The Jacksonian. (Jackson, Ga.) 1907-1907, April 26, 1907, Image 8

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gETSSj THE JACKSON MERCANTILE COMPANY. |s* “ 5 | H for | * |Less Money. 1 gSame “o.'.cy. g . A v Proprietors of Store. 111 JACKSON, GEORGIA. ■rijr IFC T hpTT 1 . GOODS H. j 'tiinips Saturday people o tins vicinity. Wo have bee stake our reputation on. For the Commencement dress you can do no standarci. I hat it is CO "*P et “ c () white dress accessories is also complete in every detail. Such as German, betl-.r th in come, look, and b "y- °%“° c d k Laces in abundance; Allover Embroideries, Embroidery Bands from a’to 8 inches wide fn Baby Irish and Teneriffe patterns all over laces from 35 f o 53.00 per yard with edges and in lertTto natch Come aud look the store through and cons.der our Erne yours. Embt tmurvfed Cl.i Tons 25 to 35c per yard. “ sens*- :: Plain Chiffons 40 in wide 15C 55C ” Plain Imported Chiffons 25c to 75c ” ” Persian Lawns 2B in. wide 12"1“2c35C” Persian Lawns 4° it* - Mercerized Waistings 28 in 10c to 35c - ” India Linens 28 in wide 12-1-2 cto 25c •• - *” s 2r a c S£”"" ! ’ 12-l-2ci2sc - Pajama Cloth 36 in wide 12“1’2C , . . . TT 5 x *r~ i iciiv.i )2 11. .uc o ■ • Imported Piques 30 in wide IlfC to Z3C Imported Tennis Cloth > 32 in wide “"v Cocal news Items. ’Mrs. A. H. 8m Mi and Helen spent Saturday in All *u. Miss Etta Harr-1 of Stockbridge. was an attuctriw visitor in the city Sunday. Mrs. \V. .1. Wood has returned from Atlanta. Mr. A. H. Smith returned Sunday night from New York and Providence. He could not reach home in time to ttend the fu -eral of his father, chose death occured Saturday morn g, but he spent the first part of the .eek with his mother at the old 'u)tne in Monroe County. Miss Florence Watkins 1 the guest her sister Mrs. L. P. Jnmerson. Miss Francis Bowden spent the •st of the week in Atlanta. Mrs. T. H. Butt rill left Thursday r a visit to Miss Emmie Graves in - >arta, Professors Thomas and Butler of ,e Jackson Public Schools are at ading the E lucational Convention nlch convenes in Macon today. Mrs. i.. t.. Tavlor was in from v. c'owaUga Tuesday, shopping. y Miss Ada Sams left Wednesday for Greensboro to attend the Convention \ of the Methodist Missionary Societies \ M&delegaie from the Methodist So ciety. She will visit friends in Coving n before returning home. L it. Wright’* many friends Mr. L. \\ oodward spent Tuesday AV.ania oa business. The Jackson Mercantile Company. George S. Hanes wus in Atlanta: Thursday of this week on business. Miss Puss Dumbell gave the Jack sonian a pleasant call Thursday. I)r. A. M. Jameson was in Jackson i this week. Mr. Bryant Collier who represents The Volunteer Life Insurance Com pany has located in Jarkson. Mr. R S. Brown is in Zebulon this week looking after a bankrupt sale of which he is one the trustees. Mr D. J. Thaxton lias purchased the old Masonic building far which he payed $1 00 The Old building will be torn down and a handsome new struc ture erected in it’s place, in the near future. Hon A. W, L ir.e and wife, of Macon spent Thursday of this week with Mr?. Janie McKlbben, the mother of Mrs. Lane. will be glad to know that she is im proving rapidly. Rev. John Ham of Macon, was guest of his parents recent I\. Miss Bessie Ploodworth has been sick lor the past few days and was greatly missed from the millinery department of the New 'i ork Store. R H BRO WN^ R H Brown, one of the oldest and best citizens of Butts County was in to see us Thursday. He has just re turned from a visit to his son-in-law Rob Rich, who now lives in Knowles La He paid for The Jacksonian and told us to send Hto Louisian!. He says that they cau’t get along with out The Jacasonian. DR. J. E. HU Elsewhere will be found the card of Dr. J. E. Hanna, announcing his re tirement from the practice of medi cine. This will be a surprise to the public. His retirement is not for the want of patronage, because he enjoys the confidence and esteem of a very large and lucrative practice. His re tirement will be a distinct loss to the medical world. mrsTTl Heldlrs. CLEM TOWLES CRITICALLY ILL As we go to press we learn with re grets that Mrs. .T. F. Lane, west of Jackson, and Mrs. Clem Towles of Cork, are both critically ill. Their friends everywhere will anx iously await to hear the cheering in telligence of their speedy recovery. RETURNED FROM COLLEGE. Thornton Buchanan, one of Jack son’s North Georgia Agricultural Col lege students, is at home to visit his parents for a few days. His many friends, in addition to being glad to see him, are proud of the h::h stand he is taking in his class, CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children. Ttie Kind You Hats Always Bought DRESS LINENS, From Belfast and Dublin. These goods all fine Linens and most of them Hand Loom Goods from the mills of John Brown. 90 in all Linen Sheeting SI.OS 45 in all linen Lawn .6t) 36 in all Linen Round Thread .45 36 in all Linen Lawn *4O 36 in a„ Lining Lawn .30 40 in all Linen Lawn (web) .25 36 in all Linen Cambric ®65 7C * A *p *tU 1 ittp-i r Ttrrht ;'' ■*>-f-s If. V* 24 in all Linen Cambric Sheer .50 20 in all Linen Cambric Sheer ,75 GSEfIT COMUmi. -ikti ’-^-■?,;rvri;rr- r - We Will Send Yon The Tri-Weekly Constitution, Human Life, Spare Moments, * Farm News, Southern Star, Metripolitan and Rural Home, and THE JACKSONIAN all one year for $1.50 $1.50 This Oiler Only Lasts for a Short While' Leave Your Subcription at The Jacksonian Office. DON’T DELAY.