Newspaper Page Text
W. E HARP, Publisher.
Virginia has (he larges mast crop
known-for years.
The 'Virginia penitentiary now con
tains GS2 couvies.
About three-fourths of the fruit crop
of Georgia has been dried.
At Gainesville, Ga., [Mis. dumber
died at the age of 100 years.
The South will make 7,("00,000 gal
lons of cotton seed oil this year.
Bee-keeping is becoming a large and
profitable industry in Mississippi.
The trade in cotton in Montgomery,
Ala , last year footed up $6,000,000.
Florida has shipped, during the sea
son just closed, 25,000 head of cattle to
In some portions of North Alabama
corn is offered at twenty-five cents a
Clay county, N. C., polls but twenty
negro votes, while Wake heads the list
with 5,128 : .
The colored mil it ary co.nptlhies'ilr the-'
fkmth will hold an encampment in At
lanta this fall
The Selma, Ala., cotton mills have
just sliiyped five car loads of cotton
goods to China.
Hale county, Ala., is looking out for
her moss industry and is gathering
thousands of tons.
Macon, Ga., lias a bonded debt of but
$700,000, and taxable property amount
ing to $10,000,000.
Memphis has one-seventli of the
whole number of cotton-secd oil mills
in the whole country.
The first and only r town clock in the
State of Florida surmounts the new
court house at Tampa.
Large and very rich deposits of iron
ore have recently been discovered in
Marshall county, Ala.
A "rove of eighty bananna trees,
eighteen months old, is hearing good
fruit at Waynesboro, Ga.
An effort is being made to found a
collect: at Greenville, Miss., for the ed
ucation of colored youths.
Over 400 mines, including silver, cop
ror nnd othnr minerals, are being work
ed in iNortli Carolina.
Florida will soon be a perfect net
work of railways, and the rapid devel
opment of the State will of course fol
low. Her resources are wonderful, and
a few years will place her among the
liveliest of the Southern States.
North Caroolina’s rice crop Is good,
and this year will reach 65,000 bushels
of tide-water and 200,000 bushels of up
A stalk of Sea Island cotton nme feet
in height and having forty-two branches
and 250 bolls, is on exhibition at Bron
son. Fin.
The Georgia Lunatic Asylum is full
to overflowing, and cannot accommo
date a laige number of insane persons
waiting treatment,
Tt is estimated that over one-half of
the new manufactories started in the
South during the last two years belong
to Northern capitalists.
Little Rock, Ark., voted on the
'‘license” question at the recent election
and decided by an overwhelming ma
jority to continue to “sip of the flowing
The New Orleans Times-Democrat say
it is quite probable that .the amount
paid by the South to the West for food
stuffs this year will be $103,000,000
less than paid in 1881.
The Atlanta Constitution publishes a
table showing the taxable property of
Georgia to be worth, as returned from
taxation, $200,000,000, an increase over
ast year’s returns of $16,000,000.
There are now twenty-two iron fur
naces in Alabama. The Birmingham
Age says that within a radius of fifty
miles of Birmingham there is enough
iron to supply a thousand furnaces for
a thousand years.
Two more of the old guard have pass
ed over the dark river. Michael Hol
bert, aged 101 years, died last week in
Marion county. West Va., and James
Stalwart, aged 111 years, has just died
in Aocomac county, Va.
The Americug (Ga.) Recorder says
that during the present cyclone the
wells in tlie eastern part of the city
were blown dry. These wells, up to
the time of the gale, were unfailing.
The explanation of this remarkable
occurrence is the existence of subterra
nean passages and Hie violent agitation
on the surface opened channels of es
cape for the water to these.
A curious looking specimen of the
bovine race was exhibited on the streets
of Greensboro, N. C., recently. The
animal is a Devonshire bull calf, three
months old, with a tail and hide similar
to those of an elephant. The calf is
about the usual size, and apparently
well and hearty. Its hide is entirely
destitute of hair, lies in heavy folds
like an elephant’s, and is of about the
same color, Tlie tail is short and
A suit which will prove of great in
terest to theatre-goers and managers of
amusement halls has been brought at
Richmond, Vnjf A gentleman was ar
rested in the opera house of that city
for occupying a seat for which he had
ne coupon, although lie had a ticket of
admission. The seat was the only va
cant one in the house. Now lie will
ask the courts to decide whether or not
the theatre is compelled to furnish seats
when a ticket is sold for it and the
money paid.
iiivc Jewelry.
