The Jacksonian. (Jackson, Ga.) 1907-1907, April 26, 1907, Image 7

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The Evolution of Household Remedies. The modern patent medicine busi ness is the natural outgrowth of tho old-time household remedies. In the early history of this country, EVERY FAMILY HAD ITS HOME MADE MEDICINES. Herb teas, bit ters, laxatives and tonics, were to be found in almost every house, com pounded by the housewife, sometimes assisted by the apothecary or the fam ily doctor. Such remedies as picra, which was aloes and quassia, dis solved in apple brandy. Sometimes a hop tonic, made of whiskey, hops and bitter barks. A score or more of pop ular, home-made remedies were thus compounded, the formulae for which were passed ulong from house to house, sometimes written, sometimes verbally communicated. The patent medicine business is a natural outgrowth from this whole some, old-time custom. In the begin ning some enterprising doctor, im pressed by the usefulness of one of these home - made remedies, would take it up, improve it in many ways, manufacture it on a large scale, ad vertise it mainly through almanacs for the home, and thus it would be come used over a large area. LAT TERLY THE HOUSEHOLD REMEDY BUSINESS TOOK A MORE EXACT AND SCIENTIFIC FORM. Peruna was originally one of these old-time remedies. It was used by the Mcnnonites, of Pennsylvania, be fore it was offered to the public for sale. Dr. Hartman, THE ORIGINAL COMPOUNDER OF PERUNA, is of Mennonite origin. First, he pre scribed it for his neighbors and his patients. The sale of it increased, and at last he established a manufac tory and furnished it to the general drug trade. Peruna is useful in a great many climatic ailments, such as coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis and ca tarrhal diseases generally. THOU SANDS OF FAMILIES HAVE LEARNED THE USE OF PERUNA and its value in thetreatnient of these ailments. They have learned to trust and believe in Dr. Hartman’s judg ment, and to rely on his remedy, Pe runa. Just Keep On. When today’s difficulties overshadow yesterday’s triumphs and obscure ths bright visions of tomorrow’s, when plans upset and whole years of effort seem to crystallize into a single hour of concentrated bitterness, when little annoyances eat into the mind very quickly and corrode the power to view things calmly, when the jolts of mis fortune threaten to jar loose the judg ment from its moorings, remember that in every business, in every ca reer, there are valleys to cross, as well as hills to scale; that every mountain range of hope is broken by chasms of discouragement, through which run torrent streams of despair! To quit In. the chasms is to fail. See alwaj-3 in your mind’s eye those sunny sum mits of success! Don't quit in the chasm! Keep on! —System. RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA ST. JACOBS OIL The Proved Remedy For Over 50 Years. Price 25c and 50c S Dropsy! Removes all swelling in 8 to oo days ; effects a permanent cure in so to 60 days. Trial treatment •riven free. Uothingcaa be fairer Write Dr. H. H. Green’s Sons. Specialists. Box B Atlanta, 6r atSBSk. HICKS' Mem. CAPUDINE ■ IMHIDIATIXT CISC* 3 )TJ\ W HE-ADACKES COLEKS Bosdt 10c U Cnue SHE KNOWS. Tess—Did I understand you to say Mr. Timmid has a nervous affection? Jess— Well, yes. He has an affec tion for me and he’s nervous because he doesn't know yet whether I m go ing to say “yes” or no.”—Philadel phia Press. PLEASE OMIT FLOWERS. Three Words in Death Notices Mean a Lot to Florists. “Please omit flowers.’’ Those three words added to an ob ituary notice deprive the florists of Chicago of about SIOO,OOO a year. Some of the larger establishments that cater to a fashionable trade are hit harder than the small concerns, but there is no florist in the city who does not feel the loss entailed by the three words quoted above. “There were about 30,000 deaths in Chicago last year.” said a MaS-ison street florist, “and at least one-tenth of the death notices printed informed friends to ‘please omit flowers.’ When some person of note dies and flowers are to be omited at the funeral the big florists are out all the way from $25 to SIOO each. Those who request that flowers be omitted are the very ones whose friends are well able to purchase floral tributes, and would otherwise do so. Many persons come to me in the course of a year to order a wreath or some floral design for a funeral, not knowing that the ‘please omit flowers’ has been pub lished with the death notice. All the florists in the city have the same ex perience, and I estimate that our losses In the year amount to $100,000.” —Chicago Record-Herald. "Stung!” R .R. Ritchie of the Chicago & Northwestern stood on the sidewalk admiring the big plate-glass window in his new office in the James Flood building. “Fine piece that! Gilt lettering on her cost me $250.00 “If she breaks you’ll go broke, Ritchie.” “Covered.” "With what? Market street dust?” “Plate glass insurance; just took it out.” "What the glass?” “No, the policy. I'm wise to every insurance wrinkle since last April's losses.” "Let’s see it. Why. this only in sures the pane against external in juries. If you have a rough house or a fire inside and crack that plate you’re out.” "The mischief you say! Stung again!”—San Francisco Chronicle. I i idles 386 THEIR FINISH. “What becomes of all the New Year’s resolutions?” asked the moral ist. “I suppose they suffer the fate of a lot of other resolutions,” answered the statesman. "They get pigeon holed.” I—Washington 1 —Washington Star. FITS,St. Vittu*’Danoe:Nervous Diseases per mansntly cured by Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. $1! trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. R. Kline. Ld..o3t Arch St., Phila., Pa It is unlcuky to come home, hungry and And a black cat in the pantry. SKIN SORE FOR EIGHT YEARS 4 Si>ent S3OO on Doctors and Remedies, But Got No Relief—Cnticura Cures in a Week. “Upon the limbs and between the toes my skin was rough and sore, and also sore under the arms. I had to stay at home several times because of this affection. Up to a week or so ago 1 had tried many other remedies and several doctors, and spent about three hundred dollars, without any success, but this is to-day the seventh day that I have been using the Cuticura Remedies (costing a dollar and a half), which have cured me completely, so that I can again attend to my business. I went to work again to-night. I had been suffer ing for eight years and have now been cured by the Cuticura Remedies within a week. Fritz Hirschlaff, 24 Columbus Ave., New York, N. Y., March 29 and April 6, 1906.” But few men are able to appreci ate justice when they get it. Take Garfield Tea in the Spring—it will save you many days of headache, lassitude and general ill health! This natural laxa tive purifies the blood, cleanses the system and establishes a norma] action of liver, kidneys and bowels. The man behind the bar always has a smile on tap for the man who has the coin. You Look PrematurehkOld The Change of Life Sensible Advice to Women from Hrs. Henry Lee, Hrs. Fred Certia and firs. Pinkham. Owing to modern methods of living not one woman in a thousand ap proaches this perfectly natural change without experiencing a train of very annoying and sometimes painful symptoms. This is the most critical period of her whole existence and every woman who neglects the care of her health at this time invites disease and pain. When her system is in a deranged condition or she is predisposed to apoplexy- or congestion of any organ, the tendency is at this period likely- to become active and with a host of nervous irritations make life a burden. At this time also cancers and tumors are more liable to form and begin their destructive work. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, melancholia, dread of im pending evil, palpitation of the heart, irregularities, constipation and dizzi ness are promptly heeded by intel ligent women who are approaching the period of life when this great change may be expected. Mrs. Fred Certia, 1014 So. Lafayette Street, So. Bend, Ind., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham : "Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound is the ideal medicine for women who When a medicine has been successful in restoring to health, actually thousands of women, you cannot well say without trying it, “I do not believe it will help me.” It is your duty to yourself and family to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Great suffering is the lot of all women, who neglect the health