Newspaper Page Text
W. F. SMITH, Publisher,
■ In Columbus county, N. C., it in pro-
to cultivate jute for market.
I On one ranch in Texas a thousand
Mf l,| bs were killed by cold weather.
U Malvern, Ark., has voted down the
Hranting of liquor licences in that place.
JI The now code of Mississippi cost $12,-
I sf)o, 5,000 volumes at $2 50 jer volume.
Is. It is said that castor lieans ern lie
j raised to perfection in Western Texas.
■ William 11. Vanderbilt has given $lO,-
000 to the University of North Carolina.
■lt is said in Alabama that for seventy
fiSrc years good crops have succeeded
'|prd winters.
r r l lie places of a thousand or more ne
■ have left the prairies of Ala
■ ma lor Mississippi have been easily
ft ed
In Louisiana there are said to he IS9
I ‘•pedws of fibrous plants which can lie
" i; tde amenable to the requirements of
Dur|ng six days of Christmas, $3,780
woprppf whisky was sold, the Rev. R. N
I tpjHbays, in the town of Abbeville,
sia 1
An eflort is reported at Prattville, Ala.,
ttjnprohihit the sale of liquor within the
oiporatc limits, or raise the license to
Jrrom .Jacksonville, Fla., the shipments
of.lumber last year aggregated 41,719,255
fljjt, an increase of 7,740,317 over the
year previous.
KW largest crop of sugar in Louisiana
IgP season is thought to be that made on
ev,,( * plantation in St. Mary parish,
WJfut 2,000,000 pounds.
schools in Tennessee in 1880
Inhered 5,522, against 3,942 in 1875.
RBso the teachers employed numbered
PPH against 4,210 in 1875.
In Alabama a law has been passed giv-
Et|)gr hlurVumitlis and woodworkers a lien
km vehicles repaired by them until the
|)rice is pawl.
■ The black lands of Alabama are said
4> IK3 degenerating rapidly. The ridge
much of canbrake have washed away,
■nd the bottoms need draining badly.
Hie city of Galveston has contracted
for the sinking of an artesian well to the
depth of 2,500 feet or till water is reached
satisfactory in quality and quantity.
Olives and oil have been raised in
"'outh Carolina. Fine samples have just
been furnished by Mrs. Preston H.
Mrooks, of Edgelield. The trees were
planted in 1853.
Build cotton mills. Five million bates
of unmanufactured cotton is worth to
the South *225,000,000. Spun into yarn
this cotton is worth to the South $450,-
1/ee county, to be named in honor of
R. E. Lee, is proposed in North
din ato be formed out of parts of
.mxton, Wake, Franklin and Nash
The liquor traffic is one of the ques
tions which the Legislature of North
Carolina will have to face. A prohibi
tory liquor law association has been
started at Raleigh. •
The South Carolina law -prohibits ab
solutely the sale of intoxicating liquors,
including malt liquors and wines, outside
of all incorporated cities, towns and vil
The remains of the father of Hon.
J&flerdon Davis are buried in Wilkes
county, Ga. It is alleged that Mr. Davis
► has written to a gentleman of Wilkes
county, offering a liberal reward for them.
One of the most serious drawbacks to
the prosperity of South Florida is said
to be the fact that so large a portion of
the supplies is imported from the North.
The remark might be extended to other
parts of the South.
Kennedy, the South Texas cattle King,
who recently sold out to an English com
pany, had one of the largest ranches in
the State, having 180,000 acres of land
under fence, upon which he fed 50,000
head of cattle and 10,000 head of horses.
Nagotiations are in progress for the
purchase of land m Eastern North Caro
lina whereupon to settle a colony of
Swedes, who ar*i expected to arrive at
New York early In the spring, a loca
tion the Ffcmlico river in Beaufort
Tb * Agricultural Department of South*
Carolina will probably send an ageni to
Germany to induce immigration. There
U *&(' talk of managing this agency in
connection with those of North Carolina
and Georgia, thereby* securing greater
United States Commissioner Le I)uc
has arranged for leasing 200 acres of land
in Colleton county, S. C., al)out two
miles from Summerville, for the purpose
of establishing an experimental tea farm
under the management of the United
States Department of Agriculture. The
owner, 11. A. Middleton, of Charleston,
grants a lease Mr twenty years for one
dollar. At the end of the lease all per
manent improvements will be his prop-
By the new homestead act of South
Carolina, a homestead in 1 nds, whether
held in fee or any lesser estate, not to
exceed in value SI,OOO, with the yearly
products thercoffriw exempt to the head
of every family residing in the State
from attachment, levy or sale, on any
mesne or final process issuing from any
court upon any judgment obtained upon
any right of action arising subsequent to
the ratification of the State constitution.
