The Jackson record. (Jackson, Butts County, Ga.) 18??-1907, February 08, 1907, Image 8

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A. Q. TAYLOR, New Grocer. Successor to F. B Outhouse. I have recently purchased the Grocery Business of Mr. F. B. Outhouse, and by carrying a fresh clean, up-to-date assort ment of such goods as the good people of Jackson want, and by doing business in a diligent, upright and busi nesslike way, I expect to merit a large share of your trade t % Mr. L. H. Weaver is with me and will he glad to see <L rhis old friends. He is well experienced in the Grocery Business. Come to see us and give us a chance. P Come to see us and get a square deal. :: :: Phone 34. Soliciting Your business and gnaranting you satisfaction, I am yours to serve, A Q,_ TATLOR, GROCER. Plant Wood’s | Garden Seeds FOR SUPERIOR VEGE. TABLES & FLOWERS. Twenty-eight years experience —our own seed farms, trial grounds—and largo warehouse capacity givo us an equipment that is unsurpassed anywhere for supplying the best seeds obtainable. Our trade in seeds I botli l'or the * 1 Garden arid Farm 1 is one of the largest in this country. We aro headquarters for Grass and Glover Seeds, Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and other Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog Hives fuller and more complete lnfor uuitlou about both Garden and Farm Seeds than any other similar publica tion issued in tbls country. Mailed free on request. Write for it. T.W.Wootf&Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, • VA. An<M< MftfcrfiMl Instinct. “I have a young retriever, gentle, .well bred, handsome,” says a corre spondent of an English paper, “ller kindly disposition has won her much and she is loved by the (family cat, the green Amazon par rot and the village children. A few jdays ago some poor little superflu ous Aberdeen puppies had to bo .drowned. Rut when the man went jto get the little bodies to give them m decent burial two had mysterious- Sy vanished from the pail in which bey had found a watery grave. For ja long time we searched in vain, januch puzzled at the unaccountable disappearance, until a servant vol junteered the information that ‘Mag gie had two little dogs in her bed.’ ?And here we found them, two little jcorpses, licked clean and dry and gently laid side by side on the straw, ©he had fished them out of the pail, teamed them there and apparently jaone all 6he could to revive them. IShe has never had any puppies of tier own, so this seems a curious in stance .of maternal instinct.” FERTILIZING THE CROP. The primary object In using fertilizer Is to produce a larger yield of the crop that Is to be Immediately grown, or Is already growing, on the land to which the fertilizer is to be applied. Asa rule, ft contains from ten to sixteen per cent, of more or less promptly available plant food. In other words, a commercial fer tilizer contains In every hundred pounds weight from 10 to 16 pounds of available phosphoric acid, either alone, or that amount of phosphoric acid and potash combined, or of these two and nitrogen combined, making in the latter case, what is called a “complete” fertilizer. Now, this 10 to 16 pounds In each 100 pounds of the fertilizer Is supposed to be, and should be. practically soluble and avail able at once, or within a week or two, for the use of the crop, says Virginia- Carollna Fertilizer Almanac. The remaining portion of the fertilizer, or tHe 64 to 90 pounds in each 100 pounds, is a mixture of insoluble phosphate and sulphate of lime, some sand, water, or ganic matter and other things that are necessarily incident to the manufacture, and cannot be economically removed. They are of very little immediate value to either the crop or the soil. So when we apply a high-grade fertil izer to the soil the object is to supply the plants with soluble plant food and Increase the yield of the cotton, grain, grass, or whatever the crop may be. Incidentally, however, this fertilizer does help the land, because It induces a larger grow th of stalk, roots and foliage of the plants—or those parts that will be re turned to, and become part of the soil. A dose of this fertilizer, for Instance, not only increases the yield of seed cot ton, but also the size of the stalks, the foliage, hulls and other parts that go immediately back and form a part of the soil in the shape of humus (decayed vegetable matter). But the principal way to improve the soil itself, is to add vege table matter to it in the form of stable manure, renovating crops, rotation of crops, etc., in a more direct manner. It would seem manifest, then, if we wish to Increase the yield of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, grass, etc., that the fertilizer should contain the three “elements” of plant food in the proportions that are best suited to the particular crop. This is particularly true if the purpose is to use liberal amounts of fertilizer per acre, in such ease the deficient supply, in the natural soil, of any one or more of the throe “valuable" elements (phosphoric acid, nitrogen and potash) need not be specially considered. According to carefully conducted field experiments, conducted at many of the experiment stations, it has been found that cotton requires a fertilizer that con tains about