“ Hero is something wew in the way
of ornamentation," a salesman in a large
up-town jewelry store said, opening a
box. Out walked a monster beetle,
fully four inches in length. About its
body was a solid gold band, locked by a
tiny padlock, to which was attached a
costly gold chain, about two inches in
length, fastened to a pin. The beetle,s
back glistened in light, having been
treated to a dress of gold, and as it
lumbered along its long legs worked to
gether in a curious fashion. ►‘lt’s a
shawl pin. Yoa see the pin is used to
fasten the faceo’ashawl, or perhaps worn
■on tlie bonnet, the insect crawling
around the length of the chain. They
areperfeotlyliarmiess andnot expensive,
as they live on air—that is, they have
never been seen to eat. This ono was
brought here to mount, which is a very
fine operation, as the legs and antennae
are all so delicate. After all, there is
nothing objectionablo about them, ex
cept the idea of having them crawl over
you. They all come from South Ameri
ca, and the only lot in the city is to lie
taken to France, where the owner will
try to introduce the fashion of wealing
them. They costfromsl() to SSO, depend
ing entirely on the amount of the ring.
There is nothing cruel about it, as they
are bound loosely, and the gold has no
effect upon their hard sides.
In Brazil tlie fashion of wearing beetles
is carried to a great extent. A well
known resident has a beetle with a col
lar of gold which meets at the top, and
is there ornamented with a iliamond of
great value. The insect has a cage sur
rounded by the plants among which it
lives in its native state, and nothing is
neglected to make it as comfortablo as
possible. But the most popular insect
used for an ornament in Brazil is a small
phosphorescent beetle. These are often
worn fastened in the hair, and as the two
phosphorescent or light-giving spots arc
on the sides of the head, the black in
sect is, of course, invisible, especially
when in the raven locks of the fair Bra
zilians. Twenty or thirty of these bee
tles will throw out a light sufficient to
rend by, n'lil when arranged around tlio
head in a circle, or grouped over the
forehead and held in place, the effect is
beautiful. — New York Sun.
Butting Away Tools.
The wearing out of farm implements
is, as a rule, uue more to neglect Ilian
to use. If tools can be well taken care
of, it will pay to buy those m ule of the
best steel, and finished in the best man
ner: but in common hands, and with
common care, such are of little advant
age. Iron and steel parts should be
cleaned with dry sand and a cob, or
scraped with a piece of soft irru, washed
and oiled if necessary, and in a day or
two cleaned off with the corn-cob, and
dry sand. Finally paint the iron part
with rosin and beeswax, in the proi or
tion of four of rosin, to one of wax,
melted together and applied hot. This
is good for the iron or steel parts of
every sort of tool. Wood work should
bo painted with good, boiled, linseed
oil, white lead anil turpentine, colored
of any desired tint; red is probably the
best color. Keep the cattle away until
the paint is dry and hard, or they will
lick, with death as the result. If it is
not desired to use paint on hand tools,
the boiled oil turpentine and
“liquid drier,” does just as well.
Many prefer to saturate the wood-work
of farm implements with crude petro
leum. This can not be used with color,
but is applied by itself, so long as any is
absorbed by the pores of the wood.—
How to Kill a Katllcsnake.
A working party on a railroad here is
made up of mountaineers and Georgians.
One of the latter performed a foolhardy
feat the other day that made the blood
of the unaccustomed spectators run cold.
They wero at work cleaning away the
thick underbrush, in advance of tlie en
gineer, when someone shouted : “ ’Ware
of rattlesnakes!” He saw one ot_ these
reptiles aboil, four feet, long and five or
six inches in diameter lying just ahead.
The Georgian cut a short stick with a
forked end, and creeping up to the
snake he deftly pinned it to the earth by
pushing the forked end on either side of
his neck. Then, seizing the tail in his
right hand, he ran his left down the
snake’s body, and graspingit firmly just
back of the head he held it up at arm’s
length and called on the others to “look
at the varmint’s mouth.” It was any
thing but a pleasant sight, and most of
the spectators were horrified. After
holding it a few minutes for general in
spection, ho suddenly swung the snake
over his head with his right hand, let
ting go the hold of the left, and dashed
it with great force against a rock, kill
ing it instantly. It was a cool and dex
terous feat, but very trying to the look
ers-on, who censured the man for his
“folly,” at which he seemed to be
mightily amused.