Also personal property to the extent of
SSOO is exempt to the head of any family
residing in the State.
Rats in India.
A captain in the army, holding an ap
pointment in the Bengal Staff Corps,
was staying with his wife and young child
in the same station. The father—a right
brave man he Was, who had been wound
ed not a great while before by some bib
savage —wanted to bring up his son to
be hardy and fearless, (like himself I
should add) so the parents put their lit
tle one in a room to sleep by itself. But
they soon noticed scratches and strange
ma rks on tho young child’s hands, which,
getting worse, made them call in a doc
tor. This gentleman’s advise was en
couraging; he said:
“If you don’t want your child to lose
his hands you had better keep him away
from the rats, for they have been biting
Traveling at one time in an out-of
tlio-way district, I had put up for the
night at a “d’ak bungalow,” i. e., travel
ers’ rest house. I asked the native in
charge whether any sahibs had been
there lately, and he said no, not for a
long time. Before lying down to rest, I
todk oif nxy riding boots and flung them
ontone side. When I came to put them
on in the morning I found I should travel
with much less leather than I had the
previous day, for the rats had made a
complete wreck of the upper parts of the
boots. I hadn’t another pair with me or
I should certainly have worn them, for
my appearance was somewhat novel, as I
was wearing white trousers at the time,
and the holes in the boot uppers were
painfully manifest in consequence.
An old painter in India, whose word I
readily believe, assured me that the zino
lining of some grain bins was eaten
through and mended, and eaten through
again several times by rats, and that the
performance was quite skillful, in that
the bins were built on brick pillars, and
great care was taken never to leave any
thing beneath for the rats to stand upon.
But nevertheless they managed repeat
edly in some way, and gnawed through
the wood and then through the zinc un
til the grain fell out.
I was living for a few months in an is
olated, swampy district, and, as a nat
ural sequence, the place being excessively
unhealthy, I was frequently attacked
by the constant companions of Indian
jungle life, fever and ague. The bum
gnlow was a very rough building, and
had been put up in a great hurry, and
every time the wind blew with any vio
lence I anticipated it coming down in a
space of time even less than that in which
it was put up. When laid up with fever,
ajid unable to read, I use to watch the
mts running about the beams and rafters
of the roof. Their performances would
have put Blondin altogether to shame,
t amused myscM- by waiting until the
rats got into difficult parts of the roof,
and then clapped mv hands to startle
them. But endeavoring to cause them
to lose their balance was utterly futile.
They always goFfcut of sight in safety.
I sometimes had something eatable left
on the table, and then watched the ma
noeuvres of the rats to carry it away. I
was sorry afterward, because they got
impudent and courageous, and fre
quently stole things intended for my own
Blue Monday.
A recognized institution in England is
“ blue Monday,” the direct fruit of the
beer drinking which is there tolerated
and allowed. The working. Englishman
is wedded to his beer. He feels that it
is the great comfort, and one of the very
few enjoyments of his life. And not
only is the chocolate room or any like
contrivance “ slow,” but there is abont
it an implication that he is taken in
hand and managed by his betters, like a
child, which he not unnaturally resents.
Rightly or wrongly, he feels more
ashamed at being treated in this way
than he does of being drunk once a
week—once, however, being here a word
of wide signification. For in these cases
44 the same drunk * often extends from
Saturday night to Monday, and not in
frequently into Tuesday. Many first
class knowing their own pro
pensity, abstlutely refuse to work for
any man more than four days a week.
The social effcot of this habit on the
/r nmunity may bei maK ined.
