The Jackson record. (Jackson, Butts County, Ga.) 18??-1907, February 08, 1907, Image 3

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FITS,St. Vitus'Dmoo :Nervon Disease* per kaanently cured by Dr. Elite's Great Nerve Restorer. tU trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. R. Kline. Ld.,981 Arch St., Phila., Pa A famous Western medium has raised her prices. No doubt ah® has to keep her spirits up. FEARFUL BURNING SORES. Boy la Misery 12 Years—Eczema io Rough Scales, Itching and In* flamed—Cured by Cuticura. I wish to inform you that your won derful Cuticura nrs put a stop to twelve years of misery 1 passed with my son. As an infant i noticed on nis body a red spot and treated same with different remedies for about live years, but wnen the 6poc began to get larger i put him under the care of doctors. Under their treatment the disease spread to four different parts of his body. The longer the doctors treateu him the worse it became. During the day it wouid get rougn and form line scales. At nigat it would be cracked, inflamed and badly swollen, w T ith terrible burning and itching. Wnen I think of his suffering, it nearly breaks my heart. Mis screams could be heard downstairs. The suffering f my son made me full of misery. I hau no ambition to work, to eat, nor could i. sleep. One doctor told me that my son s •czema was incurable, and gave it up for a bad job. One evening I saw an article in the paper about the wonderful Cuticura nd decided to give it a trial. 1 tell you that Cuticura Ointment is worth its weight in gold, and when i had used the lirst box of Ointment there was a great improve ment, and by the time 1 had useu the second set of Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Ointment and Cuticura Kesoivent my child was cured, rie is now twelve years old, and hie skin is as line and smooth as silk. Micnaei Steinman, 7 Sumner Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y., April 16, 1905." The man who kicks himself goes back ou his best friend. young people C/lsy (/ tttJ earnestly request / \\ all young persons, no matter how lim ited their means or educa tion, who desire a thorough business training and good position to write for Our Grot Half-Rste Offer. Success, independence and probably FOR TUNE guaranteed. Don't delay -write to-day. 6A -AIA. BUS. COLLEGE, MACON, 01. Policemen say that an Italian beg- C&r in the streets of New York city, la practically an unknown quantity. For Woman’s Eye PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more goods brighter and taster colors than any other dye. One 10c. package colors all fibers. They dye In cold water better than any other dye. You can Aye any garment without ripping apart. Write for free booklet—How to Dye. Bleach and Mix Colors. MONROE DRUG CO., lluioaville. Missouri MALSBY COMPANY, 41 8. FORsYTH ST., ATLANTA, GA.. Manufacturers of and Dealers in ill Kinds if MACH INE RY . AND SUPPLIES. Portahle. Stationary and Traction Engines. Boilers, Saw Mills and Grist Mills. Wood working and Shin gle Mill Machinery. Complete line carried in stock. Write for catalogue prices. Address all communica tions to Atlanta. Ga. We have no connections in Jacksonville* Fla. Snowdrift! V HOCLESS LARD The Uppermost Stand- I' ard of Highest Quality Ifttptc'ed by the Unittd State* Gownontirt * HICKS* SJfICAPJJDINE ALLAOHKB The people of the Faroe Island? thatoh their bouses with turf, where brilliant emerald green grass P™* taj luxuriance, and is used as a ground for the goats and sheep. I hompsoD S Eye Water, The Knock-out Blow. The blow which knocked out Corbett was a revelation to the prize fighters. From the earliest days of the ring the knock-out blow was aimed for the jaw, the temple or the jugular vein. Stomach punches were thrown in to worry and weary the fighter, but if a scientific man had told one of the old fighters that the most vulnerable spot was the region of the stomach, he’d have laughed at him for an ignoramus. Dr. Pierce is bringing home to the public a parallel fact; that thq sKomacHis the most vulnerable organ out of\he ring as well as in it. We protectpur haaSs, throats, feet and lungs, but are utterly indiffer ent to, until the solar plexus and knocks us out?