The Jacksonian. (Jackson, Ga.) 1907-1907, October 18, 1907, Image 1

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VOLUME 26. MR. JOHN AS6ELL KILLED AT COLUMBUS GEORGIA. Mr. John Asbell who will be reinem bered by many of our people and who was once Superintendent of the pepperton Cotton Mills was struck by a street car Sunday morning at Co lumbus Ga. and was killed, his neck being broken. He was buried at So ial Circle. Mr. A. C. Shepherd spent Sunday in the city with friends. Many Union Men from Batts at tended the rally of The Farmers Un ion in McDonough Friday, Mrs. R. A. Franklin, Mrs. A. H. Smith and Helen Smith spend Tues day in the Gate City and enjoyed the sights of the Georgia State Fair. Mrs. B. C. Milton is the guest of relatives in the city. Messrs. C. C. Gray and S. B. Cous ins of Locust Grove spent Monday in Jackson. Mrs. W. E. Cantrell arrives from Atlanta Saturday to be the guest of her mother Mrs. Susan Moore. Frank Outhouse, one of Jackson’s popular lumber men, speaks strongly of getting married at some future day. Choice cured ham sliced ready to fry at the old price 20c. per lb; BAILEY and JONES. Giving Away Dollars! ====== That is What is Being Done Daily at J. ARENSON’S, Jackson’s Popular Priced Outfitter for all Mankind. I can and will save you from 30 to on every dollars worth purchased of me, and a Dollar saved by trading at my store helps you in the purchase of such other necessaries of life that you may need hereafter. I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM NEW YORK and the eastern markets where I purchased an immense stock, and my entire collections of Dross Fabrics’ Shoes, Hats, Clothing 1 , Overcoats, Ladies, and Gents Furnish ings, Trunks, Valises, Notions, etc., for fall and winter use is of exceptional of merit not only for variety and excellence of quality, but for the VTt!RY LOW PRICES QUOTED! My fall line of Mens and Ladies Shoes is now complete. They come in lace ond button, heavy, light and medium soles, and are sold at the Lowest Possible Notch of Profit. lam at less expensejthan other merchants for store rent and clerk hire and the saving on these items I give to my customers. r-p-pnr* ~._ _ JL Proprietor, East Side Public Square, Jackson Ga. THE JACKSONIAN. URGE CROWDS ATTEND THE GEORGIA STATE FAIR. Never before has a State Fair been so largely attended as that now in progress in Atlanta. The exhibits are more complete and extensive than at any fair held heretofore arid with the drawing cardsthafc are yet to come the financial success of t!io fair is as sured. Miss Adelle Nutt spent Monday in Atlanta. Mrs. D. B. Durham and children and Mrs. Harbin were guests of Judge J. H. Ham’s family. Mrs. Har bin has occupied her attractive cot tage at the camp-ground during the Bmrmer and returns to her homo in Poplarville MiS3. next week. Misses Clara Nolen and Lucy Good man spent the week-end with friends in Locust Grove. Mr. R. P. Sasnett made a business trip to Fitzgerald Monday. Mr. Obe Hendrick who lives at College Park spent the first of the week here. Mr. R. 0. Thomas was over from Jasper Saturday. Mr. Thomas is the owner and operator of Thomas’ ferry. 2lb of tlic best steak at J. B. Edwards and Son’s for 25c. Stew and roast meats in pro portion. JACKSON, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, Oct* 18th 1907. I SAY ITI I MEAN ITII I have the largest and most carefully selected line of general merchandise within your reach. Let me show you before you buy! That is all I ask, for lam sure [ can and will save you money on ever} purchase. You get good, reasonable goods, prompt and courteous attention, and the best values for your money at MERRY WEDDING BELLS RING OUT AT IRON SPRING. The marriage of Mr. Troy Ivle and Miss Addie Mae Lynch, both of Butts County occurred at the brides home at Iron Bprlng last Sun day morning, Rev. \V. 0. Sharp offi 1- atiug. May their lives be happy and prosperous' Mr. J. M. Byars wa down from Locust Grove Tuesday. Mr. John Duke of Henry County was visit'ng in the city Tuesday. Mr. J . L. Pye from Cork was a vis itor hare Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson formerly of BultsCo., now of Newton were in Jackson Saturday visiting relatives, Phone 69 for ice and fresh meats. BAILEY and JONES, Juuge Britt bought himself a bug gy Saturday for which he paid throe dollars. The Judge ia evidently ex pecting a rush of business this win ter. We are selling skinned liains at 16c per pound. i2lb to 171 b average. We get 20c for single pounds, J. B, Howards & Sonl ALL DAY SINGING IN ATLANTA FRIDAY. All day singing Friday, at the State Fair, is the next drawing card, every body is invited. Prof. Showal ter will conduct the exercises. Messrs. Jim Ethridge, Pitts Me- Kibben and Clarence Compton spent Sunday in the Central City. Mias Willie Cooper returned Sun day night from Elko where she was called on account of the serious ill Dess and death of her brother Mr. Clinton Cooper. We give special attention to ’phone orders and deliver same promptly; so if you need any fresli or cured meats and want them at once just jphone 59. Mrs. A. C. Smith spont Saturday and Sunday in Griffin with her daugh ters. Miss Bessie Thaxton is now in the t dry goods department of the Oarmich ael-Ethridge-Bmith Cos. where she will be delighted to see her friends. If you buy your oysters of us you will get oysters. We sell oysters at 40c per quart and then if you want soup we will give you soup. J. B. Edwards & Soul NUMBER 43 SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW! “THE IDEAL” LAUNDERING MACHINE The Washer That Washes. Where The ‘ldeal” Exeellu. The Ideal Washer should not be confounded with any of the many de vices sailing under the name of wash ing machines, some of whioh have merit in a special line, wbile they are nseless in other classes of work but most of which are simply invented and made to sell by men who never learned or understood the true prin cipal of washing clothes. Rubbing, not wearing shortens the life of garments. Washboards and so styled washing machines brutally tear and rend, oaustio compounds knaw and ruin. The ‘ Ideal” Washer Warranted To be the most perfect and practical hand washing machine yet invented. It is warranted to cleanse all kinds of clolher easier, better with less wa ter and in less time than can be dons by band with a wash board or any 0- thor make of washing machine. We warrant every part and portion of the machine as to workmanship affc material used, and to make good all defects, should any develop, bub not agalust results of excessive wear and tear, accident or neglect of In struction. Sold only by W. L Whitehead, Jaoksow, Ga.