The Jackson news. (Jackson, Ga.) 1881-????, March 01, 1882, Image 3

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|lie Imksott jjesus 7ackson\ ga, maR,-\, iBB2. TOU A AAD COt XTY. StTjOHNS LODGE NO. 45, F. at A. M. Meets First and Third Saturday nifait* in each month. # CITY OFFICERS. -J J W Kaston, H. N. By fra, M. I) iuS^“M.’ l McMichaeh COUNTY OFFICERS. O*MSARY.-J. F. Carmichael. t'LEBK St'PEßion Court.—L. D. \V atson. SHEIUFF.—J. C, Beauchamp. DsfrUTY Sheriff.—-W. D. Curry. <.Vru-NTT TRteURKR.—H. O. Bentdft. Tax Collector.—W. C. Nutt. Tay RlcnVOk—&. P, Vickers. County Surveyor.*-J. M. O. Mftcuro*, XJdiioNEk. —Jesse McLeroy. MAIL SCHEDULES. Forsyth. —Arrives in Jackson daily at 4 p. m Leaves Jackson daily at 4:30 p. frt% Covington. —Arrives in Ja'cfcson at i Jp. Vh., every Monday. Wednesday and Friday. leaves Jackson at 7 a. m., every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. Griffin.—leaves Jackson every Wednesday and Saturday at 6 a.m. Arrives in Jackson at r .> m.. every Wednesday and Saturday. * W, E. llarp, Postmaster. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Bxwist CmmcH.— Preaching on the Fourth Sunday, and Saturday before, m each month. G. W. McMichael, pastor: Methodist Church.— Preaching on the Socond Pur.dav, and Saturday before, in eacli month. Praver meeting every Wednesday night Sab bath School each Sabbath A oung I Men’s Prayer Meeting every Sunday night. N. E. Glenn* par tor. Y. M. C. A., mwcstlic First Tuesday night in each month at Masonic Hall. Walk up to the Cap’ns office and Bottle that little amount. A word &c. There is talk of organizing a Sunday School at the Methodist church. Miss Ida McKibben, we are sorry to learn, has the measles. Ed Henderson, our artist, has re turned from a visit to Oxford Mr. Goolsby has returned from Mo nticello where he has been visiting a eick friend. Mrs. Bill Duke has returned from Griffin where she has been on an ex tended visit. We are pleased to learn that John McKibben has recovered from a re lapse of the measles. Rev. Mr. Pierce, of Griffin, filled the pulpit at the Baptist church on last Saturday and Sunday. We are sorry to chronicle the ill ness of our young friend Jimmie Har den, who is quite sick with the mea sles. We regret to learn that the infant of nut friend and citizen Henry Land is unite sick with fever. Hops it will soon be restored to health. Miss Ellen Finley went to Atlanta last Saturday for the purpose of laying in aSpring stock of millinery goods. Mrs. Sallie Duncan is visiting the Gate City. She contemplates purchas ing a stock of millinery and fancy goods preparatory to commencing busi - ness in Jackson. Capt. W. C. Nutt has a communi cation in this issue, which will be read with interest by his many friends. He thinks Florida is great country. He states that he will return to Jackson in a few days. A communication in another col umn of this issue, from Indian Springs, pays a high compliment to Gen. Hen drick and wife, two aged citizens of Alabama, recently of this county. The new departure of two of Butts’oldest citizens was quite a surprise. Hurah for Col. McKibben, lie is build ing a residence for everybody that wants to locate in Jackson at present. We noticed one in course of erection near Billie Shields on Railroad street. Ifyou want anew house to live in, walk up to the Colonel’s office and register your name with instructions as to what kind of a house you want. It is almost invoriably our luck to miss a good thing. We have reference to the turkey dinner at the Benton House on last Sunday, to which we had a cordial invitation but was de bared from the pleasure of attending by unavoidable absence from the city. Our representative, however, was on hand and viewed things more critical ly than probably we would have done, and reports the occasion an enjoyable one. Quite a crowd of young people were present and the day passed off leaving pleasant recollections in the memory of those who attended. Mr. and Mrs. B. will please accept our thanks for their kind invitation. We attended Rockdale Superior Court last week, and was glad to meet some of our old friends in Conyers. Mr. H. P. Almand showed us a beau tiful design