The Jacksonian. (Jackson, Ga.) 1907-1907, March 01, 1907, Image 1

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CALL ON J B EDWARDS & SON FOR FRESH MEATS AND FISH OR PHONE 59 VOLUME 26. THE OUTLOOK IN CHINA BY REV. S. P. WIGGINS. (Continued from last, week ) Chinese literature constitutes the classics of Japan and Korea; while its language is the medium of com munication between uearly one-third of the inhabitants of the earth—used by more people than the Erglish, French and German languages com bined. The Chinese are very industrious It passes our comprehension how a man could support his family off of the product! of a two-acre farm; and it puzzles us to know that off an eight acre farm a Chinamm grows rich. We have gotten some idea of their industry and energy from th- lauodrymen who have come to our country, and yet these are from tl “ lowest and sorriest classes of Chinese. Indeed, wo are prone to get an erroneous opinion of t he Chin ese by juding from Ihe ones in our country. They are enterprising and great colonizers, a* seen by their im migration.into all countries, and the way they huddle themselves together in the cities —having their own schools, temples, customs, dress and idolatry. They know how to make money, and how to save it. The Chinaman to the Mon goliari race, with yellow skin, black eye, active body; usually healthy and energetic. After his kind, he is educated, proud, patriotic, cour ageous, eonceited clanish, loving passionately, ever reverercit.g all that i3 Chinese, and until very lately spurning all that was foreign. On the whole they are a great people. Napoieon, in exile upon St. Helena, musing over the empires of the world, and he knew them as no other man, declared,“when China is moved it will change the face of the globe." But she will never be moved, ex cept through the gospel of Jesus Christ. However, the signs are very propitious, and daily growing bright er. Anew day is breaking in the •astern horizon, which shall be efful gent with the beams of the Sun of righteousness, the Christ of the New Testament. Dr. Young J. Allen writing on Jan. 1,1907, of the sweeping changes in thought, in business. \n schools, in the home, and in the government said; “The movements on are sim ply marvelous, and effect an impire of millions. No such thing was ever witnessed or chronicled in the his tory of the past, or of modern times. The whole of china Is involved; and when China moves the orient is mov ed the whole world is affected." By imperial edict schools and col leges are being established for girls; and all branches of western knew ledge are being taught. In three provinces by a recent edict of the governor the Bible will be taught in the publis schools—everywhere the people are eager to learn the western knowledge, the English language, and to hear the Christian religion. What a glorious and oppor tun'ty for the Church of Christ. (To be continued next week.) JACKSONIAN ROLL OF HONOR. 19 new subscribers this week. L. Noseworthy, E. G. Duke, F. M. Mabdox, J. F.Flynt, J. W ."McClure, J. J, Singley, J. H. Smith, R. W. Lee, B. A. Cook, J. S. Thurston, A. F. Taylor, W. F, Stroud, J. T. Ellis, G-H. McElhenny, J. A. Thurston, J. F. Berry, William Cox, D. 8. McCord, A, M. Watkins. Those who have renewed are J. M. Trapp, A. McGibony, F. W. Gilmore. THE JACKSONIAN. RESOLUTIONS. (Passed by the Jackson Baptist Church Feby 17tk, A. D. 1907.) Whereas, an all wise and gracious God has called His servant Rev. B. Lacy Huge from the pastorate of the Jackson Baptist Church, wher* he has # been the faithful and obedient ser vant of His Master, and an earnest and successful minister for the past tour years to the pastorate of the Baptist Church at. Onancock, Va. and whereas during his pastorate here we have made many improvements un der his guidance and bv the help of the Lard sou.e of which are as fol lows- we have built a eomolete two story Sunday School annex, with rooms for each class, and an assembly room, we have built a modern eight room pastoriutn for our pastor, we have built a chapel in China, our membership has increased one hun dred and twen*yfive making about a total membership of two hundred and seventy seven, our contributions for orphans has been $425 09, our con tributions for missions has been nearly $5.000 00, our contributions for other purposes has been $11,(525 , our total contributions during our beloved pastor’s service has been morethan $17.000 00, and whereas, our Brothers nobl- and Ohri't.ian w ife has been the teacher <>f our Bible class in the ‘Bap'ist, Bible School” by tier faithful work ibis class ron tributes more than $8 00 each Sun day, on an average, to the cause of missions, and the Baptist Bible School under the able management, of our capable and energetic super in endent Bro. Frank 8. Etheridge un average of ten dollar* each Sunday for the cause <.f missions, and wPere as, Bro. Huge has always took a stand fir right against the wrong, a high standard of living in the church against the law, and good govern ment in our city, county and state against all that is immoral and camp raising ; wherefore his influence has been a potent factor for good and right principles, and whereas, he has under arty and all circumstances stood squarelv for a high standard of Christianity without compromise, and proclaimed the evils from our pulpit without fear, or