The Jackson news. (Jackson, Ga.) 1881-????, October 04, 1882, Image 3

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|!je |ack39 |eros Jackson, ga , ocr., 4, 1882 T OU\ A\ ( OIM Y. NOTICE office county coCUT.) Hulls County, <iu. > April 4th 182. ) Oil mill after this date, all advertisements of county matters will lie done in Hie Jackson News Uv/rrier of the Court. oraer 01 HENRY HENDRICK. Judge C. C. B. C. A IXOUMBW KYTS, FOR TAX RECEIVER. tVE are autberired to announce the name of C K. Carter, for tlie office of Tax Receiver of Butts county. For Tax Iteeeiver. We are autliotized to nnnotinee the nntne of J M. HOLIFIEI.D, for the office of TAX ltE ( El V ER of Butts county. "fortax: collector. We are authorized to announce the name of Mr. (-RENN HARPER, for the ofllee of TAX COL LECTOR of Butts county. For Tax ilte ©tor. We are authorised to announce the name of Jas. LeGuin, Jr., for the office of TAX COLLKC TOP of Putts county. From this date nil advertisements connected with the Sheriff's Office will lip advertise I in the Middle Georgia Are-ns. This September ITJh ISS2. J. 0. BfeAttCHAMt*, Sheriff B. C. Election day. The cotton market opened to-day at front 9| to 9}. Rolla Ryan to-night at the school house. GotoGignilliatt’s forgood goods,fine goods and cheap goods. D( n’t forget to call find examine the stock of goods of Etheridge & Furlow, next week. Henry Benton went to Atlanta this week, to purchase a first-class dray. If you want draying done promptly C ill on Benton & L ind. We have had so much jot) work on hand the past week, that we have not had much time to devote to the paper. Mr, Wm. Cheney is selling goods, for.!. F. Girnilliatt. Bill is an accom modating fellow and will treat you clever. AVp welcome Mr. J F. Gignilliatl, as a citizen and a merchant. He has a nice lot of -roods, and proposes to sell them at ‘ Rock Bottom Prices.” Notwithstanding we have had no regular hovers, Jackson has received, to date, 517 hales of cotton. Now that , we have several buyers located for the B"ason, planters can find sale for their cotton for which the top of the market will he paid. Col. jl/vfcihben is a regular “build er.” He has put up and having erec ted. we don’t know how many build ings, in fact he has erected monuments that will float (tie memory ottos name for generations to come. He is doing much to advance the building interest in Jackson. Mr. Tyner of this place was married yesterday to Miss NiWetts, daughter of .las. Nibletts of Jasper county. The bride and groom arrived yesterday morning and stopped at the \\ ilkerson w , where a sp'endid dinner await , \f v Wilkorson his our , lr , in-.’ta'i n to dine. \Vc ... v. 1 re; -,i s -les-didly. MC H i'IDiC & Cos.. M' mi ! c, a; , Ah'UV Cases. agents TANARUS; 'Mt is clocks, and L.mbethV !y fans .‘VC, the celebrated ('■■■to igitv <„re water Filter and thesries -■team Fruit ami Vegetative Dryer tor the w<.rid. aug29. Cotton has been the decline for seven! days. Toe scarcity of money seems to lie the trouble. Prominent cotton men are fearful ofa money pan k\ aro hoinsc m '!'* and ; t premi um of 25 p p r <.*it i> AVw York. Yi* 'fT 'SHIf sit - *, fit t'M'* I 11110 wmiH ruin our people wo liopo ftnoh a oHiiimity will nit • ms now. The dcnvind for cotton i- 5 not very trood, invl the various murkots nro’quoted dull for the p-t week, nnd we are afraid it will continue so until the price is redo vied from 7 ivnd 9 cont s. O, no, w'f* ire not on the lookout for , another location jest yet. The News. Hx a fixed till not ill ,T ir.kxon. and we pro- : pose to remain here and hut tie for the interest of Jackson and Butts county as well ns ourselves, for some time to eotne. We will have a lot„of new ma terial and some improved machinery before lnni and equip a first-class printing office as can he found in any place, outside the larger cities, in Georgia We can do any kind ot jnh work usually done in a first class office, as cheap as anywhere in the United States. Give us your patronage and you will get the amount- paid out hack again, for we expect to spend what we make, in Butts county. If you have vour work done somewhere else it goes to support