The Jacksonian. (Jackson, Ga.) 1907-1907, March 22, 1907, Image 4

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The Jacksonian. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF BUTTS CO. Published every Triday. r & E/ ANDREWS, ,<fe AND PROPRIETOR. ascription $i oo Per Yr. v-dvertising Rates Furnished On Application. CIRCULATION GUARANTEED /II copy for advertisements and all copy intended for publication irniHt be In tke office not later than Wednesday to insure insertion. Address all communications to The Jacksonian. Entered at the Jackson (Ga.) Post Office as seceud class mail matter. HOT SHOT! Tom & Jerry. There was a considerable lot of drunkenness in Jackson last Satur day. Loeb. traveling salesmen for the Lomax Dißtilling Cos. spent last Sat urday In Jackson. It is said that Christ was betrayed and sold into tbe hands of his enemy s for thirty pieces of silver. The town council has bought the water privelcges of Yellow Water creek paying therefor seven hundred and fifty dollars. lb pays abundantly to keep, always, your promise, even if you makemon ey by breaking it. Every man that says, Lord. Lord, will net Ly any means, enter the Kingdom of the redeemed. About as many go to h—l out of the Amen corner as from the rear benches. You can sell a fellow a mule and promise to cellect half the note in the fall, and after he pays half, fore close your mortgage and then call him brother and Bay you are praying for him, but precious little does ho care for your prayers. You can’t spit in every fellows fiice und then con vince him that it is raiaiug. Don’t say this old world Is a fraud. You are simply lying. inward, bud, look inward. The sorriest cues on earth is the fellow that will let his wife walk feet blistered trying to quiet, a collicy baby, and about one o’jiock in the morning raise the devil with that worn out wife because she wont l>t the baby nurse. You dirty dog! The boy that hangs out of school and spends the day in the woods, and goes home to lie to bis mother about it, will eventual.y hang at the smuli end of a pick handle on the public roads. Don’t cuss luck. Cuss yourtnfi ing, good-for-nothing self. Get up and go to work and you wilt not have such hard luck. Prowl the streets less at night and sleep iu the fore purt of the night. It would scare some people to death if they should see a sun rise. The Griffin News and Sun has dis covered anew feature of Griffin social craze wherin sou.e of her people re quest the News and Sun nut to men tion ascandrei while they give out in terviews to the Atlanta dailies. Af ter ali scande) on u smuli scaie is a disgrace white one of national uoui riety is quite an honor. But it looks like it ali might be mixed iu the same box to us. Thb house of Representatives by a vote of 18U to 85 refused to approve of the recommendation of the com mittee to strike out the appropna too for free distribution of garden seed. When a man insists on constantly announcing his faith in anything, it is a sign that he himself is beginning to doubt it. Since the campaign of last year the Atlanta papers have undergone a re markable moral change. Then they published about the guberenatoria 1 candidate* all sorts of moral rot, but now they decline to publish in detail the testimony in the Trial on the gr turd that it is too dirty for their columns. We trust the Atlanta pa pers will always here-after wear clean linen. — Ex. HOG PENS. The ordinance passed by the town council forbidding the keeping of hogs in town is not observed by many of the citizens of JacksoD. The ordianceis somewhat too man datory and broad. We think a strict ordinance as to the manner of keeping the pen would be far better. No doubt the marshals would pa trol the town and keep an eye open for violations of an ordinance against filthy hog pens if they were required to do so. They really need a diversion of this sort to break the monotony of hanging around the Court house square. One hog in a half acre patch or even an eighth of an acre, would rot create any filth and it is foolish to say one shall not keep a hog in town at all, to say nothing of keeping a hog in a pen, or enclosure of this char acter. To say the least of it, the council should modify the ordinance, or cause all to observe it. AUGUSTA PAPER BURNED. The Chronicle newspaper building at Augusta, was gutted by fire at an early hour last Wednesday morning, also distroying the plant of the West ern Union Telegraph Company, total loss about $150,000. MASS MEETING AT STARK. Interesting Program-Din ner on the Grounds Sat. There is to be a big Bally of the Methodists at Stark on the sth Sun day and Saturdav before, Mar. 80 81. The three charges of Jackson, Jenk insburg and Flovilla have united to make this occasion one of great pleas ure and profit. Represenative spea kers from each charge will be on the prografti, and many visitors are ex rected. You will jmiss a treat if you are not there. Try to be there on time. SATURDAY PROGRAM. 10. a. in. Devotions. Rev S. P. Wig gins. 10.80 a. m. “The Necessity and the How of a revival”. T. J. Demp sey, C. L. Redman, Rev. E. C. Marks and others. 11.80. Sermon. Rev. F. W. McClesky. 12.80 Dinner—on the grounds. 2.00 p, m. “Oneness of the mission ary spirit and the spirit of Christ.” Rev S. P. Wiggins, Prof W.P. Thomas Ptof. J. L. Carter and others SUNDAY. MARCH. 81st. 10. a m. The Reveiation of Sunday Schools to missions. 11. a m. Sermon : Woild-wide Evan gelization.” Dr. J. T. Davos, P. E. Griffin dist. 12. noou. Quarterly Conference . Gomel! You are cordially invited. Delinquents. In the beginning God created the heavens and earth, then the editor and the liberal advertiser —which was good. The next day it snowed and He created the man who does not believe In advertising, another who does not take the home paper—then he rested. Then the devil got into the moulding room and created the mail who takes the paper for several years and fails to pay for it. After he had accomplished that sorry job and had a few more lumps left, he created the excuse of a man who settles his subscription by informing the postmaster to mark his paper “refused.”