Tee editor u n evening with
Saturn, and it cameW in the paper
“An evening with S* ftn ” It was
h ?\, lbe f0k *niau said it
toW? the “ de -“ ***
Wide-Awake, Independent, bixt Neutral in Nothing.
The Hfoii Who Oflrml Up Their Lim
and Property On the Altar ofTeir
t’onntry, ano How They Accepted the
Arbitrament of the Swortl and Afoi
ded by It.
What a strange, and in the main, what
a sad history is that of the generals who
led the confederate armies in the late
war. It is a story of poverty and depri
vation, lit up here and there by a gleam
of good luck—but of poverty borne man
fully, and of deprivation met with the
same courage that led these men to the
front of their legions.
The fate of the “rebel brigadier” at
the close of the war was enough to de
press the most bouyant among them.
They had put everything on the turn of
the sword and had lost. Property, busi
ness and all had been sacrificed in the
arder of war, and they were left, in the
fierce light of fame, without any resource
—expected to support a certain dignity
and nothing to support it on. There was
no standing army into which they could
be retired with adequate salary. There
was no hope for them in the thousands
of lucrative offices that the republicans
distributed among the federal generals.
Their States were impoverished and were
unable to support civil establishments
that would furnish offices out of which
anything could be hoped for. Of course
the privates of the confederate army
were deserving of all sympathy ; but it
seems to me that the generals had some-
what harder lines. At any rate lam
sure that there is no old soldier that fol
lowed the stars and bars that will not
read with interest a kindly inquiry into
the history of these old leaders and their
families. I believe the annexed will be
entirety accurate, certainly nearly SO.
I hardly know where to begin, but
suppose we take the living Lees with
which to open the hurried review. AV’. IT.
F. Lee, the oldest son of Robert E. Lee,
is living at present in Fairfax county,
on a farm that belonged to the estate of
his aunt, Mrs. Fitzhugh. It is a fine
place; the General is an attentive and
successful farmer, and he gets a comfort
able living out of it. Custis Lee, the
next son, succeeded his father as Presi
dent of Washing-Lee University and
lives in Lexington. He is a bachelor,
and his two sisters live with him. He
lias fine expectations, Judge Hughes hav
ing decided that the Arlington estate,
now used as a federal cemetery, is his by
Ti ht of law'. The case has been appealed,
but the judgment will hardly be reversed
—and the place will be appraised and
payment made for it. Robert Lee lives
on the old Lee estate in Westmoreland
county, where he is moving along
smoothly, making enough to supply his
wants. General Fitzhugh Lee has a farm
on the Potomac, that belonged to bis
aunt, Mrs. Fitzhugh, and it is said is
showing considerable enterprise, though
not amassing money. He has a saw mill,
I think, in connection with liis farm.
The House and the Senate have a good
many of our generals, and I think with
the exception of Generals Cockrell and
Vance, all of them find their salary very
important. General Vance was living
very easily, and added to his fortune by
his late marriage. Senator Cockrell,
who was a brave and dashing officer,
built up a lucrative practice in St. Louis
before lie came to the Senate, and is well
fixed. Besides these there are in the
Senate. Major-General Matt Ransom who
is struggling to clear his property of en
cumbrances that he was forced to put
upon it to make it productive Briga
dier-General John T. Morgan, of Ala
bama, who depended upon his law prac
tice, which was larger in volume than in
income; Lieutenant-General Hampton,
of South Carolina, >vho is a comparative
ly poor man, though a large land owner ;
Major-General Butler, his colleague, who
last all in the war and has not recovered
much ; Major-General Maxey, of Texas,
who by the way has an independent in
come from his practice, and owns a beau
tiful home in Paris, Texas.
In t e House there are many briga
diers, and a few heavier generals. Gen
eral Joe Johnson leads in rank, though
his service in the House has not been
brilliant. He has a fine insurance busi
ness, and his w ife, a daughter of J udge
McLean, had considerable property. His
. book has not paid him much I hear, be
ing published under a poor contract.
Afabama has done well by her generals,
having in the House—Major-General
W. H. Forney, who has little beyond his
salary, and Brigadier-General C. M.
