The Jackson record. (Jackson, Butts County, Ga.) 18??-1907, February 08, 1907, Image 2

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FOILED. An aide of the Tzar had determined * \commlt suicide. A It is not that I care particularly to ra|n” he explained, "but for the joke An the fellows who have made an ex pensive bomb for me.” At the inquest they noted the pres ence of a satisfied smile. —Philadel- phia Ledger. A Perennial Puzzle. It is a wise young man who, when An gets a home-made birthday pre i©nt from a girl, knows immediately irhjst it is intended for. —Somerville toGrnal. MOTHERHOOD‘r gs gB j f The first requisite of a good IVSkI^ mother is good health, and the ex- '? l * .1 perience of maternity should not be /flpMfiHeaM TSjnfli approached without careful physical - ! IffiN'N. preparation, as a woman who is in J food physical condition transmits to i|fj (a er children the blessings of a good -fiTM * V Ik *2? Preparation for healthy mater- ' nity is accomplished by Lydia E. i i y '-&r Plnkhan’B Vegetable Compound. * which is made from native roots and /JtM /L --herbs, more successfully than by any * f other medicine because it gives tone and strength to the entire feminine d°~ —~~ — ■■—— ■ ■ aoc organism, curing displacements, ul- V MRS. JAMES CHEST Efl ceration and inflammation. and the u * ur% result is less suffering and more children healthy at birth. For more than thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham’sVegetable Compound has been the standby of American mothers in preparing for childbirth. NotewhatMrs JamesChester.of427 W. 33th St., New York says in this letter:—Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-“I wish every expectant mother knew about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. A neighbor who had learned of its great value at this trying period of a woman’s life urged me to try It and I did so, and I cannot sav enough in regard to the good it did me. I recovered quickly and aru in the best of health now.” Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is certainly a successful remedy for the peculiar weaknesses and ailments of women. It has cured almost every form of Female Complaints, Dragging Sensa tions, Weak Back, Falling and Displacements, Inflammation, Ulcera tions and Organic Diseases of Women and is invaluable in preparing for Childbirth and during the Change of Life. Mrs. Pinkham’s Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to writ* Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass .Her S&vice is free. FOR SALE t £a r de For gome other business. 5-year lease, furni ture and good will of only Hotel In city of 8000. 40 rooms; doing a business of $13,000 per year. Present owner not a hotel mail and wants to (get into some other business What have you to oUcr, cash or trade? Address P. 0 BOX R 57 JOPLIN, MO. Where The Money IBiiififlifll Comes From Bnlffly* t JapSIIBB Most of the money comes from the users or con ftfKMffofr,i, umers of farm products. Are you getting ytur share of all this money ? Our new almanac lays down necessary rules for fertilizing, planting, cultivating, top dressing, harvesting and preparing for market your crops of cotton, tobacco, corn, vegetables, fruits and grains. If you desire big profits, use from 400 to 1000 pounds of high grade Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers per acre on all your crops, and you will be agreeably surprised &t your greatly increased yields. Ask your fertilizer dealer, or write us for a copy of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer almanac, which is written bv some of the most experienced and successful farmers in the South. While it is free to you, many farmers say the almanac is worth SI .OO to them for its suggestions. VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL COMPANY, SALES OFFICES: SWEET AND JUICY Brown 4 Williamson Tobacco Cos WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. The Original "Break Plug” Tobacco. The Only "Adver tised Brand” of North Carolina. Flue-Cured Tobacco Showing a GAIN EVERY YEAR since introduced. ‘ IMITATED IN STYLE BUT NOT IN CHEW” BLOODHOUND ffff On Tact. Chancellor James R. Day was once advising a young under graduate of Syracuse University to cultivate tact. "But, also!” he said, “I fear that advice on such a subject must always be wasted. On tact the last word was spoken by Barbey d’Aureville when he said: “ ‘lf tact could be bought, only those already possest. of it would want to buy it.’ ” —St. Joseph News-Press. While cattle are plentiful in Braz il, and pasturage costs hardly any thing, butter In Rio Janeiro averages about twice in cost what it doe® in the United States. Light SAWMILLS LATH AND SHINGLE MACHINES SAWS AND SUPPLIES, STEAM AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Try LOMBARD, CORN BREAD NOT IN A TRUST fIRE UtSIUOYS CREOMMING PUNE. Citizens ot Norfolk Witness a SpectacuLf three. tcre Blczb. The most spectacular fire In the history of Norfolk, V>a., occurred Sun day, when a spark from a locomotive set fire to grass near the plant of the Atlantic Creosoting Company, and, fanned by a foity-mile wind, the flames extended to the great lumber piles and oil tanks of the company, causing a loss of $60,000. Seventy five thousand gallons of creosoting fluid in the tanks exploded, and 2,5(H) barrels of the oil were consumed, to gether with several hundred thousand feet of ereosoted timber. WtNI I HE. WAY Of HIS BROTHER. Edward P. Hippie Shuffled Off His Mortal (oil by Ise ol kevoiver. Edward P. Hippie, a brother of the late Frank Hippie, who ended his life last sumer, after wrecking the Reaj Estate Trust company of Philadelphia, of which he was president, committee suicide at his home in that city on Friday with a