reddened face bedewed with perspiration. Al tiiongtrtt was evident that she was mak ing the best speed she could the young men shouted to her to hurry up, or she would miss the boat, Bhe suddenly stopped and said : “lam hurrying up all I can; I guess if yon weighed 322 pounds and was laced as tight n I am, you couldn’t get along *ny faster, elUtfir," Then sli* rsrjwFl her WOfr test ttud misted tlie boat,— *vVw Ywk Sun. THE “JACKSON NEWS. TOPICS OF THE DAY. Scovamt has one faculty. He car talk. PATn’a baggage consist* of twenty three trunk*. The long-haired Wilde’s first lecture netted l"'m *l,^oo. Oontrari to report, Annie Louise Cary is not to be married. One hundred newspapers in this coun try are edited by colored men. A resident of Belfast, Ohio, has been put under bonds for opening his Wife’s lotters, ..I H - ♦ Tiro r"'i°ct, for the World’s Fair in Boston ha* been abandoned ior warn, money. It will be a great relief when we shall be able to announce the close of the Guiteau trial. The Boston University has come into possession of $2,000,000 bequeathed 1o it by Mr. Eieh. A Salt Lake Gentile states that it would require an army of 30,000 men to put the Mottnons down. A contemporart suggests that Guiteau will have an opportunity to deliver Ilia speech from the gallows. The Boston co-operative store, after several years’ trial, has proved a failure, ami will wind up its affairs. Bom the new Senators elected from lowa are natives of Ohio. Mou boru in Ohio get into office everywhere. A saloon-keeper, at Blancliester, Ohio, has been required to pay a woman $1,200 for selling her husband liquor. Experiments made with sugar beets in Whitman County, Oregon, result in a yield of 5,000 pounds to the acre. What a remarkable contrast the pres ent winter is with that of one year ago. Everything seems to go to extremes. The Garfield monument fund now amounts to about. $90,000, of which the city of Cleveland contributed $68,000. ■ ♦ A mm. at Wentworth, Out., was sent to jail for forty-eight hours for contempt of court beoause she refused to take au oath. Massachusetts’ entire representation in Congress—two Senators and eleven Representatives—are in favor of woman suffrage. Miss Anna Dickinson has scored a success in male character, as “ Hamlet.” Her determination to wear tights has prevailed. The Boston Globe believes the sethetio wriggle, which fashionable women havo adopted as a manner of locomotion, will cure rheumatism. It is said that of 72,000,000 bushels of grain sent from America to Europe last year, not a single bushel was carried by an American ship. A New York paper advertised for original short stories, and received over 500 responses. The world has an abund ance of literary talent. There is one thing the Land Act has done in Ireland; it has filled the prisons, but what other benefit has been derived from it would be hard to say. That infinitesimal specimen of human ity, Tom Thumb, has become a convert to spiritualism, and believes in almost everything of a ghostly nature. It is in order to announce that Secre tary Folger nas no one to do the honors if his Dalatial home but a grown daugh ter. In oilier worus, no ia Tiie {esthetic knee breeches have one great advantage they do not bag at the knee, and they have this great disad vantage—they betray an unshapely calf, Russia goes steadily nearer bank, ruptcy each year, and last Decembel raised with difficulty the gold to pay the semi-annual interest due foreign debtors. Oscar Wilde says that in all England there is not an actress so “powerfully intense” as Clara Morris. This remark is supposed to be a compliment to Misf Morris. _ In Baltimore teachers are required te report twice n week the number of whip pings administered, and those who re port the fewest whippings have the smoothest sailing. It is claimed that on account of the beans they eat Boston women look younger at forty than Chicago women do at thirty years of age. Still, it is pretty hard to believe. Rats the Detroit Free Preen: “The war of 1812 ended sixty-seven years ago, and yet over 20,000 widows are drawing pensions granted on account of it. Th .t’j a big load of old widows.” Col. Feed. Grant is the President ol the newly-organized American Electric Light Company, of Maswchnaetts, sliimi to bfi* • kystoc. tun Ugfcfr , iftg mi&vx* WdSSUtU MMi. JACKSON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9,1882. It required 1,000 cars to carry ex hibits to the Atlanta Exposition, but so many were sold that 200 wore sufficient to take away those which remained, they being nearly all of them machinery. ♦ — Kentucky does not naturally take to holidays and believes there are