for a block of brick build ing on the East side of the square of Jackson, showing a front that if built accordingly, would be a credit to any town. Mr. Almand informs us that be will be here in a few days if the weath er is favorable. Hehas received a bill of lading for his machinery which will be here some time this month. We took passage to Covington with Capt. Loyd, the faithful and accommo dating post-man. He is a jovial good fellow and will keep you awake. \V e noticed that thesmall grain crop along the route looked flourishing and bids far for an abundant yield, and we are pleased to note that considerable acre age has been planted. We learn that a number of planters have been re fused credit in Covington, to furnish stipples for the coming year, especially for guano, as the privilege has been so much and extensively abused last year, by farmers trading off tiieir guano and failing to pay for it, that dealers are compelled to be a little cautions to who they sell. Some of the farmers of Rockdale assert that they do not in tend to use a single sack of guano this season. They have saved several tons oflot manure and with a little com post they will have enough to do them. This is certainly commendable. Don’t forget that Mark, the barber, has moved his shop into the little house on the East side of the square, former ly occeupied as a shoe shop. Brother Smith takes a whole column in the Argus to simply teli us 'We aUft inconsistent. LOAHSOpIET. Svill be negotiated on Five Years Time on Improved Farms in Spalding and Butts counties*by L. B. Nelson, At lanta Cto., in sums of S3OO and Upwards. Applications must be made through BECK & BEEKS, Attorneys at Law, Griffin-, Ga. WOMAN A REMEDY FOR HER ONLY. Cheapen than phyaician's bills, amt to bfe aaed by women exclusively. It is prepared fot them only, and and is specially adapted to cases where the womb is disordered, and will cure all irreg ularities of the ’’menses”, or monthly rNKirsesr , whether acute or chronic, by the dis charge. This great boon is Dt. J. Bradfield’s Fe male Kegulator, and known and recognized as 'WomaWs Best Friend’' Prepared by Dr. J. Brads field Price : trial size, 75c; large size $1.30. For ale by all drugists. Griffin Sun : From Utr. fi. W. Ham mond, who was in Atlanta Friday, and had a talk With Mr. Julius-Brown, the recent nurchaser of the Griffin, Monticello and Madison railroad, we hear that that gentleman has deci ded to change the route of his road and carry it to Locust Grove, leaving the original line at Ringold Lodge. Only six miles of grading would be necessary to carry out this scheme, and it has fat more sense in it than the “ subsidy ” plan that Mr. Brown has been talking about for some time past. Mr. Hammond says that deeds to the right of Way have been purchas ed, and that work will begin at once, as Mr. Brown's idea is to have the road completed by the time the other road is finished to the point named. Now the scheme looks tip top on a paper, :d the writer proposes carry ing "our Edward ” over on the first train that Mr. Brown runs from the place. Loeufct Grove, and set ’em up on each end of the road. At any rate, we hope, and believe that Mr. Brown, or someone else will build a road from this point to the Grove. SCHOOL NOTICE I will commence my school at Jack son, Monday week, the 30th of January, and propose to teach ten scholastic months. Pupils will not be taken for a shorter period than three months, and will be charged from the time they enter until notice is given that they have finally stopped. Jan., 16th, 1882. janlS. W. 11. BLACKJ/OIIE. list of Jurors. The following a list of Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn at the Septem ber term, 1881, to serve at the March term 1882, of Butts Superior Court. GRAND JURORS. Andrew J Moore J W Carmichael W M Mallet Sam McKibben Jno W Gibson L J Ball w II Tlraxton Lewis Atkinson J W Lemmons R E Man M L Hendrick J M Ogletree W A Newton W A J Fretwcll LII Moore W F Douglass B C Ward J H McCall urn J IF McCord Jr J C Maddox RIF Aik in J M Ball J B Evans IF D Curry N 0 Alexander R F Gilmore Thos P Bell J H Duke J A Moore C G Harper TRAVERSE JURORS. IFM Roberts R G Lavander A