revolver. Hippie was about seventy years of age, and bad been in the real estate business. The police say they have not yet learned the cause for the deed, bu; believe he brooded over the tragic ending of bis brother’s life. KILLED WIFFj WOUNDED BABY. Heinous Act of Waycross Man While on a Drunken Spree. At Waycross, Ga., Wednesday night, H. JEi Lilies, while beastly drunk, shot and Killed hi3 wife and probably fatally wounded their four-months-old babe. There was no eye-witness to the kill ing, but the evidence before the coro ner's jury is to the effect that Lilies placed a double-barreled shotgun to the left side of his wife's face and pulled the trigger. Mrs. Lilies had her babe in her arni3 at the time, and as she fell, the babe was dropped. MORE CASH IS LET LOOSE By Mrs. Russell Sage in Gifts to Woman’s Colleon end Y. M. C. A. The New York Herald prints the following: “Announcement was made Saturday of a gift of $1,000,000 by Mrs. Rus sell Sage to Emma Willard Seminary of Troy, and also of $250,000 to the international commission of the Young Men’s Christian Association, "Another million goes to the Poly technic Institute at Troy, N. Y.” HALF UOZtN WRECK VICIIMS. Coal Train is Ditched ond Miners are Caught in Smash and Mangled. Six persons, all miners, were killed and twelve or more injured in a wreck of a coal train on the North western railway, near Des Moines, lowa, Monday. The accident was due to the car in the middle of the rtain leaving the track and ditching the cars be hind it. The train had on hoard about 30 miners. MAY BE COFFEE That Causes All the Trouble. When the house Is afire, it’s like a body when disease begins to show, it’s no time to talk, but time to act— delay is dangerous remove the cause of the trouble at once. “For a number of years,” says a Kansas lady, “I felt sure that coffee was hurting me, and yet I was so fond of it I could not give it up. I paltered with my appetite, and of course yielded to the temptation to drink more. At last I got so bad that [ made up my mind I must either quit the use of coffee or die. “Everything I ate distressed me, and I suffered severely almost all the time with palpitation of the heart. I frequently woke up in the night with the feeling that I was almost gone— my heart seemed so smothered and weak in its action that I feared it would stop beating. My breath grew short and the least exertion set me to panting. I slept but little and suf fered from rheumatism. “Two years ago I stopped using the old kind of coffee and began to use Postum Food Coffee, and from the very first I began to improve. It worked a miracle! Now I can eat anything and digest it without trou ble. I sleep like a baby, and my heart beats full, strong and easily. My breathing has become steady and normal, and my rheumatism has left me. I feel like another person, and it is all due to quitting coffee and using Postum Food Coffee, for I haven’t used any medicine and none would have done any good as long as I kept drugging with coffee.” Name given by Postum Cos., Battle Creek, Mich. “There’s a Reason.” Read the little book, '‘The Road to Wellvilie,” in pkgs. All grocers. i N JNSaNiIY FLEA Harry Thaw's G tinsel Will Try to Save Him from c ectric Chair, lor Murder of Architect White. The state laid its cast against Har ry K. Thaw in court at New York Monday in a plain, unemotional story of the shooting on the Madison Square roof garden, leaving the mal ice and the motive to be inferred from the act —and the defense replied with a plea of hereditary insanity. It was asserted that Thaw, in slay ing Stanford White, believed he was acting as an agent of providence, that real or fancied wrongs committed against him by the architect and ter mer friends of liis wife had boiled and bubbled in his brain until at last there came the explosive impulse to kill. When the deed was done, Thaw made no move to escape its conse quences, but, holding the fatal re volver aloft, he stood as if mutely pro claiming to the world, “The deed is done; it was right, It was not wrong.” Thus Thaw’s counsel outlined his case to the jury Monday afternoon after the prosecution had occupied less than two hours of the morning sitting of the court in relating through eye-witnesses the narrative of the tragedy. When the defense had interposed its plea and outlined its case, an adjournment was taken until Tuesday, when the first witness in Thaw’s behalf will be heard. “You will hear the story of this man’s insanity," Attorney John 13. Gleason, for the defense, promised the jury, "from his mother, from kis wife, from his relatives and from his physicians. You will judge him by his acts, ny the hereditary and stress which entered into his madness, and when you come to judge him you will say to yourself that his act may have been one of insanity, but it was not one of crime.” That Thaw’s wife was to be one of the most important witnesses has long been known; that his mother wa3 to take the stand only Decame known positively when the court announced ihe rule excluding from the court room all witnesses save experts. THIRir MEM DIE IN MINE. Still Another Pit Horror is Recorded in t-*te ot West Twenty-five or thirty miners, the majority of them foreigners, are sup posed to be dead as the result of a mine explosion Monday at Mine No. 25, of the Davis Coal and Coke Com pany, at Thomas, near Elkins, W. Va. Late Monday evening the first searching party entered the mine. The bodies of six foreigners and one American were recovered at a dis tance of 100 feet from the shaft- Before further progress could be made a deadly wave of poisonous fames enveloped the rescuing party, and before they could reach the sur face, Daniel Jones, the mine boss, died from suffocation. DEATH CLAIM-. JUDGE PaRLANGE. Was