The Jackson record. (Jackson, Butts County, Ga.) 18??-1907, February 15, 1907, Image 1

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CALL ON J R EDWARDS & SON FOR FRFSH MFATS AND FISH OR PHONE 59 The Jackson Record. Volume 26. WILL BUTTS COUNTY REPUD IATE HER HONEST DEBTS? Judge Frank Z* Curry writes an Interesting Article. Considerable talk is on the lips of the citizens of Butts county at pres ent concerning the financial condit ion of the county. That we are deeply involved in debt is true, but, will the people of Butts county repud iate this indebtness ; is the question we so often hear asked. In talking with some of our oldest citizens, I have not, so far, found that Butts county has ever shown any disposition to repudiate .her indebtedness. Shall we at this date of her history begin to repudiate her honest debts? Is it any more mor ally right for Butts co. to repudiaete an honest debt than for an individual citiztnto repud ate one? For one, I say pay the debts of the county. I don’t think I will stand alcne in this position, but if I do it is all right. I sav pay our honest debts. Header stop right here and fold up this paper, and read no more, but look right straight up toward heaven and answer this question : Are you in in favor of payiDg the counties aebts? Now if the creditors of the county, who I understand to be the Jackson Banking Cos. and Mr Van Wright, hid been in conclusion with the county commissioners to lend his money to the county at a high rate of interest, and the commissioners were approp iating the money or any part thereof, to their own use, and within the knowledge of the lenders, I then would say, do not pay one cent of it. This is Dot the caße. The county has used the money, The people have received benefit for it —honesty aays pay it back and dis honesty says not pay it. The later statement is a truism, the law and county attor ney to the contrary notwithstanding. The citizens of Butts,in my opinion do not want to use money of the Jack ion Banking Cos. and Mr. Wrigut, or anyone else, and then because of a personal matter between the county attorney nd A. M. Watkins, the old chairman of the board of commiss ioners, if this is true, cause the counties creditors to suffer. Now if the old commissioners (Watkins and Fincher) have been violating the law aad used their, office to increase their, or their kindred’s wealth, then show the never to call them to an account for their steward ship. 1 will assure* you they will gladly welcome a review of theircon duct. If there be wrongs in the named retiring commissioners, which we have no idea there is, then it is egregiouslv wrong for the county to make the innocent, by repudiating their debt against the county, euffar. To repudiate these debts means the everlasting ruin of the counties credit and good name. I dare say, that should these claims be paid in full tommorrow, what has already been done has placed the county where no one will ever again, extend to her any credit. Should she again become a borrower, no doubt the confidence in those managing the county’s affairs, will be the impelling force to cause the leader to extend the credit. Now, fellow citizens these creditors are no sweethearts of mine. When I go to borrow money of Frank Ethe ridge’s bank he takes me in his little oflffce, and pats me on the back just like he does you, laughs and calls me brother, and tells me how scarce money is, and not-with-standing his ••brotherly” talk and carresaes, he groceeds ta clrar Of • varying rate of interest all the way from eight to thirtytwo per cent per annum. The rate depends, of course Ou the scarcity, aud the scarcity, us ually on the emergency. So. don’t you think he makes fish of me and fowl of you. He laughs and slaps me on the back just exactly he does you If you have been there you know what I mean. Seriously; 1 stand for the payment of the counties debt regardless of the of the personel of the creditor. Honesty cries from every hill top, field and home in the county that we do not become honest debt rep udiators, FANCY MASQUERADE GIVEN BY MISS GOLLIE McXIBBEN. Miss Dollie McKib’oen entertained at a fancy dress masquerade party last Tue-day evening for her guest Miss Daniel of McDonough. The guests arrived at eight o’clock and were received by Mrs. J. M. Me Kibben Mrs. Sam Nichols and Mrs. Harkness Thornton, the parlors, re ception hall and dinning-room were together and