The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, July 02, 1915, Image 2

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Bims COINIV PROGRESS Published Every Friday. J. DOYLE JONES, Editor and Pub. Subscription $1 a Year Entered a second-class matter, Novem ber X, 1907, at the postoffice at Jackson, Grt. Telephone No. 166. Communications arc welcomed. Cor respondents will please confine them selves to 900 words, as communications ever that length cannot he handled. Write on one side of the paper only, eign your name, not for publication, but as an evidence of good faith. Official Organ Butts County And the City of Jackson. Why is Mexico? Why not some baseball for Jackson this summer? The consistent booster is the one who accomplishes things. Macon captured the capital Sat urday —but left it in Atlanta. Where is the old fashioned per son that knew just when the war would end? Wonder if those mosquitoes at Eastman will be de-fanged for the press meeting? Bet Jack Slaton thinks this bus iness of being governor is not what it’s cracked up to be. Sure enough Butts county is getting her full share of travel over the Dixie highway. Good roads will tell. Nearly camp meeting time in Georgia. Watermelons soon be ripe, too. Who cares if the leg islature is in session? Economy is the watchword of this general assembly, yet one of the first things done was to ap propriate S4OO for spring water! Governor Harris is strong for a better educational system and the wiping out of illiteracy in Georgia. The people are with you on this line. Governor. If the editor of The Macon News is as fond of the succulent young cucumber as he is of the tender young onion and squash maybe we can send him a crate or two of this fruit. Oliver Bloodworth of The Mon roe Advertiser wants people to quitkickingthelegislaturearound. All right, we’ll quit on condition that you hold down freak legis lation and swat the time-killing legislator. The appointmentment of Hon. W. E. H. Searcy, Jr., as judge of the superior courts of the Flint circuit is one that will give general satisfaction. He suc ceeds one of the most popular judges in the state. —T.-T-TT-.T- C handsome young fellow with the versatility of Oliver Blood worth, who in addition to getting out one of the best papers in the state, finds time to help run the legislature, ought not to have any trouble in fastening the domes tic yoke about his neck. An effort is being made to merge DeKalb county with Fulton. Who’s Jonah and who’s the whale?—Butts County Progress. We are the whale all right, but we have no appetite for Jonah.—DeKalb New Era. Good bye. old Grape Juice. You fermented on the Amer ican public. —Butts County Progress. Yes, and came dern nigh giving ’em cramp colic and cholera morbus. —Walton Tri bune. Jackson is going to have a fair this fall, beginning Oc tober 19th, for four davs. Well, here’s to its success, Editor Jones. Monticello News. Come over. The tickets will be distributed later and we’ll re member you. Wonder if the moon never gets tired of being full? — Butts County Progress. Not any more so than the average drinker.—Monticel lo News. If we didn’t know Noble Penn to be a perfectly good Shriner we’d think he was speaking from experience, but the red-topped fellows never drink anything but zem-zem. Monroe county wants one county commissioner, whose salary is to be $1,200 annual ly, with a clerk at $6OO per year. A large number of counties have adopted the one commissioner plan within the last few years.—Butts County Progress. Just exactly what we want in Jasper, brother. Tell us how you people over in Butts county like your one commis sioner plan. We believe it is only a matter of a few short years before all counties in Georgia will adopt the one commissioner plan.—Monti cello News. This system is all right. It all depends on the man elected. The Butts County Progress and The Savannah Press are having a dispute as to wheth er it should be Indian Spring or Indian Springs. Well, most folks in these parts who have been journeying all their lives over to the Butts coun ty health resort call it “Springs,” but the truth is that there’s only one spring there and the post office’s name is given by the govern ment as Indian Spring. So, you can just take your pick. — Monroe Advertiser. We do not care how much they argueoverthe “Springs” just so they leave the water unhampered. Monticello News. That just about expresses it. The Baptist church at Jackson has taken a decided forward step. The new church building is equip ped with a large swimming pool, a gymnasium and a room for the Boy Scouts. The boys need ex ercise, they must have recrea tion, they’re obliged to have somewhere to go, so why not let them enjoy the pleasures of life and develop themsevles for the high duties of citizenship under the proper influence? If more of the churches of the state would follow this excellent lead of the Jackson Baptist church it would mean much for the future relig ious life of this country.