—The Mexican women are wonder
fully graceful. This is partly due to
i.keir manner of carrying baskets and
bundles, begun in early childhood. I
watched a Mexican girl carry an im
mense basket of clothes homo to tw
laundried. First she selected from the
basket a towel, and twisting it tightly,
wound it round and round until the cir
cumference was the size of her head, on
which she placed it; then, helped by a
companion, she lifted the basket,
weighing at least thirty pounds, on top
of the roll. She balanced it by touch
in" it lightly, first with one hand and
ttu n the other. After she had gone a
short distance she folded her hand-, in
her shawl, walking with the greatest
ease and unconsciousness- — Philadelphia
Devoted to the Interest ot Jackson and. llutts County.
About three-fourths of the Georgii
fruit crop has been dried.
Ben. Butler has been retained by
the Dorseys in the Star Route trials.
The last of the Irish suspeots have
beeu released from Kilmaiuham jail.
A farmer at Valdosta, Georgia, has
made two crops of corn on one piece ol
The proposed introduction of Chinese
labor into England is meeting with op
Hereafter no breeobloading rifles
are to be included in stores for uncivilzed
A fatal case of blood poisoning from
the bite of a mosquito is reported from
Louisville, Ky.
Sir Garnet Worse let is a one-eyed
man, .and was left for dead in the
trenches at Sabastopol.
Oliver Ames, Republican nominee
for Lieutenant-Governor of Massachu
setts, is a son of Oakes Ames.
“One country, ono starry banner, and
ono wife,” is the platform of on editor
whose field adjoins Mormondom.
According to the Minneapolis Tribune
there is not enough low grado wheat in
Minnesota this year to feed the ohickenß.
Lieutenant Danf.niiowf.r will enter
the lecture field in a few days,having for
his subject “Arctic” and Siberian ex
The United Presbyterians have
agreed to raise a fund of $500,000 in
honor of the twenty-fifth year of their
It is the thing now for young men of
society who have nothing to do, to claim
they “ write for the papers.” It makes
them seem to have brains.
Ten thousand acres of oysters have
been discovered in the North Sea. The
attention of managers of church festivals
should be called to this item.
Half a ton of the silver three cent
pieces which originated under Buchan
uu’o adzuiuiuirnUim was Shipped a few
days ago from Boston to the Philadel
phia mint.
A recent decision of the Supreme
Court of Florida makes railroad prop
erty liable to taxation, and thus adds
about $5,000,000 to the taxable property
of the State.
The Egyptian war helped the sale of
English journals wonderfully. The Lon
don Standard, on the day succeeding the
bombardment of Alexandria, sold over
300,000 copies.
It is stated that a block of creosoted
pine, in use in the street pavement in
Galveston for seven years, was recently
examined and found to have lost but an
eighth of an inch.
Special inducements to plant trees
arc offered in Dakota, where for every
live acres of trees, forty acres of land
with SI,OOO in improvoments are ex
empted from taxation.
Moses Williams, who died in Boston
a few days ago, leaving a fortune of
$6,000,000, began life peddling milk in
the streets of that city. That’s what
comes of selling milk where water is so
A Boston hanker went to the Oceanio
House at the Isle of Shoals for recre
ation, taking five rooms for himself and
family. When he went away, September
1, he paid his three months’ bill of SB,-
000 ami said it was cheap enough.
Herbert Spencer is in this country,
and he is sick, yet withal he is able to
use this forcible language in speaking ol
Oscar Wilde: “He is that outlandish
person who attempted to reconcile
idiocy with art and namby pambyisra
with sentiment.”
The Louisville Courier-Journal ex
presses the opinion that if Alfred
Tennyson were to go through a news
paper waste basket, and attach his
name to all tho original poetry he
should find in it, he would still be read,
admired, and paid.
WnAT sort of doctors have they in
New Jersey ? A Jersey paragraph says:
“Tho health authorities of Paterson
have declared the office and residence
of Dr. Daeumer untenantable from
I filth, and the inmates are to be removed
and the premises cleaned and fumi
A member of immigrants of various
j nationalities passed up Broadway, New
York, the other morning. The Italian
men carried deep carpet sacks, and the
women, left far in the rear, and wearing
pink and green costumes, earned or led
half-grown children. The Scotch women
and men were about equally laden. The
Englishmen carried nothing at all, while
the women, endeavoring to keep up with
them, were burdened with a heavy port
manteau in each hand.