Prime Leader in Overthrow ol Lottery in State of I nws'nr**. United States District Court Judge Charles Parlange died suddenly in New Orleans Monday night. Judge Parlange was one of the lead ers of the anti-lottery movement in Louisiana, which resulted in the over throw the lottery. Under Governor Foster, whose election was the lot tery’s deathblow. He was lieutenant governor. Judge Parlange had held the offices of United States district, attorney and associate justice of the supreme court of Louisiana in addition to the office he held at the time of his death. He was 56 years old. COMPANY IS lOHMFU BY OLIVER. Incorporated $5,000,003 Concern to finance ”ioo "* iffh. The Panama Construction company, incorporated to finance the Panama contract bid for the canal work by William J. Oliver of Knoxville, Tenn., filed articles of incorporation at Al bany, N. Y., Monday, with the sec retary of state. NEGRO SOLDIERS GlVt LVIULNCE. Committee Investigation of Brownville Af fair Begun at Washington. The investigation by the senate committee on military affairs of the Brownsville, Texas, affray was be gun at Washington Monday. A score of negro soldiers connected with the “shooting up” of the Texas town, were in attendance when the com mittee began its first sitting. They were not invited into the committee room, as a whole, but were assigned to an unused end of the corridor. There was only one white man in the group of witnesses. Guides Safe Yet. Enthusiasm in Italy can sometimes take an exuberantly playful turn. A case of the kind has just taken place at Milan, where 100 members of the Alpine Club assembled at a banquet to do honor to the aeronauts Signori Suelli and Crespi, who "passed over Mont Blanc without alpenstock or m*de ” 'when they sailed over the Alps in a balloon recently. The humorous prextet for this brilliant banquet was to protest against ‘the practice o t aeronautics, which renders alninism useless.” This pleasant fiction formed the keynote of all the speeches.-* Loudon Globe. Just now it is quite easy to jom the chorus of moral reform. But it is quite as difficult now as it ever was to be honest, truthful and just, maintains the Christian Register. SKIOO Reward, SIDO. Tbe readers ot this paper will be plea.sed to learn tnat there is at least one dreaded dis ease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hali a Catarrh Cure is the onlv positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cm eis taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces ot the system, thereby destroy ing the foundation of the disease,and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much taith m its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for list of testimonials. Add- ess E. .). Cheney & Cos.. Toledo, w. Sold bv Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Hills for constipation. AT LETHARGY BEACH. “Grace w-as engaged to that tall fel low five minutes after she met him.” “Why the delay?”— Courier-Journal. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching. Blind. Bleedin" or Protruding Piles in 6to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. THE BOSS. “Now, then,” said the teacher of arithmetic, "what is ‘above par? "I think I know,” ventured a small hoy, after a long silence in the class. "Well?” asked the teacher. “It’s ma.” —Atlanta Constitution. AILING WOMEN. Keep the Kidneys Well and the Kid neys Will Keep You Well. Sick, suffering, languid women are learning the true cause of bad backs how to cure tEBS!I®' Davis, of Groesbeck, tpjßfijjf tTexas, says: "Back jK&Wv' aches hurt me so I Jjßwji could hardly stand. mSL A Spells of dizziness and headaches 'were frequent and J the action of the * ' * kidneys was irregu lar. Soon after I began taking Doan’s Kidney Pills I passed several gravel stones. I got well and the trouble has not returned. My back is good and strong and my general health better.” Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Cos., Buffalo, N. Y. THE PUN PATRIARCHAL. Joseph had succeeded in cornering all the wheat. “We will call it,” he said, “merely a little game of Pharaoh.” Which was considered fairly clever, even in the days of old Rhmeses.— Chicago Tribune. Caution. Imitations have been placed upon the market so closely resembling Allcock’s Plasters in general appearance as to be well calculated to deceive. Jt is, how ever, in general appearance only that they compare with Allcock’s, for they are not only lacking in the best elements which have made Allcock’s so efficient, but are often harmful in their effects. Remember that Allcock’s are the original and only genuine porous plasters—tlie best exter nal remedy known—and when purchasing plastei-s the only safe way is to always insist upon having Allcoek’s. SOUNDS LIKE “GOBBLE! GOBBLE!" At the mere mention of his name I am always reminded of a turkey gob bler.” “Oh! nonsense! he’s the most mod est and unassuming man ” “Of course; I admit that. But hi* name is ‘W. W. Doubleday.” ”—Cath olic Standard and Times. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets, Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W . Grove’s signature is on each box. 25c. AFRAID OF HIS JOB. “How It is you never take a vaca tion. The boss could get along with out you, all right.” “I know he could, but I don’t want him to find it out.” Tfch cured in 30 minutes bv Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion: never fails. Sold by Drug gists. Mail orders promptly filled bv Dr. E. Detchon Med. Cos., Crawfordsville, Ind. $L Of all men sailors suffer most from rheu matism. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens thegums.reducesinflamma. tion. allays pain, cures wind colic, 2oc a bottle Ignorance of the law excuses no one not even a lawyer.