The Jacksonian. (Jackson, Ga.) 1907-1907, March 22, 1907, Image 3

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SOUTHERN'S NEW RULES. Traveling Freight Agents Appointed to Assist Patrons. Following President Finley’s platn talk to the representatives of the freight and passenger departments of the Southern Railway recently ns to the proper treatment of the public by employes of the read, another step his beta taken by that company in the direction of bring about better rela tions with the people making ship ments over its lines. Mr. A. H. Plant, comptroller of the company, announc es that: For the puroose of insuring prompt ness and justice to its patrons in re spect to the handling of freights at local stations and the handling of loss, damage and overcharge freight claims occurring on freights received or shipped by its patrons, Southern Rail way company has inaugurated and placed in service n corps of traveling freight claim agents, whose duty it will be to travel continuously the re spective territories assigned to them, visiting at each station not only ;he local agent, but the company’s patrons thereat with the following objects in in view: 1. To secure the prompt handling and settlement of all fair and honest loss, damage and overcharge freight claims against the company. 2. To give assurance of this to the patrons of the company by. prompt, courteous and efficient attention to their rights. 3. To prevent accumulations of freight claims and over and refused freights at stations and to reconcile as far and as promptly as possioie all over freights with shortages. 4 To educate local agents to the highest degree of efficiency in treating with patrons in respect to their trans actions with them both in respect to the handling of freights at iheir sta tions and the prompt payment or declination of freight claims. DRAWING THE LINE. Art Master (who has sent for a cab, pointing to horse) —“What *d'o (you call that?” Cabby — “An ’orse, sir." Art Master—“A horse! Rub it out, and do it again!” — Pundh. FITS, St. Vitus’Dance: Nervons Diseases per manently cured bv Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. R. Kline. Ld.,931 Arch St., Phila., Pa. A rolling stone gathers no moss, but it may start a mighty big damage EuiL THREE BOYS HAD ECZEMA. Were Treated at Dispensary—Did Not Improve—Suffered 5 Months —Perfect Ctore by Cuticura. "My three children had eczema for five months. A Tittle sore would appear on the t head and seemed very itchy, increasing .day after day. The baby had had it about a week when the second boy look the dis ease and a few sores developed, then the third boy took it. For the first three months I took them to the N— Dispen sary, but they did not seem to improve. Then used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura •Ointment, and in a few weeks they had Improved, and when their heads were well you could see nothing of the sores. Mrs. Kate Keim, 513 West 29th Pt., New York, N. 'Y., Nov. 1,5, aud 7. 1900.” Many a mans principles are sowed; in fact, nothing but sound. Stood the Test. Allcock's Plasters have successfully stood the test, of sixty years’ use by the public; their virtues have never been equaled by the unscrupulous imitators who have ■ought to trade upon the reputation of Allcaek’s by making plasters with holes m them, and claiming tnem to be “just as g&od as Alicock’s.” Allrock’s Piasters stand to-day indorsed bv not only the highest medieai authori ties, but by millions of grateful patisuts who hai c proved there ed*cay as a kwtee bold remedy. Chickens come homo to roost, pfo tided your neighbors ;innot'- satch them first. 9100 Reward, *IOO. The reader* ot tb fa paper mil be pke*;ed to team tnat there Is at leust otie dreaded dis ease that science baa been ablgto. sure to. all its stage*, and that is Catarrh. Hall 6 Lat'arrh Cure i* the onty positive cure now known to the medicaHratternity. Catarrh being a coar ■titutional disease, requires a eoasutustional treatment. Hall’sCafarfh Cureistaben inter nally,acting directlV upon the ,bk>od and mu cous surfaces ot the system v therf?by destroy ing the foundation of the disease,and giving the patient strength by BuiMtog P the con stitution and assisting nature in doing ®s work, i'he proprietors biiye so much faith in ii's cura'iCe power* that they ohertme Hundred Dollars far any case that H fad* to cure. Send for list ollestireoßteU AAfaesc F. .). Cheney Hl t 30., lofedto, O. Sold hv Druggists, 75c. Take Hall'* Family Iblla tor coustrp^wn. The man who tasses his ixwaato* provides fees for the attcsHstey*- tor Ma heirs. Tub cured in 