The Jackson record. (Jackson, Butts County, Ga.) 18??-1907, February 15, 1907, Image 2

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THE RAILWAY NOVEL. ove me to pass away an hour, hU> nitling in a train. | me hook that has the magic power P<) soothe my weary brain! Ebook of love—a beauteous maid, \ hero full of pluck, volume stocked with escapade, And teeming with good luck! villain deeply, deeply vile. Whose plans are all upset, villain of the good old style, Who smokes a cigarette! >e with no sympathetic chord, \Vho chills your very spine r tftaHpsring hoarsely: "Once on hoard The lugger, she is mine!” -h. railway novel of my youth, : What, agony you’d pile, ,> thrilling, so devoid of truth, jS And yet you would beguile )“ lime, so it would fleetly How; . You'd charm and solace pain |-i trains unpunctual and slow — Won't you come back again? La Touche Hancock, in the New York h Sun. WHEN THE LIGHTS WENT UP. When 1 left the club and climbed nto a hansom, it was with a half efined notion of going to Southamp on and making myself a nuisance O'Jimmie Halstead overnight. Jiin aie is a great friend of mine, and o, naturally, I considered myself at tberty to make life a burden to him. Financially, I was untroubled; nentally—well, to be brief, 1 had >een thrown over two days before , >y the dearest girl in the world, had ■ sngaged a passage on the next day’s Iteamer for South Africa, and was, n fact, lit companion for none save, possibly, some sore-headed denizen if the Zoological Gardens bear pit. I I had told tho cabman distinctly Waterloo. Then I had allowed him to slip entirely out of my thoughts, when he stopped I jumped out me chanically and entered a doorway. At a ticket window I threw down a sovereign. j After a moment, as nothing in the shape of a ticket was forthcom ing, I looked up, to find the occu jpant of the box observing me curiously. “Southampton!” I said, impatient ly. Not caring whether I ever that place, 1 was ntaurally •anxious to start; it is characteristic :cf the clubman, i “Beg your pardon?" j “South ” My gaze caught a glimpse cf an .ornately frescoed wall, a full-length portrait of a prominent actress; then rit fell to the diagram before me. •Recognizing the hand of Fate, I ac cepted (he situation. After ell, what i does it matter whether you go to (Southampton or the matinee if your , heart is broken and your life is .Wrecked ? “Orchestra?” I asked. * “Yes, sir; one left. It’s the only 'Beat in the house, and you're lucky * to get it. I took it back from a young |J lady only live minute: ago. Thank you.” t i glanced with some interest at the slip of pasteboard; 1 fancied it would be nice to know what theatre I was attending. It was tl:<> Comedy. My seat was rather far back, and i I pushed my way by a dozen rustling * women with savage satisfaction at * the annoyance I was causing. The I house was dark as pitch, and on the j stage a man and two women were I talking before a huge fireplace. For awhile 1 watched the charac , ters on the stage walk and sit and walk again; 1 even tried once or twice to fix my attention on what they were saying, but with no suc -1 cess. It was all a meaningless jum -1 hie of words. But the theatre was restful, the darkness was conducive ;Cf reverie, and after a short time 1 had forgotten my whereabouts. My dreaming was disturbed by a noise beside me. The lady on my right had dropped her opera glasses. I leaned forward to grope tor them on the floor, and my head came in contact with the lady’s. “Oh!” said she. ’ “Beg pardon," said I. We gazed at each other's it dis tinguishable features for an instant. “Pray don’t bother," said the lady, •ofily. “No trouble at all,” I muttered. “It's of no consequence,” she mur •nured, somewhat coldly, I thought. •*1 can find them when the lights go tup.” “Yes,” I answered, vaguely, “when the lights go up.” The lady was staring fixedly r.t the stage; I could see that and no more. I mentally blessed (?) the opera glasses, and in turn fixed my attention on the actors. But it •wouldn't stay^there; instead, it per sisted in rlthruing time and again to the neighbor on my right. I turned my bead the fraction qf an bftnch and strove to distinguish her features. But ail that rewarded me was a g--ey oval in the surrounding gloom. Suddenly I heard a sob —an un mistakable sob! Strange sounds greeted me; sniffles and sobs and slight rustlings on every hand; the whole house was in tears! Plainly the play was an affecting one; I almost wished I had given it my at tention. Unconsciously I extended my hand across the little space that divided us. It rested on a fold of her dress. I heard another sob, and then —a little warm hand, tightly clutching a damp handkerchief, rested on mine! My heart leaped into my throat; then it subsided and beat convul sively. For a bare instant the hand remained. Then it fluttered away, and 1 heard a startled gasp from its owner. “I beg your pardon!” I whispered entreatingly. There was no reply. Of course she was terribly offended; I could expect nothing else. Perhaps she was alarmed. “Madam,” I whispered. “I had no Intention of annoying you. It —it was all