other printers and build up other towns. Merchants make out list of crockery Glass. Wood and Tin ware that you are in want of, ami send it to us, we will attach prices, and save you ruin ous freight and hre iknge, that you al ways get from far off East. Mcßride k Cos, Atlanta fia., aug‘2f> w inter K.f*rvhodv in Batts county to know. K AVER A BALDWIN House. Sian ami Ornamental, Painters are permanently located in taekson, and are prepared to do ail kinds ofPalntlug, f .r.iini iv V|*cr limiting Kabiominin ■ W.y _ / sheriff, injast week’s Argus, in Justice to liiinself and simply to make a denial of l*is having been made a tool of, has seen proper to review a column editorial published in the News of the 21st ultimo. Why he done this is more than we can tell, unless he feels that tlie cap fits and the shoe pinches /n tulo ; notwithstandingliode nies-knowing anything nbout it—it is strange that he should take it upon himself to explain the whole. As to an indignation meeting, the fact can be established that such was the talk, whether Mr. -Sheriff knew anything about it or not. As ta the communiitntion signed “B. it has nothing to do with this ques tion. lUe assert with as much emphasis as the sheriff or anyone else, when we s.vf that we know- the feelings of soma of the-Grand Jury in regard to "this matter—the “preposterousness,” (the language ofsome of the Jury) asking them to violate .a constitutional provis ion. Who wouldn’t he indignant at being asked to subject themseves to prosecution. But all this has nothing to do with the point the sheriff seeks to arrive at. He denies certain things nlledgod by us, and says we have “placed him before the public in an impropcT light liy Tiils'e r-tatemonU.” We pmpme to show by his own state ments, ( and if they sire false we are not fesponsiMe,) that he lias placed him self before the public in an improper light, if indeed such is the case, and we defy him to controvert his own lan guage. lie handed us the “notice" of his changing the sheriff’s sale from the News t-o the. Argus, which can he found qt the head ofourlocal column in the issue before his .communication ap peared in the Argus, notwithstanding he says “for some reason unknown to hint wC have failed to give it publica tion.” In handing us the ‘ notice he said, “I regret having to do this, but I am compelled to do so." Wo said to him, “that is nothing more than we expepted.” Hecontinttßi!, “I don’t want to have any hard feelings about it, nor any newspiijier eoijlrnrvcsy.’’ We itssiiretl him “that he would not have our ili will, that no doubt he thought it was to his interest polit ically and that it was a policy move part.” His reply was,' “the same influence I Ini! indui'M ino to give you my adver tising, is brought to hear upoj, me and I am obliged to take it away— that the pressure is so great that I deem it to my interest to do so, and I hope there will be no hard feelings about it." We said to him, “that is all right, of course if it is not a matter of per sonal preference on your part, it is certainly a political .move. We know what that influence is—we know who sisid tlvrv were in influ encing you to give us your advertising." He stated that licence told Hr. Mays to tell us not to ha so independent, in our politiaal views, that the pressure was being brought, to hear upon nun and lie would have to move hi.s adver tising. Now the above is the conver sation that. t0..1t place between us and the sheriff An this subject, and we leave it with our readers to interpret plaiiv English language ; and they are not a|l the facts that might he pro voked in a newspaper controversy. We dpp’t, wish 1,0 carry it. further nor ini fv Unite anyone, m>d if there is anybody to f.e “persuaded” we would advise the sheriff to assume the attitude of the “Utile, hoy the ft,lf ran over.” Mr. Sheriff may think because Vie is “at home,” better identified with the people, holding oncoftbe highest of fices in their gift in the county, that ‘his veracity is not to he doubted and simply a denial is sufficient, hut as sure as “gun is iron,” these are Incis ami you can place your own construc tion upon them. As to the sheriff