The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, July 02, 1915, Image 8

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Notwithstanding the denials of the numerous imitators of Coca-Cola there is the uncontrovertable THERE IS BUT ONE 1 IS IMITATED IN COLOR And in an effort to get in our “class,” similar containers and packages are adopted. The world by its KNOWS LiOCd-lj Old NAME For Its Purity, Its Merit, arid its Ever Present Delicious and Refreshing Flavor. Nothing is ever imitated except the best of any commodity, and imitations compliment the original when they imitate. The home of Coca-Cola is Georgia, and it is at home everywhere. It is at home in your town, in every store in your county. It has been with you about thirty years. It needs no introduction. It is advertised over the world. We supply it. All you have to do is pull the cap, make the change, and the Profit is yours. No ar gument. No talk. Its ju^t GMiwla “Will you have it when they call?” Tk j ry*’ B ° tt,in £ Jackson Company RESOLUTIONS OF UNION RIDGE CHURCH SCORE GOV. • t - Whereas, on the 26th day of April, 1913, in the city of Atlanta there was a little girl outraged and murdered. One Leo M. Frank was accused and convicted of’the crime. He having unlim ited money, carried his case through all the courts of the land to the United States supreme court where he was denied any clemency; and Whereas, his case finally reach ed Gov. John M. Slaton, who set aside trial by jury, went out of the way to find new evidence whereby he could commute him to life imprisonment. Therefore, be it resolved by Christ church at Union Ridge, Butts county, Georgia, That we j condemn Gov. Slaton in the bit terest terms, holding him up to the world as a common traitor of the blackest type. 2. That by this official act of Gov. Slaton Georgia has been made to bow her head in shame. He has stuck a dagger in the heart of southern womanhood that it will take a generation to outlive. 3. That we demand that our honorable prison board have Leo Frank removed from the prison farm and have him put at hard CITROLAX CITROLAX CITROLAX Best thing for constipation, sour stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bow els. Stops a sick headache a I mast at once. Gives a most thorough and sat isfactory flushing—no pain, no nausea. Keeps your system cleansed, sweet and wholesome. Ask for The Owl Pharmacy. WHY WOMEN SUFFER Many Jackson Women Are Learning the Cause Women often suffer, not knowing the cause. Backache, headache, dizziness, ner vousness. Irregular urinary passages weak ness, languor— Each a torture of itself. Together hint at weakened kidneys. Strike at the root—get to the cause. No other remedy more highly en dorsed than Doan’s Kidney Pills. Recommended by thousands— Endorsed at home. Here’s convincing testimony from a Jackson citizen. Mrs. B. B. Kelly, Brook wood Ave., Jackson, says: “My back was weak and pained severely, especially in the morning. My head ached frequently and 1 had spells of dizziness. Doan’s Kidney Bills relieved the pains in my back and other symptoms of kidney trouble left.” Price 50c at all dealers. Don’t sim ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Kelly had. Eoster-Milburn Cos., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. adv. labor on the public roads of the state. 4. We commend Hon. Robt. Davidson and Hon. E. L. Rainey for their effort to uphold the hon or of the women of the South. 5. That these resolutions be spread on the minutes of our church book that future genera tions may know that Georgia had a governor who tainted his hands and the honor of the state with blood money. 6. That we feel that J. M. Slaton should do as Judas did. go and offer his thirty pieces of sil ver to the family of poor Marv Phagan, then have his friends bury him in the potter’s field. 7. That these resolutions be sent to The Butts County Pro gress and a copy to The Jeffer sonian. All of which have been unani mously adopted by the church and citizens of Union Ridge. T. E. Fears, Chairman. Miss Clara Norsworthy, Secretary. FLO VILLA NEWS Monday brought us, in this section, a much needed and most refreshing rain That greatly benefited cotton and was the salvation of the grain— It brought a forgotten smile to the face of the farmer, and the merchant, too, As they were all beginning to be ex tremely, and I fear, hopelessly blue; So my advice to every one is— ,( no matter how dark things seem, look for light, And when you you’re down in the mouth remember Jonah —he came out all right.” Mr. and Mrs. John Dozier Per sons and little daughter, Eliza beth, who have been the guests of Mrs. Persons’ parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. F. White, have re turned to their home in Monti cello. Miss Lula Dozier left Monday for the exposition and other points of interest in the west. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Blackwell, of Monticello, Mr. W. A. Thomp son, of Atlanta, and Miss Beat rice Maddox, of Flovilla, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Thompson Sunday. Miss Marilu Terrell has return ed from Atlanta and will have as her guests for the week-end Miss Effie Parker, Mr. Roy Wood, of Atlanta, and Mr. Milo P. Smith, of Flovilla. Mr. R. Troupe Smith, the pop ular manager of the Foy Hotel, Indian Springs, entertained at dinner last Friday evening for Misses Ada Sharp, Lily Lewis and W. G. Preston, of Flovilla, and on Monday evening for Mrs. C. C. Jewett, Miss Annie Reid Maddux, of Flovilla, and Miss Susie O’Neal, of Columbus. Mr. E. L. Lawson and Miss Lurline Lawson spent Thursday in Atlanta. Mr. J. Parks Terrell, Mrs. L. B. Irby and children were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Terrell Sunday. Mr. M. T. Jones, of Mims, Fla., is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. A. F. White. Mrs. J. Aldine Thompson left Saturday for Haddock where she will be the guest of her parents for some time. Mrs. Early Edwards and little daughter, Elizabeth, have re turned from Jefferson City, Tenn. Mrs. Hodge has returned to her home in Jones county after a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. D. Hencely. Miss Nelle Millen left Tuesday for Colquitt, Ga., where she will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. B. H. Fudge, for several weeks. Mrs. Maggie Maddux and lit tle daughters, Kathleen and Mar guerite, have rooms with Miss Joe Varner at Indian Springs for two weeks. Miss Mattie Duffy of Jackson was the guest of home folks Sun day. Mrs. W. H. VanGandt and chil dren have returned home after a visit to relatives in Jones county. Mr. P. 0. Britt, of Miami, Fla., is the guest of home folks this week. Mrs. F. C. Maddux and Miss Beatrice Maddux visited Jackson Monday. Mrs. Lucy Bond, of Mcßae, who ’.as been the guest of Miss Annice Barnes for the past two weeks, left Monday for a visit to relatives in Griffin and Atlanta. Summer Aches and Pains A backache that cannot be explain ed by having “sat in a draft" is more than likelv the result of disordered kidneys. Foley Kidney Pills prompt ly relieve backache, sore or stiff mus cles and joints, rheumatism and sleep disturbing bladder ailments. They put the kidneys in sound, healthy con dition. The Owl Pharmacy. You Must Drink Some Good Beer PHYSICIANS frequently prescribe beer be cause they realize that the small amount of alcohol it contains is easily assimilated, aids digestion, and its mildly stimulating qualities quick en the bodily functions into healthful action. When a man drinks beer he drinks and eats at the same time, just as when he eats a bowl of soup. A man might more properly be said to eat beer than to eat cer tain kinds of soup, or indeed, watermelon. It is both food and drink. Drink beer and eat moderately— that is the physician’s advice to the man who is "all run down.” The moderate beer drinker and eater is in MA® a far better position than the total ab- Stainer, who often consumes an excess IkjJ/j fJKSY of solid food. Beer builds tissues, re stores waste, furnishes heat and pro- Beer Means Temperance r 1 —Advertisement DRINK MODERATED? To the Ladies We hereby solicit your valuable support in working up a great deal of genuine enthusiasm over the proposed 1915 Butts county fair, Whenever the fair sex get behind a mevement we have al ways noticed that something happened, and it is generally for the best (suffragetts excepted.) There is going to be a ladies de partment and premiums will be awarded for cooking, needle work and other things for which woman is naturally gifted. Butts county must have a creditabie fair next October, anditbehooyes you dear co-operatresses to put the men to planning and arrang ing for a glorious and successful fair. By the way, when man under takes to perform the household duties of the madame as we have been compelled to do for the past two weeks in the absence of her, we marvel at the strength and patience with which she must be endowed. Awaiting your co-operation and sympathetic support. Very respectfully, H. L. Worsham Manager. Week-end and Sunday Fares To Many ATTRACTIVE RESORTS Week-end Sunday Brunswick $7.25 $3.35 St. Simons 7.25 Cumberland Island 7.25 Atlantic Beach 9.00 Pablo Beach 9.00 Coressponding fares to other resorts. Ask your agent or address J. S. BLOODWORTH, T. P. A., Macon, Ga. SOUTHERN RAILWAY BLIND TIGER GASES ARE AFFIRMED BY HIGH COURT The court of appeals has affir med the decision of the superior court in the blind tiger cases from Jackson, the decision having been announced last week. It will be recalled that thirteen defendants were fined by Mayor Watkins all the way from $35 to S6O, following a raid on blind ti gers in which negro detectives from Macon played a part. That was some months ago. The cases were appealed to the superior court, Judge Daniel affirming the sentences as imposed by Mayor Watkins. An appeal was then taken to the court of appeals. The defendants must either pay the fines or work out the sentences on the streets. These cases will be disposed of finally within the next few weeks. For Hay Fever or Asthma Many persons dread July on account of hay lever. Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound is recognized as the ideal remedy for hay fever and asthma. It heals anti soothes the raw, rasping throat and eases the choking sensation. It allays inflammation and irritation and brings easy natural breathing. The Owl Pharmacy.