A Good rum H J Aikin John M Holifield S M Thomas John IFStrosior PR IFatkins J IF Fletcher IF N IFoodward Newt M Hammond IF F Swan Robt K Fears R G Byars Jr Henry O Benton M A Duke T J MeMichael H J Collins 0A IF Andrews M G Bond Pies Evans IFM Hark ness Sim P Vardeman IF H Maddox LA Duke G IF IF bite T J Collins W F Hale TJ Preston John Kinard H B Foster T 0 IFoodward J H Lewis N C Amos C IF F Maddox I ist of Advertised Letters The following is a list of letters re maining in the Jackson post office, un claimed. Parties calling for the same, must say “advertised.” Wm. W. Anderson, (11); Guss Ar nold, col, W J Bleadsoe; Bond & Nutt [2]; L M Buck; II G Bearden; W D Bartlett; Thos R Bailey. E B Cooper; Effen Carter, care Bran non & Linza; W A Caldwell, valuable; Betsey Cook, care Jim Maddox. Miss Lydia Dires; E B Darden ; Mrs. F Darden; Miss Pattie Dawson, col; B Daniell; Durham & Cook. H E Ellis. Billy Flemister; RobtK Fears; Wash ington Flint. J W Gibson; L B Gones. Eli Holland (2); Mrs Jane Heath; P II Hales; Jeff Holifield;; Mrs E L Heath; II P Hales; G W Head; W M Harkness; Allen J Hales; A M Harris; Anthony Harkness. A Jolly; Miss Annie Jones; Crowder Kidtnell. J M Lasseter (2); Miss Annie Lee. James McDaniell; I J Maddox; Sam uel Moody, col; Dillard Moore, col; J B Mangum or McGough. J II Nutt; Samuel Narville; J B Pat rick. , _. E B Stalls worth; W yly Sims. Dicy Tavlor; Robt Taylor (2). _ J 0 Williams (3); Henry C Williams; John Williams; Daniell White, col; Frank White, col; Charles Williams, care Ben Watkins. If not called for in 30 days, will be ""“'"iK*'!. M. Feb, Ist, 188— [Communicated] Indian Springs, Ga., Feb., 28th, 1882. Ed. News. —Remarkable longevity and long life together. Til'd feVibject of this sketch are names of persons aB fa milliar as household words. Gen. Hen drick and wife. TlcCir lives suggeßt tlvoVigbt of peculiar interest, having lived as man and wife more than f'O years, is indeed remarkable and a rare instance. ' Two souls with hut n single thougM, Two hearts that beat as one” for more than three score years is beau tiful and must he fraught with love and Interest. What wonderful physicque 1 What strength of intellcst and will? >v li#t faith and love in God above to brave the storms, perils and troubles of so long a life. Butts county felt a rare prrefe in this father and brother as citi eens, ami much did her native hills re gret having to give the parting hand, but as the Psalmist David said, " The daN's of thy years are three-schore years and ten, and if by reason of strength they tae four-score years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow,” so it is in this case, they have long past the al lotted time, and have become infirm and almost helpless. The children and grand children met at the old homestead, held a convocation, and agreed to have the old people taken eare of. They have now become cit izens of our sister state, Alabama— How appropriate the Indian signiffica tion, “Here let us rest.” Gen. Hendrick is a native of Vir ginia, borne 1873. His wile is a native of Georgia, is now 87 years old. They were the “Siamese Twins” of our lov ed Butts ; have waxed old in age, love, sympathy and confidence, and are closely knit in bonds of affection. They have left in the county, children known for honor, industry and integrity. Mrs. Lawson, of Indian Spring, a daughter, and two sons. Mrs. Bates, of Coving ton, is another daughter. Miss Mar tha, who has been their special bless ing and comfort, has gone with them to their new home. Alabama claims several Sons and daughters of this fam ily circle. Messrs R. J.