an accident, believe me. If my presence alarms you—lf it causes you any annoyance, I will leave instantly.” There was a moment of silence. The actors on the dimly-lighted stage driveled on. “Pray, don’t leave on my ac count,” said my neighbor in low, muffled tones. “I assure you your presence does not affect me in the least.” It sounded as though she was holding her handkerchief before her mouth. The tones were elaborately indifferent. I wish she hadn’t put it in just that way. On the stage affairs had so compli cated themselves by this time that a speedy curtain was inevitable. I found myself awaiting the moment that the lights should go up and re veal my neighbor to me with some thingmpproaching fear. And then —then the curtain de scended, there was a wild outburst of applause, and the lights hared into radiance. For a moment I sat motionless and blinked my eyes. It would not do to turn at once; it might seem impertinent. I would rather study my programme for a moment, or— by Jove! of course, I’d rescue her glasses. I leaned forward with down stretched hand, when—bump—our heads were again in collision. What an awkward brute she would think me! “I beg your pardon!” I repeated, and lifted my head. Then my brain swam. I closed my eyes and opened them again to see if I was dreaming. But, no, it was no delusion; I was strring straight into the eyes of the dearest girl in the world. “Sylvia!” 1 gasped. Sylvia’s eyes, dimmed with recent tears, disappeared behind long lashes. “Sylvia!” I murmured. “You?” Sylvia’s brown head nodded. “But how came you here?” I whispered eagerly, joyously. “I was coming with auntie; but she has a cold; and so—so 1 came alone.” “And the man sold me this seat; and the cabman brought me here instead of taking me to Waterloo. And—and it was you all the time!” I gazed rapturously into Sylvia’s eyes. A sudden thought struck me. “Sylvia, did you—did you know who I was?” She nodded. “Do you know, dear,” I whispered, “I was going abroad to-morrow?” “Were you?” she asked, with averted eyes. “Yes.” “And—and aren’t you—now?” “Sylvia, do you want me to?” She shook her tiny head. 1 seized her hand, heedless of who might be watching. “Darling!” I whispered, intensely. And then—and then the blessed lights went out again.—New York News. Not Exactly a Pacemaker. On a Western railroad line a train, after jogging slowly along, came to a full stop. An impatient passenger thrust his head out and asked a brakeman standing disconsolately alongside the train: "Is this El i Paso?” “No, sir,” replied the trainman; “it j is not El Paso. It is a cow.” When the cow’ had been removed i from the line the train ambled on \ again, but two minutes later it again ' came to a dead stop. “Another cow, I suppose,” shouted 1 the irate passenger witheringly. j “No, sir, it is not,” was the quiet response. “It is the same cow.”— Erie Railroad Employes’ Magazine. Sixty children were entertained to. tea at Hughendon, England, on the bottom of a large public pond, to commemorate the fact that it was dry for the first time for nearly a hundred years. Georgia Cullings Curtailed Items of Interest Gathered at Random. Roosevelt and Georgia Day. 5o that they may be in Norfolk, Va, when President Roosevelt makes bis address on “Industrial Progress ot the South” on June 10, Georgia Day, at the Jamestown exposition, Juno 5 to 11 have been fixed for the en campment of the cadets ot the VVesi Point Aliiitary Academy at the ex position. f * * * State’s Income and Outgo. Georgia’s income from all sources in taxes for 1906 was $4,503,409.74, and expenditures $4.714,.>09.64. Figures were com,,.led the past week in the office of the state treas urer. Among the large expenditures was $1,735,000 for public schools; for pensions, $.908,000, which included SIB,BOO loaned by Colonel Jim Smith; for public debt, $420,418, whien in cludes interest anu retiring SIOO,OOO in bonds; for state sanitarium, $360, 000; salaries, including eapitol offi cials, judges and solicitors, $157,432; for the legislative pay roll, $69,465. * * * Endorsed Congressman Livingston. The executive committee of the Georgia Industrial Association, com posed of owners and operators of spinning mills in this state, met in At lanta the past week and adopted a resolution endorsing the action of lion. Lon F. Livingston in his light on the New Y’orlt Cotton Exchange. The members present discussed the child labor law and agreed tnai it must be strictly observed by every mill in the state. The next annual meeting will be held at Warm Springs next June. * * * Public Roads Bonds Defeated. An election was held in Cobb county on February 9 upon the Ques tion of the issuance of $21,000 of bonds for the improvement of the public roads. The vote was very light all over the county. There are 2,800 votes in the coun ty and it required two-tliinls of this number in order that the bonds should carry. In Marietta alone it re quired 900 votes. The result of the election was the overwhelming defeat of the proposed bond issue. * * * Woman Guilty of Murder. The jury in the case of Mrs. Sue Brooks, at Gainesville, brought in a verdict of guilty as