The African expedition under Stanley,
i sent out by the King of Belgium, is
said to have established the first four of
a line of various stations which, starting
from the Congo, will for commercial
purposes tap the most populous districts
of Central Afrioa. These four stations
are described as cities in "mbryo. They
possess bouses and gardens; they are
connected by well constructed roads,aud
at each a European acts as Chief of the
community, haviug another European
as sub-chief.
Mrs D. W. Lincoln, of Portland.
Maine, lately fell heir to $175,000, the
estate of her oonsin, Erven W. 3.
Noughton, cf California, formerly of
Maine, deceased There*is a vomnntio
history connected with the bequest.
Mr. Noughton and Miss Lincoln, in their
younger days, were intimate friends, and
would probably have been married had
it not boen for opposition of relatives.
Mr. Noughton started for the West, de
claring he would never come back. He
kept his word. Business prospered
with him and he became wealthy.
Speaking of the Princess Louise, as
she appeared in that city, the Omaha
(Neb.) Bee says : “The Princess made
her appearance on the rear platform of
her oar to watch tlie antics of her little
terrier, in charge of the porter. She
was accompanied by one of her ladies,
and only remained a moment, and few
of the crowd suspected who slio w as.
She was attired in the most modest man
ner imaginable. Her dress was of dark
lawn, and a spray of violets on her bo
som, a plain bracelet, and a couple ol
plain gold rings werr tho only ornaments
she wore. Sbo is k well formed, halo
looking woman of thirty-five, or there
about, and is said to have the features
of her mother, and, like her husband, e
podest yet frank demeanor. Her face
is bright and intelligent, and lights up
very pleasant/? when she smiles.”
Tlio Tiger.
Speaking of King Faro in New York
and Boston, the Boston Globe says:
The mere mechanism of a game which
can scarcely he learned otherwise than
by observation and practice is not easy
of description. How can the mystories
be conveyed to those who know not of
“coppering,” “singleout,” “break
evens,” “odds” and “evens,” of the
refined article ot switching and the
unavailing of the “whipsaw?” Let it
merely be said that a full pack of cards
is inserter! faces upward iu a metal hex,
open at one side; that the alternate
cards 'rom the top one win, and the
alternate cards from the second one
lose. This is the order of rotation from
the top; the first card, of course, being
considered dead, the third,fifth,seventh,
ninth and so on will win, and the sec
ond, fourth, sixth, eighth and so on will
lose. Cards may be backed to win or
lose. All bets are even, save when only
one turn, i. c., four cards remain in the
box. Of these four cards two are con
sidered dead, the top one as belonging
to the previous turn and the ono at the
bottom as being the last in the pack,
and for bets made on the other two,
odds of four to one are offered against
naming them in their order. This, at
first sight, seems a liberal proposition;
but a slight reckoning of the many dif
ferent combinations that may be made
with the cards will show how great an
advantage the banker has in this case
over the better. The latter character
istic is, indeed, general with faro, as
with most other banking games. The
only ostensible advantage of tho bank
at faro is in the splits, or the coming
together of two single cards, in which
case one-half of the bets fall to tho
banker instead of being considered
The game is recorded on a small in
strument called a case or cue keeper,
resembling the framed wires strung with
wooden balls used for counting at
school. The proportion in favor of tho
bank is estimated at fifteen per cent,
against any individual player, but, of
course, the collective advantage is far
greater. The success of the gamo,
backed by sufficient capital to resist a
few lucky bets, is a nnlhematical cer
tainty, like roulette and other games to
which dupes and spendthrifts have been
contributing for centuries.
The devices for cheating at faro are
numerous, and even in in honestly con
ducted house a player constantly back
ing certain cards or pursuing a system
would be liable to Jose, for the dealer
who shuffles and cuts for himself is gen
erally practiced enough to arrange
the deal or at least some part of
it much to his own wish. The dealers
of faro acquire their calling only by
long and careful practice. They are
generally sharp, keen and impassive
men. An expert dealer can always
command a fair salary, generally from
$25 to SIOO per week, and even larger
prices are paid when the services ren
dered justify it.
Illimitable field.
