The Jacksonian. (Jackson, Ga.) 1907-1907, April 19, 1907, Image 1

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CALI. ON J R EDWARDS * SOM c OO FRESH MEATS AND FISH OR PHONE 59 VOLUME 26. DELIGHTFULLY ENTERTAINED BY MRS, J. B, SETTLE. t. Mrs. J. B. Settle entertained for her Sunday School class on last, Friday •vening. That delightful hospitality and gracious ness which characterizes all of Mrs. Settles' entertainments prevailed on this occasion and those invited spen t a thoroughly pleasant evening. r Man’s inhumanity to woman dates tfrom the gajrden of Eden, when Eve merely tastthi the fruit and at once generously handed it over to her spouse, who it to the core land never aU>wed her to get another jmorsel. Marne Corelli in Rapid Ee- KView. ! We Will Send You The Tri-Weekly Constitution, Human Life, Spare Moments, Farm News, Southern Star, Metripolitan and Rural Home, and THE JACKSONIAN all one year for $1.50 Si. 5° This Offer Oni Lasts for a Short While. Leave Your Subcription at The Jacksonian Office. DELAY. THE JACKSONIAN. ANOTHER NEW BUILD ING GOING UP. Ground was broken Tuesday pre paratory for building anew office for The Jackson Argus. Our’s is the most desirable side of town especially for printers because we have so much water. We already have a most useful combination of neighbors towit: three doctors, three lawyers and an undertaker, but there is room for one more and the Argus will be quite a desirable aquisition. PASTOR AND BOARD OF STEf ARDS ENTERTAINED. Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Lyons entertain ed the Pastor W. P. Wiggins, and the board of Stewards at a six o’clock dinner Tuesday evening. The enter tainment was elegant and finished as was expected of the elegant hostess. puttingltreets IN FIRST GLASS CONDITION. Now that the rain has softened the ground, the city is putting the streets in first class condition. Posts have been placed around the court house square in the most convenient style so that visitors to the city will find it much more convenient than hereto ; fore. I JACKSONIAN HONOR ROLL. New Subscribers. [j. A. Pittman, R. W. Rich, jS. D. Thurston. Renewals. C. B. Sims, A. H. Treadwell, W. J. MoClendon. C? -ZA. JS P JP O Bears the Have Always- SotigW JACKSON, GEORGIA. FRIDAY, APRIL 19th <907. PHONE NO. 10. AND NOT 8, IF YOU WANT JIM. We were mistaken about Tim Join er’s phone number being 10. It is 8. If you call 10 you will get nothing but good phisic. Call Bif you want Jim to hear you. IN LOVING REMEMBiRANCE of Mrs, Meredith, who died at her home near Stark, the twenty-second day of March. It was sad to give her uo, but just to think she has gone to rest beyond the skies. She was loved by all who knew her, she lived a Christian life, was ready to help when ever she was culled. Loved ones just remember the words she spoke, *' I am ready to die.” It is sad to give her up but remember the good deeds she has done in the past. Mrs. Meredith joined the church when she was eighteen, and has lived up to the time of her death, a good, kind, helpful and useful woman. She lived to be eighty-four years, eight months and eight days old. Oh how sad it is to part with her. but live a Christian life and meet her some day beyond the skies. She leaves three daughters, several grand-children and other relatives and friends to mourn her loss. ’Tis sweet, to meet, but sad to part. To give up a loved one, that broke, your heart, jA gPecloUs drib from them is gond. A Voice they loved is stilled. A. 0 *e) LOtli* j i.k j <J .1 Which hever can be filled. God in his* wisdom has recalled. The boon His love had given. And though the body slumbers here, The soul is safe in Heaven. A Friend, Triumph of Heredity. The other college hoys were hazing the new freshman, who was the son of a clergyman. “You will be required,” they said as they stood him on a table, “to preach a sermon.” “I’ll do It, gentlemen,” he answered, “on condition that you do not interrupt me until I have finished.” “We promise. “Will you kindly furnish me a text?” “You will preach a sermon,” thc3' said after consulting together a mo ment, “on Cerberus.” “On Cerberus, gentlemen? Great Sc”- “That’s text enough, sir. Go ahead. You are wasting time.” “All right. Cerberus It Is. My hear ers, the subject of this discourse nat urally divides itself into three heads. As you have been kind enough to prom ise not to interrupt me I shall occupy your attention only half an hour on each. I remark, firstly.” etc. They stood ft patiently for fifteen minutes. Then they sneaked out one by one, and the hazing came to an end.—Chi cago Tribune. Duluth, Minn. At a recent meeting of the elty coun cil a resolution was passed authorizing the water board to make a contract with the Great Northern Tower com pany to furnish electricity for operat ing the pumping station. Under the proposed contract the maximum price for pumping 1,000,000 gallons is $0.50. Last year it cost the city SB.OO per 1,000,000 gallons, without counting the cost of depreciation in the plant.