30 minutes b Wf Fanjtarv T ,qtior>: never falls. I>v D”f p;tu. .Mail orders i; h\ *£• 1.1 let chon Ckawf *L One daesnt nsetoe a *s mer, but H often paves the wrw to* , jag- The General Condemnation of So-Called Patent j | or Secret Medicines ( of an injurious character, which indulge in extravagant and unfounded pretensions * to cure all manner of ills, and the National Legislation Enacted to Restrict Their Sale have established more clearly than could have been accomplished in any other way I. The Value and Importance of Ethical Remedies. i Remedies which physicians sanction for family use, as they act most beneficially and I I are gentle yet prompt in effect, and called ethical, because they ( are of 1 Known Excellence and Quality and of Known Component Parts. To gain the full confidence of the Well-Informed of the world and the approval of the most eminent physicians, it is essential that the component parts be known to and I approved by them, and, therefore, the California Fig Syrup Company has published for many years past in its advertisements and upon every package a full statement thereof. The per- | feet purity and uniformity of product which they demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical l I character are assured by the California Fig Syrup Company’s original method of manufacture, I known to the Company only. m There are other ethical remedies approved by physicians, but the product of m the California Fig Syrup Company possesses the advantage over all other family laxatives that it cleanses, sweetens aad relieves the internal organs on which it acts, without disturbing the natural functions or any debilitating after effects and without having to increase the quantity from time to time. B This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of i " Syrup of Figs, and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of fl i family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well I known to physicians and the Well-Informed of the world to be the best of natural I laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of f Senna, as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtlessly it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs; and to get its beneficial effects, always note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company—California Fig Syrup Cos. plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup I of Figs, or by the full name, Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, as Syrup of Figs I l and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig I I Syrup Company, and the satne heretofore known by the name, Syrup of Figs, which I I has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists I f throughout the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which is fifty cents per bottle. Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C., the remedy is not adulterated or mis branded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. I San Francisco, Cal. 1 Louisville, Ky. U. S. A. New York, N. Y. ’ London, England. For Girls & Women You Need Cardui At every age, after entering womanhood, girls and women need the strengthening, building, pain-relieving assistance of Wine of Cardui. It will carry you over the rough places, ease your hard days and increase the comfort and pleasure of living. What its millions of users think of it, is well expressed in these words of Mrs. Rosa Lee Cole, of Smithton, Mo., who writes: "I suf fered from female troubles for 7 years. I had pain, low down in my stomach, my feet hurt so l could not stand, and 1 was so weak and nervous I could hardly do anything. I was just sick all the time. At last I wrote- you for advice and you recommended Wine of Cardui, which 1 took according to your directions, I have now taken Thompson’s Eye Water The Havana Railway. The Havana Ceuteal Railway Com pany has constructed toke from Ha vana to Guam a jay ip <te girovlnce of Pinar del Rio, a (ftfitwrc* of about twenty-seven miles. Ute motfVe -power being electricity. It ttajt opened for freight and paseeoaer toaffle in No vember last. The socle atopany has a line under constwicO from Ha vana to Gaines, tkirty-eeswsp miles, also to be worked by oteflß#M£y. Both these lines tap di* trials in fruits and vegetables. —Tha BDgtttoer. Idols at a ftiripnto*. There was a time whOi mSssionaries were bbused to voatowtog to day : anything disrespects* against the idols of Clutia, and toaa we have heard some of them fagotti we must say that, in the main, fcey have been very taotfui In their Oealtoes with these things, bat ttn them selves are now jioidiMg the whole sys tem np to Miseme. flhfflßrihol Herald. You Look Prematurely Old Wine of Cardui PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color color* Hum any osher dye. One 10c. nnrtageeelott all Meat Mar dy sin SSf <lr t.. You **■ dye any .aruifcut without rtpiimj apart. Wu* for free booklet— ilovr , ■ ’ye. bleach ami Mia o*l WONltOll DEtIW (JO,, Union Vllie. lIlHMrt He Knows i'.