The Jackson record. (Jackson, Butts County, Ga.) 18??-1907, January 25, 1907, Image 1

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CALL ON J B EDWARDS &, SON FOR FRESH MEATS AND FISH OR PHONE 5© - nm t i 1 1 a I he Jackson Record. Volume 26. COURT RENDERS DECISION IN FAVOR OF THE CITY. Judge Reagan Lifts the Flood Gates and In His Order Says, WATER. The case of Hodges & Noseworthy ys City of Jackson, which was an in junction. in substance, to prevent the City from condemning private prop erty, Judge Reagan on last Saturday after nearing the case dissolved the former order of injunction hereto fore granted and unless this action on his part is reversed by the Supreme Court and bv that tribunal, the lower Court is reversed in the premises the condemnatory Droseedings will contin ue and the property rights of plain tiffs will be assessed by the “Board of Arbitrators.” The City is very much elated over the/uling of Judge Regan in the case while the plaintiffs are very confident that the Supreme Court will reverse the ruling of the lower courr. Plaintiffs attorney says that while the Judge ruled that the City has the authority to exercise the right of eminent domain, yet he, the judge was in very great doubts about the proposition . The Citizens of Jakson will wait with patience for the final outcome of the case, as on this decision hangs the success of the city in securing water. A Poor Orjran, DamC*) the bile. That's what your liver does if its torpid Then the bile overflows into the b’ood —poisons your system, causing sick headache, bil— lioasness, sallow skin, coated tongue, sick stomache, dizziness, fainting spells, dark rings about the eyes, worn-out looks etc. Ramons tieat ment of Liver Pills & n^rr onic Pellet strengthens the liver—makes it do its own work. Prevents and cures these troubles. Aids —doesu’t force. Entire treatment 25cts. Hanna Drug Jo. Judge Curry doing to Build. Ex Judge Curry of Butts County gave the Record a friendly call Saturday afternoon and stated that hs was going to erect a business room on his lot on Third street. The work will begin as soen as the Judge de cides on the size and plans of the building. There is quite a great deal of .building going on at the present in Jacks-on and it holes as though th 6 town would take on a building boom Jackson is about as good a town as there ic in this part of the state. Prevent Headache are quickly relieved by NOSENA. It soothes the congested meinbrares al lays inflamations and thouroughly heals and clenses. It keeps rao'st all the passages whose tendency is to thicken an 1 become dry. Cures colds, troubles hoarseness, hay fever | stopped up” nose, breathing through the mouth while sleeping, offensive breath, etc. It is antiseotic and con tains no chemicals or drugs having a narcotic effect, or that nan cause tne * ‘drug habit.” Two Way* of Doing a Thing. Oal of the large number of subscri bers *o The Record there are not a dozeu who are not sure to pay. Doubtless there are a number who ara forgetful or negligent, which is all right, we do not censure them. Doubtless again there are some with whom it may not he always conveni ent to pay promptly. All this is satis factory with us, BUT when a man refuses his paper, or orders it discon tinued, it almost invariably turns out that he is behind with his subscrip tion two or three years, and for this species of the genus homo, we have just about as much respect as we have for a common suck egg dog. Cures all Skin Diseases. If your blood is impure, thin, dis eased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles eating -ores, scrofula, ecaema, itching risings and bumps, scabby, pimply skin, bon e pains, catarrh rheumatism or any blood or akin disease, take Bo tanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.). S'onall sores heal, aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure acd rich. Druggists or by express 1 dollar per arge bottle. Sample froe by writing Blood Balm Cos., Atlanta, Ga. 8.8 B is especially advised for chronic, deep seated cases, as it cures after all else fails. McCORD’S MILL CHANGES HANDS. To The Public: I have recently bought the “M( Cord Grist Mill,” situated on Yellow Water Creek, near the city of Jackson. This mil! has had. for years, the reputa tion of making “The Best Wa ter