The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, March 10, 1881, Image 3

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Middle Georgia Argus — * ~t-* ~~ ' . -M , - - " WsP. SMITH, - EDITOR r; r 7P.3;:y ; V mixes, rj ji 2i, cm Ul W 1- -> i||.i I, I , „ - njglrjs fltljitnstrrt \ll lutniiii’ i in my will reoeivc mu Mt.U’niioi Collections a specially. OHice a kiibson’ts stort .Indian irVripo G jaee3i-tf J. 1\ Neal’ J.*\ IHiili s, !Hiile> cr i< lof Ur: t c(i “ inn! )i, ; ar. riy<J mid on sale {or mi-A tflje To..‘ f,,,_ £. L. Da ugh T , irf.ltyK* I IlfhhhS ! ! I wiD 1 y tl*e j j 11< • f.i kimi nl I• *1 • • *.; * t■ * l ' •? J •{, ViiMp * 1.010 <l •. L J VV -M I 1 J J v_;! i! I > l ' I l At *.U’ • • ‘Y!I ~; t L• M i;. ill • i > trT \NO : * A.\() ! ! \\V ha . O;. h:ii; I lie, ill ■ p % Sot .v of ti: * nx. lie ,<!, CfIANO.S A, Ii \il of' which \vc v = h <>.. th< *■' • t of tei n;.~. t:m.'VT()N At K> r KNi>. You will do woll H> {five* u~ u riill liFfon- buying, *TL. HOLMS A- S. .) HALF. JJJfcbt*lßßl MiinerGa Y. A. WiUCiHT, A'rTORNKY AND COUNSELOR AT I. AW, Inckson, * <• On. Oflic? at Court House. Ail businosß entrusted to his erne will receive prompt attention, :r <1 %juick returns made, lection of claims a special ly. Fees reasonable, aprH-ly f. F. N. P. & EX. J. P. Indian Spring, - - - (; 4 , Ah business int*usted to his cir > vv: !’ receive prompt ntteiuwui anil sat lUhci ioi Ki veil Collection of claims closely looked After and prompt r.-tm up made. Cohv ’. os third > outlays in each moni!i. 'QOLD J\JHDjSILV£Fi Watches and chairs of all grades*. nil ali tho latest novelties in p-w - (i!rv, silver wue for bridal pies. nr*, rings of fill Vimls,engagement ring* a specialty. A. large stock oi Clocks cheaper than ever b fort offered. Spectacles of all kinds n goid, sih-et steel and rubber fr atne ;o suit all ages. Sewing muchim medic.*, oil, etiacbmcnts. etc., at A. LOWER’S, 24 1 1 iii St., Uritlin. Ga. bct27 -4mwtd s £ •~ui EgN&asfe: m gj S 1 > S '**■> □ (UHL lGUit BACK AC H i> i'n.l nil a senses of die Kidney,B -vUI . r ud Urinary Organs By wearing the IMPROVED EXCELSIOR kidny pad It is a Marvel of Healing ami 11 h 1. SIMPIiE, SENSIBLE,' DIRECT PAINLDSS, POWERFUL. it cuin: \\ tier* all else fails. A ufcv- Kf \TiON M l iIHVOI.UJION ill M. di oii.e. Absorbiion or direct apphuu lion, as opposed to unsatistactoj \ Interns! mt dioi.ues. Send tor our treatise on Kidney ir mb es, seui tr e. Sold by Druggas ,cr sent by tnail, on runripi ut $2 Am>iu;s , the and .V* i UNd FAPCO. * .igiMa. ant •li V-x BLOCK, nuiinu Kid .Htujit, “"j o*4. Ask Mich, tu? it m,' take LO : Mh, ‘ r - octi.'