-'Ag&X thekiadaf and Waterproof J Oiled Clothing! V§Jfq/ J that stands th exSßj ,pI wJH hardest service, fj/f j /I Dot&uKnow-f A /' f j. tjn) ; j J pj Mads for ail kinds R * fl of wet work or spert SOLD EVEfOfWHERE An rowtUCO EOSWn V B.A. •<* r boHekEtt BLOCKS) 060L6 'HAIR RESTORER, ?f ~ ~—>• i> * ... . 5 bottles of Wine of Cardui, and am feeling better than in the past 7 years. My feet and stomach do not hurt, my female troubles have gone, 1 am getting stouter and stronger, can do aD my housework, work in the garden and tend to 260 little chickens." Wine of Cardui acts directly upon the sick or disordered womanly organs or functions. It is a natural, scientific, female tonic. It con tains no dangerous minerals, or other deleterious ingredients, but is purely vegetable, perfectly harmless and beneficial to young and old. Every reliable druggist sells It, In $1 bottles. Try it FREE book X ItNCi DUUH. your symptom*. ■taflfng age, and reply will be Bent in p ain FOR LADIES T S£ Chattanooga, ’f’eun. D W. L. DOUGLAS/^ $3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES THE'WOKLD v ja w L. DOU6LAB $4.00 WIT EO6E SHOES MiMT 6£ EMAILED AT AMY POKE. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT ALL PRLOESs IlC* .lUnTsiio*., nr, to *IAO. Am. 9 to Women’. !<? Klkm.h, W 4 feo. #l..’>o. Mijut**’ Si (liQA)' Shoe., SJS..SS to *I .<ll>. W. L>. Doughis sluies are recognised by oxeert judge* of footwear to be the beat in style, fit and wear taradueeu in this country. Bach L part of the shoe and every detail of tbe makiflg is looked after '/Jfofc. and watched oyer by skilled shoemakers, without regard to time or cost. If I could take you into my large factqrms afc Brockton, Itsw., and show you how earcfally W. L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then uiulowtand why they hold thoir shape, m better, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other makes. , . W. 1,. Doogla" same and price 1* Kanp! * *l"* tx’i'orn; which.prelerSs the wewer rs.lnt hlKh Kncxear.d iuferV.r ihoe*. Take lV<. ld by the Ix-gt.h™! dealer. Wrrry where. PmI V (Mot JCytlet* mrd txrluritly. C-UuUu maUed frta. W. 1.. IMIKJI.AS, llrvoUtou.Mun. CABBAGE P!an<, CELERY Plaids mmm and .11 kludenf sard*, plai l u. Cart now fnrnWli <Ul.klnd of BgnH^KM SjVtvtag lnU, ur<,vii ti. theT;*i *lr ond will Marwl gfetu cokt ‘crown ttuta Ww W'flP teed* ol the next reliable we<fcmn We u*n the kune pin. la nu OKWtA oturth<>a*.ri<l re truck. Jarn,. Plants crelully counted anil properly BaPwlml iPtk*d. Celery rehtfy fait >.€ live, leltur*. and Beet plant*, same IfWl ffiliiS tie e or <-rIW-f kedueed VMU*** ratfs prontlsed.whtch,whed esrtve Ktft Jjl JB* ftc, Wj&fcEl Will rive us DO pet otio thrn rt.rrcluu.dli-orale* Prices: BnaiU ,ots liiliy filT 11 SI. EC per thouseml lariw lot fiorte •l.Kppr tpoMdud, h. O K S* KQLEI setrs.H.i:. ArU.*V n wane SpineCncmaher S<*<l Wieei.ts jer pound. fcPvifcnaf *, o. h. Peic.stts, S. C. ah. United HMa ArHi’nltural Oe.pertanntt has s*bll*i*edanExiJrlDientaf Matlon n ekr My ms. to i*st all kinds of eegetaMsa, saph eUUy Csbosgrs. Ibe remits or thssa esperlsltei'M we win be pleased to rtre yon at any time. Tours laspeetfully S It MI.jfTCH COMPAJI Y. MSOtfETTS, •. . MALSBY COMPANY, 41 I. FOBSYTH ST., ATLANTA, OA. MBS ianufictursr* of ami Dolor* in All Kind* of MAC HINERY AND SUPPLIES. Portable. Stationary and Traction Knglne*. Boil era, Saw Mill, and Grist Mill., Wood-working aad Ski*, gle Mill Machinery. Complete line oarried la teok. Write for catalogue grloe*. Address all oommanlo* tlonn to Atlanta. oa. We have ae connections la Jacksonville. Via. II e ■ W——l I 1.1 I For health Economy Results Hogless Lard .r. ]■/ Of many dancereus diseases W # ™ The old folka know that I # when Dr. A. Johnson eatabliahad in Ml* ■ V doHN S °L,N|jSEMT | B For Internal and External u*a ■ ■ he gare tnankl ml a aura household remedy K B lor cold., cough., croup, grip, bronchitis, B B cuts, burns, wound, and sore er lame B muscle.. 23 and SO eta. At druggists. ■ I. S. JOHNSON 4 CO.. Both* Mu*. SUCCESS IN THE STOCK MARKED Our book gives details Free. Write for 16. JOHN A. BOAIIDMAN <*c CO., Stack Brokers. No. 53 Broadway, Now York CHy, N. T. (Atl2- 07)