The Jackson record. (Jackson, Butts County, Ga.) 18??-1907, January 18, 1907, Image 1

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— j * V. CALrnON J B EDWARDS & SON FOR FRESH MEATS AND FISH OR PHONED The Jackson Record. Volume 26. Cocal news Tutus. Mr. Obe Hendric who resides at College Park was a visitor in Jackson Monday. Mr. C.A. Towles came in from Cork Monday and dropped his $ in our missionary box. M. W.P.Castleberry and wife were on our streets Monday. A nigger house at the depot caught fire Monday but prompt work extin guished the flames. Capt.W.M .Mayo of the Atlanta police force was in our city Monday. It will be rsmembered that Capt. Mayo was for a nnmber of years on the police force in Jackson. Ten years ago he was pla;ed on the Atlanta force and from the first his rise has been rapid, and now itis said he will in all probability be the next Chief. Mr. O.D.Smith was in from Flovii la Monday, JSoine one recently said; the!fe are TiO poor people in America as compar ed to Europe, We are beginning to wobder how it feels to be p or. Mr R- S. Broen spent Monday in tbe Gate City. Sleeping on a board is not what it is cracked up to be. “Hot water taken between meals :s good for nervousness.” Luke warm water is good fora number of things to. ■‘The voicec n be strengthened by reading aloud for an hour each day, Most Peoples’ is too strong already. Mrs .J.M.T. Mayo from Atlanta is visiting rxlatives in Butts. Mr. J. A . Kimball returned from Atlanta Friday. Mr, C.R, Gresham spent Friday in Atlanta buying a tine Jot of mules. Mr. Henry BeiDon who has been spending a few days with relatives in Butts returned to his heme at Cave Springs last Friday. The many friends of Scett Tenant will find him with the Daniel Shoe Cos. on Whitehall. Hon. E.M.Smith from McDonough was in the city Saturday. Mr. John Duke of Henry Cos. was visiting relatives in Jackson Saturoay Mr. Tot Shelton from Shelbyville Tend, was the guest of his son Frank last week. Buttrill Gresham and Cos, are now prepared to simply you with fixtures for your witer and lights. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Buttrill spent Friday in the Gate City. We can truthfully say that The Henry Coir ty Weekly has not deter icrated from its traditional brilliancy under the management of our young triend Johnson. Those little Japs are just hungry for a spanking and they will jut get it if they fool with the great American bear hunter. Dr. B.Lacy Hacy has had a num ber of calls in the last few days. One from the church he first joined, and where he was ordained. If be begins to consider any of these calls Jackson church will begin to exhibit its kick ing abilitiesi Talk about men being patient; wnatman would have the patience to take care of a baby. Charity begins at home, but there is no law that prohibits it from tra yeling ronnd the neighborhood. WANTED. Peas and Corn. We buy Peas and Corn and will pay market price. Rail Road Warehouse. If there are no women angels, as some of the New York preachers claim it vill be harder than ever to get the men to go to Heaven. When a man marries a woman for her money, or tne woman marries the man for his money, neither get their money’s worth. Twenty pretty Indiana girls donned men’s attire and organized a dancing club. There’s one thing sure, they may wear ’em but we bst they ean’t strike a match once out of trials. Charches will sing and sing ‘Reseue the Perishing ” nut when a measlier, young or old, makes r misstep and goes wrong, there is verv little at tempt to rescue , The tendency ie to push them deeper down, rather than rescna them. This is especially true in regard to girls or wome -1 . They sing ‘‘rescue,” but act “push down.” In the case of men itis a littlj bet ter. unlesshis failure is in his bnsi ness. Then instead of praying for him all prey for him. Mr. C.B.Biles had the misforfcnue to have his barn with about 800 bush els corn burned Monday night. Mr. Biles thinks it was incendary. Flovil’a was represented by Mr, B.V,Smith yesterday. Mrs. J.R Wright visited in the country Wednesday. Mr. And Mrs. W.M. Andrews spent Monday in the city. Miss Leila Maddoxw was shopping with our merchants Monday. Reu. J.T. I)ovis Presiding Elder of The (’ ill., D strict North Ga. Confer ence will preach morning and night at the Mothodist Church in Jackson next Sabbath Jan. 20th 1907. Mrs. A,C Milieu of FJovilla spent Tuesday in Jackson. Mr.B.S,White died Saturday night of Pneumonia at his home near Cork and was buried in Macedonia Comets ry Monday. Old Uncle Me Barber an old Ante helium Negro died Monday. This class of darkies are fast passing away. Every kind word you say to a dumb animal or bird will make you happier. Every unkind treatment to the cow poison the milk —even talking unKindly to her. Natious, like individuals, art power ful in the degree that they command tne sympathies of their neighbors. Sunday morning