& F. M. Lawson, the enterprising and much esteemed young men of Indian Spring, are grand sons; the wish of the Writer is, that when the golden bowl has been broken, and the last tie with earth been sever ed, then may the mantle of such rever ed grand parents, be thrown on their shoulders ; may their lives be as long, and their characters as pure and un tarnished. Butts caunty has experienced a loss We will, perhaps, never again know of such longevity of both husband and wife. If it be true, that old age puri fies and refines, then these dear friends, without a blot or stain on their man tle of white, aro only awaiting the por tals of Heaven to be thrown open. My wish is that tlrt>y may be yet spar ed to celebrate their diamond wedding, which is the7sth anniversary, and may their children and grand children re joice on that occasion. Indian Seringb Correspondent. Fort Mayson, Fla., Feb., 20th 18S2. Ed. Jackson News. Agreeble to promise I will take time, though I am very busy, to write you a few lines. I arrived safe at this place on the 26th ultimo, found every thing in a boom, especially around Fort Mason, and I believe this is given up to he the gar den spot, as it is free from killing frost. In several instances Vegatation has been killed seventy-five miles farther South, while ours are unhurt. This is attributed to the water protection that we have, being on an island surround ed by the beautiful lakes known as Lake Eustis and Lake Yale. Lands are high and still going up. Improv ed land on our island is worth from ten to fifteen dollars per acre, in fact, improved lands are not for sale. As an evidence of our success in raising vagatables I will state when I arrived here, over three weeks ago, some of my neighbors where shipping peas, and a few days later they were ship ping beans and tomatoes. Bob (my son) being anew coiner and having no experience in the business, has a later crop than some of the rest, our beans and tomatoes have just began to bloom but are looking very well. I will try to get home by the first of March and will bring you a mess of our own raising. I have been quite busy ever since I landed here hauling lumber and building ; have had the chance to visit hut few orange groves ; I find they are nearly done shipping. Boh has started us a nice little grove one mile from Fort Mason. I gather from your valuable paper that you have, had Rome very Cold weather. We have not had any use for fire to warm by since here I have been, except a few times I hope the cold weather will bo over by the time I get horrre. I would have written before now but for the want of time. W. C. Nutt. The case of the 4-vear-old hoy who ; became an Invalid through inveterate | smoking, his parents having given him ! all the tobacco he wanted, is interesting j the faculty of the Surgical Institute in Indianapolis. They have deprived him wholly of the weed, and hope to cure him of spinal trouble whieh his habits has caused. He had smoked an average of ten cigars a day for a year. The Constitution cannot understand why the farmers of the South do not get rich. Wasted time, credit prices and generally bad economy is the cause. No business "will sncceed con -1 ducted on the same principles. Macon Tel <fc Messenger. Another ludepcudent Jeffersonian democrat, provided lor-by the Sfcal wart administration of King Arthur the first. Mr, J. R. Banks takes Ihe bread ontmf the mouth of Miss ltoddey, a of one of Mon roes old honored trusted physicians, who has passed over the liver and is now resting undeV the shade of the trees oh EieVnitys shore. O shame where is thy blush. To how much lower depths shall our people 'descend? A man claiming to he Vtspeetable, willing to oust a woman from a little office she is competent to fill, for the sake of a few leave -an I fishes 1 V r ily an Ihdependent [so (tailed] is cheaply bought*—to the Radicals, but most dearly to himself. When he is willing to sacrifice his independence and tiis manhood, for a little village Post Office, and take it away from such a woman as the daughter of Dr. Roddey 1 O lempora 1 O mores ! Monroe Ad' i rtiser. Mill WORK, J. S. Knott, JACKSON, - - - 11 A. All Work Warranted, Carriages, Buies, Wai ms, k overhauled and repaired on short no tice. ALL KINDSOF Job Work done with neatness and dispatch. CARRIAGE SMITHING BONE, UNDERTAKER. Will keep on hand Coffins, Caskets, and Undertakers Hardware. A hearse will also t>o ftirnished. B@U Shop in rearof Duke’s store. marl DR. R. G. BRYANS, -^o— aid Snrpon. £*.() M. JUEHOX, - - G\. —O— OFFICE UNDER MASON IB lIALL, one Door South of Drug Store. Can be Pound at night with Y. A. Wright, first door J. J. Euston’s ae*,OALLS call t,e left with Y. A. Wright, or James Harden.