favor of any person ; but always with love and good will for ev'ery on , and, whereas, he lias been a bold and fearless minister of the Gospel, that our Christ taught while on earth, and whereas, we find in our Bro. Hogs a kind, enegertic. loving and dutiful pastor, always ready, willing and waiting to do any thing for his Masters’ cause and the advancement of His kingdom on earth, and, whereas we find ir our Bro, the highest type of a moral and Christian man, and whereas, his coming to the Jackson Baptist Church in the plan of our Lord, has been a great bless’ng, not only to our church ; but to our citv, county and adjoining counties . Therefore be :t resolved by the Jackson Baptist Church. First:—That we part with our Bro. and his loving family, with regret and sad hearts, but knowing tnat he will be a blesaing where he goes, we bow in humble submission and say: “The Lords Will Be Done.” That we as his Bros, in Christ and workers with him in the Masters’ vineyard will all ways hold him in the highest esteem and maintain for him the profoundest love ever praying that our Lord’s will may be done and that our Bro. Hoge may prove a great blessing for the cause of Christ where he goes. Second :—That we commend our beloved pastor, Bro. B. Lacy Hoge to Onancock Baptist Church with much love and to people of the State of Ya. as a faithful, dutiful, energetic, and loving pastor, a man of the best JACKSON, GEORGIA. FRIDAY, MARCH, I, <907. moral type, a preacher of great ability a servant o' God humble and submis sive, a generous friend to humanity, n man of God with courage, a Christ ian of the best type, a general who is eyerread> to face the battle where his Mastercalls always in the front rank, a studious .pastor, faithful, energetic, and loving, always ready willing, and waiting to advise with any person for his wellfare, and above all a man called of God. Third :—That while our hearts are sud, vet we rejoice that the Lords’ will may be done and what is our great loss in parting with Brother B. Lacy Hoge and Irs loving family will be a gain to the people he serves and the Masters’ kingdom. Fourth :—That we feel very keenly our loss, and pray that the mighty works done in our church and com munity by our Brother Hoge, may be repeated with a greater harvest in the fie'd to which lie goes to labor for our Master. Fifth: —That a copy of these reso lutions he furnished by the clerk of the Jackson Baptist church to Bro Hoge, and that these resolut Otis lie placed upon the tninutts of our church, and that they be published in the Christian Index. The religious Herald, of Richmond. V i , the Ja tk so-' Argus and the Jarksonian and it is so ordered ’by the Jacks'll Baptist church, This Feby. 17th U 7. J. T. Goodman, Moierator, D. J. ThaXfon Acting Clerk. TO THE SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS OF BUTTS GO. Tuis is to advise you that we are to have the rare privelege of having Mrs. Mary Foster Bryner with us in Jackson on next Sunday. March Brd. Mrs. Bryner is in the employ of the International Sunday School Associa tion of the United States and Canada and we are indebted to Brother Gee.. Haines, President of the Georgia State Sunday School Accociation, for her presence in Jackson. Mrs Bryner is wonderfully gifted in *he Sunday school work, her spec ialty being the primary department. We are anxious to have a large, en thuiaatic meeting for Mrs Bryner on next, Sunday at t he Methodist Church at three o’clock. We desire to have every one hear this woman of inter national fame, believing that she will lend'a stimulus and enthusiasm to this work which will he largoly bene ficial to the Sunday school cause. Please be sure to come and bring someone with you, and 1 know that you will have no occosasion to regret same. Yours sincerely, F. S. Etheridge. twelve years old, and popu*.. travelers to the north of Europe, summer she usually was crowded wiL passengers, but at this time of th year her average was about as i was Wednesday night, the number be lug equally divided between first an< second class. Much difficulty Is being experience! In obtaining the names of the passen gers, as the tickets were purchase* from many agents in London an< other cities, while some of the trav elers may have had return tickets The only names the company can bt sure of are those of passengers wh< secured reserved berths. The compa ny’s agents afre being asked to sent in immediately to headquarters th( names of all such persons. NfGKOtb AKVIIMti IHtMSILVES. • erious Troub’e is feared in the dec In the Alabama senate # Thursdaj Mr. Hinson read a letter fror Lowndes county stating that negroe of the black belt were armiug wit winchester rifles, and fears of trm ble were felt Mr. Hinson was at a los to understand it. In discussing a bi to prevent carrying pistols, Senato ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT . FUR OUR SISTER TOWN. Capt \V. F Smith and associates have app'ied to council at Flovilla for a charter to put in an electric plant for the purpose of lighting the town and running elect ic cars to and from Flovilla. Capt Smith is one of Butts Counti es most progressive citizens and if all our people had some of the spirit of his interprize old Butts wouid soon be in the front rank* of progress and prosperity. IN SWEET MEMORY. Little Levy Emerson M lyo the two year, three months and four days