and night B, Lsev Hoge will discuss two important sub jects at the Baptist Church. At 11 A M . The most miserable of men and the rem,edy. At 7 P.M. How to solve all hard scriptual problems. Let everybody come out and hear these uuesrions discussed. Christ is My Subject. My friends do you know who is your be9t friend? Why Christ is your best friend, because he can give you ever lasting happiness. No one else can; So my friend you had better come and be saved while you can. You wont have any chance after death. If you knew how much better you would en joy life as a Christian you would not wait one day. O what an awful time the sinner will have if he neglects the aving of his soul! My sinner friend it will not lesson our legitimate pleas ure but give you a welcome Jto a hap py home forever; Miss it and your doom is sealed forever. My fiiend you had better not be so wedded to the thing* of this world that will send you to everlasting torment. My sinner friend how can you be so wedded to the things of this world and not to take any interest in your fortans welfare when you know you will hare JACKSON, GEORGIA. FRIDAY, Jan. 18th, 1907. to leave this wicked world? The Bible say :‘‘Choose ye this day whom ye will serve” So He has given you your choice. If you choose the tilings of this world to our precious savior no one is to blame but your self ;so now my sinner friend choose the better way and come to Christ while you have the chance. You don’t know how long you may have this chance. You see many are taken very suddenly. The Bible says ‘ be ye also ready” sc now my friend I advise you not to neglect auy longer. Mrs. Respata. Some Sayings of Sam Jones. ■‘A man’s likes and dislikes deter mine hiscarachter ” ‘‘The cross is just halfway between heaven and hell.” ‘‘Every time a fellow gets his mean ness off, it is dyspepsia.” ‘‘A man who believes only when he can see doesn’t believe he has got a backbone,” ‘‘Some people are mighty gentle; so gentle that the devil has nothing to fear from them.” “If we would only quit our lying, we would get nine tenths ofourdiffi out on the road.” ‘‘The trouble with humanity is, men dislike so much to give them selves to God just as they are.” To the Baptist Churches. Hear Brothers. it is not four months until te meeting of tne Southern Baptist Con vention and if our Foreign Mission Board goes up without a debt. The Churches must send to Dr. R.J, Willingham of Richmond Va. $270, 000.00 before April 510th 1907. Won’t you at once do your part to wards raising the amount? Tnis looks like a large amount but what is it to $1,800,000. Southen. Baptist? We are a great people uhd should therefore do great things. As scon as you have read this send a contri butien for the Bretheren that are now among the Heathens preaching Christ to the perishiDg ones. Pray Gods bleesingson the word. Very Truly Yours. B Lacy Huge Asst.V. Pres, of Foreign Mission Board. Old Mines Exploded. A strange fatility is reporten from Japun. A floa ting mine, a legacy from the Russo Jaoanese. War, which has ever since been drifting around on the sea, struck the shore at Akita on the west coast ut Japan and explo ding killed a ten and wounded 150 villagers. The sea of Japan was sown with these floating mines in that war and thtv have been a source of much fsur ever since ana several of them have exploded. That one of them should work such murderous havoc among inno ent villagers more than a year after the close of the war is a petheticaily sad event. War is dread ful enough whi e it Is doing its work without leaving oehind it such flout ing mines of murder that may carry destruction and death 4 to some far way shore All evil has this mysterious power of perpetuating itself and ex ploding where it is never expecitd The words we speak the deeds w uu may long float around bearing in their bosom the evil we put in them : to blow up in some .unexpected way. The drnnkard may set such mines loose or the stream of his descend ant. and wealth is often suce r float ing mines in a family, while in is not true thot"The good is oft intered with their bones” it is true that ‘‘The evil men do lives after them ’ The Presbyterian Banner well says: ‘‘Let us set nothing afloat on the sea of life that can carry death to any shore” ALL OVER THE HOUSE. Helpful Hints For the Housekeeper. Value of Tissue Paper. The tissue paper in which parcels are wrapped should never be thrown away, but smoothed out and laid away in a drawer for future use. A small pad of tissue paper sprinkled with methylated spirit will give a brilliant polish to mirrors, picture glasses and crystal. The pad, used without the spirit, is excellent for burnishing steel, rubbing grease spots oft furniture, polishing silver, etc. J r or packing glass, china and ornaments a roll of tissue paper is invaluable. When packing hats a wisp of tissue paper should be twist ed round all upstanding ends of