accessory to the murder of Jack Collins last Novem ber. A sentence of life imprisonment was given her h bis is the same sentence which was given her son. Foster Brooks, two weeks ago. It is charged that the woman and her son beat to death with sticks Jack Collins, who was said to be looking for the place where, it is claimed, his son had been buying blind tiger liquor, and in searching for which he went *o the Brooks Lome. * * * Price of Cotton Too Lew. M. L. Johnson, president of the Georgia division of the Southern Cot ton Association, has issued a state ment in which he insists that the best grade of cotton should bring not less than 12 1-2 cents. lie gives interesting quotations, showing the prosperous condition of the mills, and contends that cotton is worth the price named “either from the standpoint of the glower, from that of supply and demand, from the price at which goods are sell ing. or from the profits which the mills are making.” ■* * • Daughters Offer Gold Medal. The Daughters of the Confederacy hate offered a gold medal to the student who writes the best essay on the subject, “The Confederate Navy in the War Between the States.” This is an opportunity for teachers of history to utilize knowl edge, to inspire interest in a specific subject, and to encourage research work that whatever is written may reflect an unbiased, accurate knowl edge. There *vere comparatively few who entered a similar contest last year. Teachers are being urged to encourage their pupils to write es says for the competition. Mistrial in Strickland Case. In court at Gainesville, after being out several hours considering the case of sixteen-year-old Hairy Strick land, charged with the murder. of his older brother. Newton Strickland, a mistrial was declared an.l me juij discharged,;.*■ ‘ "this leaves likrry Strickland in jail until ' the next regular term of the | court, unless he makes bond. | Harry is alleged to have killed ilia brother in a quarrel while the lat ter, it is charged, was advancing on him with a knife. The mother of the boys plead jus tificatian for her son who did the killing. She said he had been cruellj treated by his older brother, as biuises on his body went to show. ♦ * * Anent Bacon’s Appointmait. When Governor Terreil was shown the telegram from Washington, rais ing the question as to whether or not he could legally appoint Senator A. O. Bacon for the interim from March 3 to June 22, he said: “I am inclined to the idea that it any question should be raised as to Senator Bacon s legal right to the in terim appointment, that, technically, the Washington- view of the matter is correct. But the matter will be up to the United States senate. As 1 have slated before, I will name him for the intervening time, and if the issue conies up with an extra session, why tho senate must settle it. “I am in hopes that no question will be raised that will deprive Geor gia of one of her senators for even mat brief time. But it is an inter esting situation.” * * Educational Exhibit at Jamestown. A subject which is creating much interest in educational circles at this time i3 the' educational exhibit at the Jamestown exposition this sum mer. Many counties are planning r.o make complete exhibits, and separate schools will enter into this work also. Putnam county has already planned its exhibit, and has it well under way. The idea is unique, and likely to excite much attention, as it will consist of the cotton plant with the various parts, and all products made from cotton. Other states will, of course, have educational exhibnts, and Georgians are anxious to have theirs compare favorably with those of other states. The state school commissioner, Hon. W. B. Merritt, lias charge of Georgia’s educational exhibit, and he is encouraging all educators to com mence work at once * * * Plans for School Building. One of the most helpful pamphlets that has been issued by the depart ment of education is the one entitled “Plans and Specifications for School Houses.” This pamphlet is the out growth of the manifest interest at this time in the building of good houses, and of the numerous inquiries daily received asking for plans, sug gestions, and comparative prices of building. There are in the pamphlet many fine cuts of high school buildings, ru ral schools, one, two, three and four rooms, with floor plans for the same, defective and good heating anu venti lating systems, a country school li brary, a school garden and a consoli dated school. These cuts tell their own story, and must impress those who are fortunate enough to secure a copy of this excellent booklet. Encouragement from Strauss. A Washington dispatch says: Ac companied by Judge Griggs, a com mittee of three members of the Geor gia immigration commission called on Secretary Strauss, of the depart ment of commerce and labor Satur day, and discussed with him ways and means to induce immigration to Georgia. The committee was composed of John A. Betjeman, chairman of the Georgia immigration commission; T. G. Hudson and J. J. Conners. These gentlemen were returning from New York, where a visit of inspection had been paid to Ellis