too many of CieWi on the calendar. In the House, a few days ago, a bill was passed to abolish New Year’s day as a holiday. Oswego, New York, is decidedly a henlthly town. Rev. Simon Parmalee, on the 15th of January, celebrated his centennial birthday. Another Oswegoan died recently aged 103 years and a Mr. Clnrli. of the same town, claims to have passed his 110th year. It is gratifying to know that a tiue bill tor murder in the first degree has Lien found against the lmn.b-l'trs oi Jennie Cramer, at New Haven, Coun., the sth of August last. Walter E. Mai ley, James Malley and Blanche Douglasi are the persons indicted. , The National Board of Health is con sideling the pressing demand for hotter quarantine regulations at New York and other ports, in order to prevent emi grants infected with smallpox landing apd proceeding on their journey iulaud, spreading the foul disease all over the' country, A railroad disaster is a pretty serious thing for the company which owns the road. It is said that the Ashtabula dis aster five years ago lias cost the Lake Shore $2,000,000, and some of the suits for damages are not ended yet. The Spuyten Huyvil disaster will cost the Central a tremendous sum. A West Virginia railroad company has agreed to stop at least one of its trains each way—on being flagged—for passen gers and freight at every farm where right of way is given. The good times hoped for when every farmer should have n railroad in his own door yard, Weems to have come, ill West Virginia. A remarkable use is being made ol potatoes. The clear peeled tuber is macerated in a solution of sulphuric acid. The result is dried between sheets of blotting paper, and thon pressed. Of this all manner of small articles are made, from combs to collars, and oven billiard halls, for which the hard, bril liantly white material is well fitted. A foreign letter says all Vienna thea ters are well nigh bankrupt. Nobody frequents them. The largest amount of money received by an one of them is $200; others take in about SSO a night. The police havo forbidden all day perform ances, and have lessened the num ber of seats in each. For instance, the the Ander Wien Theater, which held 2,- 540 scats, has now only 1,270. Mayor Harrison, of Chicago, lias just had a streak of luck. A few days ago he received a letter from a lady in Boston, who said that she lived on Shaw mut avenue, was cultivated, had a taste for the aesthetic literature and art, had a cool SIOO,OOO in bank, was but thirty eight years old, and anxious to bo made a Mayor’s bride. The Mayor perhaps understands the drift of her argument. The annual product of the precious metals in the States and Territories west of the Missouri River, including British Columbia, are as follows : Receipts at San Francisco from the west coast of Mexico and reported to Wells-Fargo; Gold, $31,889,686; silver, $45,077,829. California show* an increase in silver and a decrease in gold. Nevada shows a falling off, and Utah, Colorado, and Ari zona, an increase. According to all accounts Mrs. Lin coln to in a pretty bad condition, physi cally and mentally. She is attending Miller's Water Cure, New York, and is , barely able to walk about her room. Cataracts are forming on both eyes. She is troubled with spinal troubles and has Bright’s disease. When told that the r Pension Committee bad decided to give her $15,000, which amount was due her under arrears of pension, she manifested great satisfaction. Hhe will remain in New York for tho winter. Ivin, loss ol La.reto of crude oil, enough to supply the world for years, are said to he stored away in the oil re gions. The discovery of oil in Europe and the sinking of wells there threaten to affect the foreign market, though sta tistics as yet show no decrease of the amount of oil expected from this country, i Our oil men have turned their attention ■to South America as a market, hut io i some |-arts of thst section of tlie work) 1 there uro large deposits of petroleum ol | good quality, which can he procured in 1 abundance without boring for it. A communication in the Charleston New* and Courier calls attention to the I statute which makes tlie non-payment of a poll tax of $1 a misdemeanor, it says: 1 “What prompts me to write to you at | this time ia (hat arrests are now hieing I made and prisoners are confined in our | jail charged with no other crime neglect to pay their poll tax, and as the 1 Legislature is now iu teesion I ho]>e tho I matter can l>e so presented to the people xnd our legislators that immediate action I will be takes," It is tbi* Wad of ft If** I slit OBuic* Ibli&m* id fcw!sfato, ill ' iM sf UamimUf. u> bowto