* Make vour stomach sound and Strang by ill qL Doctor Plecce’_s_Gol<ieTL Medical J)iseovcryTald you protect m vour mosCvulnei atife snot. "Golden Medical" Discovery ” cures "we'ak stomach,” indigestion, or dyspepsia, torpid liver, bad, thin and im pure blood and other diseases of the or gans of digestion and nutrition. The "Golden Medical Discovery ” has a specific curative effect upon all mucous surfaces and hence cures catarrh, no matter where located or what stage it may have reached. In Nasal Catarrh it is well to cleanse the passages with Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy fluid while using the "D'scovery ” as a constitutional rem edy. Why the "Golden Medical Discov ery” cures catarrhal diseases, as of the stomach, bowels, bladder and other pelvic organs will be plain to, you if you will read a booklet of extracts from the vot ings of eminent medical authorities, en dorsing its ingredients and explaining their curative properties. It is mailed free on request. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. This booklet gives all the ingredients entering into Dr. Pierce’s medicines from which it will be seen that they contain not a drop of alcohol, pure, triple-refined glycerine being used instead. Dr. Pierce’s great thousand-page illus trated Common Sens© Medical Adviser will be sent free, paper-bound, for 21 one cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 31 stamps. Address Dr. Pierce as above. SAME OLD STORY. Cyrus—l swan! If they keep on tapping old Niagara the falls will dry up. Silas—That’s more than the folks who went there on their honeymoon will do. They will never dry; up tell ing about the trip.—Chicago News. I|OC TffVl nn’O Cherokee -Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein UuL Ift I LUn 0 Cough*, Colds, LaOrippe .’JS'lfli'.r.S; Women’s troubles very often occur regularly at a certain time every month. Be cause this may have been so all your life, is no reason why it should continue. Many thousands of women, who had previously suffered from troubles similar to yours, due to disorder of the womanly organs, have found welcome relief or cure in that wonderfully successful medicine for women, Wine of Cardui Mrs. Leota Forte, of Toledo, 111., writes: “I am well pleased with the results of using Cardui. I have taken three bottles and am now perfectly well, free from pain and have gained 25 pounds in weight.” 11/DfTE ITC A I ETTED Writ * today for * free copy of valuable 64-page Illustrated Book for Women. If you need Medical Ad- FTKI IL. Uj LL. II CK vice, describe your symptoms, stating age. and reply will be sent in plain sealed envelope. Address: Ladle* Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Cos., Chattanooga, Tenn. For the Stock on the Farm SloaKs Lirvinveivt Is a whole medicine chest Price 25c 50c O * 1.00 I Send For Free Booklef on Horses. Cattle. Hogs & Poultry. I Address Dk Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass. 34 YEARS SELLING DIRECT ) dKta ffil Our vehiclceend harness have been nold direct trowi our factory \ i V'jjttf'" eim rflr ko user for a third of a century. We ship for examination and >. approval end guaranty safe delivery. You are out nothing aa tEEZmKw r J/\ not MLtlsfled as to style, quality and price. We Ar The Largest Manufacturers In The World V/WYV the consumer exclusively. We make tOOitylesof J>< I\y Vehicles, 66 styles of Harness. Send:for large, free catalogue. r*y°'witn ISSM* EUcliarlC.rtaae* H^eMlß.C<., Mata. Price. $73. 50. Elkhart. Indiana ,u..... #6S. 60. THE LAST RESORT. “I tell you," remarked the newly married man, “there’s no place like home, after all.” "Yes,” agreed the old rounder, “af ter all.’’’—Philadelphia Ledger. (At6-’O7) You Look Prematurely Old Carolina Cement Cos. ATLANTA, CH Rf.BSTON, BIRMINGHAM, NEW ORLEANS. LIME, CEMENT, ETC. Land Piaster Supplant, l ertillser. See Oatalo*. “ICMP" FUNT COATED ASPHALT ROOFING, L 2 and 3ply. for Barn,. Residence., Warehouses. Better. Cheaper than Shingle, and other 800 tins. Samples, price, addrsee DEPT. 0. Because of those ugly. grU*ly^i^lelre^Je^^^REOr?