personally we never had dealings with a more affable, clev er-gentleman, and he is a good and : efficient officer. We hour no nuilace | towards him. Shv Mare. 3fr. Gigr.iliiiUt lots arrived and open ed out a large and varied stock of Dry Goods and Groceries, in the corner store Northwest corner the public square. Call and make his acquain tance and see his goods which he. is offering at very low prices. Kolia fly an. Kolia Ryan who is supported by his father-l’rof. A. Ryan, are the best hu moritwaiid character actors that trav el in the Southern States. The ren dition of the Widow Bedott” “Shamas O’Brine,” “Texas Cowboy,” and other comic and sentimental characters, by Roll a and bis father, are worth your while to see and hear. They will give an entertainment at the aecademy in Jackson to night, the 4th., of October. Come out and hear them and take a real hearty laugh. NOTICE- A Word <o the Wise Is Suf ficient. Those Indebted to the estate of R. 0. Duke will please come forward at once and settle their indeb edness, as the es tate must tie settled up this fall. Set l Dements can he made with either if. ! J,. Duke or Mrs. Martha Duke. M. L. Duke d—ires those who are indebted to him In come forward and guttle theif notes and accounts. He will pay one. fourth of a cent alsive the market price for cotton. He has on hand and Constantly receiving new goods, mid Un ites all to com and ex amine his goods and prices before pur chasing elsewhere. ccUthlßS2 M. L. Dike. To The Planters of Butts and Ad joining Counties. , I have located Mr. S. C. MoCamiless as a cotton buyer at Jackson. I am prepared to pay there as good prices as are paid at Hampton, Griffin or any adjacent markets. Geo. Schaefer Furniture Store MoKibben & Carmichael. The gen tlemen composing this firm are from Henry county, anil well known to many of our readers. They have just opened a nice stock of furuituro in the brick store house next to the rock store on South-west corner of the square. They propose to sell as cheap if not cheaper than you can purchase the same goods in Atlanta or NJacon, after paying your expenses and freight on furniture to Jackson. Call and see them before purchasing elsewhere, Spelling. One of our townsmen having heard builders talk about furring, asked George Mann what it input. George re plied, “it ment peaces to nail laths too.” Next inquirer asked, “how was it spell ed,[hesaid, “why you areaschool teach er and can’t spell such a simple word. It is spelled tints : "Furroweng.” Geo. has swallowed the spelling book. Jl/c. MissEilen Finley. The lady whose name heads this no tice, is well known for exquisite taste in selecting a sto k of millinery goods, and when we announce that she hits received her fall stock it is sufficient to say that you will find something beautiful and cheap on examing her goods, which you must not fail to do the first time you visit Jackson. She solicits her.friends ami the puhlicgen erall.y to call and see her at Byars & Mallet’s building. oet-ith Thompson’s T.adie’s and Gentlemen's, Pallaoe Dining Rooms, 1-J Alabama street, At lanta. Ga. Mr. Thompson, formerly Proprietor of Thompson s Restaurant, has removed to 13 Alabama street, where he will he pleased to serve his friends with anything needed in his line. Special accommodation for la dies. . oct4th “Theatrical and Circus Life” is the name of a. new hook just issued by that enterprising firm the Sun Publishing Cos., of St. Louis. This interesting work will be welcomed by the thou sands who nightly visit our places of amusement, hut who arc unacquainted with the mysteries of the “Profession," and will he doubly welcomed by those who never visit such places, but whose curiosity has often been excited by the flaming posters placed in many enn spicious places. It is a grand book for agents. We call attention to adver tisement elsewhere. The failure to get up any oppnsi-- lion to Congressman Blunt is a 'rib ir.e to his popularity, in the district. 