Owlet*. Devoted to the Interest oi Jackson and Butts OountV. LilIKM*. PtS hbltiltig to Jo ; in * hammock T *ring, And uiy thoughts they think -think of anything, I fill up my pip, and lliftn i think Of the waste I r ve made of paper and iuk; Verses and of no earhl> use— Tbo scribbling mania's thy only excuse Qt the uumeerof times i have been in luVUj Of exactly how often I’ve lost a glove; Of the people I’ve met and the people I’ve mimed; Of how many girls iu my life I nave kissed; Of how many more I couldn’t gel; Of h<*w many times I’ve been iu debt. And then to light my pipe I pause, And think of things with smoking for cause. I think of what I’ve done and i.een ; Of the man l would be and the man L have been; Of an aimless man sinking into life's shade. I think of ail 1 have studied and read, Ami I t hink of a blind man, a cripple in bed ; I think of an idle and purposeless yoiltltj And I think, u Rave I fuuud oilt the meaning of 11 utii '/'• flow oft 1 was atlgrY, ill-hdiriored and **s*•. j Of how many pebbles are washed on the shore; Of how many actions I’ve done that are good; Of how many herrings you’ll find in a wood; Of things that bore me; of things that 1 hate; Of an ultemoon dance which breaks up at eight; Of how many times 1 bate wasted my cash, And spent lots of money on nothing but trash; Of how many times I have wished you were here; Of how many wishes I've t?i*hed in a year. I was smoking u pipe, unless 1 mistake; How long have I slept and when did 1 wake? —lsJtulon Society. The Commands of the Empress. A hi to i\v of Katalnu llfipolllnl. IIY MARY ItYLE PALLAS. To believe the following story, which ;s recounted by a French historian, one must letucmber that the word of a Bus sum Emperor or Empress has always Ovi u a very different thing from the word of au English King or Queen ; uud that where—as iu tins case—the British cabinet would decide that her majesty was temporarily insane, the Russian ludy Would be considered only a little more severe than her predecessors. Iu the lime of Catherine the Second, there dwelt in Russia a gentleman earned Sunderland, who, though English by birth, had become a Russian subject, and also a great favorite with the Em press. She loaded him with favors ; made him immensely wealthy; gave him a palace to live iu, aud embraced him DUbliclv. Wiiat. more could a sovereign do to show her affection for a subject ? Her partiality was so well-known that the greatest people at Court sought his favor and feared iiis frowu ; but lie wus a very pleusaut aud good-hearted per son, who thought more of his dress ap pearance, and the effect lie produced on the fair sex, than anything else ; and it was rather a benefit to the community than otherwise that he should have the ear of the Empress. He, himself, was perfectly happy, and spent a great deal of his time in writing verses expressive of the charms of the Empress, her good ness, and the amiability of her disposi tion. One morning he had just finished a most fluttering poem iu several eantoes, setting forth the story of her condescen sion to a poor old soldier to whom she had really been kind, aud was reading it to a select, audi-nce, wheu a servant entering the room, aunouuoed to him that the Chief of the Police, whose name was Reliow, desired to speak with him, having a message from the Em press. The poet instantly threw down his paper, and. delighted" with this proof of confidence ou the part of the sovereign, excused himself to his friends, and hur ried to the room whore Ileliew was wait ing for him. The Chief of Police sat leaning hack in his chair, with a very grave face, anil saluted the Englishman as a jailor might salute a prisoner whom lie was about to lead to execution. “What can I do for you, Reliow?” asked Bonderland, with a condescending twist of his mustache. “I see you are in trouble, aud it was well to come tome at once. The Empress was kinder than usual yesterday, aud expressed herself more anxious to take my advice than she has ever done before; so have no fears. I esteem you, Reliow. I cousidei you my best friend." “Ah!” said the Chief of Police, doubt fully. “Aud lam very sure I have a true friendship for you; but I regret to say I have terrible nows for you. You have utterly lost the favor which lias beeu yours so long. Indeed, though I may not question the royal mandate, I suffer terribly in bringing you the news. Hoe how pule T am. Look how I tremble. Oil, how can I tell you?” “But how have I offended?” asked Boliderlund. “Assuredly you are mis taken. The Empress kissed me on aiy . forehead last evening before the whole Court..” “K , loses the favor of royalty,” sighed Iteliew. “ Perhaps you have ad mired a pretty woman.” “ No, do,” replied Bonderland. “ The Empress told me nothing,” suid Iteliew; “ nothing whatever. Blie gave me her commands, and bade me accom plish them at once. But they are too i horrible! tee/ horrible !” “ Am I to be sent away?” oskedJßon derland. “ You could he very happy in some other country. I should not dread giv ng you that news,” replied Reliow. “ Am I to be exiled toßiberia?” asked Wonderland. “In that o ise there might be some hope of your coming back,” replied Re lieve. “Then, good heavens! 