The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, July 02, 1915, Image 5

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NEWS OF INTEREST IN THE = SOCIAL REALM A MOTHER’S VISION Kitting alone in the firelight, with aged head bent low Over some little garments that were worn in the long ago, A woman, old and faded, was dream ing of other years; And the faces of absent loved ones she saw through a mist of tears. All was silent; no echo of footfalls swift and gay; The dancing feet of her children had wandered far away, Busy and happy and thoughtless, they were scattered far and wide; All grown to be men and w r ovien —save the little boy who died. It was strange that of all the children, he should feel tonight so near, His little grave had been covered by the snows of many a year; Yet she fancied she saw him enter; that she saw him standing there, His blue eyes clear and smiling, the light on his curly hair. And a voice spoke from the silence, saying, ‘ This for you I kept; But my meaning you could not fathom when for your child you wept. The living have left your hearthstone, but with you shall abide, In the beauty of deathless childhood, your little boy who died.” —Christian Herald. For Mrs. Sams Mrs. L. L. O’Kelly entertained on Thursday afternoon at her su burban home for Mrs. Dillard Sams, of Atlanta, who is the guest of Mrs. M. C. Wright. Miss Stanfield Hostess In compliment to Miss Sylvia Lyons and her guest, Miss Lydell, of Cedartown, Miss Jane Stan field entertained on Friday eve ning at a progressive conversa tion party. Vases of flowers were prettily arranged for the decorations and the tables were placed in the parlors and hall. Punch, cream and cake were served the guests, who included about twenty-five of the young social set. Moonlight Picnic The members of the Young Mothers Club complimented their children and husbands with an enjoyable picnic at Indian Springs Tuesday evening. Bowling was indulged in by some members of the party and a tempting picnic lunch was arranged on the pa vilion. The trip to and from the springs was made in automobiles and old J. Pluvius withheld the showers until each one had got ten safely home. PERSONAL Mr. Ruck Faulkner, of Atlanta is visiting relatives here this week. Mrs. Kate Valentino spent Tues day with Mrs. Tobe Wallace near Griffin. Miss Marie McMichael is at the Star store again after a short va cation. Miss Edna Saul, of {Atlanta, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gelfman. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Williams, of Cordele, are guests of Mrs. Mc- Cune Michael. Miss Puss Patterson was the recent guest of Mrs. McCune McMichael. Mrs. M. J. Carson is in Cov ington with her brother, Dr. George Webb. Miss Mary Land will spend the Fourth of July in Atlanta with Mrs. A. C. Wilson. Miss Eloise Slaton, of Atlanta, will spend next week with Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Slaton. Mrs. John W, Moore, of Atlan ta, has been visiting relatives here for several days. Misses Annie and Jim Craw ford are spending the summer at Mt. Airy with Mrs. W. R. Cox. Miss Sylvia Lyons is among the guests at Miss Lydell’s house party in Cedartown this week. Mr. E. B. Adams, of Birming ham, spent the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ad ams. Mrs. John Fargason has re turned to her home in McDon ough, after a visit to Mrs. J. C. Kinard. Mrs. W. A. Newton, Aris and Ernest Newton wili spend the week-end in Macon with Mrs. L. P. Lester. Masters Jack and Carlos Wil son, of Atlanta, are the guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Land. Misses Gertrude Jinks and E 1 a Knowles are taking a summer course at the University summer school, Athens. Mr. and Mrs W. M. Crawford are at Indian Springs, where they have taken the Varner cot tage for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McKibben and Margaret spent part of last week in Eatonton with Mr. and Mrs. T. N. McKibben. Mrs. J. W. Moore, Messrs. Morris Moore and Charlie Bilesat tended the funeral of Miss Lind say in Griffin Wednesday. Miss Mary Woods, of Athens, and Mrs. Chas. T. Jordan, of Mo lena, spent the week-end with Mrs. Carrie Dupree Smith. Miss Clara Nolen has returned from the University of Chicago and will spend her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Nolen. Messrs. J. C. Merideth, Joe Ham and J. E. McNair spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Fort Valley, making the trip in an automobile. Miss. Jana Setzer is visiting in South Carolina before returning to her home in Johnstown, Tenn. She was recently the guest of Miss Nina Harris. The friends of Mrs. M. C. Johnson will be glad to know that she is improving from a re cent operation performed at an Atlanta sanitarium. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Compton, Jr., and baby have returned to their home at Scott after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Compton and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Compton. Mrs. W. M. Bradley, of Adrian, and Mr. Rollin Powell, of Monti cello, motorted over from Monti cello and were week-end guests of her sister, Mrs. J. L. Watson. Mrs. Florence Wilson and four little daughters, of Oklahoma CJitv, Okla., and Mr. George G. Miller, of Atlanta, are guests of Rev. and Mrs. I. H. Miller at a family reunion. Choice IVleats AT RIGHT PRICES We have disposed of our restaurant and will now give our entire time to our market, which will enable us to serve the public promptly at all times. We have installed a large refrigerator and our meats are kept on ice, insuring abso lute freshness. Everything connected with our market is thoroughly sanitary. We keep on hand at all times a large stock of choice native and western meats and are prepared to fill your or ders as soon as received. Our delivery is prompt, our service the best and the prices al ways right. A share of your patronage will be appreciated. Tyler & McClelland Phone 59 Jackson, Ga. We also keep Ice Cold Drinks Cigars and Tobacco TRIBUTE TO MRS. WILLIS Her body lies beneath the sod, Her soul and spirit is in the heart of God. She was taken by the heavenly dove And all she left was her kind deeds and her mothejly love. God was not cruel to take her away, For every one goes when it comes their day. She suffered agonies untold, But still she w r as brave and bold. Now she is walking on the gold-paved streets, Waiting some day her children to meet. Her children must live so some day their mother they can meet And they too may walk with her on that gold-paved street. To God her soul she had given And now she sweetly rests in Heaven. —Mary Lena Martin. If prices will appeal to you, you will be convinc ed at what we have to of fer in mens Straw Hats. Ham & Carter Cos. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. I. H. Miller will preach at 11 a. m. Subject—“ The Ar mageddon”—the Gathering of the Nations. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Come. For the next two months the Baptist, Methodist and Presby terian congregations will wor ship together at the Sunday night service, and the Pastors will preach alternately. Dr. VanDeventer will preach Sunday night in the Presbyterian church. A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas Wonder cures kidney and bladder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures diabetes, weak j>nd lame backs, rheumatism, and all irregularities ofthe kidneys and bladder in Dotn men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of SI.OO One small bottle is two months’ treat ment, and seldom ever fails to perfect a cure. Send for testimonials from this and other states. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold by druggists. JOHN R. MILLER Is here at his same old trix. Will be glad to have your watch es, clocks and things in that line to repair, always at reasonable prices. Guarantee to please you. Next door to Woods-Carmichael Cos. 7-2-2 t Our entire of mens Straw Hats are going at prices which will appeal to the most economical buy er. Ham & Carter Cos. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Program for Sunday, July 4 11 a. m. The Pastor will preach. Subject—“ The Near ness of Jesus.” 9:30 Bible School. Sunday Night Services During the months of July and August the churches will have union services, conducted by a pastor of one of the other churches. Sunday night, July 4, Dr. VanDeventer will preach in the Presbyterian church. Sun day night, July 11, Rev. Olin King will preach in the Baptist church. Sunday night, July 18, Rev. I. H. Miller will preach in the Methodist church, and Sun day night, July 25, Rev. Olin King will preach in the Presby terian church. The Christian people of our town are asked to co-operate with the Pastors in making these meetings helpful. The churches should be filled at each service and the inspirational benefit ought be great. Are You Feeling Fit? Do you envy the man or woman of untiring energy, strong body and hap py disposition? All these depend upon good health, and good health is impos sible when the kidneys are diseased. Foley Kidney Pills help the kidneys cast out poisons that cause backache, rheumatisms, and other symptoms of dangerous kidney and bladder troubles. The Owl Pharmacy. SENATOR FLETCHER ON SEVERAL COMMITTEES Senator H. M. Fletcher, of Jackson, representative from the twenty-sixth district, drew sev eral desirable committee appoint ments at the hands of President Ogden Persons of the senate. He is chairman of the committee on Military Affairs, vice chairman of the committee on Public Print ing, and a member of the follow ing committees: Appropriations, constitutional amendments, county and county matters, education, journals, gen eral judiciary, privilege of floors, temperance and Western & At lantic Railway. Car of watermelons received at Paul Nolen & Co’s. Try one. Large selection of mens Straw Hats $2.50 to $3.50 values to go at one dollar each at Ham & Carter Cos. Paul Nolen § Company GROCERIES PHONES 24 and 60 Jackson, Ga. WE DELIVER NOW Rocky Ford Cantaloupes Car of Watermelons Fresh dired: from the GROWER DOVE BRAND \L\ n HAMS lU2v LEMONS Per lAp Get All Dozen you want THEY ARE FINE Stone Cakes Six kinds, 10c each f+amm. We are Agents here and get them dired, so buy from us and get them fresh, not second handed Large New Irish Potatoes, per peck Lv v Pimentos, the 15c JJZ ~ kind, 3 cans for 3v Kingans Breakfast Bacon FRESH CANNING Season is here. We have the cans, Tin and Glass, also Strings and Rubber. UNCLE SAM BREAD K,sc Full Line National Bis cuit, Fresh Try a can of Tuna Fish The chicken of the sea PICKELING Season is here. We have all kinds of spices and vinegar, including the Origi nal Heinz White Pickling Vinegar. We want your orders Paul Nolen & Cos.