Ground Meal,” of .any mill in this section, It will be oper ated by the veteran miller, Mr. J. T. Bennett, which is a guar antee that its former high re cord will be kept up, and that its customers will receive prompt service, and courteous treatment. The mill will be thouroughly renovated, and put in condition to grind from 5o to 76 bushels per day; so do not be afraid ot delays, but bring your corn right on, to the null, Mr. Bennett will keep fresh meal o 1 hand, to exchange with those who wish to exchange corn for meal. Farmers in coming to Jackson to market can bnng along a few sacks of corn without au y fear of delay. The merchants of Jackson will keep fresh stock Dt this McCords Water Ground Meal, Jo supply their numerous customers. So al -1 ways call for McCords Water Ground Me*!, and take no sub stitute, and you may rest as sured, when you get it, (if its fresh) and ground out of good corn, you get good meal. This mill being a “Home Institu tion,”. and near enough for you to sea and know what is being done, I hope to be fa vored with your friendship and patronage. Respectfully' Yours, J. W. Childs: JACKSON, GEORGIA. FRIDAY, Jan. 25th, 1907. Messrs Joe Bailey and J. C. Jones spent Friday in Atlanta selecting some very fine mules for thb Jackson market. Mr. J.R. Thaxton from Griffin vis. ited relatives in the city last week. Mr. dumpy Losb came to see his “many friends” in Jackson Saturday Mrs. J. R. Wright, Mrs. Will Wright and little Frances visited in the country Saturday. Little Mildred aud Myrtle Wilson visited Annice Barnes at Flovilla Sat urday and Sunday, Mrs W.W. Wilson and Miss Es telle Thornton paid "-he Jacksonian a visit Monday. Miss Eula Thornton was a wel come visitor to the Jacksonian last week Mr. and Mrs Asa Smith spent Sun clay in the Gate City. Mr. J B. Edward’s new residence is nearing completion, The new buggy factory at che depot is nearing completion . and the build ingis an ornament to the town, Miss Ethel Thornton pleasantly called on the Record Monday. Mayor Wall spent Friday in Atlan ta. Col. Dempsey wont to Atlanta Fri day. There is a report going about that cur Commishioners of Roads aud Rev. enues are lying aWgke very much these nights. The election for J . P. In Iron Springs district Saturday resulted in the election of Mr. Evan Smith. Capb. W.F Smith, and Rev. Andrew Gooclrum were visitors in Jackson Tuesday. Mr. J G. Shaw from Henry County was in the city Tuesday. Misses Lenoia and Adelle Nutt spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Mrs. Mote Watt* in Flovilla, Mrs. Lillian Price of Locust Grove has returned homo after spending several days with Miss llmnie Bailey. Miss Tennie Brownlee it visiting relatives in Macon, Miss Moyer returned to her home in Atlanta Saturday after a weeks vieit with Mrs. A J. Carmichael. Mr. A.C. Sheppard of Arlington saentSaturday and Sunday here with friends. There are several items of interest and some that may suve you money in J. Arenton ad this week. The farmer* are holding u conven tion in Atlanta this week. Any body that doubts that hair will grow on sterile soil will have their convictions abruptly changed if.they note the luxuriant growth of hair on the once bald pate of Judge F.Z. Uurry. He will gladly forward any of his hair less friends with the perscription of the tonic used. Water bonds now. L tsee, wasn’t it water we were talking about New Years Morning? Sure. Don’t forget when in need of any thing for sale an ad in the Want Col umn of The Recora will reach more readers than any other place for one cent a word . Drop an ad in the Want Column of The Jacksonian for good results. Mr.Walter Meade Orowford has re turned to Hawkinsville after a few days visit with home fol k. Death of Mrs. Dr. John Thaxton. Mrs. Thaxton the wife of Dr. John Thaxton died suddenly last Friday, The remains were interred Saturday at Fellowship Cemetery. Local Hcws Items. Mrs Mote Watts of Flovilla spent, last weekwith her mother Mrs. Mai let. Dr. Jarrell Is one of our most progres sive citizens and we predict unqualih ed success for any interprize he an dertakes. Mr. and Mr*. James Thurston who formerly resided in Dublin Ga. have returned to Jackson'to visit their par ents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thurston who live on South Mulberry St. Parents