-i©a jari2s TO GIVE AWAY A FIRST-CLASH SEWING MA CHINE AT THIS OFFICE. \\7 |S hiVc a bran nteW WHITE SEWING MA- X'V CHINE, with 7 draWePa, dfopleaf. cover, rollers an*l a complete set of ixtrn attachment*, which we will give to any man or wowan who will get Up a club of W cosh subscriber* U 1 the Jackson News, at #1,•'30, each. We will give the company*® written guarantee ah the machine to keep the game in good order lor the apace of five years. The machine is finely finished with gilt and is a perfect beautv. Come mid see it. It is easily managed and the lightest running ma chine in the market. If you fail toget up the 75 subscribers, wc will pay you a liberal per cent on the number you bring us, for yjur trouble. Respectfully, 14dectf W. 15. IUUP, publisher. WOMAN PLOCLAMATION—FREEDOM FOR WOMAN.. What \h the right of the ballot to woman com pared with her privilege of enjoying health and happiness in the charmed oirelit of her social and domestic relations? Among the many discoveries tending to promote the happiness an advance ment of the human race, nothiig is so intimately connected with the heltli and happiness of woman the eentere and source ofour highest earthly en joyments—as the discovery of a remedy which meet® her peculiar Wants, and fits her for the on* joyrnentsof life, and for miuisieriugto the happi ness of those with whoine she is associated in the tender relations of sister, wife, ami mother. This remedy is found in J>r. J. Brudflsld’s Female Regulator, ’’Womans Rest Friend.” Hy it wo man is emancipated from the ills peculiar to her so*. Before its matfitS power all irregularities of the womb vanish. It cures” whites” suppres sion of the menses and removes uterine obstruc tions It cures constipation and strengthens tin* system braces the nerves and purifies the blood and thus doing, it does more for her, ami through her, for the whole human family than any dis covery of modern times It uHver fails as thous ands of women carl testify. Prepared by I>r. J, Brad field, Atlanta, <*u. Price: trial size, large size, 81. 50. For sale by all druggists. GREAT ICE WES A IF ROUTE VIA Western & Atlantic It. It On anil after Sunday, J)eoemler 1. 1*79, Triple Daily Passenger trains will be run by tlie Old Re liable Kennesaw Route. THE FAST MAIL THAI* NOBTFI. Leave* Allanta at - 2:00 p m Arrives Knoxville at 10:30 p ni Arrives Bristol at - - , - - 3:45 an Arrives Lv non burg at - t - - 1:55 p m Arrive* Washington at - - - 9 40 p ni Arrive* New York at - - - - 6 45 a in THE EAST MAIL TKAIff SOUTH. Leave* New York at lOitJO p in Leaves Washington at * - * 7:00 a m Arrvies Atlanta at * * • 12:55 noon Only 89 Hours from, New York to Atlanta. Pullman ear* run daily between New Orleans, Mobile, Montgomery, vi: Attasla to Washington, without change, connecting closely at Washing ton with Pullman car* and coaches for New York without change. Pullman Palace Oar* leave New York daily, making close connection at Washington with Pullman <'ars for Atlanta, Montgomery, Mobile, and New Orleans. The Kennesaw Route is the pnly line offering such through car arrangement*. THE FAST MAIL TRAIN also make* close connection at Chattanooga from and to all points West. THE EXPRESS TRAIN NORTH Leaves Atlanta at - - - . 9:25 p in which maes close connection* for Rome, also at Chattanooga for all points West. THE EXPRESS TRAIN SOUTH Arrives at Atlanta - • 10:50 p m making connection frord all point* West, also from Virginia add Tennessee points. THE ACCOMMODATION Leaves Atlanta daily (except Sunday) 4:35 p m Arrive* Atlanta “ “ *' 7:55 a in I>ow Excurson and Emigrant Rate* to all points in Texas. Bend for schedule. B, W. WRKNN, OtoU Passenger Atlanta, Ou PATENTS We continue to ct an Solicitors for Patent s. Caveat*, Trade Marin. Copyrights, etc., for the United states, Canada. Cuba. England, FrajiC- Germany, etc. We have had thirty-live years’ eupcrlciice. Patents obtained through u* are noticisl In the for estikic American. This large and splendid Illus trated weekly paper. $3.20 a year,showsthe Progress of Science, Is very loterestlne. and has an enormous circulation. Address ML'NN A CD., Patent Solid (ora. Pub's of SclßSTinc American, iff Park li.jv Jte w York. Hand book about Patent* free. MEDICAL