Shedley who is in about the same condi 1
tion. Georgia has Brigadier-General Phi-
Cook, who has a good law practice in
Americus, Ga., and who has had four
terms in the House. Brigadier-General
Dibrell, of Tennessee, is comfortably
fixed, and is re-elected to the House for
his third term—and Atkins and White
thorne, of the same State were generals
of State troops. Virginia has Brigadier-
General Beale, who is doing well outside
of Congress, and General Eppa Hunton,
who retires at the close of the present
Congress, perfectly able to take care of
himself. North Carolina has General
Robert Vance in House, to balance
General Zeb in the Senate. Louisiana
has General Randall Gibson, who has
been elected to the next House, and to
the Senate also. He is a rich man, hav
ing had means of his own, and his wife
having had some property. General
Chalmers is Representative of the fam us
shoe-string district of Mississippi, and is,
moderately well oft'. This finishes up the"
list of “rebel” generals in the House hmL
Senate, I think, without omission. P *
There are a number of confederate
generalsin the departments and in various
service in Washington. First in the iin- 1
portance of his work is General Marcus
J. Wright, who has charge of the Con-
federate records, and who was looking
towards a literary connection w’hen he
was offered this place that would have
brought him fame and money. Major-
Geaeral C. W. Field, who fought to the
last day in the morning with Lee, is
door-keeper of the house, having former
ly had an insurance business that gave
him a living, but not much more. Ma
jor-General L. L. Lamar, who was a
brave soldier, has some position about
the house, probably being in the docu
ment room. Major-General Cadamus M.
Wilcox is with the sergeant-at-arms of
the Senate and has little fortune outside
of his position. Major-General Sam
Jones is in the adjutant general's office,
wherCdie has a good though not a prom
inent place. Major-General Harry Heth,
who was a classmate and great friend of
Burnsule, has a comfortable position in
the treasury—and this closes the roll I
believe of the generals of the Southern
armies'about Washington in any capac
ity, unless General C. L. Stevenson, w T ho
was formerly clerk of a congressional
committee, still holds his place.
The snuse of education has engaged the
time and gives support to a good many
of the old le ders of the boys in gray.
General Custis Lee is at Washington-Lee
as before noted. General Kirby Smith
is chancellor of the university of the
South at Suwanee, Tennessee, his neces
sities making him greatly dependent on
his salary. Lieutenant-General D. 11.
Hill is president of the State agricultural
college of Arkansas, at Fayetteville, at
a salary of $3,500. He has been poor
ever since the war, and lost much time
and money in publishing a periodical
that w r as, however, a creditable and pure
publication, and in teaching school.
Brigadier-General M. P. Lowry has
charge of a female school at Salem, Miss.,
and i* prospering finely. Lieutenant-
General A. P. Stewart is chancellor of
the university of Mississippi, where he
gets a good salary and has a fine position.
Brigadier-General Lilly is a professor
somewhere, I think at Washington-Lee
unive sitv, and this, I,believe, closes the
list of generals who are engaged in train
ing the young men of the South. And
yet thereris General J. Argyle Smith,
now' superintendent of State instruction
for Mississippi.
There are very few of our old generals
w'ho have accepted office from the federal
government. Lieutenant-General Long
street is minister to Turkey. Colonel
Moshv, who won the prominence of a
general, is consul'to llong-Kong. Major-
General LaFayette McLaws, who was
one of the powers of the Army of Vir
ginia, is postmaster at Savannah. Major-
General James Fagin was United States
marshal of Arkansas under Grant, but I
believe is out of the service now. Ido
not know of any others that hold politi
cal appointments, and believe there are
none others. Oh yes, there is General
Jack Wharton, of Louisiana, who took
the marshalship of the New Orleans dis
trict a few years ago.