beautifully decorated in cut flowers and palms. The many funny costumes and the comic clown caused much laughter among the guests. Snortly after the masks were removed delicious char lotte russe and cake were daintily served. The following unique char a ;tere were represented. Miss Dollie McKibben, night; Miss Lillian Dan iel, liberty ; Mr. Jim Etheridge, night; Mrs. Asa Buttrill. widow; Misses Bessie Ham and Bertha Oarmichal, little red riding hood ; Miss Leonora Nutt, rose; Mr. George Mallet and Miss Bessie Thaxton, western couple ; Mr. Dee Tolleson, George Washing ton ; Mass Tallie Jolly, Japanese girl; Miss Adelle Nutt, queen of hearts; Miss Annie Hoge, grecian maid; Mr. Otis Ball, Sambo; Miss Annie Nutt, indian squaw; Mr. Eurnst Watkins, country doctor; Misses Cooper and Mitchell, orieotalladiea ; Miss Mat tisuHam, music girl; Misses Ada Sams and Juliette Fitzpatrick, two little girls in blue; Mr. Clarence Compton, country minister; Miss Lula Ham, debutante; Messrs Boyd McMiohael and Asa Buttrill, clowns; Misses Annie Crawford and Maude Edwards, college girls; Miss Minnie Bailey and Mr. PittsMcKibben. maid and butler; Miss Lucy Goodman ad Mrs. Carmichael, Chinese girls; Mr. Marion Turner, a mexican ; Mr. Hendley Daniel, the devil; Mr. Ralph Turner, sailor boy; Mr. Add Nutt, gypsy; Mr. Clarence Henry, rich duke : Mr. Parks Newton, a wander er : Mr. Charlie Kimbell, the wise guy: Messrs George Carmichael, Joe Wall and Bob Carmichael, the three musketeers: Mrs. Mary Ann McKib ben, pill doctor. The out of town guests were : Miss Daniel of McDonongh, Miss of Barnesville, Miss Fitzpatrick of Macon, Messrs Marion Turner Hendley Daniel, Ralph Turner, Dee Toileson of McDonough and Mr. Tom McKibben of Eatonton. RUN UVER BY TRAIN ANU INSTANTLY KILLED. Rev. J E. Pound while crossing the Central By. at Moss crossingin Jas per Cos. was run over and instantly killed last Wednesday. Mr, Pound was well known and loved by every citizen in Butts Cos. and the torrible end of this true and good man will be lamented by all He leaves a wife .an 4 four small chil dren. JACKSON, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, Feb. 15, <907. A CHAMBEB CONCERT. - 1 1.11— .4 At the Residence of Mrs* Dr. John Hanna. On Tuesday the 12th inst the stu dio of Mrs. Juanita Hanna was thrown open to the .reception of her music class. A moat charmiag and delight ful program was rendered by the mus ic pupils of Mrs. Hanna. At five o’clock' the young ladies and gentlemen, consisting only of her pupils began to arrive, soon the studio was filled with happy faces. Every on|was eon the tiptoe of expectancy as to.the coming pleasures of the even ing. Many beautiful selections were ren dered by the Hanna Symphony Or chestra. .The recitation by little Sara Hooten deserves special mention, while Mr. J. P. Etheridge was at his best in a barritone solo . Miss Rubio Mays with all the grace and ease of an artist rendered a delightful piano solo, which was followed by Mr. Mar vin McCord with a bass solo, charac terixed with rare talent, After two hours of delight in the studio, the doors of the elegant din ing hall was thrown open and all were ushered into a most charming repass consisting of ices, cakes and fruits. Miss Marie McMlchael looked her best and sweetly assumed the duties of hostess of the hour. The Hanna Symphony Orchestra directed by Mrs. Hanna rendered beautiful selections of muoic while all were enjoying the partaking of the delicases of dining. A musical game originated by Dr. Hanna was entered into by all. Out of it grew the fun for the occasion. The prize offered in the game was shared equally by Mr. J. P. Etheridge and Master Lewis Curry, they being the winners. Much was the regret when the hour of departure came. It was a most delightful evening for all and Dr. Hanna with Mrs, Hanna made the hours charming as only they can. The public was treated, with the music of the Hanna Symphony Or chestra at the Court House meeting a week ago last Sunday, the skill of which was the praise of overy one. OUR PULPIT, “Nevertheless at thy word.” Luke 5-5. The disciples had toiled all the night and had taken nothing and in the morning Jeans said : ‘ Launch out in the deep and let down your nets,” and Bimon said: “at the word I will” and they caught a great “mul titnde of fishes.” This is a blessed formula for us. Our pathway is dark, mysterous, perplexing we know not what lies before yet “nevertheless