of their wo manly organs. No reason to do so, any more than to neglect a sore throat, colic, or any other disease, that the right kind of medicine will fcure. Take for all your womanly ills. It can never do harm, and is certain to do good. Mrs. Sallie H. Blair, of Johnson City, Tenn., writes; "I had suffered from womanly troubles for six teen months, and had four doctors, but they could not help me, until I began to take Wine of CarduL Now I think lam about welL” At all reliable druggists, in SI.OO bottles. Try it. lifniTC UC A I CTTCn Write today for a free ctpy of valuable 64-page Illustrated Book for Women. If you need Medical Wk| Ig i r I I In Advice, describe your symptoms, stating age. end reply will be sent In plain sealed envelope. M Ul ' " 18 * * t * l * Address * Indies Advisory Dent.. The Chattanooga Medicine Cos.. Chattanooga. Tcnn, SWEETS BLOODHOUND j CORN The Original “Break Plug” Tobacco. The Only “Adver tised Brand” of North Carolina Flue*Cured Tobacco Showing a GAIN EVERY YEAR since introduced. -IMITATED IN STYLE BUT NOT IN CHEW" CRESCENT ANTISEPTIC £Sf GREATEST HEALER KNOWN TO SCIENCE. MM Non Poisonous, Non Irritating. Allays Inflammation and stops Bfpa g\ pain from any cause. As strong as carbolic acid and as harmless as 9Ea fc 4 sweet milk. Cures burns instantly; cures old and chronic sores; \(] . ctireß gores and inflammation from any cause on man or beast. *or fowls —cures cholera, sore head and roup. Satisfaction positively guaranteed. ... . _ For Sale by all Flrt-C.a Kfgd. by CRKWCKNT CHF.MICtI. CO.. Ft. Wartfc, Texas And some men have the nack of ap pearing smaller as you get close to them. are passing through Change of Life. For several months I suffered from hot flashes, extreme nervousness, headache and sleep lessness. I had no appetite and could not sleep. I had nindo up my mind there we-; no help for me until I began to use Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, my bad symptoms ceased, and it brought me safely through the danger period, built up my system and I am in excellent, health. I consider Lydia K. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound unsurpassed for women during this trying period of life.” Mrs. Henry Lee, 60 Winter Street, New Haven, Conn., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: — “After suffering untold misery for three years during Chan go of Life I heard of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. I wrote you of my condition, and began to take Lydia E. Puikham’s Vegetable Coni riund and followed your advice, and to-day am well and happy. I can now walk any where and work as well as anyone, and for years previous I had tried but could not get around without help. I consider your medi cftie a sovereign balm for suffering women.” Women passing through this critical period should rely upon Lydia E. I’inkham's Vegetable Compound. If there is anything about your case you don’t understand write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for advice. It is free and has guided thousands to health. /. “So Easy to Fix” Pumps For well* nny depth. Hand and powftr. No Ginn*. DUNN MACHINERY C 0„ BATH OF BEAUTY For Preserving, Purifying and Beautifying the Skin, Scalp, Hair, and Hands. Cutlcura Soap combine* delicate medicinal, emoje Hr:sanative, antiseptic properties derived rro® Cuilcurv llicßrent SKIn Cure, with the pureat Of sap onaceous Impedlonm, ami moot refreshing of dower odors. Depots: London, 27 Charterhouseßd.lParjt 5 fluedn la Falx: Australia, R. Towns A Cos., Syd ney; India, B. K, Paul,Calcutta: So. Africa, Lea con. Ltd., (’ape "Dawn, etc.; lioston. 137 Columbus Ave.. l-ottcr Drug A (,’hem. Carp., Solo Props, utr- Mulled Free, flow to 1-reserve, Purify, and Boaullly the SUo. ScsUx Hair, and Hands. Avery & Company # auccessons to avery & mcmillan, Hl.oa South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Oa. —ALL KINDS OF— MACHINERY Reliable Frick Engine*. Boiler*, all Sizes. Wheat Separator*. BEST IMPROVED SAW MILLONTIrYI. Large Engines and Boiler* eupplld promptly. Shingle Mill*. Corn Circular Bawt,Saw Teeth,Patent Dog*, Steam Governor*. Full line Engine* & Mill Supplies. Send for frea Catalogue. a . a Side and Centre AtlaS Engines L.RGJSTOOK LOMBARD Foundry, Machine and Boiler Worts and Supply S km, AUGUSTA, GA. (Atl7-’O7)