The railroad business has captured its
quota of the generals and pays good sal
aries for light and genteel work. Major-
General Jo n C. Brown, of Tennessee, is
first vice president of the Texas Pacific,
with headquarters at Marshall and a sal
ary of SIO,OOO a year and expenses. He
had money before he took this place,
having had a practice of SB,OOO to SIO,OOO
from soon after the war. Major-General
J hn B. Marmaduke is railroad commis
sioner of the State of Missouri on a salary
of $5,000 a year, on which he lives with
dignity and ease. He is a bachelor and
will probably leave his position with a
competency. He stands high in St.
ljotiis. Major-Geralen M. D. L. Rosser,
one of the most daring cavalrymen that
ever drew* a sabre, is chief engineer of
the Northern Pacific at a big salary, and
has made a fortune in lands along the
line. He is a bachelor, and divides with
Pierce Young the honors with the fair
sex. Lieutenant-General John B. Gor
don is counsel for the Louisville and
Nashville road, at a salary of $14,000,
and General E. P. Alexander, the best
artillerist of the army, is practical mana
ger of the same road at probably as large
a salary. Neither of the gentlemen are
rich, but wrill both probably save money
from their salary. General R. 11. Ran
som v as in eharge of the freight agency
of an important Southern line. Major-
General E. C. Walthall lives in Grenada,
Mississippi, and is general counsel for the
Mississippi Central road at a salary of
SIC,OO per annum, and is well off in the
world’s goods.
There are three of our generals who
have become chiefs of police. Brigadier-
General R. H. Anderson, a dashing cav
alry officer, is chief of police in Savannah.
Brigadier-General Tige Anderson, is
chief of police in Atlanta, and Brigadier-
General W. W. Allen, is chief of police
in Montgomery, Alabama.
There is a numbe: who have turned
the sword ; nt ' a plough, and are leading
bucolic lives- Besides the Lees, who
nave g ne to farming, there is Major-
General Frank B. Cheatham, who has a
fine place in Coffee county, Tennessee, on
which he makes a good living. General
W. H. (“Red”) J ckson, who married a
daughter of General Harding, and has
charge of the famous Belle Meade farm,
the home of Bonnie Scotland, Great Tom,
and Enquirer, and from which came
Bramble, Ben Hill, and Luke Blackbam.
He is rich and is up to his knees in clo
ver, literally and deservedly. Major-
General A. Buford has a fine stock farm
that is in itself worth a fortune, leing a
gem of the blue-grass. He raises thor
oughbreds, none of which are more thor
oughbred than himself. Brig dier-Gen
eral Wirt Adams is getting rich on a
Mississippi fa’m. General Joe Davis is
farming near the famous Beauvoir p’ace
in Mississippi, but is in moderate circum
stances. Lieutenant-General Joe Wheel
er, whose wife was rich, runs a farm,
does a large law practice, and owns a
store. He is rich and is becoming richer,
and goes to Congress next session. Major-
General Pierce Young is farming in
Georgia, ami Gen ral L. J. Polk has a
fine stock farm in Murray coun y, Ten
There are few of the gen rals who hold
State offices. I may begin with General.
A. H. Colquitt, who is governor of Geor
gia at $3,000 a year and who is quite
poor, although he has valuable lands.
General Beauregard is adjutant general
of ihe State of Louisiana at $2,600 a year
—which salary is supplanted it is said by
a salary of $5,000 for the Louisiana Sta e
lottery, of which lie is commissioner.
The law of course has its votaries.
General Toombs, of Georgia, who is very
rich, practices law in a casual way,
chiefly representing the State against the
railroads, volunteering for the State.
General A. R. Lawton and H. R. Jack
son, both of whom are well-to-do, prac-
tice law in Savann h, Georgia, and have
large incomes. Major-General Bate has
a good practice in Nashville and is look
ing to the Senate. General Alpheus
Baker, most eloquent of men, practices
in Louisville, where he is coming into a
good income—which General Basil Duke,
who is also in Louisville, has already
built tip for himself. Major-General
Bradley Johnston, who is said to have
made a great deal of money in Virginia
State bonds, is practicing in Baltimore
with a big income, where Brigadier-Gen
eral George H. Stewart is also located,
and in good shape for a fine practice.
Major-General W. Y. C. Humes is prac
ticing in Memphis, where he has already
amassed a competency, and Brigadier-
General C. W. Gordon is in the same
city doing nearly as well. General
Clingman, of North Carolina, is also
practicing law and doing well.
Insurance has lost its popularity with
the generals, although Major-General
B. H. Robinson, now living in Washing
ton, has made a snug fortune out of it,
and is driving a pair of Bonnie Scotland
jays down the avenue—a gallant gentle
man and general favorite, and blessed is
the mahogany under which his legs are
crossed. Major-General D. H. Maury is
at insurance, and has done well, though
not so well as General Robinson.