at thy word” I will go forward. Is there a trial hard for flesh and blood to bear. Hard to say with thy broken heart, “Then look up into the face of the master and say “nevertheless at thy word, I will say, “even so. Path er : for it seemeth good in thy sight.” Have you some habit, or sin that it is hard to crucify? It has become part of yourself, —a second nature, or plucking out your eye.” Never theless at thy word” I will lay aside every weight and the sin that doth so easily beset me and run with patience the race set before me. Father we pray thee help us to lis ten to thy voice and thy word and ever be ready and willing to say : “At thy word” I will. Endow us with power from on high to be lovers of thy word and witnesses for Jesus. This we ask in His name. Amen. OABTORIA. - Lii Yoi Han Always taftt n*ws from Our neighboring towns. South Butts; Misses Carrie and Annie Carter spent Sunday with Miss Annie Kate Wright. Miss Zadie Garr came down from Locust Grove Friday to spend a few days at her home. Mrs. Florence Starr was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Thornton and family Thursday and Friday. Miss Annie Lou and Estelle Thorn ton spent last Thursday with Miss Eula Thornton, near Jackson, Misses Willie and Annie Mae Thornton will now soon return to Baltimore after a pleasant vacation with home people. I think it would be so nice if some one would flelect some subject and Jet us all debate upon it. What is the matter with all of the eorrespondents ? They have all vanished away. I saw In the last Issue where one cf our old correspondents had come again giving us an interasting piece. I have thought so many times I would write a piece to our dear coun ty paper; but could never feel just like I could, until this afternoon, as the snn is shining so bright and beautiful making me cheerful; while the little birds are chirping their mellow songs of love and beauty which makes mo think of the]pleaeant spring that brings to us the budding and blosscms of the trees, and also the little violets that we all, so much enjoy having for valentines. Stark. Mr. and Mr9. R. M. Harper visited at Floviila Sunday. Rev, W, O. Sharp filled his regular appointment at Macedonia Sunday. Miss. Blanche Barnes entertained a few friends at a dining Saturday. Miss Annie Lou Thornton is Bpend ing the week with Mrs. J.T. William son. Miss Annie Wyatt Jones spent Sunday night with Miss Fannie Mae Moore. Mr. and Mrs. J. E McMichael •pent Sunday with Dr. Harper and family. Sarah the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan McClure died Friday and was laid t-> rest Saturday after- Meat Market. noon at Macedonia. We extend our heart sympathy to the bereaved ones. Miss Dorset of Hillsboro Is the charming guest of Miss Maude Harper. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Harper enter tained at a six o’clock dinner Friday evening. Misses Estelle Thornton and Mer vyn Jones spent Saturday night with Miss Eloise Jonee . Miss Mervine Jones her guests Sunday, Misses Bessie Barnes, Eloise Jones, Dedie McClure, Estelle Thornton, Messrs Lon Maddox, Bertie Barnes. Union Point. Miss Essie Leverett visited in Jas per Cos. Sunday. Miss Laura Harmon visited her parents in Jackson Saturday and Snnday. Mrs. W. E. Smith spent Saturday night and Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Stone of Jasper County. Mr. Dutch Standard called on his “sweet child” iu Newton Bunday. Howard seems to have a peculiar in terest in Newton. Misses Essie and Eda Leverette, Lauta Harmon, and Lucy Holifield attended the school rally at Mt. Zion Jasper County Friday night. Mr. Gusa McOart gets letters most every day. Here are some of the postmarks Newnan, Covington, Mon ticello, und Mansfield. Guss is in a puzzling condition he says he don’t know which one to take. UR. B. LACY HUGE’S LAST APPOINTMENT IN JACKSUN. Bro. Hoge will preach at Worth ville Saturday and Sunday afternoon. This will be his laet trip to Worth ville. He leaves Feb 28th for Onan cock Va. The Fourth Sunday in Feb. will be Bro. Hoge’s last services with the Jackson church. The church at Onancock Va. refuses to release him. Bro. Hoge has done a good and faithful work here and the good people of Jackson and surround* ing country will part with him with profound regret. W. H. C. HAMMOND CO. I sell only the Freshest Beef, Pork, Sausage, Fish, etc., etc. MEATS DELIVERED. Phone 70 and Set What Von Want. Number 7.