—Mon roe Advertiser. Cut This Out — It Is Worth Money Cut out this advertisement, enclose 6 cents to Foley &, Cos., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will re teive in return a trial package con taining: (1) Foley’s Honey and Tar Com pound, the standard family remedy for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, tightness and soreness in Chest, grippe and bronchial coughs. (2) Foley Kidney Pills, for over worked and disordered kidneys and bladder ailments, pain in sides and back due to Kidney Trouble, sore muscles, stiff joints, backache and rheumatism. (3) Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholeso >e and thoroughly cleansing cathartic. Especially comforting to etout persons, and a purgative needed by everybody with sluggish bowels and torpid liver. You can try these three family remedies for only sc. THE OWL PHARMACY PROPERTY VALUES SHOW A DECREASE Probably due to the depression caused by the foreign war, tax returns of Butts county show a decrease over 1914 of $153,895. Only one district, Coodys, shows a gain over the previous year. The tax digest has just been completed and was carried to At lanta by Judge J. H. Ham a few days ago and turned over to Tax Commissioner Hart. Real estate values about held their own. The largest decrease was in personal property. This decrease was to be expected, for the stocks of merchandise are not as large as they were a year ago and several hundred head of valuable horses and mules were sold to the war ring nations of Europe. There was an increase in the number of colored property owners making returns, as well as the amount of property returned. The total taxable values are $2,210,802, as compared with $2,364,697 last year. Of that amount $2,119,926 is the proper ty of whites, and $90,876 the re turns of colored property owners. The returns by districts for 1914 and 1915 follow herewith: 1914 1915 Buttrill $ 192,058 $ 176,570 Coodvs 103.425 106,801 Dublin 84.367 182,806 In. Spgs. 263,184 243,225 Ir. Spgs. 86,131 81,859 Jackson 1,337,268 1,231,530 Towaliga 127,375 123,534 Worthville 82,005 73,601 U6H! CALOMEL MAKES YOU OEATALY SICK Stop Using Dangerous Drug Before It Salivates You! It’s Horrible! You’re bilious, sluggish, consti pated and believe you need vile, dangerous calomel to start your liver and clean your bowels. Here’s my guarantee! Ask your druggist for aSO cent bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone and take a spoonful tonight. If it doesn’t start your liver and straighten you right up better than calomel and without griping or making you sick I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Take calomel today and tomor row you will feel weak and sick and nauseated. Don’t lose a day’s work. 'Jpke a spoonful of harm less, vegetable Dodson’s Liver Tone tonight and wake up feeling great. It’s perfectly harmless, so give it to your children any time. It can’t salivate, so let them eat anything afterwards, ad Seeds Fop Spring Planting Buy your seeds of all kinds from the old reliable seed of Jackson—Slaton Drug Cos. This store has been in the seed business longer than any other seed £tore in the coun ty. YVe have always given our customers satisfaction by selling them only the seeds the American markets afford. Our Seeds Are Fresh And not brought over from last season. You are therefore insured a thorough stand and a prolific production when you plant our seeds. Don’t take any chances on cheap and unreliable seeds. SLATON DRUG CO. The *R&KoJUL Store lAUTQgWWff emergency work In auto repairing requires thorough Undertakers and Embalmers t (Oldest and Most Efficient Undertakers in this Section Expert Licensed Embalmers Our Undertaking Parlors Modernly Equipped to Furnish the Best of Selections in Caskets and Robes The J. S. Johnson Company Day Phone 121 Night Phone 84 Pecan Trees Choice budded pecan trees fifty cents each. Order direct, cata logue free. Empire Pecan Com pany, Parrott, Ga. 5-21-tf Call on or write Brown & Brown. McDonough, Ga., for loans on farm lands. 3-26-tf Does the label on your paper read ®sg~l9l6? If not, pay up.