The Jacksonian. (Jackson, Ga.) 1907-1907, April 26, 1907, Image 4

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The Jacksonian. OFFICIAL OIIGAN OF BUTTS CO. PWlteMI €frv Triflay. S. E. ANDREWS, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Subscription SI,OO Per \ r. Advertising Kates I*urnished On Application. Entered at the Jackson (Ca.) Post Office as secend class mail matter. An exchange says: The action of the Butts County Coimniseioners will have a detrimental effect on other Counties in case they should tie HO UNFORTUNATE as to have a set of recalcitrant commissioners Some ol our Georia Editors arc yet sore over the election of Hoke Smith, and seem to think that the proper thing to do is to keep right on butting at him, It would not he to find that some of them have butted tUeir biains out: ad mitting, for the sake of argument, that they have any. OUR BAPTIST CHURCH. Never in the history of tho exis tence of tho church was the Baptist church at Jackson in a more prosper ous condition than at present. Indeed, should tho town of Jack son congratulate nerself in the pos session of such a man of God ns Ilev. C. T. Willingham, the present pas tor of Jackson Baptist Church. No one, after hearing him preach could doubt for one moment that he is lin ed with Christian courage and e soul burning for the upbuilding of God’s earthly kingdom, and the salvation of the people. His aubjoct Sunday last was “Taking the City for God. Among other things he said : “ Before the city can lie taken tho church must get. right with God.” “Much purging” said he “is needful before tho church can be of power for God. Men in the church” ho proclaimed 'who will not do and live as a pro fessed follower of Christ should live, should he turned out of the fold. It might decrease our numbers, but it would increase our power for God.’ Ho said, “my brother it might change your wav of'doing business to get right with God but your loss iu dol lars would be guined in making cer tain your right and title to mansions in the ky.” In short ho preached a heart search ing sermon. H called upon each one to g.) home tutd in the quiet solitude of the hour, ;.! mo with God, nek the Great Judge to search our hearts, and point out tie- thing, or things, in our life that would hinder in God using US for the upbuilding of His King don?. We thought what an awful disci n-uro would !'■ made if every hoart. vas lam bare, lbo preacher said: “There is possibly friction in our town and before wo can expect for God to use us we must soften and and c lay this friction with love." True it. i-: th - e is friction, yen, much friction am 4 our people. May the God of pence y■ t be our God, fs rfu! that unless there is Borne o af. ssiug end repenting on the part of mine, about oui■ y gallons of J.nuor that was bought and shipped to Kid Hoggin during the water works el ct-ion, and the fund ol money:,' Ito huy votes to bond the town, and the mid- ight carous ing in Ihe cow-pasture, it will be a long time before some of our church mvi will an unt to anything in the way of . ;1 : > i.e for God and the right. In a rtcr; ' at ; < i the chaplain asked one of the new if he thought there was any danger. “Why.” replied the tailor, ‘ if this continues wo shall all be in heaven before tomorrow morn in"." TANARUS; 0 chaplain, horrified, cried out in prayerful fervor, “The Lord forbid!" --London Tlt-Blts. HO T SH O T JZ *'Y I’OK <fc J EKKY. Here comes another Fiuukv Friaay. Ho writes and signs himself “Fair Hay.” There is but one thing which ex ceeds the wind in his article, and that is, its length. Fair Play labored two and one half columns and not one single fact was given birth. Tell us what your boss did to give Putts free rural delivery. I have tried to find out at the Post Office and among the carriers, and all I have been able to learn is that he tried vei'y hard to change route No. 3 so as to go by the front, of his plantation instead of some half mile distance away from it. The inspector refused to put the additional distance on the route. RB3\LLY, if Johnie has done ANYTHING since I have known him. for ANY one except himself, I am anxious to know it. and will do my part in giving out the information to the public, because such informa tion will be startling in the extrsnae, aud the public should know it. The man who deserves real credit, as I learn on inquiring, for working up the rural system in Butts is I£. C. Cawthon. He worked to get the first, route established, when the peo ple along the route were advising him to give up the work and let it go. Bob Thomas worked up route No, 2 T. O. Woodward worked up No. 3 Belah Wilson and Erastus Gilmore worked up No. 4, and J. C. Flynt and Jno Phinizee No. 5. John and Tom Ball and others secured No. 0. and 7 and 8 were laid out and routed by one Higbee, a gorernment agent. Now Fair Play you are not known to me, but I learn that your boss loves grits and gravy, and [ shall lo cate you by the smell of your breath. Proffossor W. P. Thomas has given the Board of Trustees notice that he will not be an applicant for re-elec tion. What does this mean? It means that he is to leave Jackson. The patrons of the school will not understand this great loss to our school till it is too late. However we knew when tho school board was slated at the last election, it was studiously selected with a view of disposing of Mr. Thomas. Everybody will admit that the school is in a more prosuerous condition than ever, even in its entire history. No one will hesitate, for a moment;, to ac knowledge that in Mi. Thomas the the town has a clean, polished and Christian gentleman. He is absolute ly minus of a single bad habit. To be is Methodist, it is, with some people who live in Alaska, an un pa dutiable sin. Mr. Thomas is very active in his church work, and he is a Methodist, coming from a long an cestry of Methodist and herein iics his sin so thinks Tom and Jerry. * * * Gagged th® Raboit. A sportsman on the lluntsham es late, North Devon, hail a rabbit brought to him by his spaniel, which had caught it under a hedge. The rab bit could walk only very feebly, though all its limbs were found to b>* sound. In Us mouth, however, was a thick twig about three inches long, which had become wedged in behind the teeth in the rabbit's rush from sonic threatened danger. The animal was unable to extract the twig with its paws and was being gradually starved to death when it was found by the dog.