1 TllOI Kt/.: ADJUKTEII flic Elnilroatl* and die l.tnnber sJrii If ame to Terms on ilc SJrUer of E’rclght. The East Tennessee, Virginia and G '.r-gia railroad managers notified live commission yesterday morning ■h it they w uld accept a rate on Imu - : er ol 20 per cent less than class P ~f tie-commissioner's standard rales tor all distances. This is the same ia‘c -hat the C- niral now gives he w- en all stati >iib. It is learned Irom some of lie lumber men who are sup posed 1-- know where-f liny speak. thut tb“ commissioner’s opinion whs that under the depress.:! price of lumber the rate agreed upon is con sider'd as fair a rate as could well be given. Ii is fortunate that the agirrme.of cam- about as ilie rates can go i to idiet tit once ami will take Cff-Ct Of the Ist, ot October. If the commissinnei's ha 1 been forced to Set-Ih-rates could not have beet: i* diicd ler 'l-ii'ly days. H n I). (J. lincm, Mr. His im, and other I timber men Irmn southern Georgia who appeared before the commission !• ft h'r their homes yes tor,lav. Colonel J K, Ogden, of the East Tennessee. Virgini i and Geor gia road lett for Knoxville yesterday. The rales agreed Bpon give a rate of Irmn 81”, GO to *14,00 per car load of 22.500 pounds of lumb r from dif ferent mil so i the Mac n and Bruns wick mad 10 Atlanta, which is one half the rates which were in force three months ago—prior to the open ing of the East Tennessee, Virgini • and Georgia road to Atlanta—and about four dollars per car less than the rates now charged by the East Tennessee, Virginia and Geoagia rail road. Administrator** Kale 1 STATE OF GEORGIA, 1 Butts Cot: sty, ) Kv virtue ofn or<l,-r from the ,-aurt of Or,] Ino - I rv of Bull, coiiniy. " ill In- sold on tho flrl Tue- I day in November ISSS at the conrt Imw* door o. 1 Wl ib con uly. 10-twi-oii the I**ll it hours of .ole, the tn.k of Isn't 111 "111'* ecMinty whereon (IlUic Me- Mielwel redded i*t the time of her denlli, ultuate'l I,ts,lit one mile from Jncknou. eon turning four huii'lred hiiH leu ii'Tf more or le. adjoining land of W. <> MeMielmel, A. K I I *l*lcr, luir ' kin Watson. Mrs. I.yons, MeMielmel k Carini ohael. H. Ilvani. By-irs * Mullet and Ixivi M<- Miohset tin- some la-in* one-fourth still in origi iml limber, aiel one-fourth under -ultlvtion, and I all under good repair. Terms I .tsh. 1 J. M. McMl' HAEI, . „ , ■ Administrator of Oittie McMichael. F. J. Ccolcflffe & Brother, 53 South Broad Street, ATLANTA, - GV. Pflillto, Oil, Bpmslius, Window Have in sleek nil kimts ofMohlii. Engine, Cylinder mu! Wood Oils, at ! nMui-.i prices, Rnint l.ouis I.cail. lleil star sti :<-kly l ure t.eail, mill Linseed Oil. WRITE FOR TRICES, l'.'juljr Lumber on hand and constantly arriving. • Yellow Pine Lumber AND SHIXGI.ES AT TJIE LOWEST FIGURES, We respectfully invite all in want of BUILDING- M iTESIAL to call and sec us before placing their orders, 26july IMUI.I.KT, G,.\Xg> €'U- TI3ST SHOP At Jackson, Georgia. The subscriber, native of.Wk Do MU with ;iO .V?, ’lirL'yo°^jlloT.VlVy "lor Imvlhhlg iThU fully offers his services hi the people ol JUsu-.i m.U Hints cuuu/> B*>m-i.iliy, 10. line of basilicas, including Rooting. Corn it*©, CJuttorJng. MpouLis?* aiitJ ALL KINDS OF TIN*ANI> SHEET IKON WORK. 'Will soon have in n fall Stock of Cooking anil Healing Mows. Agent for Snyder’s Shell Iron Rooting, ami I-ov/eV Melnik* Taint. Machinery and Wagon 3, VBEir <23 CiEE, t u . W ft. O &. H\\ NT ;i'<. ST a - GhA.. Oeueral Dealers in C. I G. CuCPEiI'S Mill, PORTABLE Tiaciion & Statonary Engines fT. \ T E have a larpc stock of these favorite Engines on hand ami \ coming. Also dealers in Saw Mills. Grist Mills. Cotton M,:: . Gins ami l*re>ses. ami Cane Mills general agents for t iie fikmthern Slates of the celebrated Mite'.iel wajfon. Tli* Monarch of the lutiid.'