NOTICE. rpHE undersigned having: located in the town .L of Jackson, otters his professional services t< the citizens of Jackson and surround ing county. He is an 'old physician Vf 2A years experience. His UFKIcK is at the .BENTON HOUBE. J. N. CHENEY, M. D. 21oct3m Look Out I SIOO,OOO to Change hands 10 Miles from Atlanta Valuable Real Estate foV sale and t*> rent in the city of Griftin and through Middle fwonria to the vafoo Vf ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL LARS and over, has been consigned to thte under signed for sale and rent, consisting of improved ohiYdatiou*, both large and small; houses and lots, and store houses in the city, with good and well established trade Rost water and liest cli mate in the South. Also dealer in Groceries and Family Supplies, and Bgent foT the (Vntcnnial (Sin, Feeder and Condons**. Call on or address G. A\ CUNNINGHAM, Ih-al Estate Agent, Grinin, Ga. r.KORUI I HOTEL, GRIFFIN ; .... <FA Sv & SHELL* I’HOPfHKTOR. The above hotel is Wrvtfed T\v*ntV yards from the de|Ht Kates 82 per day. Tables supplied with the best the market rvtfords. Special rates given to citizens of Spalding and adjoining coun ties. SMf Brick Yard. 13 rick; >1 utle WITH MACHINERY. THE UNDERSIGNED beg We* tb inform th* pcxVple of Jackson and surrounding country, that they will commence the mnntifnoflire of brick, in Jauktfdfi, atari early day, and will fur itfufc \UcWi At prices that defy eMYi|iotition. They have purchased new and improved machinery, and will bo prepared to furnish all the brick used in this section at short notice. 30novly 11. P. ALMAND A SON. DENTISTRY. I TAVING located at Jacksdn. I dfcsife to stat* I I to the people of this artd surrounding conn ties that 1 am pv'epufed td do any and all kinds of DENTAL WORK, at reasonable prices. Of fice up staifs in the Higgins building. Satisfac tion guaranteed. „ Nov. 16th J* W. CKt’*, Dentist. MARK, THEBAEBER 3 )EGB leave to inform thr citizens of Jackson Jam) th<e public generally, that he is now pre pared to give an EASY’ SHaVE. Hair Cutting, Shampooning, Etc., clone in GOOD STYLE, Dive him n call, at tlio Livery Stahl*. THE CITIZENS OF Butts and Adjoning Counties, Wo have moved from Iliggin’s cor ner to the house recently oeeupiil ns n Drug Store by Dr. Carmichael, where we will he pleased to see you all. Wo intend to keep good goods and CARNOT BE UNDERSOLD. OUli MOTTO IS Quick Sales, •AND Small Profits. Onr line of goods will he ns good as can be bought in any market, consist ing of lire** Good*. Gentleman* Clothing, Xotioiw, GROCERIES, Hardware Willow-ware Glass and .Tugware, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Cups and in fact all goods kept in a first-class general store. Roberts, Roberts, & Goolsby, jnntS JACKSON. GA. FIRST CLASS BAR, JACKHON GA. EAT ’ DRINK I,E mekky. jwi efc iMI if | /Y-\ J. J. EASTON’S \\ V 1. I--*- WIIISKIKS . Makes yoli FAT. Alter Taking. Before Takinu HY, Jrnoi; You ore getting powerful tnl of tat,-! Getting plenty to cut now ? Not any too much to eat John, its the quality of liquor a man drinks. You are looking rather thin John, what’s the matter, got the cramp ’ Wei, X tell yon Judge, I look a drink of red liquor 'while ago and I’m feeling powerful bud. It's the quality of liquor you drink, my boy, Look at me. If you Want to live long and grow fat, always dolour tooling with the OLD RELI ABLE J. J. KASTO.V, where you can always get PURE WISKIES. Ciin, Hum, II r* r tidies Ac. THE CELEBRATED AURORA LAGFR BEER n nnd bottled. Pur* Rye and corn whisky for medicinal purposes, a specialty. If you waitt something fo make a lean man fat and a fd man leaii-agaimrt a post call on J< J< KABTuN. Tdeutf. Just RgcbM at Hie New Hardware Store Burr a Mills, 40 HILL STEET, GRIFFIN, GA. A New and Complete Sto9k of IIAitDWAItE, CONSISTING OF Cutlery, Guns, Pistols, Cartrigcs, Gun Maietirtl, Lucks, Butts, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Bolts, Horae mid Mulo Shoes, Sliovols, Spades, Hay and Manure Forks. Rakes, Axes, Blacksmith and Car penters Tools, Trace. Brest,{llivlter, and Well Chains. Ell? Wieelfi, Spates, Ms, RIMS, S/Ll FIS ami AXLE* Belting, lace leather, * _ Gum, hemp, and lead Packing, babbitt, metal, Fittings