—Ex. OASTORZA. Bw, tit* Kind You Han Always Bought rr,4*rfsgSi37 Iron Spring. As I have not seen anything from this place in quite a while I will write. Mrs N. Goodson and children, of Jackson, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Maddox. Mr. Hope Maddox, of Milledgeville spent a few days with home folk last week. Agnes Bryant vieited at Flovilla Saturday. Bessie Maddox and Hurtle Thaxton went horse-back riding Sunday eve. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Maddox and little ones visited relatives at this place Sunday evening. Mr. Tom Cawthon has in his store a very good stock of supplies, and I believe a good many customers, Cornelia Hardy and Mr. Love Mote went to Jenkinsburg Sunday evening. May and Hobson Goodson are visit ing their little cousins Roxie and Exie Maddox. Bertie Maddox entertained a few of her friends Saturday nigh'. The guests arrived at 8 o’clock. They had heautiful music, and played many delightful games. Those pres ent were : Misses Lelia Moddox, Ver tie and Ina Belle Moore, of Jackson and Bertie Maddox. Mesrs Woodie and Whitfield Maddox, of Monticelio Bernard and Johnie Maddox. Wheu * the hour of departure came, they all declared a swell time. Lilac. On Route No. 5. Corn planting has been commenced in dead earnest. One of the Thornton boys was shot on last Saturday at Meion trill, Ga., by a Mr. English, I have been unable to get the particulars. Fisherman’s paradise is the name now given to High Falls, I hear many fabulous stories told by fishermen who go there for that particular pleasure and I have no doubt of the truthfulness of them as I have seen some of the fish caught there. The hotel people at Indian Springs have come forth from their winttr quarters and are making elaborate preparations for the coming season. Mr. Foy is having many substan tial improvements made around the Foy house. Ed Hoard is also getting thingß in shape for business when the season begins. Ed has an up-to-date place and everything is new and neat as a pin. Miss Joe Varner has compl tely re tired from business after an active as well us a successful career for more than thirty years and now that she has retired her ab sence is as conspecious as her pres ence was when in real active business 1 understand W. A. Elder will have many improvements made about his already nicely arranged hotel, the Calumet, Extensive preperations are already going on atHotelNew Elder under the care of Mrs. Cornwell Capt. Smith is having his ruilroad put in finer shape this season than it has ever been before. Many of the grades are being eliminated Muni! new stock will also he added. It is now a certainty that the rural Carriers will get a substantial raise in salaries after July Ist. They are now getting $720. a year and will get S9OO after July Ist and of course tney will appreciate the change very much. Hannibell Dixon. THE LAWS GELAY. Shortly after Congressman Maddox of Georgia, had turned over part of his law practice to hisson. the young man came into the office with a flushed trimnphant face. “Pa” he began “you know that wilkins case you've been trying for the last ten years?” The Congressman nodded. “Well” said the young man “I've settled it” “Settled it I” ejaculated his fath er why, my boy, I gave you that case as an amnity.” Woman’s home Companion for April, gggggggggggggggggggg Most people know that if they have been sick they need Scott's Emttl m s/on to bring back health and strength. But the strongest point about Scott's Emulsion is that you don’t have to be sick to get results from it It keeps up the athlete’s strength, puts fat 6n thin people, makes a fretful baby happy, brings color to a pale girl’s cheeks, and pre vents coughs, colds and consumption. Food in concentrated form for sick and well, young and old, rich and poor. And it contains no drugs and no alcohol. ALL DRUGGISTS! 50c. AND SI.OO. Legal Advertisments. For Leave To Sell. Georgia, Butts County, Notice is herby given that the undersign ed has applied to the Ordinary of said County for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of Julia Readden, Col. for the payment of debts and for the purpose of distribution. Said application will he heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said County to be held ou the first Monday in April 1907. This 4th day of March, 1907. B. P. Baily, Administrator upon Julia Readden, estate SOUTHERN RAILWAY OFFERS UNEXCELLED SERVICE North, South, East and West For rates, routes and schedules or any other in formation, address, G. R. PETTIT, Trav. Pass. Agent, Macon Ga. 5 •; --Li-V.’ ■' r “ '■-|' ■| ■ ••■ ■• m 4 CASTORIA Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of— and has been made under his per- 1 (jP , Sonal supervision since its infancy* Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trille with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—-Experience against. Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, I>rops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tbe Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. CENUSNE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY MTJtEET, NEW YORK CITY, Subscribe for The Jacksonian, $1 Tax Recivers Notice* Ist Round. Will he at the following named p aces on dates given below, for the purpose of receiving State and County tax returns. Kinaril’s store, April 2nd in the forenoon. Elgin, Hammond’s store, April 2nd in the afternoon. Mt, Vernon Church April 3rd in the foronon• Indian Spgs.. Apr. 3rd in the afternoon, ork, April 4th in the forenoon. Flovilla, “ “ “ afternoon. Iron Springs Court House, April sth in the forenoon Stark, April sth in the afternoon. Wortliville, April Bth in the forenoon. Finchcrville. “ “ afternoon. Jenkinsdburg, “ 9th all day. In Jackson every Saturday till books close. G. E.McMichael, Tax ReceiAer.