* The attention of dealers is entiled to the fact that vro arc prepared to furnish t>v car-load or in small lots, these >u perl* wagons at short notice. Don't buy until you coaler wuh ns either by mail or iu person. Send tor illustrated csittalogue (if) Ih'outl klrecf Atlanta, <u. GENERIL UUT FOR GEORSII tSD FIORIOI IIEGE’H HAAV AIHiES Have now IN STORE Two 2to 4 home |mrer cnieiuM ofi wtiefflu, Four %to 1 horn** fjowr on wlicclo, Four 4to r > liorm* on wheel*. Two oto H horse power on whf'-l-. One Iff to fH lior><- *• *s- ** r oil iv)u*Hh. Oim Jj to how fgureron wheel*. Two lfenc‘ 2" foot Haw Mill*. (<n o Mill*, < ir<nhtr Shwh, Heparn I <*•, tVitton nf vHiioim make*, Feeder* arid <’ondcuMerrt. Fruit Drier*, Water Wheeln. Are i’lc.t.a: jfive rue a<-Hli ImTohj iiiaJtifK your pim.'liui. J. 11. ANI>KI!SON, a ffffffffffffff Goddard House, LUCIUS GODDARD Proprietor. Broadway, Cor. Brook Mir GIIIPFIN, (JA ID. W. PATTEBSOIT, NO. 9 EAST SOLOMON STREET, GriMn, Georgia, GUIS. ENGINES, GROCERIES it '! T’TS.TJTT, I We are making: a specialty in dried fruit this season, and will make it to your intere:-’ to bring us j all your dried fruit. Highest market price paid. Toly 3. A. BEEES, COMMISSION MERCHANT, < 7 r. ! jit pi on n /■:. i peps a N’T) J! OWE ns 1 am tin* agent for these celebrated Machines Mini have Nome machines in store, and invite planters lo call and nee them, and all persons wanting them will do well to give me their or ders at oiiee, for fear of not getting them in time. They are much admired and plnnterH are gHMng orders freely, Sold extremely low for such ma chines. Tlie No. I Combined Reaper and Mower, with dropper prlee at factory $l2O with freight t> <irifiln, to be added. The price of ti light Mow tic fiuuoi j , i null the Coates llakc for fVratfS and grain. ENGINES. I am the agent, for the sale of tho Eclipse or I'rie Engine. Its superiority is well established, more of them now being used ami sold than all other farm engines in Georgia, Will be sold on easy terms It) planters ttntl perfoot satisfaction gnarnnteed. Gins nutl PruUGlns, Feeders and Condensers. I am the agent for this part of the State for the sale oft I lose pins. Call on me an 1 1 nv 111 show (he most .satisfactory evidence of their *uprrior ttv over all others. Tlie fuel that more of them are now sold than any other is proof of the esti mation in which they are held by our best plan ners. Humpies always on hand. Terms easy ami ’perfect sulisfUetlon guaranteed, riitrli NeciM’oilon Cleaner. This is anew. and valuable machine. It pre pares the < niton for the gins, saves th© gin from wear, and will nay for itself in a short time. Have large mimrier of ©ertilleatcN from our best and ami most practical planters that if improves the eot.fon from 1 , to etn per pound, Lull oil me and sic it. It will be sold low and guaran tee!!. i now have a sample machine. J. A. New Process Mill. OH (xOLDE-N BREAD. MANUKACTUUKD AT ISLAND SHOALS MILLS, MILLS have an entire outfit of NEW PROCESS MACHINERY inanufacf tired especially for thetn. This Hour i x highly rceommended by Dr. Hay wood, I’residcMil of I'm or > r College, who cal In the bread made from it “Golden Bread,” from which the Hour takes its name uiid each suck will be branded GOLDEN BREAD. —Foil SALE— IIy ltvr.lw .V MAI.I.KTT in,,! A. Me WAT KINS g- BON, Jivck.-von, JOSIAH LOS A'ORTII & CO. Sldccly I’ropiiet.or’s Mills. DUST CLASS DAR, JACKSON <LV § EAT, DRINK 13E MERRY. Ff\ w Ml }j J. J. EASTON’S \\ -v \ Xii ., ,' vnl r K "i^-r r iUiikcs you 1* A I. *■ m* After Taking Bay, .Tidok ; You fire getting powerful fut of late ! Oettiiig plenty to ••■•it now ? Not any too irmeli to eat Jollii, itn tin; f|U(ility of 11, I nor a 111 Irinka. You are looking rather thill John, wliat'.i the matter, got the cramp 1 Wei, I tell yon Judge, I took a drink of red tlipior 'while ago and I'm feeling powerful laid. H'stlie finality of lluuor you drink, my boy. I,ook 111 me. If you want to live long amt grow f,,t. always do your trading with the OLD HUM* A|J|,K J. J. EASTON, wliere you can always get WISZIES. <Jln, If II 111, llrantlicM Szc. THE CELEBRATED AURORA LAGER, BEER ,lraf ' and holt led. Pure Rye find corn wliiky fur niediHtwl purpose*, a wpeeiulfy. If you want BometiiiiUf to make a lean inuu fat and a fat umii lean-iiißiiiiiit u pol call on J. J. EAUfOJI. VdcrO WILL Ins Hold before the Court House do? in the town of Jackson Butts county, < a. the usual place of holding- Hiicrilf’ssale, between, the legal hours of sale, on tlie first Tuesday in October 1882 the following described property to wit s Lot of land Number 54, containing 22 acres more or less, also lot Number 60, containing 3 > acres more or loss, also lot Number 67 containing 15 