The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, July 02, 1915, Image 7

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PROFESSIONAL CARDS J. THREATT MOORE, Attorney At Law. Office in Crum Building, J ackson : Georgia. Will practice in all the Courts. C. L. REDMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Carter-Warthen Building, JACKSON, GA. DR. O. LEE CHESNUTT DENTIST Office in New Commercial Building back of Farmers’ Bank. Residence Phone No. 7. $100,000.00 TO LOAN on farm lands. Rea sonable rate of interest. See me before you borrow any money on yojir farm. W. E. Watkins. DR. J. A. JARRELL Physician and Surgeon Office Mulberry street. Residence phone 152-2—Office 152-3. Jackson : : : Georgia. DR. CHAS. R. EITEL Osteopath At the Calumet Indian Springs Telephone Connections Professional Piano Tuning, Regulating & Repairing. First Class Work Guaranteed. Drop Card and I’ll Call. J. T. MAYO Jackson, Ga. DR. C. D. HEARD Office in Mays Building, Resi dence Buchanan Hotel. Phone Connections. Specializing in Diseases of Wo men and Children. E. M. Smith H. D. Russell SMITH & RUSSELL Law Office in Warthen Bldg Jackson : : Georgia Andrew Carnegie Says: “It is not capital that men require, it is the man who has proved that he has the business habits which create capital.” The greatest proof of business habits is the HABIT OF SAYING. When you &art an account with us you simply press the Button of Prosperity. Why not call and talk it over with us Now? Farmers Bank, JACKSON, GEORGIA. L. O. Benton, Pres. J. B. Carmichael, Cash. Interest Pa id On Time Deposits LEGAL ADVERTISE MENTS FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION Georgia, Butts County. To All Whom it May Concern: J. B. Carmichael having, in proper form, applied to me for letters of ad ministration on the estate of J. A. Carmichael, Sr., late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the cred itors and next of kin of J. A. Carmich ael, Sr., to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why per manent letters of administration should not be granted to J. B. Car michael on J. A. Carmichael’s estate. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this 7tli day of June, 1915. J. H. HAm, Ordinary. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIAN SHIP Georgia, Butts County. To whom it may concern: Gussie McMullen Cook, a resident of this state, having in due form applied to the undersigned tor the guardian ship of the person and property of Norman, Willie, Dovie, Mary, L. C., Rome, Harmon and Robert McMullen, minor children of Guss and Octavia McMullen, lately deceased, of Newton county, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the next court of Ordinary for said county, on the first Monday in July, 1915. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this sth day of June, 1915. J. H. Ham, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE Georgia—Butts County By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Butts county, will be sold at the court house door in Jackson said county and state, on the first Tuesday in July, 1915, within the legal hours of sale, at public outcry to the highest bidder, the following property: The plant of the Jackson Argus, con sisting of type, galleys, motor, pulleys, presses, composing stones and other equipment. Terms cash. This June 7th, 1915. H. Y. McCord, Administrator Estate of Mrs. Lula McCord Shaver, deceased. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LANDS Brown & Brown McDonough ga. Butts County News UNION RIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long of Sandy Creek spent Sunday with relatives here. Messrs. Morton Vickers and Maurice Fears of Rocky Hill spent Sunday with Mr. L. R. Dodson. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Tyler of near Flovilla spent Sunday af ternoon with relatives here. Miss Flore McCord of Coving ton is spending this week with friends here. Miss Anna Freeman spent Sun dry with Miss Estelle Norswor thy. Miss Opal Vickers of Flovilla is visiting her aunt, Mrs. L. R. Dodson. Miss Pearl Griffith and Mr. D. B. Plymale of Sandy visited friends here Sunday. Miss Irma Lavender and broth er, Ernest, attended services at Moore’s Chapel Sunday. Mrs. Perry Freeman spent Sat urday afternoon with Mrs. Jas. N. Norsworthy. Several from here spent Sun day afternoon at Indian Springs. Messrs. L. R. Dodson, J. W. Norsworthy and 0. E. Smith were visitors to Jackson last week. Mrs. Spier of Locust Grove spent the latter part of the week with her son, Mr. W. E. Spier. ftlrs. Annie Morse spent Satur day afternoon with Mrs. O. E. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roquemore visited Mr. and Mrs. Claud Nors worthy Sunday afternoon. They Write Every Day Every day Foley &Cos. receive letters from grateful men and women, telling how Foley Kidney Pills cured them of backache, sore muscles, stiff joints and other kidney and bladder troubles. Is very quick to relieve lumbago and rheumatism due to kidney trouble. No other remedy has a longer record of cures. The Owl Pharmacy. ROCKY HILL Mr. Walter Norsworthy visited relatives here Saturday. Mrs. Edmond Hay spent Satur day afternoon with Mrs. T. W. Nelson. Miss Lucy Vickers is spending this week with relatives at the dam. Miss Edith Smith returned home from Macon Sunday after a two weeks visit with relatives. Mr. S. O. Nelson, of Atlanta, spent several days of last week as the guest of friends and rela tives here. He left Sunday for i Midland, Pa., where he has ac cepted a position. Miss Sara Tyler, of Monticello, was a visitor here last week. Mr. A. H. Lavender of Union Ridge transacted business here Saturday. Mrs. T. W. Nelson spent Sun day afternoon with Mrs. W. R 2 Vickers. Messrs. M. W. Fears and Mor ten Vickers spent Sunday with Mr. L. R. Dodson and family at Union Ridge. Miss Annie Smith spent Satur day and Sunday at Cork. Mr. Stewart Nelson and sister, Mattie, visited relatives at Mon ticello Sunday. Miss Annie Waldrop is expect ed home soon. She has been vis iting Salt Lake City, San Fran cisco and other important cities. Several from here attended a singing Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Smith, at Union Ridge. Indian Springs Water Beginning June 22 and con tinuing until September 20 I will deliver Indian Springs water in Jackson at the rate of 50 cents per week. Customers are re quested to have their jugs or bot tles ready. Will leave Indian Springs at 4 o’clock and deliver the water at your door at 5 or 5:30. William Besly. STOMACH TROUBLE FOR FIVE YEARS Majority of Friends Thought Mr. Hughes Would Die, But One Helped Hun to Recovery. Pomeroyton, Ky.—ln interesting ad vices from this place, Mr. A. J. Hughes writes as follows: “I was down with stomach trouble for five (5) years, and would have sick headache so bad, at times, that I thought surely 1 would die. 1 tried different treatments, but they did not seem to do me any good. I got so bad, I could not eat or sleep, and all my friends, except one, thought 1 would die. He advised me to try Thedford’s Black-Draught, and quit WORTH VILLE. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grant and children, Mr. and Mrs. Sherrod Biles, of Jackson, were guests Sunday of Mrs. N. J. Washing ton. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wilson were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Kenney Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Jene Martin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stodghill. Mrs. Alex King and children, of Eudora, are spending the week with Mrs. G. W. White. Miss Ermond Fincher spent Sunday with Miss Lessie Stodg hill. Messrs. J. P. Pope, Walter Duke and Lenney Washington were visitors to Jackson Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Reet Wilson were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenney Wilson. Misses Lessie Stodghill, Laßue Pope, Messrs. Sam Cook and Robert White motored to Griffin Sunday afternoon. Mr.* Emmet Chambers left Wed nesday for Atlanta after a sever al months’ stay with relatives here. Master Walthall Pope will re turn home Sunday from a two weeks visit with relatives in At lanta. Mr. and Mrs. Lenney Wash ington and little daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Kitchens at Fincherville. Misses Eufolia Murrell and Dilla Smith were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pope. Mrs. Alice Smith and Mr. Loyd Smith spent the week-end her# with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Williams and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Benson. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis White and children, of Jackson, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Swint. Miss Mary Land will arrive Monday to teach the summer school at this place. Mr. Robert White is spending the week at Eudora. Peas For Sale At $1.50 per bushel as long as they last. Kimbell & Kinard at Railroad Warehouse. taking other medicines. I decided 10 take his advice, although 1 did not hava any confidence in it. i have now been taking Black-Draught for three months, and it has cured me— haven’t had those awful sick headaches since 1 began using it. I am so thankful for what Black- Draught has done for me.” Thedford’s Black-Draught has been found a very valuable medicine for de rangements of the stomach and liver. It is composed of pure, vegetable herbs, contains no dangerous ingredients, and acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely used by young and old, and should be kept in every family chest. Get a package today. Only a quarter.