Recently Captain Burton, tlie trav.
eler, reported that almost illimitabls
gold can ho obtained or. the Gold Coast,
Africa, a district which has been aunt
erously prolific for centuries. He savi
tho region is equal to half a dozen < ali
fornias. In this he is supported by till
English Commander Cameron, who in
vestigated the Gold Coast in his coin,
pany. Gold is found in the sea sand, ir
tlie dust of the roads and in the mud
walls of native huts. A subject of suet
importance has of course been widely
discussed by experts in England, anc
by this time large numbers of pros
peetors are doubtless verifying matter*
on the spot. Notwithstanding all llie
difficulties that would confront gold
miners in Africa—the insalubrious cli
mate, the savage inhabitants, tlie hos
tility of tlie native rulers, and otliei ob
stacles equally as great- there is nc
doubt that when proof positive is ob
tained that a great gold deposit exists
there all these difficulties will Ik; over
come, and that tlie white men and the
capita] and energy of civilization willtiow
thither to confront Vhe cl nature and
A l*ay Sermon.
“ Seoßt thou a man diligent in his business?
lie shall stand before Kin#*; he shall not
stand boftnv moan nuui.*’— m.
Dearly beloved, you will not listen to
any Scripture iti other pulpits ties morn
ing that carries more truth to the square
inch than this. Amt tho especial atten
tion of the young men in tlie congrega
tion is called to t lie text.
The reason why, or at least one reason
why, the Psalmist, alter lie had been
young, and was old, could not remem
ber ever to have seen tlie righteous for
saken or his seed bogging bread, was
because a lazy man can't be very right
eous. Not righteous enough to hurt
him. Tho spectacle of a la/.y Christian
would be ns great a rarity us a fat skel
If your Bible toadies you anything it
teaches you that there is no room in
this hive for a drone. “The hand of tho
diligent shall bear rule; but tho slothud
shall be under tribute.” “The way
of the slothful man is as a hedge of
thorns; but the way of the righteous is
made plain.” • “The desire of the sloth
ful killetli him, for his hands refuse to
labor.” “Hie sluggard will not plow
by reason of the cold, therefore shall ho
lien; in harvest and have nothing.”
“The soul of tho sluggard dosireth. and
hath nothing; but the soul of the dili
gent shall be made fat.” “Notslothful
in business; fervent in spirit serving the
Lord.” “An idle soul shall sutler' hun
ger.” A lazy Christian, brethren, would
find but cold comfort if he should exert
himself to read his Bible.
The diligent soul always possessed
the land. Not tho man or woman who
steps into a dead man’s shoes and a fort
une, but the boy and girl who learn in
their teens what a dollar is worth,
and how to gam and use a power that
money cannot buy, are tho people who
move the world. Gifford, the first edi
tor of tlie Quarterly Review was only a
common sailor; Bon. Johnson was a
bricklayer; John Bunyan was a tinker;
Hugh Miller was a quarryman; Shakes
peare’s father was so illiterate ho didn’t
know how to spell his son’s name;
neither did his son, and no more do
you, for that matter; l)o Foe, the au
thor of Robinson Crusoe, was almost
wholly self-taught; Edgar A. Poo was
the son of strolling players; Ben.
Franklin, the printer, was the son of a
tallow chandler; Sir Richard Arkwright,
inventor of the eotton spinning ma
chine, was a barber; Tom Moore was
the son of a grocer; Gerald Massey be
gan life as an errand boy; and Caxlon,
who set up the first printing press in
England, was a weaver’s apprentice;
John Adams was tho son of a farmer;
President Lincoln was a farm hand and
fiat, boatman; Andrew Johnson was a
tailor; Grant was a tanner; Garfield
was a canal boy— none of these men
wore renowned for their groat wealth,
perhaps, but they wore diligent in their
business, and they stood before Kings;
a long, long ways before most Kings.
There is no particular merit in being a
King. Any man who happens to ho
born at the right time into the right
family, can’t help being a King. But
nil the kingcraft in tho world couldn’t
make a De Foe. a Hugh Miller, a Burns,
or a Bunyan, if tho boy didn't make
Dearly beloved, it may bo that, this
congregation is not, made up oxclusivo
lv of future Presidents, and of people
whose names shall bo written the fore
most of all in their time. But there is
little doubt that it is largely made up of
men and women who ure not doing all
the world lias a right to expect of them.
Ask yourselves how many of you de
serve to stand before Kings for vour
diligence? Possibly, my young brother
may not wish to stand before Kings.
Very well, then lie doesn’t have to.
But if lie does, there is only one way for
him to get tlioroj lie must he diligent in
business, whatever his business is; c n-
Bluntly active; persistent and devoted in
his application, lie wants to keep his
elbows, not his feet, on his desk. He
must work harder in tho morning of his
lifo, just when he wants to play, than
he will in the afternoon.