Island to solve the problem of inducing arriving immi grants southward. Secretary Strauss declared to the committee that he h-sartily sympa thized with their distress, and would co-operate rally with them in this ef fort to develop and hasten the pros perity of Georgia, which was his home for so many years. The sug gest ion was made that Thomas Wat chorn, chief of the immigration bu reau at Ellis Island, be invited to Georgia to deliver an address. Secretary Strauss was convinced that a practical talk from Mr. Wat c-horn would produce good results, and agreed that the latter should come to Georgia to appear before the meet iug of the immigration commission in Macon on February 19. RUSSIAN GOVEKNO4 SLAIN. Shot by an Assassin Who Was Pursued and fatally Wounded. S. A. Alexandrovisky, governor of Penza, Russia, was shot and killed as he was leaving the theater Thursday night. Tne assassin fled, was pursued and kept up a running fight during which he was fatally wounded. He died shortly afterwards in the hospital. IN DEFENCE OF STATE RIGHTS Frazier of Tennessee Makes Vigor ous Speech in the Senate. PRESIDENT IS REBUKED Position Taken By People of California on School Row Matter is Upheld and Approved by Tennesseean. Federal encroachment on state rights, with the Japanese school ques tion as the principal illustration, was the subject of an address to the sen ate Friday by Senator Frazier of Ten nessee. Mr. Frazier said that this was not a question that concerned California, but concerned the right of every state to control its domestic affairs. If the federal government by treaty could rob a state of the right to con trol its own school system, the last stronghold of local self-government was destroyed. If a treaty could force Mongolians into the white schools of California, a like treaty could force the negroes of Cuba, Santo Doniingo, Hayti and the Congo into the schools of Tennessee in defiance of the laws for the separation of the races. He expressed the highest admiration for the Japanese, but said that the ac tion of California furnished no pretext for a quarrel with that country. The school board of San Francisco had simply executed a state law providing for the education of white and Japan ese children in separate schools.- It bad been decided over and over again that states had a perfect right to make such separation. That the state of California was but exercising its legal and constitutional power. He denied with emphasis that this government had ever undertaken by treaty to interfere with the consti tutional rights of California. “I challenge any one to find in the treaty a word guaranteeing to Japan ese residents the right to enter public schools of the states at all, much less to enter them in defiance or state laws and regulations. “The United States government can not compel a state to create public schools at all. The schools were crea tures of state laws, maintained by state taxation and subject only te state control. The right of residence guaranteed to the Japanese implied the right to work and make a living, hut not to go to school. But even if the right of residence did car ry with it the right to enter public schools,” he added, “it did not carry any exception from the right of sep aration in the schools. The treaty with Japan provided that the Japan ese ‘must conform themselves to the laws police regulations of the coun try like native citizens.’ Can it be contended that Japanese aliens have acquired higher privileges than they would have as citizens of the United. States?” He contended that the president ought to have followed the example of Mr. Blaine in the case of the lynch ing of Italian citizens in New Or leans. There was a treaty with Italy, which guaranteed protection to Ital ian citizens, but when the Italian gov ernment complained Mr. Blaine in formed it that Italian citizens had. no higher rights than American citi zens and that the right to punish for murder was the exclusive prov ince of the states where the crimes was committed. Mr. Frazier said he did not believe we had reached the point where we must apologize for our constitution or change its character by construction at the dictation of a foreign power. Our trouble with Japan, he said, had its origin in our colonial policy which had inspired a fear in the nations of the east that we were attempting to dominate the politics and com merce of the Orient. Mr. Frazier dwelt at length on the recent speech of Secretary Root, which he declared to be a threat to wipe out state lines and absorb all power of the state into the govern ment. “When,” he said, “the states are deprived of the right to judge wheth er aud how far they shali exercise, their powers we cease to be a free people. The secretary intimated that this usurpation of power was neces sary to control the trusts. Before seeking to rob the states of their power, let the federal gove|iment ifce its own. Let it reduce the monstrous tariff which had built up and was protecting the trusts.” It was not necessary, said Mr. Fra zier, to make the rights and powers of states conform to a standard set up by the chief executive alone.