The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, January 30, 1908, Image 5

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Persona! and Coca! V. A Little Gossip About; the Doings of Folks You Know and Don’t Know ’Phone 8. Subscribe for The Progress. Clarence Thompson has return ed to the “Tech.” Henry Byron is at home this week from Mercer. Tuesday brought us sunshine, rain, sleet and snow. Willis Banks enjoyed Sunday with friends in Stark. J. Groodzinsky'visited his fam ily Sunday in Atlanta. Little Effie Gene O’Neal is on the sick list this week. Walker Preston of Flovilla, was on our streets recently. Mrs. Will Merritt was a visitor to Locust Grove last week. J. B. Guthrie was in Atlanta Monday transacting business. Mrs. Leroy Moore is the guest of her niece, Mrs. B. F. Moon. Vernon Smith had special busi ness in Atlanta Sunday and Mon day. Miss Cleo Carmichael is under treatment of Dr. Crawford of At lanta. Will Merritt was a guest Sun day of his brother near Loeust Grove. Ben Cleveland spent Sunday with his homefolk at Indian Spring. The Jackson Mercantile Cos., PROPS. THE STAR STORE JACKSON - , - GIECOJE^Q-ILA.- SPECIALS FOR SATTTBDAIT 0 February 1 and 3. Pepperel 10*4 Blcsched Sheeting, . . 30c. per yard, Pepperel 10=4 Brown Sheeting . 29c. per yard, TWO DAYS ONLY ! Miss Floy Maddox is the assis tant teacher in the Worthville school. Miss Arden spent Saturday and Sunday in Atlanta with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. White Jamerson of Augusta, announce the birth of a son. Levi Carter enjoyed Sunday at his home, two and a half miles from town. Mrs. J. H. Eakes, and daugh ters, are the guests of Mrs. Em ma Mallett. Mrs. McCallum has returned from a ten days visit to relatives at Worthville. Miss Carrie Eakes is ill with the gripp, at the home of Mrs. Emma Mallett. Miss Felicia Morrison came in from her school Friday to take the examination. Miss Ophelia Banks spent Sunday in Henry county, with Mrs. Will Wynn. Mr. Neal McDonald of Woods [ town, was the guest recently of Dr. J. E. Woods. Miss Pearl Singley spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. ! J. H. Nos worthy. | Prof, and Mrs. Butler are now boarding with Mrs. Annie Webb on Dempsey Ave. JACKSON MERCANTILE CO., JACKSON, GEORGIA. Mr. F. S. Etheridge returned Sunday morning from a business trip to New York. Mrs. Finley contemplates a visit to her daughter, Miss Hattie, in the near future. The best line of combs, brush es, face cream, toilet articles, etc. at Hanna Drug Cos. Garden seed, flower seed in abundance at Hanna Drug Cos. Miss Florence Singley is back at her school studies after being absent several dhys. Mr. J. J. Mapp, one of Monroe county’s best men, was in Jack son Monday trading. Homer Carmichael was view ing the sights of Atlanta and College Park Sunday. Call 136 if you want the best of fresh meats, fish and ice. Mrs. A. D. Catchin’s many friends are sorry to learn that she is very sick again. Mr. John Billie Benson had the misfortune of losing a fine $250 mule last Saturday night. Miss Mary Land spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Wilson in Atlanta. Where do you get your garden I seed? At Hanna Drug Cos. Albert Finley spent the early part of the week in Camp Hill Alabama, visiting friends. Mrs. W. H. Butler’s friends are delighted to know she is greatly improved in health. Say “ate” —then “eat.” Miss Jennie Collins and Laura Lou Smith were recent visitors to friends at Indian Spring. Park Newton made his month ly visit to Newnan Sunday. He reports a very pleasant trip. iB j 8 Is ! nr phone" PHONE PHONE phone” 8_ 8 8 8 ~ Mr. Joe Bosworth was the guest Saturday and Sunday of his fister, Mrs. J. E. Woods. Mrs. Emmie Adams and child are both slowly improving from a severe attack of the gripp. Miss Julia Smith had a delight ful visit Saturday night and Sun day with Mrs. Threatt Moore. Seed, seed, seed! of every var iety at Hanna Drug Cos. Mrs. Goodall will leave the first of next week for an extended ' visit to relatives in Cuthbert. Emily, the two year old child ' of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Daughtry, has been quite sick with tonsilitis. Order your wood from Jackson Fuel Company, at depot. Terms cash. Don’t order unless you ; have the money. SI.OO per load. We invite your inspection of our new spring Ginghams, Percales, Madras, White Goods, Em broidery. ' Our stock is complete in everything that is needed for the season. PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE ggggggggggggg PHONE PHONE PHNOE PHONE Mrs. Asa Bailey and sister, of Macon, will be with Mrs. Finley for a short visit during the week. Mrs. Whitaker of Jenkinsburg. was a recent visitor to Jackson. She returned to her home Satur day. Mrs. J. C. Meredith and Mrs. McNair were the guests of Mrs. Aiden in Jenkinsburg Wednes day. Say “ate” to central and get something to eat from Jim Joy ner. < Miss Lucy Goodman visited her cousin, Miss Lillian McDow ! ell of Atlanta, the first of the week. Miss Cassie Maddox had an en ijoyable visit to Locust Grove recently, as the guest of Miss l Snead. 8 8 | 8 8 PHONE PHONE PHONE phone" 8 8 8 8