It won’t be at all easy for you, dearly
beloved, to bo "diligent in business,”
A man is often very busy who isn’t af
all diligent in business. The most act
ive man I ever saw was a man who did
less than you would suppose ten men
could do. He lived on the street. Ho
talked politics ten hours a day. He was
always going to run for some office, but
nobody' ever nominated him. Ho would
drag you away from your desk or book,
to talk to you by the hour about some
thing you didn’t care a cent for; he
know a little about every living man's
bus ness save his own; ho spent the
most of his time in caucus and the rest
of it in convention and procession, and
yet, when went into that man’s
office, there was a great legend staring
at, you from the wall, right over his
desk—“ Time is money.”
Be diligent, in your business, dearly
beloved, and you will have no time to
manage your neighbor’s affairs, and
this will keep you out of trouble and
mi-chief. And just as soon as your
neighbor finds that, your time is too val
uable to he wasted upon him for noth
ing, he will want it, and pay for it. Men
always Want what is hard for them to
get. Be diligent, and your “thoughts
will tend to plenty.” Be diligent, and
“out, of Asher your bread shall he fat.”
Be diligent, and “God shall give thee
of the dew of heaven, and tho fatness
of the earth, and plenty of corn and
wine,” and a whole chapter of amend
ments can’t keep it from you. Be dili
gent, and your fullest manhood will bo
developed; the world will be glad that
yon have lived in it. and society will
miss you when you are called up higher.
Be diligent in your business, and the
thousand and one temptations that lie
set tho la/.v man cannot be heard by
you, absorbed in your own honest
affairs. Be diligent and “rejoice in
your labor; this is the gift of God,” and
“ it is good and comely for one to enjoy
the good o all his labor that lie takeih
under the sun all the days of his life;
for it is his portion.” Be diligent, and
rest and refreshing will followyour toil,
for "the sleep of a laboring man is
sweet, whether he eat little or much.”
“ Seeat thou a man diligent in his busi
ness? He shall stand before Kings; he
shall not stand before mean men.’ Cut
that text out, my young brother, and
paste it over vour dejg It may save
Four situation.
There will be no collection this morn
ing. If the sexton wants any money
[ from this congregation, he will be a lit
tle more diligent in his business and
dust the pows back under the gallery,
samo as the body pews down in front,
and sweep the carpets at least once a
month. —ilurlinatun Hatokeve.
Imaginary Birds,
Tlie phoenix, as everybody known,
gathers dry sticks to make its funereal
pyre, which it then contrives to set
alight, and is presently consumed in the
fiuiues. From its ashes a worm crawls
out, and, being gradually covered with
feathers, takes tlio form of its parent
bird. Tlie eagle, which fears nothing
else, dreads tlie approach of venomous
serpents. To avert evil from its eaglets
it places two agates in its nest. When
its beak grows too long it breaks off tlie
Bupeifluous pieoo against a rook. Tho
serre is a very powerful bird, and takes
immense flights. It is fond of tho com
pany of ships, but if a vessel happens to
lie an unusually swift sailer, it closes its
wings and sinks to the bottom of the
sea. A sentimental bird is the female
turtle-dove. Should its mate chaiioe to
die, it never again alights on a leafy
tree. It is remarkable for its chastity,
lmt is averse from melody. If it hears
tho warbling of other birds it groans
dismally. In winter time it loses its
feathers, and slielteiß itself in holes and
hollows. It is related of tho wood
pecker that if any ono drives in a peg to
close the entrance to tlie hole in the troo
in which its nest is built it llics off' in
quest of a particular herb with which it
touches the peg, whereupon it fulls out.
This, too, is curious. The hoopoe is un
able to moult in n natural manner. Its
young ones, therefore, pull out its feath
ers, and cover and feed her till they uro
full grown. Tho stork's young ones are
not less filial. So long as tho parent
bird has provided for her brood, so long
will her brood provide for her. On tho
other hand, the undo crow is cruel
to its offspring, anil pecks nt and boats
them till their feathers aro ns black us
his own. The vainest and silliest of all
birds is tho poaeook. When it looks
upon its brilliant plumage it is so de
lighted that, it spreads out the glories of
its tail, lmt wlion it looks down upon its
feet it is so disgusted and so ashamed < f
itself that its tail droops to tho ground.