^Al^BtTOßeß^Prtcer^^^S^ ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THE CELEBRATED Barrett Stoves and Ranges AND TAKE NO “JUST AS GOOD.” They are the Only Stoves and Ranges on Earth, in Which the Heat Passes Entirely Around the Oven. MANUFACTURED UNDER GO VERNMENT PATENTS BY THE ATLANTA STOVE WORKS, Atlanta, Ga. Make your dealer order you one, or write factory for descriptive circular. |p Cabbage Plants! I am now prepared to fin order* for my Oelebratod CABBAQK PLANTS in any quantity dashed. EARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD—BarIIeat mad host sure header, small type. CHARLESTON WAKEFIELD -About ten daye later IJmb Early Jersey's, also a sure header of line size. Prlees f. o. b. here, peeked la light boxes: 800 for SL.OO. 1,000 to 5,001 at 81.80 per M. 8,000 to 10,000 at 91.33 per M Special prloee oa larger quantities. All orders shipped O. O. D. when not accompanied by remlttec-oe. CHAS. M. GIBSON, Young’s Island, S. C. SUCCESSION—Bast known sure heading variety of large flat cabbage, later than Charleston Wakefield. These plants are from the very best tested seeds and grown in the open air and will stand severe oold with out injury. All orders are filled from the same beds that lam using for my extensive cabbage farms. eat- Uf&etlon guaranteed. WITRO6ENI^^ AVAIIAB^^^ PBOSPHORIC^i ACID 9%H POTASH * DO YOU MHT EARLY EiIBI6UKD PLEHTT OF THEM TOD? If so. bar your plants from ns. They sr rained from the best seed, and frown on the sea <-— dr at South Carolina, which on account of beinf surrounded by salt water, raiee plants that are earlier ant hardier than those frown in the interior. They can be set out sooner without danfer from fnat Vprietiei: Early Jersey Wakcflelds. Charleston or Verve Type Wet, fields, Hwdrrson’s Successionsal Flat Patch. All planta earef ully counted and packed ready for shipment and best express rates Ik the South. Prices: <1 60 per sinfle thou end. up to 4000: 8000 or more at *1.26 par thousand- 10 000 ant upwards at 11.00 per thousand. OTHER PLANTS .SUPPMED-Celery Lettuce, Onions and Bait ready in December. SPECIAL GARDEN FKRTILIZi.R” $6.00 per sack of 200 pounds. Everythin* ITO B„ Meffetts, S. C The U. 8. Africultural Deportment has established an Experimental Station aa our farms to test all kinds of vefstablas, especially cabbafes. We will be pleased to fire results3 these experiments. Write to us. N. H BLIiCH COMPANY. -Uegseitis. TC. FROST BITES For winter irritations of thfi skin, eczemas, rashes, frost bites, chappings, chafings, itchings, redness and rough ness, especially of face and hands, for lameness and soreness incidental to winter §ports, for sanative, antisep tic cleansing,for baby rashes. 1 itchings, and chafings, and, for all the purposes of the toilet,bath,and nursery,Cutt cura Soap, assisted by Cutl-, cura Ointment, is priceless. Guaranteed absolutely pure, and may be used from the hour of birth. Sold throughout the world. Denote: London, If Cherterhouee Sq.; Parle. 8 Rue de la Palx; Austra lia, R. Towna * Oo„ Sydney: India, B. K. Paid, Calcutta: China, Hon* Kong Drue Cos.: Japan. Maruya. Ltd..Toklo; Rueela, Kerreln. Moscow: South Africa. Lennon. Ltd.. Cape Towa. etc.: u. 8. A. rotter Drue A Chem. Corp., Sole Prop*.. Boa too. / mr Poet-free. Cuticura Booklet. 48 page*. Oh! What a Cold I HAVE. Ym * Rdltklr I*l rit *f K by t*U*( Johnson's [ fH^liniment DROPPED ON SUGAR. It’s u aueh for Internal aa External nee, and for 9* year* haa been curing colda, coughs, croup, cramps sad colic. Try it. K and 5# cents. At all danlers. I. 8. JOHNSON A GO., Boston, Maw. Big Crops of Corn can be depended upon from land that has been liberally fertilized with a complete fertilizer contain ingf Z T A% nitrogen, 8% available phosphoric acid and g% Potash Just how and why g% of Potash Is necessary our booklet will show. OERMAN KALI WORKS Mow York— 93 Nassau Street. or Atlanta, 0a.— 1224 Candlar Building