for steam engines, Rope, and in fact every thing to he found in a first-class Hardware store. Wo have also on hand a flill supply of COOKINC —AND— * HRATISG ST O’VIES, Tinware, House Fomisbins: Go:J, k ROOFING Aoi all Kiois tf Tie, Copper, AND SHEET IRON. Work done neatly and on short notice. IVe have the largest and efcntcßl va riety of goods, in our line, that lias ev er Been offered in Griffin, and nil bought before the recent advance. I’lertse call and examinogoods and pri ces, as We intend to make it to your interest to buy from us> mint X HI I* IX, Succcessors to 11. G, Burr —H. C. Burr’s old stand, No. 4G Hill Street, Griffin, G 28oet3m New Process Ml. OK GOLDEN BREAD. o MANUFACTURE!) AT ISLAND SHOALS MILLS, rjMIESE MILLS have on entire outfit of NEW PROCESS MACHINERY manufactured especially for them. Thin flour in highly recommended hy Dr. lluv good, hwtWrt of Emory College, who calls the bread made from it “Golden Brand, ..i.m. the flour takes Us name and each Hack w ill be branded GOLDEN BBEAB. —FOIt SALE— Hy BYERS At MALLKTT and A. Me WAT KINS* HON, Jackson, (la. JOS IAII BOS WORTH & CO. 21decly Proprietor’s Mills. Lively and Feed Stable, R. T. WATKINS, PROP’S. JACKSON GA. O rpHE PEOPLE of Butt* county and the t ravel- I I rig pilMHe generally, are hereby notified tlrnl a livery and feed stable if* now ofien ill Jaeksonj where they cun be accommodated at reasonable prices. 1 have in connection, a, large Jot suitable for drover*, convenient, to *hw stock to the best advantage* C BABBEB SHOP. Your attention i* also called td the fact that a good liAKHPiU HHOP is run in connection witli the Stable. Ifalr cut, shaving and shampootiing done by a first-class barber. O u BiR AND BILLIARDS. FINE Whiskey. WINES, BEER, AIE, ETC., R. T. Mins, Proprietor, JACKSON GA* o My stock of wine*, whiskey cct,. ore large, and are, genuine. I keep the bent and purest in the market My term* and prices are reasonable Give my goods atriul and la: convinced of their •xvoleut quality. flOnovljr Siieriff's Sab for March, STATE OF GEORGIA, ) Butts County, j ~\ VTILL BE HOLD before the court house door \\ in the town of Jackson, said county uml State,on the EIKHT TUI BDAY in MAHUII next IXB2, within the legal hour* of sale, tlie following described property to-wit : All the One-eleventh undivided interest in that property lying and being in said comity, town of MclntoHh and Indian Springa reserve, knnwnnflthc Mclntosh Hotel jroperty, contain ing eight (8) ucrex more or less, being lot mini ber 36 on which the Mclntosh Hotel, garden, out hoiiHes and Htables are sitnated, being four acres lean a strip on West side of Haiti lot, 36, of 80 feet front by 50 feet, upon which Lamar’s store houne and a sinn 11 wooden building are situated, ami about two (2) aefes ofl’of lots Nob. 40 A J\o lying South of hit 36'Afafl separated from it by a street; the said eleventh nndjvlded interest be ing levied on as the•pfrd'ftefty of Bryan A. ( oi lier, one of the Defendants, by virtue of one ti fa issued out of the Justice Court of the 946t1 District G. M., Dougherty county, Georgia, in favor of Charles A. Shnndnl .<(• C’o., vs. ('oilier Ac Cheves. Tenant in possessiou notified. This, February, Ist, ISB2. J. O. BEAUCHAMP, Sheriff B. C\ STATE OF GEOIiGIA, I H\tts County. ( ■\ \TILL BE SOLD before tlie court house door VV in the town of Jackson, said county and State within tin* legal hours of stile, tin the FJKST TUESDAY in MARCH next, 1882, the following described property to-wit : All the one-eleventh undivided intertTH in all that property lying mid being in said county, town of Mclntosh and Indian Springs reserve, fcnWwn ns the Mclntosh Hotel property, contain ing eight (8) aoYes more or lt/sH, being lot No. 36 on which the Mclntosh Hotel, gardens, outhous es ami staides are situated, being four acres less n strip tin the West nh!o of said lot, of 80 feet front by AO feet, uikjii which Lanmr’s store house and a small wooden building are situat' and, and about two (2) acres each, off of hits 49 and - r 4>, KVing South of lot 36 and separated from it by a Street : the said eleventh undivided interest be ing levied on ns the property of Br.yan A. Col