It is said to hnve the voice of a fiend,
the head of a snake, and the gait of a
thief. The swan likes to bo accompanied
by a harp, aud is most melodious during
the last year of its life. It is also inter
esting to learn that tho swallow is capa
ble of restoring sight to its “callow
brood” when carried away into captivity
and blinded. Any one gowing where
nuukH iihounil will <lo well to take with
him some burned vulture's feathers. The
heart of a vulture wrapped in the skin
of a lion or of a wolf frightens away
demons. It is quite untrue that vultures
were originally a race of men who were
cruel to the pygmies. But how is it that
medical men do not make greater use of
the caladrius ? If this beautiful, snow
white little bird, which is a native of
Jerusalem, be held in front of a mail
whose death is certain, it averts its head,
and will in no wise look at him ; hut, if
on the contrary, the sick man is destined
to live in spite of bis plivsicians, the
caladrius turns to him, as John
expresses it, “faunynge mid playsvngc. ”
—All lltc year Round.
Snakes as Trout Catchers.
Mr. George W. Morris, of Bridge
water, thinks fishermen had better go
into the snake-killing business alpng the
brooks if they wish to have any trout
fishing. The other day, while he was
at work near a brook near tho Bridge
water and Itoxbury lino, the cries of a
mun in tho c.lofiw i>y liin
attention, and going to his help he found
a very largo water snake, as saucy ns
you please, jumping at the man. The
snake was disposed of, and, noticing
that it had something inside of it, he
pressed upon tho snake with his foot,
and a trout, which was about six inches
long, appeared in view. Altogether lie
forced three good-sir,ed trout from the
snake, tho last ono being pretty well
gone. At another time, as Mr. Morris
was passing along tho bank of a brook,
he saw a largo water snake glide from
the roots of a tree into the water. Ho
thought nothing of it at first, as he sup
posed tho snako had disappeared be
cause of his approaeh, but soon there
was a comm ition in the water, and
looking down into the pool, where a
number of suckers had gathered, lie
saw that ono of them had been caught
in the head by the snake and was whip
ping the water with its tail at a tre
mendous rate. The snake succeeded
in landing its prey, when it was killed,
and the sucker, which appeared to bo
unharmed, was set free by Mr. Morris.
No Nonsense Mil Her.
“ I tell you what it is,” said young
Spilkins, “that Podgers girl is just the
right kind of a girl. There's no non
sense about her, you know, and site’s so
observing, you know; sees everything
there is to be seen, and slie’s just as
economical and modest-like as she call
be. I took her out to walk the other
evening, ami she saw everything in the
shop windows. More than a dozen
times she said: ‘ Doesn’t that candy look
nice?” And two or three times, as we
were going by an open door, she said:
‘How lovely that smells! It, smells
just like ice-cream, doesn’t it?’ But,
la! notwithstanding she would like to
have had some, she never once a ked
me to give her any. 1 tel! you, boys,
you don’t often find a girl like that, -o
thouglitfu and economical, .you know,
Spilkins s tvs if lie ever go's married,
Miss Podgers shall he the happy woman,
but Spilkiti- inay be mistaken. Miss
Podgers mav have a word to say. I lo
ir oit Free Frets
—James Field obtained a promise
from Jenny McHenry and her parents, in
Philadelphia, that she would become his
wife when she was sixteen, her age at
that time being twoive; but on her six
teenth birthday Field committed sui
cide instead of marrying, for tho girl
refused to keep tho agreement. —N. Y,
'IEKM>: $1.50 per An mini.
—A driver in the Troy fire depart
ment has invented a contrivance by
which his horses are unharnessed by
simply palling tho reins.— Troy (N. Y.)
—Dr. Isndor Kitsoe, of Cincinnati, has
patented a device for discovering fire
damp in mines before the miners enter
them. Electricity is used to fuse little
pieces of metal at, various points in a
mine, and if an explosion of damp occurs
a bell is rung.—N. Y. Post.
—The Journal, of Science says that at
tb soiree of the Society of Chemical
Industry, held at Owens College, Mr.
Fletcher, of Warrington, Er.g., demon
strated the possibility of the combustion
of gas without visible flame, tho heat
obtained from a quarter-inch gas-ptpe
being sufficient to fuso iron into drops.
