The Jackson record. (Jackson, Butts County, Ga.) 18??-1907, February 01, 1907, Image 5
Coipcing Sal January 26, Only 36 Days pie in Jackson. The times were so hard that the people could Buy All they wanted at my sale before Christmas, and lam going to make prices lower than 1 did last year. Now on this last Thirty days, on this home run, Come into my store where a little money will go a long way and bless your homes with the things the family need and still have about all your money. SEE THESE PRICES, they are the sample of the way lam slaughter** ing goods; Did you ever buy the following commodities for these prices* 800 yards heavy weight. Canton Finn nel the regular price 8 cents Cos Now going at O Percale, extra weight, regular L price cts ayd now going all* l" - Ladies, Shawls all wool, extra 2Cc large sizes, all going at... .*/ Now this farewell word: Don’t wait until the Sale is closed and then abuse yourself for not getting it while it was going on. Come and get what you need, it is here, somebody is going to get the goods, for they must go. Come and get your share. YOUR FRIEND: SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE FOR JACKSON. Local Passenger trams pass th Depot, at the times mentioned below. NORTH BOUND. No 17 6 41 Aif No .7 9 :57A. M No. 15 2 :32P. M, No. 9 8:18 “ SOUTH BOUND. No 18 9 58 P M, No. 16 7:38 A. M No. 8 3:08 P. M No 10 8:08 “ Q. W. KINSMAN Carriage & Wagon Mfgr. !!■■■■ 111 r * —T ' - I IHIWMFUM Plantation Work in gen eral. Horseshoeing in a Specialists Hands. Work done with Dispatch and Ac curacy and on Shortest Not ice and at living prices FOR THE CASH. Change of Name. On and after 22nd day of February 1907 the legal advertisments will be published in “The Jacksonian'' a newspaper that will be published in Jackson Butts County Ga. W. W. Wilson. Sheriff B.C. On Feb. 22nd 1907 the name of this paper will be changed from the Jack son Record to that of The Jacksonian. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Ibe Kind You Have Always Bought ! Bears the S]? SIS# of ..THIRTY - DAY - SALE.. Large lot Mens Buckskin work ing gloves, for a pair Mens four in hand Silk Ties. 10c Now going at *■' Mens Negligee Shirts, all sizes and col oi’B regular nrice 75 cents 2Ac Now going at 3/ ggggggggggggggj\ Eocal Hews items. 001. F. Z. Curry spent Tuesday in Macon. Mr. J. H. Ham spent Monday in Atlanta. Miss Pearl Singley will return to Atlanta Saturday. Mr. Earnest Hanes is spending a few days in Atlanta. Col. Lane of Macon spent Sunday with Mrs. Janie McKibben. Messrs Joe Wall and Park Newton spent Sunday with friends in Newnan. Miss Pearl Singley is spending the week with her sister Mrs. J. H. Norsworthy. Messrs Bvrt Wa*kin3 and Harold Mallet made a business trip to Fio j villa Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Gev. Knutt have re i turned to Atlanta after a pleasant visit to Mrs. Ball. Mr. G. W. Wyatt, of BattsCounty, formerly a citizen of old Henry, was mingling with old friends in McDon ough last Saturday.—Henry County Weekly. There will be a special meeting next Sunday morning at the Baptist 1 Church to consider the resignation of the pastor and all are requested to be present.. B. Lacy Hoge will have as subject next Sunday the following : at 11 a. m. “Thing* New and Old” and at 7 :00 p. m. “The Precious Blood.” All are invited to come. Mrs, Finley entertained a few of her friends at a dinner Friday, Those present were Mrs. Annie Webb, Miss G. W. Kinsman, Mrs. Kimbell, Mrs. | Abbie McCord and Miss Ida Mae Kimbell, Miss Bessie Ham intertained a few friends informally Friday evening. Those present were Miss Willie Coop er, Miss Lester, Miss Bessie Ham, Mr., Jim Etheridge, Mr. Clarence Compton and Mr. Pitts McKibben. Mr. Otis Ham of