Of miscellaneous pursuits there is a
General Juhul Early is living
at Lynchburg, a Bourbon bachelor, in
tolerable circumstances. It is said that
he draws $5,000 a year"from the Louisi
ana lottery as commissioner of special
drawings. Major-General Malione is con
sidered rich, having made money in rail
road bonds and stocks, it is said, and is
now Senator elect from Virginia. Lieu
tenant-General J. C. Pemberton is living
quietly and in poor health in Philadel
phia, where he has a rich brother. He
is himself in moderate circumstances.
He has writ en a book on Vicksburg’s
defense and surrender, but I do not know
whether or not he will publish it. Major-
General S. B. Buckner has had a varied
experience. His wife ow T ned large tracts
of unimproved real estate in Chicago,
which was confiscated, but afterwards
recovered. It was then mortgaged and
built up —and in the panic was sacrificed
for its mortgage money, leaving General
Buckner poor. He is now' living in Lou
isville. Brigadier-General Zack Deas,
of Alabama, went into Wall street and
made about $200,000, w r ith Avhich he re
tired, and is now living in ease. Bri a
dier-General P. D. Roddy, the brave and
chivalric cavalryman, also made a for
tune in Wall street, but lost over SIOO,-
000 in a few and ys, and went to London,
w T here he is now' living as financial agent
of some banking firm, in moderate cir
cumstances. Brigadier-General J. W.
Frazer, w’ho surrendered Cumberland
Gap is in New York, in the brokerage
business, doin r well. Brigadier-General
Thomas Jourdan is editor of the Mining
Record, on Broadway—a prosperous pa
per. Major-General Loring, w'ho served
four years in the Egyptian army, is now'
engineer for a mining company in New
Mexico, and is taking chances of i>big
fortune. General Frank Armstrong has
made a fortune by running a “pony” ex
press in Texas, and General A. W.Ttey
nolds, who went t* Egypt with Loring,
is still there —though out of service.
General Tom Benton Smith lost his
mind, and was, the last time I heard of
him, in an insane asylum in Tennessee.
It is a melancholy fact that nearly ev
ery general who died or was killed, died
in poverty brought about by hk devo
tion. Raphael and Paul Semmes both
died poor, but a daughter of the former
married Luke E. Wright, a promising
and prosperous lawyer. G neral Zolli
coffer left nothing to a family of five
daughters, but they have all married,
save one, and have married well. Gen
eral Pillow’s death caused the sale of hts
house and library which, however, his
friends rebought "by subscription. Gen
eral T. C, Hindman, who was assassinated,
left nothing at all, but the people of
Helena loved and respected him. This
family has many friends. General Dick
Taylor died poor; and his two daughters
are living with his sister at Warrenton.
His book did not pay anything of account.
General “Stonewall” Jackson left his
wife and daughter without means, but
his name has raised friends for them, one
of whom Mr. Wade Bolton, of Memphis,
I think, left them $5,000 in his will.
General Polk left nothing to his family,
but his son, Dr. Polk, has an immen e
practice and distinguished character in
New York. General Bushrod Johnson
left only one son, who is aoing well, and
eral Forrest, who left but little, left it
with a thrifty and prssperous son, who
makes all thatis needed. General Ewell’s
wife had about SIOO,OOO worth of prop
erty in St. Louis, i think, which was
saved from confiscation by a friend.
Mrs. Ewell died within three days of her
husband. General Bragg died without
property and his wfife lives with her sister
in New'Orleans. The history of Geceral
Hood’s children is part of the history of
the country. General I). H. Cooper died
in poverty, and his wife lives with her
daughter in Texas, I believe. Major-
General W. H. C. Whiting, of Fort
Fisher fame, who died in Wilmington
prison in ’64, left nothing, and General
L. M. AValker. who was killed in a duel
with Marmaduke, left but little to his
wife, who now lives in Charlottsville.
General Cobb—oh, what a cavalier was
there!—left to his family but little of
the fortune that his generous heart dis
pensed so bountifully in the piping times
of peace.