1 am to be whipped with tho knout,” sighed Son lerland. “ You might got over that; it seldom trills,” answered tlie Russian, moodily. “Then she wants my life,” said Son lerland. “Tint r know her better than von <lb. r will fling myself at her feet and implore her pardon. And, at all events, one can die but once." “ Oh, ray poor friend !” moaned Re dew, bursting into tears, “it is worse than anything you can imagine. The Rmnregs has ordered me to have you stuffed. ” “ Wird ”” cried Bonderland. “To i.Hve you stuffed,” replied the agitated Re!tow. “ Listen, ray poor friend. This morning she sent for me. “ ‘ Reliow,’ she said, ‘yon saw to the stuffing of my favorite horse, who died last, month *)’ “ f and assent J. '< 1 B oid Bqii'l'-ri uid to tlm same taxi* Ifi’iuG* ftijfl fiAW It lot shiffai. in mi *UI< lurid of tuuplisafton—itoggioif, rati uu* derstand—and placed upon a stand in thy {Jfitafcd ftpaftmefit. Tie* th* stand be elegant and bear his name with these words: “The Favorite of the Em press.” ’ “ • Your majesty la good enough to jest.’ I siiiil, hitmiily. “She flashed a fierce glance at me. “‘lam in no jesting humor. I valued him,’ sun auid. ‘ Look, I have even slmd tears ; but go. Ido libt wish to see him again. Take him to the taxidermist this morning. I will write my orders Tor him ;’ and she gave 1110 this paper ;” aud he handed to poor Sonderlainl a paper , on which were written these worls : “Stuff rloilcterland very carefully and set. Ilim Upon mrtss In the attitude of begging. Begin your work within tlm hoar. Great as Was my affection for poor Sondorland, his beauty was his greatest charm. There are others as faithful and as affectionate, And I shall now always have him to look at: he is certainly a splendid creature. Go and make all speed possible. Have the words ‘The Favorite of the Empress,’ in letters of gold on a black p >destal three feet in height." “There, my poor Sonderlainl, yon see,” said the Chief of Police, “ it is not I who have gone mad. ” “ Then it is the Empress,” said Sunder land. "IJnhnppy sovereign, she has lost her mind.” ‘All the worse for us,” sighed the wretched Russian. “As soon as T felt sure of her real meaning, I fell on my knees and begged her not to intrust the terrible news to me; to reconsider her intention. T hardly knew what I said. For answer she pointed to the door. “‘Tf Sunderland is ,iot taken to the taxidermist within an hour, you shall be knouted and sent to Siberia,’ she said. “ Wretch that I am, T am hero with the news. ” “Let me see the Empress ; let. me know what I have done. Let me write. Take a note to her from me. ” “I dare not,” said the Chief of Police. “I have a wife and seven children. You are dear, but they are dearer to me.” Sunderland began to hope that the Empress only wished to play a practical joke upon them, and pitying liis friend for his terror and the grief lie suffered, after a few moments more, arose aud offered to go witli him at once. Wrap ping themselves in their furs, both men jumped into the sleigh at the door. Meanwhile he hod written a letter to the Empress, and calling a servant, dis patched it by him. As yet no one guessed at the reason of this visit from the Chief of Police, aud the servant had no fears concerning the safety of his er rand. Meanwhile the two getlomen pro ceeded together to the liouso of the tax idermist. Gottsehekoff. Bonderland yet hopeful—for an Englishman could not believe that such a command could ho given in earnest —the Russian half mad with horror. In fact, in delivering the command of the Empress ho lost com mand of his voice anil fainted away. The taxidermist himself grew pale. “This is ray sentence of death, as well as yours,” he said to Bonderland, “for I do not know how to stuff a man, and I know what Empresses an l . I shall have to try, of course, hut I don’t think it can he done.” “I am sure it is only a jest of our sovereign’s,” said Bonderland. The Russians shook their heads. But at this instant a loud tramping .was heard, and armed men entered, seised upon the Chief of Police, Bonderland and the taxidermist, forced them