The Jackson record. (Jackson, Butts County, Ga.) 18??-1907, February 01, 1907, Image 3
MAYOR OF BUNBURY Says Pe-ru-na Is a Good Medicine. Eon. C. C. Brooks, Mayor of Sunbury, Ohio, also Attorney for Farmers’ Bank *nd Sunbury Building and Loan Cos., writes: “I have the. utmost confidence in the virtue of Peruna. It is a great medicine. I have used it and I have known many of my friends who have obtained bene ficial results from its use. I cannot praise Peruna too highly. THERE are a host of petty ailments which are the direct result of the weather. This is more true of the excessive heat cf summer and the intense cold of win ter, but is partly true of all seasons of the year. Whether it be a cold or a cough, catarrh f the head or bowel complaint, whether the liver be affected or the kidneys, the oause is very liable to be the same. The weather slightly deranges the mu cous membranes of the organs and the re ult is some functional disease. Peruna has become a standby in thousands of homes for minor ail ments of this sort. Ask Tour Druggist for Free Peruna Almanac For 1907. Even failure may sometimes be •polled by success. PHILIPPINE “DOBIE ITCH” Itching Pimples Covered Body—Dis charged For Disability—Found Cure in Cuticura Remedies. “I enlisted in the Corps of Engineers as • telegraph operator, and, while stationed in the Philippines, I became subject to the ‘Dobie Itch,’ as the natives call it. In this disease small, white, itching pimples form under the skin, generally between the toes, on the limbs, between the fingers and under the arms. I never knew of a case originating outside the Philippine Islands, but have known of many cases where it has returned in this country and invariably at the same time of the year as the original attack. The cause, so far as I could learn, was some tropical parasite or germ peculiar to that region. “I got so bad that I was confined to my quarters a week at a time. The Army Burgeons applied some carbolic solution, and it would disappear for a time, when it would break out again. I was discharged from the Engineers by reason of disability contracted in line of duty, and when I had the trouble again, my druggist, Mr. Z ,of Brooklyn, recommended Cuticura Remedies. The immediate relief was mani fest with my first purchase, and the malady quickly yielded to the Cuticura Remedies. It has never recurred or both ered me since I began to use and continued to use the Cuticura Remedies. You may quote me as a believer in Cuticura Rem edies from personal experience. John S. iWoods, 221 Sands St., Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 21 and 26, 1906.” Anew broom and a straight flush make a clean sweep. RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA ST. JACOBS OIL The Proved Remedy For Over 50 Years. Price 25c and 50c * treatment of tramps. Bacon —The police aro very consid erate of a poor homeless tramp in New York. Egbert—How so? Bacon—Why, when one goes to sleep on a park bench the cop rapf ftim up.—Yonkers Statesman. No Umbrellas for Soldiers. The rain fell in torrents on the soldiers tramping sturdily Sown the muddy street. “Why don’t they put up their um brellas?” said a spectator. With a sneer an elderly man re plied. “Don’t you know, sir, that soldiers never carry umbrellas? History rec ords just one instance of their having done so. It was in an engagement of the civil war, and a group of of ficers were holding up umbrellas to shield themselves from a thunder storm when Gen. Grant passed. “The General frowned at the sight and sent an aide to the officers with this historic message: “ ‘I do not approve of the use of umbrellas in war, and will not allow any of my soldiers to make them selves ridiculous in the eyes of the enemy.’ “Since that time,” ended the old man, “no soldier has ever dared to protect his uniform with the effemi nate umbrella.” —Philadelphia Bulle tin. An Immortally Incorrect Sentence. A grammarian was talking about grammatical slips that through their magnitude, merited immortality. “There is one sentence,” he said, “that has lived for a hundred years on account of its tremendous incor rectness. In this sentence every word, every single word, is ungram matical. It’s hard to beat that, isn’t it? The sentence was spoken by a lit tle girl in a sheep pasture. Looking at the flocks she said to the shepherd: Ts them sheeps youm?’ This sentence, with every word incorrect, holds the record in its class.” —Kansas City Times. A REDUCTION. “You say,” was the question, al though it is not recorded who had the temerity to ask, “that you are twenty-six?” * “Yes,” she confessed —and it Ts pos sible that she was in a mesmeric state; “marked down from forty-one, owing to the competition in tihe matri monial market.” —(Puck. Heart of the Home WRITE US FREELY and frankly, In strictest confidence, teßtag all your troubles, and stating your age. We wtß send you FREE ADVICE, in pfarin sealed envelope, and a val uable 64-page Book on "Home Treatment for Women." Address: Ladles’ Advisory Department, The Chattanooga Medidne Cos., Chattanooga, Tenn. G 98 The balloon has one great meril| over the automobile. It newer runs orveT innocent nedestrians. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 25a. Every time a girl is crossed in love she imagines that her heart is broken, but it only gets a very small dent. Invigorate the Digestion. To invigorate the digestion and stimu late tbe torpid liver and bowels there’s nothing so good as that old family remedy, Brandreth’s Pills, which has been in use for over a century. They cleanse the blood and impart new vigor to the body. One or two every night for a week will usually be all that is required. For Constipation or Dyspepsia, one or two taken every night will in a short time afford great re- Brandreth’s Pills are the same fine lax ative tome pill your grandparent* used and being purely vegetable are adapted to even' system. Sold m every drug and medicine store, either plain or sugar-coated. HIS OPINION. She (after a quarrel).—l wouldn't cry for the best man living, so there! He—You don’t have to cry for him, dear; you’ve got him. You Look Prematurely Old I nm now prepared to fill orders for my Celebrated CABBAGE PLANTS in any quantity desired. EARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD—EarIiest and best •are header, small type. CHARLESTON WAKEFIELD—About ten days later than Early Jersey s, also a sure header of line size. Prices f. o. b. here, packed in light boxes: 500 for 51. 90. 1,000 to 5,003 at ® 1.50 per M. 5,000 to 10,030 at 51. 35 per Special prices on larger quantities. All orders shipped 0. O- D. when not accompanied by remittance. CHAS. M. GIBSON, Young’s Island, S. C. Unless a man knows when he has enough he’s apt to get too much. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens thegums, reduce si nflamma tion, allays pain,cures wind colic, 25c a bottle A man isn’t necessarily absent minded because he misplaces his con fidence. Baciuto of (hsa ugtp, grtuly, gray hairt. Uaa ** LA CRKOIf” HAIR RKSTQRfR. ■Price, 0.00, rciall. NATURE PROVIDES FOR SICK WOMEN • more potent remedy in the roots and herbs of the field than was ever produced from drugs. In the good old-fashioned days of our grandmothers few drugs were used in medicines and Lydia E. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., in her study of roots and herbs and their power over disease discovered and gave to the women of the world a remedy for their peculiar ills more potent and efficacious than any combination of drugs. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is an honest, tried and true remedy of unquestionable therapeutic value. During its record of more than thirty years, its long list of actual cures of those serious ills peculiar to women, entitles Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to the respect and confidence of every fair minded person and every thinking woman, When women are troubled with irregular or painful functions, weakness, displacements, ulceration or inflammation, backache, flatulency, general debility, indigestion or nervous prostration, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy, Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound. No other remedy in the country has such a record of cures of female ills, and thousands of women residing in every part of the United States bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable compound and what it has done for them. Mrs. Pinkhain invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. For twenty-five years she has been advising sick women free of charge. She is the da\ighter-in-law of Lydia E. Pink ham and as her assistant for years before her decease advised under her immediate direction. Address, Lynn, Mass. ggg HOT TAVI rtn’O Cherokee of Sweet Gum and Mullein Uvt IAY Lull U Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe & l r , an All druggist*. 