Truly it is sad history! The story of
men who gave their lives to their coun
try, and left nothing to their wives but
a poverty that made life a struggle.
Braver soldiers never drew' sword—purer
men never went to battle—whi er-minded
men never went to death. Had the issue
of the conflict to which they pledged
their honor and their lives been different,
a pleasanter record could have been writ
ten. As it is, the love and sympathy of
a whole people w'ill envelop their widows,
their sons, and their daughters—and
their names and their deeds shall be part
and parcel of the glory of the South.
“H. W. G.”
In the Atlanta Constitution.
The Yonker’s Gazette calls the minis
ter’s fee “the tax on matches.” We can
match that; the shoemaker’s fee is the
tax on men’s soles.
A little girl reproached with diso
bedience and breaking the command
ments, said, “Mamma, those command
ments break easy.”
When a man offers to read your for
tune out of the grounds of a coffee cup,
set that man down for a cup and sois
cerer. — Burlington Hawkeye.
The average age of a hog is only fif
teen years. This always consoles us
when we see a man spread himself over
four seats in a railway car.
The first time a white man sees an
English railway coach, he thinks he has
struck a traveling American photograph
car on rails. —Burlington Haw key e.
Not everybody will be able to see the
Nautch* girls,' but everybody get.
pretty* good idea of their A uoe by put
ting two hornets down thej ousemaid’s
back. —Bouton Post. T +
A man in Caton, Steuben County, N.
Y., has raised a cabbage around the head
of which thirteen smaller heads were
clustered. Exchange. Probably the
cabbage was on the table.
A pew days after going to a wake,
Bridget asked her mistress for her
money. “Are you going to leave?”
“Yes, ma’am, I’m going to marry the
corpse’ husband. He told me I was the
life of the wake!”
Says bis landlord to Thomas,
“Yot-r rout I must raise, 1
I’m so plaguily pinched for the pelf.” 1
” Raise my rent!” replies Thomas,
44 Your honor’s main good,
For I never can raise it myself.”
It is now said that the inventor of the
Brush electric light received his first
hint from brushing a black cat’s back the
/wrong way. This should teach us not
to despise the small and apparently use
less things in nature.
“I say, Clem,” cried two disputing
darkies, appealing for decision to a sable
umpire, “whioh is right—dizactly or
dezactly ?” The sable monarch reflected
for a moment, and then, with a look of
wisdom said, “I can’t tell perzactly. ”
Toddlekins is a very small man, in
deed; but he said he never minded it at
all until his three boys grew up to be tall,
strapping young fellows, and his wife
began to cut down their old clothes and
cut them over to fit him. And then he
said he did get mad.
44 How can I bet Increase my stock?”
Said tanner John to Thomas;
44 By making six of one,” quoth Tom;
44 No miracle I promise.
A simpler process ne’er was known.
What is it? Well now, s’posin’
Yon put that yearling cow to sleep,
’Twill make a heifer-dozin’.
Yonker'i Gazette.
One night Uncle Harvey, keeper of a
poor house down in Maine, was waked
by the groans of one of the old men.
“What is the matter?” he asked. “I’m
dying. Uncle Harvey,” said the old man.
“I’m dying; go and get me a doughnut;
I must have suthiiv to pass away the
time. ”
Fitting emblems are not always ap
preciated. The neighbors of a poor fel
low who died erected a tombstone to his
memory, and had placed above it the
conventional whit© dove. The widow
looked at it through her tears and said:
“It was very thoughtful to put it there.
John was very fond of gunning, and it is
an especially suitable emblem.”
Another New Plant.
A curious plant has been discovered in
Wisconsin, which produces a kind of
cotton and flax from the same stalk. An
exchange says: It has already been
woven into fabrics, and, as any article
that will make as good cloth as can be
made from this plant will make good
paper, it has been called the paper
plant It can be planted in the spring
and cut in the fall and winter. It
bleaches itself white as it stands, and it
will yield three or four tons to the acre.
From a single root that was transplanted
last spring grew twenty large stocks,
with three hundred and sixty-five pods
containing the cotton, a| least sixty
seeds in each. From this wero ob
tained seven ounces of pure cotton, and
over a pound of flax. It is a very heavy
plant, and grows from six to seven feet