into a sleigh and drove madly away to the Roy al Palace. Bonderland still kept his courage. A man knows well enough whsn a wornuu really likes him, but the Russians knew that if the Empress had lost her senses, her maddest mandate must be obeyed. Perhaps they would now he all stuffed. Led into" the royal presence, they found Catherine furiously pacing the floor. “ Wretched madman,” she shrieked to the poor Chief of Police, “ what, have you been about ? ” The poor fellow fell upon his knees. “My Empress,” he cried, “endeavor ing to obey yon, though it broke my heart.” “ And you, beast? ” she cried to the tuxidermist. The taxidermist also prostrated him self with his teeth chattering in his head. “ My Empress,” said Bonderland, of fering her the paper she had written, “here is your royal mandate. There were some difficulties (purely profes sional) in (lie way of stuffing me. Otherwise I should have been already in an attitude of supplication on a black marble pedestal, I make no doubt.” “Great Heaven 1” cried Catherine. “ My friend —my most faithful and most earnest friend—how dared you believe me capable of such a thing? And you, idiots, get up.” And she spurned the crouching men with her royal foot, “ft was my dog, my favorite spaniel-—whom 1 had named after this dear because lie wan so handsome—that I ordered you to stuff. He died last night. The whole palace knew that. Gisul heav ns I” The absurdity of the mistake forced itself npon the royal mind at this instant. Catherine, in the midst of her rage, be gan to laugh, and ended by growing good-natured. “ Amusing idiots,” she said, “ go, and always obey me as well as you have done to-day. I see, at least, that you meant well. ’ And thereupon the Chief of Police and the taxidermist crept away, thankful for their lives, to convey the dead dog to its destination. And Bonderland went to lunch with the Empress, who leant Upon his shoulder as they walked together through the Palace. Remember, Young Men. Young men who are intending to he farmers should remember that agricult ure is both a science and au art, to he carefully studied, aud then practically carried out. The day has gone by when the ignorant can become successful farmers. Within the past ten years agriculture has undergouo a great revolution, hut the uext ton yearn will Boa greater changes than live yet beau witnessed. Tim Jeatliug aflfltitiluniU wiil ba tbs iefvduig men of tot wiHttaNr.-iVafri* /tornw, Ingetsoll oil Wlrskejr. , "'■ fff'l U *! t i.M W e publish tlis week n beautiful ex tinct from a bite volume of Ingersoll’s Wi Visdimi and Eloquence by Mc- Lifrt on the-subject of Alcohol and its horrors, Mr. jngersoll is au avowed in fidel, but what Christian priest has done so much as lie foi' the cause of temper anre? - -. j rfC - If am aware there is a prejudice against any man engaged in the manu facture of alcohol. I believe that from the time it issues frqm the colled and poisonous worm into the distillery until it empties into the hell of death, dis honor and crime, that it demoralizes everybody that touches it. from its source to where it ends. I do not be lieve anybody can contemplate the sub ject without becoming prejudiced against the liquor crime. All we have to do gentleman is to think of the wrecks on either bank of the stream of death; of the suicides, of the insanity, of the poverty, of the ig norance, of the destitution, of the little children tugging at the faded and weary breasts of weeping aud despairing wives, asking for bread, of the talented men of genius it has wrecked, the men strug gling with imaginary serpents, produced by this devilish thing; and when you think of (lie jails, the almshouses, of the asylums, i t the ptisans, of the scaf folds, upon cither bank I do not wonder that eyery thoughtful man is prejudiced against this stuff called alcohol. 'lntemperance wits down youth in its vigor, manhood in its strength mid ig.- in its weakness. It breaks the fathers heart, bereaves thfe darling mother, ex tinguishes natural nfl’eetioii, erases eon jugal love, blots out filial attachments, blights parental hope and brings down mourning age iu sorrow to the grave. It produces weakness not strength, sick ness, not health, death, not life. It makes wives widows, children orphans; fathers fiends and all of them paupers and beggars. Feed* rheumatism, nurses gout, welcomes epidemics, Invites chole ra, imports pestilence and embraces con sumption, It covers the land with idle ness, misery and crime. It fills your jails, supplies your almshouses and sup ples your asylums. It engenders contro verses, fosters quarrels mid cherishes riots. It crowds your penitentiaries