acres more or less, also lot A umber 65 containing 33 acres more or loss. All the above lots lying and being in the Indian springs, feser'e Butts comity and town of Mclntosh and bounded as follow*, North by Dr. .1, H. Bryans and others. East by land* net apart as dower for Mrs, Martha Dura ble, South by lands of J, F. CleaVlsn#! and oth ers, West by lands of R, O. Byars and J - 11. Bry ans. Levied upon as the property of John U. Dumble deceased, by virtue of one fl ta, issued from Butts Superior court in favor of R. J. By. urs vs. the said J. B. Dumble, also other fl fas in my hands, Tenant in possession given written notice. This August mh 1882. J. O. BEAUCHAMP, Bheriff B. C; STATE OF GEORGIA,) Butts County, f Agwcable to an order of the court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold at auction at the cv rt house <loor of said county, on the first Tues day in October 1882, within the legal hours of sale the following described property to wit. One acre of land more or lets, bounded as fol lows, East by Mrs. M. L. Lyons, West ly lands of Carmichael and McMcilniel, North i>y lands of Mrs. Lyons, in 612 District, <. M. (Sola as tlie property of James It. Lyons, late o'f said county deceased. Terms Cash. MARY L. LYONS, Administratrix. STATE OF GEORGIA,) Butts County. ) Agreeable to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Butts county Ueorgia will Im* sold at auction at the court house door of said county on tho first Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of mile, the following described property to wit. Two hundred and forty acres of land more or loss, fifty acres original forest Well timbered, twenty-five acres of the finest field, pine timber, three gocjd tenant houses, level, well Watered and extraordinary licalthv. Lying ’• one mile from tlieoify of Jack mm, on the rood front Jack* su to Oritnn, adjoining the lands of Hall. Bat trill, Barkly and others, making it the most de siralde place in the county. Sold as the property f Wm. R. Hark ness late <>f said county deceased. Terms cash. September -nth 1882. Z. F. Executor. DR.R.G.BRYANS, Piiysician nil Snrgeon JAClASltft, - - GA. —O— OFFICE UNDER MASONIC HALL, one Door South of Drug Store. Can Ihj found at night with Y. A. Wright, first door over J. J. Easton's BACALLS can be left with Y. A. Wright, or James Hardcn."tdt jan2s Livery and Feed Stable, R. T. WATKINS, PROP’S. JACKSON GA o rpilE PEOULK f Butt* county uml tli triivel I ink puliili- Ift-ni'r.illy, are liorvliy liotilii-il Unit a iivory ami It-i-ii NlnliU- i h uoiv opaa in Jacksnn wham 11 ivy van 1 H- avvoinnaaiatvil at retuoimbla privi-M. I linve in voiinui-tion, a larne lot Nallalil. fi- drover., convenient, to allow slock to the be. advantage, 15 AI II i Eli SHOP. Your attention is also called to the fact that a the stable. Hair cut, shaving und shuuipooning clone by a first-class barber. O BiE AHD BILLIARDS. FINE Wliiskey. WINES, BEER, ALE, ET R. T. faitiiis, Proprietor, JACKSON G y. o My stock of wines, whiskey ect,, nl*e rlar ami are acnniue. I keep the best and puthein? 'be maricet My terms and prices live reavone no Uiveiny Roods atrial and be convinced fb iclua xedeuf quality. oUOnovly HOCli BU)\IITSG^ HONE BY HEW IMPROVED METHOD, IN Wells, Mill Knees, Hitches and Shoals. Addremiine lit Jncluon or Indian Spring!, G* JOHN LASI’EYERp;. cast Tenn„ Va„ & Georgia T!i6 Great Sonttiern Trill: IjUE between All Principal Southern Cities FOR FREIGHT AND PASSENGERS. Shortest, most Direct find Comfortable Route to all .KAKTKRN and VIRGINIA. CITIES. Only Direct Route to Uic Watering Placet and lie HU rhi Of EAST TENNESSEE & VIRGINIA THE GREAT EMIGRANT liOUT TO TEXAS AND THE NORTH WEST via its Memphis and Charleston Division, And io all Point* in Southern and Central Texas t via caleha or mehiueh and new ORLEANS. Through Sleeping Coaches MEMPHIS TO NEW YORK via Roan ok' an<l the Nan Shenandoah, Valle 1/ Line, ahio Through Sleepers Nan Orleuns via Roanoke connecting with Line to Nan Ytr/c. Georila Division Now Opon Through from Brniswick to Dallas via MACON and AT RANT A, And will be open through to Chattanooga via Rome By the 15th of September 18*32.15tui