ribbons, ospreys and wings to pre vent crushing. Dress and blouse sleeves should be stuffed with soft paper and a sheet of it placed be tween the folds. Silk handker chiefs, ribbons and lace should all be ironed between a layer of tissue paper, and the latter is a line pol isher of steel buckles and hatpins. Simplified Art. Tatiencc—'That painting doesn’t look like one of the old masters. l’atrice —No, it’s not. The artist belongs to the new school of sim plified painters. — Yonkers States man. —~ ■ —lf — *a——<7*. " McCORD’S MILL CHANGES HANDS To The Public: I have recently bought the “Me Cord Grist Mill,” situated on Yellow Water Creek, near the city of Jackson. This mil! has*had. for years, the reputa tion of making “The Best Wa ter Ground Meal,” mill in this section, It will be oper ated by the veteran miller, Mr. J. T. Bennett, which is a guar antee that its former high re cord will be kept up, and that its customers will receive prompt service, and courteous treatment. The mill will be thouroughly renovated, and put in condition to grind from 5o to 75 bushels per day; so do not be afraid ot delays, but bring your corn right on, to the mil!. Mr. Bennett will keep fresh meal o 1 hand, to exchange with those who wish to exchange corn for meal. Farmers in coming to Jackson to market can bring along a few sacks of corn without any delay. The merchants of Jackson will keep fresh stock Dt this McCords Water Ground Meal, t to supply their numerous customers. So al wa\ s call for McCords Water (1 round Meal, and take no sub si itute, and you may rest as sured, when you g w t it, (if its fresh; and ground out of good corn, you get good meal, This mill being a “lionie Institu tion,” and near enough for you to se<* and know what is being done, I hope to be fa vored with your friendship and patronage. Kespeetfully Yomrs, J. W. Childs; Our Pulpit. ‘‘This people have I formed for my self; they shall anew forth my praise.” Isa 48-21. ‘‘The legend runs that there on stood in an old baronial oastle a mu sical instrument upon which nobody could play . It was complicated in itf mechanism, and during years of dis use the dust had gathered and clog ged it, while dampness and variations of temperature had robbed the string of their tone. Various experts had tried to repair it, but without succeM and when the hand of a player swept over the chords, it woke only harsh, discords and sounds. But there came one day to the castle a man of anoth er sort. He was the maker of the la instrument and saw what was amis*, and what was needed for its repair, and with loving care and skill, ha freed the wires from the encumbered dust,and adjusted those which were awry and brought the jang ling strings into tans, and then th* hall rang with bursts of exquisite music.” And so with these souls of ours so disordered by sin that everything ie in compusion, our Jives send forth only discords and nuvlovely sounds. We have tried to adjust the oumgs of our lives but without success. Oor Maker nas oome and asked that w# turn over to him the task of repairing and readjustment. He will set all right and make perfect the music of our lives. Our Heavenly Father, we prey Thee In Jesus name take this diseor dant. life of mine, and ;so repuir and raadjnstit, that it will produce the melody for which it was orsgina lly de ighed; ana constructed. Amen May Live 100 Years. The chancesjfor living a full century are excellent in the case of Mrs Jennie Duncan of Hayesvtlle, Me. now 70 years old. Sh writes ;“Klectric Bitters cured me of C Uron* ic Despepsia ol' 20 year stauidng, anil mad me feci as wellanilstrongas a yoiiuggirl.'a Electric Bitters cure Stomach ami Diver diseases, Blood disorders, General Debill. ' y and bodily week ness. Sold on a guar Ml tee at Hanna Drug Cos. Obituary^ Sacred to the memory of Mr.8.8; White or Uncle Barth as he waa bet ter known, who departed thie life January I2th. Death is always sad and afflicting to the Jiving. It is so natural lor OS toalways want to say or something to be said of our departed loved ones that will create in the minds and and heart* of the hearer and reader# while our nature cries out in anguish at the departure of our loved on**# Yel we are assured that he hud made ready, had set his house in order# has died the deu>h ef the nghteou*. To the God ef all grace we would commend the companion and weeping children and may this sad dispensioa of .Providence be sanctified to their good and may they ail by grace divine be prepared to meet him in a better .land where there is no more parting or death, J H.Smith. PREVENT HEAI> AC H E . .Force them? No—aids them. R§ mons treatment of Liver Pills and Ton ic Pellets strengthens the liver and di gestive organs so that they do their own work and fortifies your coustittt tion against future trouble. Entire Teatraent 25 cents—Hanna Drug Cos. OASTORIA. BMuith* Ths Kind Yen Have Always Beerfl Number 3.