—London. Standard. n /=ircmxecturat eruption. A worthy but rather Illiterate man who had come suddenly into the pos session of a largo fortune was consult ing with bis architect relative to the building of a costly mansion. The gen eral plan had been decided up n. blit the details had not been con- tderej. _ “You will want a portico, of com c ?'' said tlio architect. “Oh. yes.” “Any particular design?-* “vtwp something oriental.” w ald lea good place for yon to huro rr; at ids.” “Why." said the other, somewhat 1, “I or—had that when ! was it hoy. It broke out all over me. but I got well of It. What has that got to do with a portico?” Of all great cities of the world Pal myra had the shortest period of life. Tts prosperity extended only from 117 A. I>. to 273 A. D. ! f 9 j *, i ißgct AuWt&ilibatS. Snxanr Sales. GEORGIA. Butts County.— Will be sold before tin Court house door between the legal hours of sale on the May next the following described property to wit Fifty .•creaf of land more or less lying and being in 61-J District G. M. Butts Cos., Ga.and bounded as follows. On North by lands of I;. W. Washington, East by lands of Mrs. A, C. Aiken, South by lands of T. S. Hammond and West, by lands of Hammond tiros. Said property levied on as the property of J, I>, Aiken by virtue of and to satisfy one fifa issued from Superior Court of Butts County in favor of the Carmichael Com pany against J. D. Aiken. Written Notice given Deft, as required by law. This April 2nd 1907. W, W. Wilson, Sheri ff Butts Cos Fok Administration . GEORGIA. Butts County.— To All Whom It Mat Concern : Mrs . W. F. Adams having, in proper form, applied to me for permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of W. F. Adams late of said County, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of W. F. Adams, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, , and showcause, if any they can, why per manent Administration should not be granted to Mrs. V,. F. Adams on V . F. Adam’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature, tins Ist day of April 11X>7. J. H, HAM. Ordinary. For Dismission. Whereas, Davis Kinaril Administrator of George It. !.. Kinanl represents to the Com! in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully 'administered George K . L. Kinard’s estate. This is there fore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Aduiistrator should be dis charged from his Administration, (and re ceive lufcters of dismission, on the first Mon ilay in May 1907, This April 4tli 11107. J. H. HAM, Ordinary. For Years Support. GEORGIA, Isutts County. Mrs. L. A. Funderburk, having made application for twelve months support out of the estate of T. 15, Funderburk and ap praisers duly appointed to set apart the same having filed their return all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause Before the Court of Ordinary of said County on the tirst Monday in May 1 907 why said application should not he granted. This 28tli day of March, liH)7. J. H. HAM. Ordinary. Administrator's Notice To Seel. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said County, will he sold at public outcry, on the iirst Tuesday in May 1907, at the Court-house in said county he tween the usual hours of sale, the following real estate situated in Butts County : One half undivided interest in three fourths of an acre of land, more of less, being in the town of Jackson in the 014 District, <;. M. bounded Originally, East by alley. North by Wash Ball land, West by lands of T. J. Book and South by lands of T. J. Beck. Terms Cash, This April 1 1907. B. P. Bailey, Admr. of Julia Keadde 11. Estate Insects of the Hour. TV 'df a dozen grasshoppers under u fern make the Hold ring with their importunate think, while thou sands of great cattle, reposes! beneath tli' shadow of the oak, chew tlm end and are silent, piny do not im agine that those who make tbs noise are the only Inhabitants of the field; that, of course, they are many in num ber. or t: at, after all, they are other than the little . h:\velcd, meager, hop ping, though loml and troublesome in sects of the bour.—Edmund Burke in “itoll actions on the Revolution In France.” TV email In‘h:mod tumor, or boll, ealied a . • kh soon limos forms at the edge of the eyelids, though in convenient: and painful, it not danger ous, A bread poni lee to which lit tle olive 111 has been added promotes suppuration and helps it to run iis course. GcTaND SEE! Go and see the J. S. Johnson Co's 'Bath Tub Lavatory and Water Clos et;?, and Kitchen Sinks displayed in their show window, and give them your order right away and be ready to enjoy the coin= forts of water wor’ 5. Get ready. Now 1 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn The Iliud You Have Always Bought) and. xs hi eh has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signal ore of a and has been made under his per - /Is ,sonal supervision since its infancy. C Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trille with and endanger the health of Infants and Children— Experience against. Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tlio Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, j The Children’s ranaeea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Ysars, THC CENTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY &TREET, NEW YORK CITY. _TRY If. UMllllS’ Stock Powers They are the cheapest and Best that Money can buy. They have proven to be just what they are advertised to be. They have given perfect satisfaction in every instance, and are always guaran” teed, or money refunded. p * Yr~> MADE BY Dr. J. B. WATKINS, SOLD EVERYWHERE. ; Jaekeon, Ga. > 1 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. The South’s cleanest and newsiest daliv news r paper. Published Drily Except Sunday. JOHN TEMPLE - GSUVEf, Editor. Publisher’s press service—Spr, ia lease- wire service—Hearst Syndi cate Service Special writers and :'(>i P , ch-t-— Authoritative and relia ble market reports and sporting uews-No whisky or unclean medical adver tisements printed. A NEWSPAPER FOR EVERY HOilE. SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER TO JAN UARY Ist, 1908. We ere enabled for the next thirty days to offer *he Georgian and The Jacksonian To January Ist, 1908 for only . OAriaOU This offer begins \prii 15th and ends May 13-“-., 1907/ Send your order and money now to The Jacksonian* Positively no subscriptions on this combination offer after May i'lh. 1907, DO IT NOT’dddE