Day at the Methodits Church Sunday. It is the earnest wish of the Super intendentto have the parents present at the Sunday School services Sunday morning to witness the t remendous increase in attendance and the new methods used. At II o’clock the pas tor Rev. S. P. Wiggins will preach a special sermon on the Sunday school. OBITUARY. In Memory of Willie Thompson. Willie Thompson who met a tragic death on the 16t.h of Oct. last at night while hunting by a t ree falling on him. He was thirty years old a mem ber of Cedtir Rock Church for 15 years hence you see he has followed out the admonitions of the scriptures where it. said, “Remember thy Crea tor in tbs days of thy youth.” He loved liis mother'more than all tilings else in tins world. The last word he eves spoke in this world he called his mother. Some noted author was once asked wh'ch was the thr*o great est words in the English language, and his reply was these words. My motiier, My country and My liod. Willie Thompson was a gcod citizen a Christian Gentleman and a dutiful son. A though the flowers and wreaths placed on his grave by his mitny friends has withered, yet when loved ones visit that sacred spot the soft winds and and tell us he is not dead but gone on before. A Friend. news from Our neighboring towns. Iron Springs. The school at this place is on a boom. With Prof. J. B. Ward prin cipal. Miss Bessie Maddox assistant and with a roll number of 67 pupils Iron Springs Is slowly but surely forging to the front. We are build ing a much needed addition to our school house which will soon be ready for occupancy. Any one having business with the editor of The Record will find him at the maiden e of Mr. and Mrs. Lon Wright Sunday where he and Bill ♦♦♦ •fl l ♦ Rapid changes of temperature are hard t on the toughest constitution. I The conductor passing from the heated inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature of the platform —the canvasser spending an hour or so in a heated building and then walking against a biting wind —know the difficulty of avoiding cold. Scoff's Emulsion strengthens the body so that it can better withstand the danger of cold from changes of temperature. It will help you to avoid taking cold. ALL DRUOGIBTBS 800. AND SI.OO. Number 4. City Government. (Communicated) For the last two years Jackson has bt-en considerably its deadliest enemy The earliest period we find man con gregating in villages for self preseva tion. In unity aud combination w# may expect protection to the whole, and strength to ward off the blow from the raised hand of ihe enemy. Gan civil government fatten and thrive with an everlasting strife a mong those who govern aDd thoee to be governed? “United we stand, Divl ded we fall,” has been the watchword of the grand aud glorious common wealth of Kentucky, aud from that prevailing spirit among her citizens, she now boasts of being a state in the Union second to none. We suggest, tor a remedy that our city fathers take the Charter of the town as a guide and strictly follow it If they will do this no citizen will have the'ty to crit’cise. complain and knock at the Mayor and Council. We do not mean to be a knocker our selves, but we shall keep an eye on both the Charter of tne town and the acts of the Mayor and Council and its officers and when the organic law of the city is ignored we mean to speak out in meeting. Already one section of the Charter has been iguor •and and next u week we will publish that section and call on tie City fathers lo give us an explanation as to why it is treated as a nulity. Change of Name. On and after 22nd day of February 1907 the legal advertismerits will be published in “The Jacksonian’’ a newspaper that will be published ia Jackson Butts County Ga. W. W. Wilson. Sheriff B,C. On Feb. 22nd 1907 the name of this paper will be changed from the Jack eon Record to that of The Jacksonlan. Collier have an appointmet to most and eat chitlings. Mr. L. A. Maddox and wife wer* called to the bedside of her mother who lives in Griffin and whs is very sick. Report says there will be an all day singing next Sunday afternoon begia nlng at 2 o’clock at the school house. Sheriff Wilson is Invited to be with us. The friends of Mr. J. M. Preston will be glad to learn that he is recor ering from a severe attack of Pneumo nia.