and furnishes victims to your scaffolds. It is the life blood of the gambler, the element of the burglar, the prop of the highwayman and the support of the midnight incendiary. It countenance* the liar, respects the thief, esteems the blasphemer. It violates obligations, reverences fraud and honors infamy. It defames benevolence, hates love, scorns virtue and slanders innocence. It in cites the father to butcher his helpless offspring, helps the husband massacre liis wife and the child to grind the par icidal axe. It hums up men, it oou- Hlinies women, detests life, curses God and despises heaven. It stubonis wit nesses, curses perjury, defiles the jury box, aud stains the judicial ermine. It degrades the citizen, debases the legisla tor, dishonors statesmen, and disarms the patriot. Is brings shame not honor; terror, not safety; despair, happiness; anil with the 'iiulovence of a fiend, it calmly surveys its frightful desolation ami unsatisfied with its havoc, it pois ons felicity, kills peace, ruins morals, blights confidences, Hlays reputation and wipes out national honors. It curs es the world and laughs at its ruiu, |t does all that and more—it murders the soul. It is the son of villainies, the father of all crimes, the mother of abominations; the devil* best friend, and Gods worst enemy. A Banishment Worse Thau Beuth. An execution to which more than pass ing interest attaches will take place in Windsor, Vermont. The condemned person is Emeline M. Moaker, of Wator hur.y, who was convicted of the murder of ini orphan girl thirteen years old, Alice Moaker by name, April 22, 1880. The wretched woman protested her in nocence on the occasion to set aside the verdict, as she lias always done, hut was sentenced to be hanged in the prison at ’Windsor on the last Friday of May, 1883. The crime, for which a son of Mrs. Meaker, Almon Meaker, is already under sentence of death, was one of tlie most horrible in even the criminal his tory of Vermont. The child was a half sister to E. O. Meaker, husband of Emeline, and was an inmate of their household, where she was Beverly abused and maltreated, being treated, indeed, as a slave by Mrs. Meaker and Almon. Almon was a half-witted, pliant tool iu the hands of liis mother. Mr. Meaker is believed to he innocent of s'l complicity in either the abase or the murder of the child. The child was taken from bed and dressed, a sack was tied over her head, and she wae taken in a wagon to ft lonely spot in the woods, where a dose of strychnine was given her, and she was left to die in a swain]). The crime was conclusively fixed upon tire two wretched prisoners, and nothing can now save them from the terrible consequences. The time allowed the condemned to pre pare for death is so long that, the execu tion will undoubtedly be welcomed as a termination of the feeling of terror that will possess them. How Fan You Tell a Hoed Cigar! They used to say that a gissl cigar could he known by the light brown specks on it. These were made by worms, the story was, aud tlie worms were epicures in tobacco aud would touch only the best. Blit the chemists soon found a way of simulating these worm sjieck*. Bo that spoiled the test. Then there was no other guide hut the ashes. If these burned white the cigar was good , if not, bad. But the enter prising tobacconists soon found a way to make the vilest cablgenia burn as spot lessly white as the best Havana. An other test gone. Finally the makers of. choice cigars put a little rotl label Hround each. This was thought to he something which would always he a sure guide. And so it would be, hut uufortuuately some of the manufacturers liuvp, by a strange mistake, put the labels ou tho eabbagenU* ns wall M tU AMfcf) TemtrlvU TERMS: $1.50 per Aonnm. NUMBER 22. OEMS OF THOUGHT. [FrwMHo. SlMs’# “ AAu* The betity of a lovely woman like music. Our dead are never dead to ua until we have forgotten them. A woman may get to love by degrees; the beet fire does not flare up the soon est. A man may be very Arm in other mat tare, and yet be under a sort of witchery from a woman. When death, the great reconciler has come, it is never onr tenderness that we tepont of, but our severity. If you would love a woman without ever looking book on your love as a folly, she must die while you are courting her. W aas apt to be kinder to the brutes that love us than to the woman that love us. Is it beoause the brutes are dumb ? I don’t want to know people that look ugly and disagreeable, any more than I want to taste dishes that look disagreea ble. Then they looked at each other, not quite as they had looked before, for in their eyes there was the