lier, Defendants in tl fa, by virtue of ufl tk, issued out of the Superior Court of Dougherty county, Georgia, in favor of J. M. Fretchln A (Jo., vs. B. A. Collier. Tenat in poHncssion notified. Thin loth day of January, 1882. J. (). BEAUCHAMP, Sheriff, B. C\ SHERIFF’S SALK FOR APRIL. STATE OF GEORGIA,) Butts (Bounty. J TTTIU. BE SOLD before the court house, VV door itithe town of Jackson said county and state on the first Tuesday in April 1882 with in tlie legal hours of sale the following dlscribed property to wit: Onxs hundred acres of laiul No hot known, sitdated and being in the 616 District tl. M. hi said county and State hound as follows: North by lands of A. (4. Smith: West by hinds of T. O. Mdcfetroy : South by lands <it William Bond ; East by hinds of J. L. Barnet. Levied tijsln os th'e property of Caroline M. IJ. Cnrgile liy virtue ana to satisfy one Fi. Fa. issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of John Middleton AdnMVl*fVtttbr on thV* estate of Nutvoy Middleton vs Caroline M B (Jnrgile tenant in poscMsiou notified this Feb. Iltli 18X2. J. O. BEAUCHAMP, -■* rihcrilT, B. C. E. P. CATCHINGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. J\CKXOK, • - GA. WlLh phmd and practice in Butts mid adjoin ing counties, OFFICE lit Court House, 1 fob ’BB. C. .1. loweiT Jeweler, JACKSON, - - GEORGIA. rtepaiVhik dbnc on short notteh. VVork Ajnar anteed. Dealer in scwirig nmcldnc <il ami at fc lachnicntH. I fob ’B2 To Tlie Public. Tilt? undersigned ih ndw prepared to carry passengt rs on the regular mail route between Jackson and Covington at reasonable rates. Will leave Jackson every Tuesday, Thursday nml .Saturday morning at 7 o’clock. I will also carry baggage or other light freight. Your patronage solicited. C'apt. J. I*. LOYD, Mall Contractor. P. H. -When in JutfUwrw l cun be foil ml at thb Itch (on House. M. V. McKibben, A TTORNEY A TLA IF, JACKXO.V, - - CJA. sep 9 It. ÜBMDRTCK. Y. A. WUIUtIT. HENDRICK & WRIGHT, Attorneys At Law. JACKSON, BUTTS CO., GA. WILL practice in all the COUUTri except in the cot' nt y oornf. Will attend to all business PROMPTLY. Bti vvo\ mu si'., JnrkNon, Bn,. fTMIIC only hotel ottering special neeommoda- I lions to the traveling public visiting Jackson. Thfe tables are furnished with the very best market utfords. Feed niuuii-s. Parties traveling ly private conveyance can also have their stock cured for at reasonable rates. 11. <>. BKNTON, sep 30-1 y Puopkiktoh. R. J. DEANE, PHOTOGRAPHER And Dealer in Picture Frames, 17 llill Street, - - - Giukfix, G.v All sixes and kinds of Fict-Hass work executed promptly. Old pictures copied ami enlarged wall picture of yourself in a lmndsome'framo Bxlo inches,only $2. lt|‘limn<l X Danville 12. It PASSENGER DI3PARTMENT. On and after June sth, 1881, Passenger Train Service o. the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line division of this rood will be a* follow* : lOuhtward. UNITED STATE* MAIL, NO. 43, A. Leave Atlanta 4:00 a lit Arrive Charlotte, m 3:35 p m NEW YORK EXPRESS, NO 47, B. Leave Atlanta, ----- 3:15 p m Arrive Charlotte, m - 3:15 uni UNITED STATE* FAST MAIL, NO 49, C. Ijcave Atlanta, * 0:9) p m Afrive Charlotte, m - - - - 5:35 u m HUWANKE ACCOMMODATION, NO 21. Leave Atlanta, ----- 5:00 p m Arrive Suwannee, D, - - 7:ob-p iu WcMtwnrd. UNITED HTATS* MAIL, NO 43. I/cave Charlotte, m, * * 4 12:30 p m Arrive Atlanta, - * * * 12:05 atu few YORK EXPRESS, NC 48. I/Care Charlotte, M, 12:43 a in Arrive Atlanta, ----- 12:20 p m UNITED STATE* FAST MAIL, NO 00. I.cave Charlotte, M, 12:33 a m Arrive Atlanta, - - - 10:35 a ni SUWANNEE ACCOMMODATION, NO 22. I/Cave Suwannee, D, • • * * 5:40 ani Arrive Atlanta • • • • * 8:00 a m CONNECTIONS. A, with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A Mud W Pmllwadfc B, w ith arriving train* of Georgia Central, A and W P and W and A railroads. C, with trains arriving on Ga. railroad. I), with Lawrenceville Branch to and from Lawrcncoville. M, with ’ Cand A—<l C.—R and D and A T and O, for all points West. North mid Exist. Pullman Sleeping Car Service mt Trains No 47 and 48 daily, without change, In'tween Atlanta and New York. A. POPE, sept 9 Gen’l Pass. Agent. SDP.OET Yiinr Coaly {ape*.