Atlanta spent Sunday here. Miss Slade of Zebulon is the guest of Mrs. McMahon. Miss Mary Newton will visit Mrs. of Cairo in February, Miss Rosa Newton returned Mon day from a visit to Miss Mayer in At lanta. Dr. C. A. Butner is at the bedside of his father who lives at powder Springs, Miss Clara Nolen from Locust Grove spent Saturday and Sunday with parents. Mrs. Eliza Welsh, of Jackson, visi ted her sister, Mrs. J. P, Welsch a few days last week,—Henry County Weekly. Col. E.M. Smith from McDonough and Col. Kimberly from Macon were in th : city Tuesday on business. Misses Mignon and Delana Lunquest of Jackson.spent Saturday and Sun day with their aunt Mrs. Sail'e Ed wards. —Hampton Correspondent in Henry County Weekly . Mrs. McMahon entertained in hon or of her guest Miss Slade of Zebulon Saturday morning from 9 o'clock to 11. The pretty parlor was decorated with ferns and violets. After two in teresting contests a delicious salad course was served. Mrs. Butler won the pretty prize. Those present were Miss Slade of Zebulon Mrs. Butler, Mrs. F, S. Etheeidge, Mrs. S. 0. Ham, Mrs. Stewart of Macon. Mrs. B. Lacy Hoge, Mrs. Turner, Mrs R. N. Ethe ridge, Mrs. Adams, Miss Mittie Wall, Miss Mary Newton, Miss Myra Mill er, Miss Annie Hoge, Miss Willie Cooper, Miss Mattisu Ham, Miss Annie Duke. A regular commun cation of St. Johns Lodge No 45 Free 'and Accep ted Masons will be held in Masonic Hall in Jackson Ga. at 7 o'clock. Next Monday p. m. Feb. 4th The Mas ter Masons degree will be confered.r All brethren duly ‘qualified ur fra ternally invited. Johuß. Hopkins. Worshipful Master, Geo, Carmichael, Secretary, Mens Fur Hats latest style, CAc . Now going at v/ Boys Hats regular price 50 cents |Ac Now t going at 1/ Ladies and Mens Rubber Over iAc Shoes Now going at McCORD’S MILL CHANGES HANDS. To The Public: I have recently bought the “Mc Cord Grist Mill,” situated on Yellow Water Creek, near the city of Jackson. This mil! has had. for years, the reputa tion of making “The Best Wa ter Ground Meal,” of any mill in this section, It will be oper ated by the veteran miller, Mr. J. T. Bennett, which is a guar antee that its former high re cord will be kept up, and that its customers will receive prompt service, and treatment. The mill will be thourouglily renovated, and put in condition to grind from 5o to 75 bushels per day; so do not be afraid ot delays, but bring your corn right on, t' the mil!, Mr. Bennett will keep fresh meal o 1 hand, to exchange with those who wish to exchange corn for meal. Farmers in coming l to Jackson to market can bnng along a few sacks of corn without any fear of delay. The merchants of Jackson will keep fresh stock Dt this McCords Water Ground Meal, to supply their numerous customers. So al ways call for McCords Water Ground Me**], and take no sub stitute, and you may rest as sured, when you get it, (if its fresh) and ground out of good corn, you get good meal. This mill being a “Home Institu tion,” and near enough for you to seo and know what is being done, I hope to be fa vored with your friendship and patronage. Kespectfully Yours, J. W. Childs; Mens Suits in great varities All Wool the regular price $9 00 Now going at * Ladies and Gents heavy weight TANARUS” • Hose, Now going at 4pr "and Large lot of Ladies and Gentlem u "s Umbrellas, regular price ;2Ce SI.OO Now going at JACKSON, GA. Want fld Column. ONE CENT A WORD. If you have anything for sale, off rent, if you want to anything, or want any help ; the Want Column of The Record is the place to put a small ad for only one cent a word. FOR SALE. —Eight shares in the Jackson Creamery foi .-ale call on or address L. L. Greer. 4-4 t SHOES 1 Pliable, Durable, Shapely, Comfortable No. f4O, Sold Everywhere, Price, k $2.00 1