A gun invented by a man in Ripley,
Miss., is, if it is what it is claimed to be,
ono of the most wonderful inventions of
the age. It can be tired from ten to
twenty thousand times a minute, can be
elevated or depressed or turned to the
right, or left, inclined to cover the slope
of a hill, contracted so as to bring the
fire to boar on one spot or expanded to
cover a wide area, and all withtho great
est ease and in the simplest manner, by
merely turning a orank. Gldcaijo
—lt is said that alcohol equal to that
made from grain can be produced from
acorns. The acorns aro freed from the
shell and ground finely; then they are
mashed with malt and allowed to fer
ment. Acorns contain about 20 per
cent, of starch ami 18 per cent, of glu
ten. They would boa valuable article
for human food if it were not for the
tannic acid (about 8 per cent.) which
they contain. Vast quantities which go
to waste every year, where hogs are not
fed in the woods, might bo gathered by
boys and converted inio alcohol for use
in the arts, thus freeing an equivalent
amount of grain for use as food,
.—Considerable progress is being made
in reviving the mining industries of the
Isthmus of Panama. For many years
its mines excited the cupidity of Span
iards and buccaneers. Indian and ne
gro slaves were made to work in quartz
and placer by the most primitive proc
esses, and almost entirely without ma
chinery, but their labors were very pro
ductive, according to tradition. It Is
centuries, however, since most of the
mines were abandoned. Some were
worked out, others were not rich enough
to pay with hired labor, and all required
an investment of capital which tlie un
settled condition of the country, and
especially 1 lie fear all foreigners enter
tained for isthmus fever, effectually pre
vented from being made.— N. Y. Sun.
—An impetus has boen given to the
nickel industry by tho improved process
es of making il, malleable. Many useful
as well as ornamental articles are now
made of this material. Nickel table
utensils especially aro in groat favor
abroad. This class of goods is now be
ing manufactured largely in Prussia,
and is preferred to similar articles of
other materials. The hardness of the
metal renders it capablo of receiving a
high polish, which is not readily in
jured by friction of any usual kind ; on
account, too, of the peculiar smoothness
of the surface, matters do not adhere
firmly to it, and cleaning requires but
little attention or effort. It also pos
sesses the advantage of not tarnishing,
like some other substances, when fre
quently used.— C/iica'So Tribune.
Life in the Deep Sen.
The conditions under which lifo exists
in the deep sen are very remarkable.
The pressure exerted by tho water at
great depths is enormous, awl almost
beyond comprehension. It amounts
roughly to a ton weight on tho square
incli for every 1,000 fathoms of depth,
ho that ti,o of 2,500 fathoms
there is a pressure of two tons and a
half per square inch of surface, which
may lie contrasted with tho fifteen
pounds per square-inch pressure to
which we are accustomed at tho level of
the sea surface. An experiment made
by Mr. Buchanan enabled us to realize
flic vastness ot the deep-sea pressure
more fully than any other facts. Mr.
Mr. Buchanan hermetically sealed up at
both ends a thick glass tube full of air
several inches in length. He wrapped
this sealed tube iu flannel, awl placed
it, so wrapped up, in a wide copper
tube, which was one of those used to
protect tlie deep-sea thermometers when
sent down with tho sounding apparatus.
Tho copper case containing the sealed
glass tube was sent down to a depth of
2,01)0 fathoms, and drawn up again. It
was then found that tho copper wull of
the case was bulged awl bent inward
opposite tlie place where tho gliiHs tube
lay, just, as if it Imd been crumpled in
ward by being violently squeezed. TANARUS!
glass tube itself, wi bill its flannel wrap
per, was found, when withdrawn, re
duced to a fine powder, like snow al
most. --Notes by a Naturalist on the
Tho Telephone Improved.
To overcome tint local noises charac
terizing mills and other places, and
which, as is well known, disturbs the
successful operation of the ordinary
telephone, un instrument has been
devised, consisting of a square box, in
which are placed both a transmitting
and receiving diaphragm; from tlie
chamber of the latter two sound tubes
extend, to be received one in each ear,
these being kept in place by a small
spiral spring, fending to draw the tubes
together, end thus keep the small rubber
S caps on the ends of the sound tubes in
i place in the i ar. The effect of these
i caps is to shut out all extraneous sounds,
and confine thoso of the receiving tele
phone, so that their full force is felt on
the ear. The lower part of the box
! contains tho transmitter, which is made
; very sensitive; pressing a button brings
I the battery Into circuit with the trans
-1 mitter. It is claimed that this instru
i merit will talk 200 miles or more.— N.
I Y. Sun.
| Dallas City. Tex., is building five
public school-houses at a cost of $5,000
ea h. San Antonio is erecting a high
school at a cost o; $34,000. Corsicana
j has u>t built two school-houses at a
cost of $12,000 each.