memory of a kiss. There’s no pleasure in living if you’re to lie oorked up forever, aud only drib ble your mind out by the sly, like a leaky barrel. One may be betrayed into doing tilings by a combination of circum stances which one might never have done otherwise. ‘‘ But, mother, thee know’st we can not love just where other folks ’ud have ns. There’s nobody but God that can control the heart of man Tub vainest woman is never thoroughly oouseious of her own beauty till she is loved by the man who sets her own passion vibrating in return., dear, trouble comes to us oil iu this life, wo set our hearts on things which isn't God’s will for us to have, aud then we go sorrowing. A man never lies with more delicious langor under the influence of a passion, than when he has persuaded himself that he shall subdue it to-morrow. When I have made up my iniud that I can not afford to bu v a tempting dog, I take no notice of him, because if lie took a strong fuuov to me, and looked lovingly at me, the struggle between arithmetic and inclination might become unpleasantly severe. It’s a deep mystery—the way the heart of man turns to oue woman out of alt the rest lie's seen in the world, uud makes it easier for him to work seven years for her, like Jacob did for Rachel, sooner than have any other woman for the asking. But I believe there have been men since his day who have ridden u long way to avoid a rencontre, and then galloped hastily hack, lest they should miis it. It is the favorito strategem of onr passions to charm a retreat, aud to turn shurp around upon us the moment we liuve matte up our miudH that the day is our owu. A Better Mby. The wasteful practice of burning or otherwise destroying lovo letters haa been brought into disrepute by a young lady in lowa, who iias iiad hers bound in the form of au album, which she turns out for the inspection and enter tainment of her visitors when they have wearied of praising her tidies and finished the family photographs. The device, economical as it is—and in that aspect praiseworthy—has its draw backs. To visitors who have met—as the phrase is—“with a disappointment,” the sight of such a collection would be harrowing iu the extreme. 'Then there would be the additional danger that some guest would find among the mis sives one from some laxly to whom she believed she hud a special claim The sight, in such a case, of words of love addressed to another might lie provoca tive of unpleasantness—perhaps, even, of tears or, worse still, of scratching and hair-pulling. These possibilities are to be dreaded. Fortunately they cun he avoided without recurring to the old-fashioned and waste ful method of burning love letters. Such missives coutuin—or ure popularly held to contain —a good deal of sweetness. Borne of them hare been described, in the glowing imagery of girlhood, as “just too’sweet for anothing,” but this is undoubtedly liy]‘rbole. They ought, however, to be sweet enough for glucose if there is any semblance of sweetness about them. Let the lowa plan be abandoned then and led the accumulated love letters of the country be sent to the glucose factories. The residents in the neighborhood of such factories might object. Hut they do that now. Aii Oullaw’s Sweetheart. The robber* usod to frequently shoot at targets in company with their sweet heart*, in the shooting the girls making sometimes almost as good a score as the men, and the yells that would rend the air as one’s favorite lady would split the bullet on the half dollar as it fell for ward to the ground would have done justice to a border scout. Nor were the young ladies behind them in equestrian ism, Miss Ryan, in particular, ofUu boasting that she could drop the nickel as often in the race as any of the boys. It may be proper here to explain the modus ojteraiuli of the “nickel race. A nickel or other small coin is placed in the fork* of a tree, about the distance from the ground tbit a man’s shoulder would Vie while on horseback. Each party has one shot at it as he flies by on his horse at full speed. The ladies take tlieir regular turn, and Miss Ryan baa been known to drop the nickel three times out of five raises, and that she is, indeed, at home in the saddle is demon strated by the fact that when aligbtug from her favorite horse, a powerful blai k charger, ahe simply rises from the sad dle and leaps to the ground, while btr horse walks to the nearest hitching-pot to await'its rider. When she is ready to remount, her intelligeut bora© comes at her cull, and taking h*r saddle by the pummel she bounds into it and is off at a fast gallop, t 1.2 only gftit ilwevar rides, ~ <Sif lo*ii L'mniPlt, „