The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, January 02, 1907, Image 5

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The First National Bank of Jackson Wishes to all its Friends and Customers the Compliments of the Season,^ A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. Below we hand you a condensed statement of the bank’s condition at the close of business December 31, and most respectfully ask a continuance of your greatly appreciated patronage, assuring you any business intrusted to us shall at all times have the , liberal and courteous consideration consistent with sound banking* Condensed Statement at Close of Business December 31. LIABILITIES: Loans and discounts $69,075.20 Overdrafts 4*376.07 United States Bonds 8,760.00 Banking House furniture and fixtures 6,468.33 Cash on hand and with banks. 64*54 $110,328.14 J: R. Carmichael, President. J - H - Carmichael, Vice;Presdentj A: Homer Carmichael, Cashier. C. T. Beauchamp, Bookkeeper, DIRECTORS: W. A. Newton, J; R. Carmichael, J; Hi Carmichael, J* Matt McMichael, R. F. Maddox; ON WHEELS '(cultural College Will ... Be Placed. J.' ate College Getting Close to Far. / mers—All Railroads Help Ex cept Western & Atlantic- J Begins in February. s President Soule is now getting ferything in shape for the trip |the:state college of agriculture wtofcels throughout the state. J train that is to carry the iss and the exhibits Ranged for and all the *r>. . 5 in the state have agreed over the different lines he one exception of the fen'& Atlantic. That road it* . i . djto take any part in this 'and consequently the peo- Ag In that section of the wifi be deprived of the ad ages that will come from ■** exact dates have not been U gh it is expected to early in February. The ‘vjill last twenty-nine days, M which time there will be Tnot less than one hundred and fifty stops and three thous and miles will be covered during the itinerary. The railroads helping in this movement are the Southern, Sea board Air Line, Louisville & Nashville, Atlanta & West Point, Central of Georgia, Georgia, Southern and Florida, Macon Dublin and Savannah, Atlanta Birmingham and Atlantic and Atlantic Coast Line. There are a number of smaller lines in the state that cannot be used on account of the time that is at the disposal of the manage ment of the trip. These roads would no doubt have helped in the movement, if it could have been arranged to make trips over their lines. Athens Banner. NOTICE. Beginning Dec. Ist, we will do all repair work brought to our shops at reasonable prices for the CASH. No repair work charged to any one. Carmichael Buggy Cos. NOTICE: Beginning Dec. Ist, we will do all repair work brought to our shops at reasonable prices for the CASH. Ntf repair work charged to any one. Carmichael Buggy Cos. RESOURCES. Capital Stock . * —530,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits *2,634.43 Circulation - 8,000.00 Deposits 42,851.33 Cashiers’ Checks — - 555*00 Bills payable and due banks 10 737*38 Clearing House account 5,550-0° $110,328.14 Little! red-headed Tom Watson has always got something inter esting to say. And then nobody cau say it like Tom. You can get his Weekly Jeffersonian and The Progress for $1.75