11 'is**, BOa an/fbOO. oMozley’s Lemon Elixir. Is a sure cure for all Liver Troubles and a preventive of Typhoid and other fevers. ( Grandparent Good for < Parent ( Baby Ask Your Neighbor 50c. and SI.OO per bottle at Drug Stores. Cabbage Plants! A Little Child carries with It the possibilities of great happiness, Into the heart of a childless home. Women who wish for children, should understand that sterility is not so much of a disease, as a symptom of female weakness, and, that in 90 cases out of 100, when the female weak ness has been cured by T CARDIN the longed-for visit of the stork comes. Dr. J. J. Livingston, of Freeman, Ind., writes: “I prescribed Cardui to a lady patient, who had previously had three or four mishaps. She took 6 bottles and was soon made the happy mother of a well-grown boy, who is still living and doing well. I think that Wine of Cardui is the sole cause of her being able to have this child.” Whatever may be the form of your female trouble or weakness, try Cardui. It is a reliable remedy for aB the diseases peculiar to women. AT ALL DRUGGISTS IN SLOO BOTTLES Light SAW MILLS LATH AND SHINGLE MACHINES SAWS AND SUPPLIES, STEAM AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Try LOMBARD, Carolina Cement Cos. ATLANTA, CH KLEMTON, BIRMINGHAM, NEW ORLEANS. LIME, CEMENT, ETC. Land Plaster Supplants Fertilirer. Bee Catalog. “ACME" FLIHT COATED ASPHALT ROOFIHB, L 2 and 3ply, for Barns, Rwtl danr-m. Warhouffi. Better. Cheaper than Bhinle and other Rooting. Bam pi os, prices, address DEPT. C. HE KNEW POP. Teacher—-Can you tell me anything about the frontier, Tommie? Tommie—Yes’m. That’s where pop sits when he goes to the theatre alone.”—Yonkers Statesman. CABBAGE Plants, CELERY Plants mjgsm and all klndsof garden plants. Can now furnish all kinds of eabfeagr KgߣKn ft plants gri.wn In tto* open air and will stand gnat cold urowo from ErtSJM aeeda of the moat reliable seedsmen. We use tbe asm- plaants Htftfiivfll jel Mi} KfrMfr m oar thousand acre mack farm Plant* carefully counted and properly KMVIMKH <fwKv*<W pa ked Celery ready laet • f liec. lettuce, cr.ioai and Beet plain*. name ■fJ.’IINH f %3zKj/NfFiagnm tin * < r earlier Bed'ced express rate* pwmilaed.whKk.wken effectlee mppWefc<l*NßEj| will rise ua HO per cent lea. than merchandise rate* Trices. Snanil mta fwMB tl 50 per Uiouaund large l< t gI.W) to gi.2S per thousand. I O b. Meg JwftfW*!!*. - ■■ l4 aetia bc. Arlington V> hi I* !• pine Cucumber seed > cent* per pound. ■ J (• KieggtMk, 8. c. 'lhe Llilted Mate. Agrli ultural Department has establishedanl Experimental Station on on farms, to test all kinda of vegeSaMes, eape- CUIU Cabbages. she re.uiu of tbaae experiment* we will be pleneed to give you nt any time. eU, J * Youra teapeotfulJy N H I,IT< H COMPANV. MKBSBTW, I. (1 To !vavXv‘.v.v\ \V LYDIA E. PINKHAM SUCCESSION—Beat known mi. hemline variety of large flat cabbage, later than Charleston Wakefield. These plants are from the very best tested seeds and grown in the open air and will stand severe cold with out injury. All orders are filjed from the same beds that lam using for my extensive cabbage farms. Sat- guaranteed. imp OoeOfTließestiutsl | of liberally using our fertilir- I 1 sera, is to pay off a mortgage ■ I on the old farm Readthefol- ■ I I lowing from Messrs. Wherry 1 I & Son.owners of the Magnolia 1(l fruit Farm, Durant. Miss.: 11l “We made WOO from one more 1 r strawberries, on whioh your _ M fertilizers were used. Bight Iftigßra years ago we bought this place Sag&l at S2O per acre, it was then Wlawy considered to have been vrorn out twenty years before, but iiiujgu by liberally using Vlrginia-Carolin.' Fertilizer* under peas and veivet beans. f we can now grow almost any thing, and have been offered S2OO per acre for tbo place. W experimented with a great many brands of fertilizers, but find the highest per oent. cheaper.” Now don’t you think Virginia-Caroliua Fertilisers would enable you to pay off a w -1 t mortgage if you had one? Well, don’t use any other. Virglola-Carollna Chemical Richmond. Va. Norfolk. Va. Durham. N. C. Charleston, S. O. Baltimore. Md. Atlanta, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. fVt Memphis, Tenn, Ull Shreveport, La. m Hogless Lard I 3 None anywhere near so || good, so pure, so eco- gS 3 nomical, so satisfactory. 9 jfg U. 6. Government Ins d. Jjjg #5 Dropsy ii Y Removes all swelling in 8 to a* >1 days; effect* a permanent cur* A In 30 to todays. Trial treatment free. Nothingcanbe fairaf rf rYilifgnH write Dr. H. H. Green’s Song, SvlSSiMcJtllttt. Box B*Atlntg. Qy You Feel Well when your stomach takes proper care of the food you eat. Parsons’ Pills aid digestion, gently expel all refuse matter from the system—make new rich blood and insure health. Put up in glass vials. Price 25 Cents. At all dealers. I. S. JOHNSON & CO.. Boston. Mist.