old son of Mr and Mrs R J. Mayo took his flight to a happy home on Jan. 18, 1907. Oh ! how we miss that little darling no one knows! All of his little play things to lay aside. Just to remem ber him in loving pride. Just to think <<| that sweet voice that used to say Mamma and l’apa. Oh Mt is so sad to giv- up the little angel hut dear parents your darling is not dead hut. he is asleep in Jesus. May God hal your broken hearts and help you t, ibe resdv. Nothing to do as little LtVi-ydid but to elo-e our eyes und rr ss the river to a happy home where there is no more pad parting Oh ! I'li pa. a rid Mam ma yu k now your darling boy lias left, you a sweet re- meinbrnoe, you know he has tol 1 you lie liked his new home Yes darling we know you like your beautiful home. We lia<i never dreamed of vou going to your home so soon. Just before lie left us he said: See papa? See paps? May God help you all to realize that vour darling is not dead. The remains were brought to Mt. Bethel ami laid to rest on Jan. 19, 07. A precious one from us is pane. The voice we loved Is still, A place is vacant in our home, Which never can be filled. For tho’ a little flower hast, Of him the Angels made. With honor and with glory thou, Hast crowned his little head. Oae who loved him. His Idea of a Wife. Discussing with a representative of an Irish paper the qualities a wife should possess, a tramp said the other day that she should be “an all around woman,” between forty and fifty years, not handsome, but temperate. “If there is any drinking to be done,” he said, “I can*see to it. She should be able to walk twenty miles a day and be good at begging bottles and pota toes and also at ballad singing. She should be able to fight a Tound or i two to defend her husband when in action.” Municipal Wages In England. As tlie result of an application from employees for an Increase of wages, the Salford (England; tramways com mittee has recommended to the munic ipality, which owns and operates the line, that tin* wages of conductors be raised to 11 cents per hour on appoint ment, 12 cen;.; per hour after one year af service and 1.2 cents per hour after three years of service. Another munic ipality advertises for a car shed night lerennn at $9 per week. Electrical IVorkl. Ashtabula’s Disastrous Experience. The city council of Ashtabula, 0., re cently passed an ordinance directing that the municipal electric light plant be sold to the highest bidder. The plant began operations In 1892. The construction cost exceeding sßß,poo, of which $50,000 Is regarded as a total loss owing to the plant having been allowed to run down. Although oper ated on moonlight schedule, the aver age cost of arc lights baa baas hi cess of SIOO a year. Correspondence. Union Point. Mrs. Homer Holifield visited Mrs. Aubrey Leverett Friday. Miss. Mary An Reeves is on the sick list this week. Miss Lucy Holifield was the guest of Miss Eda. Leverett Sunday. # Miss Essie Leverett visited relati ves near Cedar Rock Saturday. MissEss’e Leveret and Lily Stand-* ard attended church at Bethelhem Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.N. A. Leverett visited the latters mother in Jasper Saturday and Sunday. Mess-rn Guss McCart and Jack Lev erett visited in Jasper Couuty Sun day afternoon. Mr. \Y. F McCart and son Frank of Newton County visited relatives here last week. Mlsa Dutchie Standard one of our handsome young ladies visited in Newton Sunday. Misses Johnie Leverett and Lester Comely of Jasper visited Mr. Leverett Saturday night and Sunday. The friends of MissTassie Kitchens will be glad to learn that she has re turned home after a five weeks stay with relatives in Newnan. Misses Cullie and Leamon Leuerett and Mrssrs W. C. Salter and Edd Louis of Covington visited the family of Mr. J, H. Leverett Sunday. Miss Laura Harmon our most char ming and efficient teacher visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. N. J Harmon of Jackson Saturday and Sunday. GROODZINSKY-EiSMAN. Mr. J. Groodzinsky one of Jacksons merchants and Miss Annie Eisman of Sayannah were happily married in Atlanta on the 19th inst. Mr. Grood zinsky is a native of Russia, came to Jackson years ago. and by Square dealing and affable deportment has won the esteem of the people of Jack son, May the happy couple’s most cherished hopes be realized. DELIGHTFUL ENTERTAINMENT. The most delightful event of the season was that of last Friday evening Fob. 22nd 1907. Miss Eula Thornton entertained a number of her friends at a “ tacky" party, in honor of her gnest Miss EstelleThomton. The guests arrived at 8 o’clock and were received by Miss Thornton, The many different custumes caus ed much laughter among the guests. Those present were: Misses Estelle Thornton represented a young girl of Martha Washington’s time, Annabell Watkins schoolmarm, Lilia Wattkins queen of hearts, Annie Kate Wright, old maid, Pearl Maddox, school girl, Floy Maddox, cook, Ethel Thornton, Chorus girl, and Eula Thornton. Mesrs Bertie Barnes, Baptslt preach er, Wily Wright, old bachelor, Lon Maddox, cow boy, Arthur McClure, clown, Sid Tom, and Doc Watkins, and Gordon Barnes. The time was pleasantly spent in games and progressive conversation. Miss Floy Maddox and Mr. Arthur McClure won the prize for being thn tackiest. At a late hour the guests departed all declaring a pleasant evening. Tiie*Jacksonian 1 Yr $1 NUMBER 9.