The Jacksonian. (Jackson, Ga.) 1907-1907, April 26, 1907, Image 5

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Correspondent. IRON SPRING. Ins School at thia'placo was pr< maturely closed last Friday. Superin tendent J. B. Wardcarfied the school or. a picnic to Hall’s bridge. Tom Cawthon our prominent mer chant, is doing driving business. Tom is a hustler, and nothing short of suc cess will satisfy him, A musical entertainment was given by Miss Byrdie Maddox last Friday night, in honor of Misses Ollie Cole and Maude Maddox of Oedar Rock. Mrs. G. S, Barber will leave scon for South Ga., to visit her daughter Mrs. Lincus. Mrs. D, W. Bryant and Miss Clara visited their aunt Mrs. “Nug” Bryant atFlovilla Tuesday. Miss Ethel Thornton from South Butts visited Miss Agnes Bryant Sun day. Mr. Union Bryant end Mr. Lamar Jackson from Juliette w< 3 re guests of Misses Clara and Agnes Bryant Sun day. Gibson Wright has been seriously sick with ’gripp, and threatened with pneumonia. There is areport circulating around in these “digging” to the effect that Stephen Jones seriously contemplates doing something desperate in the near future. Mrs. Hale from High Falls visited her aunt Mrs. A. W. Wright Su: ’ v Mr. Homer Maddox, we regret to learn is no better. Mr. John Wynne Presley accom panied by his little cousin W. Y. An drews visited relatives in Eatontun last week. We call our readers attention to the fine garden of Mrs. J . S. McOan- TO THE CITIZENS OF JM.TTTS GO. vnnautci.irwya■■■ ■ iwrr.-anwa 1 mxmtmmx. It seems that, from reading the Jacksonian, that some people think that there is but One Bank and One • a Scientific Horse Shoer in Jackson. I don’t know about the Bank but I do know there fire more than one scien tific horseshoer. I HA V E SH CD HORSE 3 FOURTEEN YEARS myself and I know one or two things, I never did blow it much but owing to having a big lot of shoe:- on hand 1 am going to SHO33 TOTTR HOB3BS SO! the remainder of the year and after Ikav* cuisgkt up with the dirty greasy trade. TIR E S Sld T W I T'fl 111 E NE W PRO (J EH S I will set t n. r 2%$ r wheel, but if you don’t want to ruin your wheels, you had better . wme to set teem the old way. Some new invention will do, but the cold tire se*. yi m. If you nave not the money A -KT-p TOUB OrtVErOX'X’ IS C3-OOX) * why come and 1 am able to carry you. COME TO SEE ME. J . A . KI MJ3 E L r, . ! iel, 'wo mi’es this side of town Mi Genus Maddox's little son Carl, I is reported very tick with pheumoma. Since we heard of a letter signed Fair Play in the Jackson Argus we are fceginningto wonder if some Jack son man did not cause the Kingston: earthquake. Red Rose. JH3KSONIAN HONOR ROLL. New Subscribers. J. B. McElroy, W. S. tenant, J. H. Duke, J. G. Pope, J. W. Carter, G. W. Kinsman, Mrs. E.E.Pound Renewals. T. H. Nolan, Claude Thurman. J. P. T. Smith. J. S. M. Ingram. JAMESTOWN RER-CEN TENNIAL EXPOSITION APRIL TO NOVEM BER i 907. Exceedingly low rates have been authorized by the Southern Rail way to Norfolk, Va„ and return, accouht Jamestown Ter-Centen nia! Exposition. Stop overs will be allowed on season, sixty day and fifteen day tickets, same as granted on Sum mer Tourist Tickets. Tickets will fce sold daily commencing April 19th, to and including November 30th 1907. The Southern Railway is tak ing a vary great interest in this Exposition and doing everything within their power to promote its welfare for the raason that it is located on historic and Southern Grounds, and has evidence of be ing one of the most important and attractive affairs of this kind that has ever been held- Through fri in service and sleeping car service to Norfolk du ring the Expo: iti >n has not yet been announced, but it is expected that most excellent schedules will be put in effect so as to make the trip comfortable and satisfactory in every way. With these very liberal rates in effect everyone in the South has en opportunity to visit the JAITES TOWN TER CENTENNIAL EXPO - SITION. Full and complete information will be cheerfully furnished upon application to any Ticket Agent of the Southern Railway Company j ATTENTION ALU This is the season of the year when your buggy ought to be | repaired, and repainted, JUST J LIKE NEW. Also, the time to | have your stock shod for FIFTY ! CENTS, w hen paid in cash. THIS I DO. All work done >ll j my shops, is done with dispatch and, an accuracy only attained ;by an EXPERIENCE COVER ING TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. | Not six years scouting, or scuf= ! fling about. Everything guar |anteed, and at lively prices. The old reliable, Q. W. KINSfIAN. According to iterault, during the siege of Paris by Henry IV. a famine raged and bread sold at a crown a pound. When this was consumed tbe people, maddened with hunger, ex humed the dried bones from the char nel house of the Holy Innocents and from these made bread. ‘‘Teddy, Is there no school today?” “Sure! Yor don’t suppose jest ’cause I m playin’ hookey dnt dey’d close up de school, do yer?”—Judge. £* A New Orleans woman was thin. Because she did not extract sufficient *fjj* nourishment from her food. ££ She took Scoff's Emulsion. Result: She gained a pound a clay in weight. I|f(M MX DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND SI.OO SOUTHERN RAILWAY OFFERS UNEXCELLED SERVICE ' .ij,j ,11an Imi I,Tim —1 1 ——— North, South, East and West Tor rates, routes and schedules or any other in formation, address, G, R, PETTIT, lm, Pass, Agent, Macon Ga. Oo To Tom Thurston’s Shop to get your h rse shoeing, tire-setting and repairing done. I use first class labor and ma erial; everything done under a positive guarantee. I Am No Price Cutter Or Cobbler, but do first class work at living prices, which is the CHEAPEST in the !omr run. Come to see me and get value received lor your money. Yours to serve at Hitchens old stand. TOM THURSTON.