— Electrical World. A Ray of Light From FngGnd. Municipal Indebtedness resulting from taking over public service utili ties has become so burdensome In Eng land that it is seriously suggested to avoid payment of interest by redeem ing the bonds with noninterest bear ing municipal notes. While this plan has not yet been approved by English financiers and statesmen, it may af ford a ray of hope to some of our cities that are staggering under similar burdens. J. T. EDWARDS’ STORE AND POST OFFICE BURNED. Fire broke out in the store of Mr. J. T. Edwards at Flovilla Monday night, and completely consumed the bnilding together with the stocs of goods. The Post Office was also burned. Mr. Edwards had about $2000.00 insurance, while the losses were about SSOOO 00. The Post Of fice was uninsured. The Drug store of Dr. Waites narrowly escaped burning also. a delightfuTvisit TO THE HOME OF MR. AND MRS. A. H. POPE. Down in the extreme South East corner of Butts can be found the ide al Country homo. Looking to the East from the railroad at a point three miles south of Cork, will be fouud ensconced in a beautiful elm grove, the home of Mr. a/id Mrs A.II. Pope. Looking further east will be found a broad and level expansion of rich and fertile soil, and as it spreads out in prairie majestic it wastes itself n a green fol fage and sward that kiss es the west bank of the Ocrnulgee Riv er. here is where lives the ideal Geor gia planter No meat nor corn is ever bought, litre, and ull other farm pro ducts is grown in abundance. Live stock, cat'll, swine and fovl find its [way to the market from this mode! I farm aluilp ! wltfi cottou the Souths To be a guest in the horde Is joyous indeed. The queen and king of this hospitable country villa have never been blessed with child or children, and it is uo uncommon event that the guests, in large numbers, are enter tained within its gates. On last Sun day the doors were thrown wide and a merry party of forty five guests were made happy in social intercourse with song and music. At one o’clock dinner was the order of the moment and all ate with an appetite that on ly fresh country air can ingender. Every body was sorry when the hour of departure came. Those pres ent vrere.S. M Pope, Mrs. Lulu Duke Mr. and Mrs W. B Waits, 0. Lawrence, J. L Pye, Mrs. .1. L. Bry ant. Mrs. W. T. Hadaway, Mrs. An nie Freeman, Hulon Bryant, Lamar Jackson, Bennie Hadawav, William Moore, Edward#, Mr. and Mrs. Soab Moxley, Mr. and .Mrs. William Moore, Ernest Williams, Dr. N. J. Waits, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Gunnels, Eunice May Gunnels, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith, Mrs. A. W. J Wright, Homer Lane, Joe Lane, Tom Thurston, Mrs. J. L. Watson,Eunice Bryant. Dorris Moore, Ida Moore, Lucile and Ernest Moxley, Rosebud Waits, Misses Ruth Clara and Agnes Bryant, Misses Bes sie and Clyde Lane. Misses Mae and Lessie Moore, Judge Frank Curry. Better Than Brains. A poor, dyspeptic little minister was walking out one Monday morning when he chanced to meet two brother clergymen, hale, hearty looking fel lows. After the customary greetings they asked hirn how things looked. He pulled a long face and said everything was had, It was it dying world, and the outlook was wretched. “Now, brother,” said his questioner, “you are wrong yourself. Something is the mat ter with your brain. You want to get that right, like ours,” slapping his comrade on the shoulder, “then the world will look brighter to you.” The dyspeptic looked at both his “brothers” a minute and then said, “I’d rather have the stomach of one of ye than the brains of both of ye.”—Boston Herald. O udL stohiA. . Saar# the KM * OU HaV3 Ai * 3yS PROGRAMME FOR ME MORIAL DAY APRIL 26 Orchestra Prayer by Rev C. B. Willing ham. Orchestra. Prize Essay. Orchestra. Introduction of Orator. Col. Earnest Watkins. Address, Col Walter Harris of Macon. Orchestra Delivery of Crosses of Honor, ' (if they arrive.) Reminiscenes of Veterans. Prayer by ReyS, P. Wiggins Music, by Hanna Orchestra. __ PLEASE READ THIS. _ Having 1 advertised my inten tion to leave Jackson I deem it dust to the people to explain and at same time to inform the public generally that I will be found at my same place °t business ready and to sell all kinds of goods in my line of business cheaper than any merchant in Jackson for the cash or on time as my customers may desire. Ido not want chattel mortgages because it costs my customers to have the same recorded and the price of recording is al ways added to the price of the goods. Open account is all 1 ask and I want you to feel free J o call on me for your Spring Goods. My reason for making ar rangements to accomodate you for this year and not leaving Jackson are these: My chil dren are now in our Public School here and while their Educational advancement has always been perfectly satisfac tory to me, yet I find that I cannot now enter them in an other college without to a great extent changing the course of training they are now receiving. Again I have made many friends in Jackson and Butts and surrounding Coun ties whom I'appreciate highly and whom I am now read} to serve. JAKE ARENSON, The Jew. ■ - ■■ SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE FOR JACKSON. Local * asgengur trains pass th * 1) pot. at the tunes mentioned below NORTH BOUND. 1° 9 :57A. M No. 16 2:82P. M, No. 9 8 ;48 *• SOUTH BOUND. No- 1(5 7:88 A. M No. 8 8:08 P. M No 10 8:08 *, NUMBER 16