one part each of nitrogen and potash and S 1-3 parts of available phos phoric acid. This demand would be met by a fertilizer containing 10 per cent, available phosphoric acid, 3 per cent, nitrogen and 3 per cent, of potash; or, as ordinarily expressed, a 10—3—3 fertilizer. One analyzing 9—2.70 —1.70; or 8—2.40—2.40; cr 7—2.10—2.10, etc., would answer just as 'Unfair Distribution of Cost. A special dispatch from Kirkwood, Mo., to the Chicago Tribune states that the municipal electric light plant of that city has proved a failure. The generating plant will be shut down, and electricity will be purchased from a private company at one-third of what ft has cost the city to make It. The .ctii_jslLL*eU m _lts_ oMtewfinL .at a You will find everything good to eat. Fresh lot of candies just ®pen. :: :: •• well, provided these lower grades be ap plied In heavier quantities. So It has been found that corn, sugar cane, sorghum, grasses and other crops belonging to the grass family respond best to a fertilizer that shall contain 10 parts of phosphoric acid, 5 parts of nitro gen and 2 parts of potash— or a 10—6—2 fertilizer. The following formulas are in precisely the same proportions, only they are of lower grade', and would give practically the same results only when a correspondingly larger application shall be made per acre—viz., or 8 —4.00—1.60; or 7—3.50—1.40, and so on. Of course, these lower grades can be sold at lower prices than the high grades; but, as a rule, the farmer will find it more economical to buy the high grades, both on account of their cheaper price per “unit” and also the saving of freight the latter being precisely the same, per ton. for both high and lov grades. APPLYING FERTILIZER WHEN PLANTING. While it is certainly true, In our ex perience, that the greater part of the fer tilizer should be applied about two weeks before the crop is to be planted, well mixed in the soil of the bedding furrow and bedded on, there are circumstances that would justify a farmer in making one or more intercultural applications, including one at the actual date of plant ing. The following are such circumstan ces: (1) When a farmer has not been able to secure the whole amount of his fer tilizers before planting time. (2) When he concludes, after his crop has been planted and is growing, that he did not buy and apply as much as he should have done before planting. (3) When the yellowish green color and want of vigor in the appearance of the plants indicate that more nitrogen is needed by the crop. We believe it may be safely accepted as a general rule that a small portion of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer .applied with, or near the seed, at the time of planting. The effect of this small application is to supply the young plants with available food during the first stage of their growth, inducing prompt and vigorous development. For this purpose 40 to 50 pounds per acre may be applied of the same fertilizer that had been bed ded on two weeks before planting. A second application of high-grade fer tilizers may be made at the second or third plowing of cotton, or at six or eight Inches height of the plants up to IS Inch es. or the middle to last of May, and the middle to last of June. The intercultural applications may be made in the siding furrow, or the fer tilizer may be strewn along in the middies ahead of the plow or cultivator. There is no need to fear that the plants will not get the benefit of a high-grade fer tilizer if put anyhere, on or between the rows. June 26th is the latest date at which the writer has ever applied fer- Mlizer in this way to either corn or cot ton. although there is little reason to doubt that even later applications would benefit the crop; but probably not enough to pay the cost of the fertilizer. pflce hlglf enough to* enable It to light the streets without cost to the tax payers. This is typical of municipal ownership inequity—to force the users of electricity to pay for all the street lighting, although they are not bene fited any more than the citizens .who gas or oil. Failure of Municipal Bakeries. The failure of the municipal bak eries at Catania. Italy, Is reported by Mr. Churchill, the British consul at Palermo. There was a $30,000 deficit in the balance sheet, and the request governing a loan of SBO,OOO was re fused by a royal commission. Jn con sequence the institution has been closed. United States Consular Re ports. rnfTTTWHiT:'Hff .lu,nunt..fiuutniU>4.ti*Mi.>t4Ui>mir.u.uiumiiiiwiaaißtgiUg[u[j similating ttieFood andßeg da ting the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digestion.Cheerfut ness and Rest. Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narc otic. afOUJOrSWUELBTnaS fim/Jc'ut . Jlx Smna * ft ReekalU SmUi— f sUi* ,Smt + 1 / Hinp-Steil frfllUVJfV r MfiVT J Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa- Ron, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions .Feverish iu.ds and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. tXACT COBV.GF WHAfiera., Everything in the seed line you wish to plant fresh and good. :: :: :: The RECORD Tor job Printing, and Advertising GOOD WORK GOOD PRICES For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the I Signature L In Use jur For Over Thirty Years imumiA TM tMMM tWNMT. NSW VMM MTV.