-liw *ki il \iavKta,G . i .uuar ; ■ \ j ■ j X 1 r-fHeV^WW. ! X'ywsl -|yA°| /A J'-:- A.' .. 1 A.->' ( A ' - A-l ( I: uaiv. 1 I*. la 3 oive jig iij 1 i.ii. It 0. ’.V,. , ( !• i • pt> • ' ! •-;# TitUi; \ - . ... ii 1 I'D I ;'S . IK'i USS. Vn? C ‘ *,-l; v :•*§ o. i C’n •. I)<li 1 <iiv • ■ v O i • 1 i. (>it. I'. . i X ' 1,1 ,11 ..t,!!.' r i..' ! A t.- 1 •!’ v . 1* ■ ■ r ' l I .t • 1 • ' . * >. Hi* i ' v ’ ■ ‘ 1 ii • ••• ■ : a '• Du. O ' O .jk * ■ p;•<• e \\ 1.1. * ii : i . • ■ -l; ■ . THE ufj >SO A '\ \ \ >.. ■ r\ \ < j 'A- \ \ 1 *■: " tj •' ** 0 'i ;u.- Compa-v ii:. v<* ci - r-i M.ed coni 10 *.■■ - ■•{ ' ' Uii cv iv fa If ot the .a;. ti.ach’.t.en / and arc pi t-parci o* n.; ua.v i.iv STA N!> AK J> T . . . E VEH IC L i: '. Such as Farm wagons, Spring vra-uii^ JPlat f< and in W ageuo. Ludlow Sni’iog wagon - Farmers’ Twovseafod ' n rmge.- Standard Trade Elegant i>i ; Etc r e. Semi for designs ad I-vices, to HOr.iN- t,./ W \GXN t ’ \ JIUIT- it! 1 1 i c ! ; ttil'.i. fI. , J®, y, r PAY BOARD, YUSTI fjf [/]/ T!CN. BOOKS & STATION- A /SA ERY FOR 12 WEEKS AT THE '■fus/J J Toledo -Itusiness College. 7 Cs or College Journal containing / full particulars, address, '' 'roi.i-:no. <>sii,r. say where you saw this advertisement. HOLMISS, B< )OTII .S, ’ hj*. lAM' MAN Ul?ACT Ulitills OF FIXKSX < ■ ALITM Silver-Plated Spoons, Forks, Knives, etc. 1 KT. N h U lOtdi APA^ESB Factories: Waterevuy, Conn • .... Scales of any kir.4 .ent by express cr fvasrlt, C. 0. P, with p;ivi! no ef examination ’Vritt- h \ Orieco r.ii.l save morn ■. A.tOfv .. ' BCAI.E CO, CMcrp / WKEimAuSI% XPAViMC^^I KEA -ALL’S SPAVIKf CURE. i 1 . ■ remedy ever discnv~ i:- cutain in a un i <loe> * - I’eal r-rcoi helow. l i oip Itev. P. !V. Granger^ t • . Ei.i r t f the St. Alhar.s District. . : :.\h in, Vt., Jan. U'l i-bO. Dr .) iO Mall k Cos,, Gents ; —la re ■ r > ;. t tatter I will siy thnt ray ex j- licucf wit t. ikt ndall’s ;ji <vin Cut e* lias •* • f ; f-;. IDT4 ;tory jn lecd. TLive 01 • t(- 1 itiocutcd a bottle of youi ‘•if. mi t v.itU |;_ on cd a Lone of laint** K“.; - c.iii .1 l.y I sp-tvlu* J. icl 60:150.. my hoi’. C* ti'-A .1,1- % T \ Ini,; : ;r.i't I tUlLlCtl him • u 1.1 i, \: u v. A;-i he 1;; line het* ■<M > w I *1 j 1 ilr m on Ihe lord he utv- .ti-!, . lien I o'i'C veied ihut a iug'-o .o was forming 1 procured a bot tle ot Ketid.ili'*.. tipiu ri C-iie and with '.h.i.n fcc-* Li-a go that ha is not -i xi the ratio- be found, h-ct’vh yours. I*. N. Cut a mu. a. P)-r*c-veraiJ<sP Wil? Tell. 'l'tcughton. Mass., March, lbili 1380. D.\ .j Ken.l .a & Gen:-;—ln- - ■.j ■ i. i n.y- ''. ! ‘Liuk ’ 1 . i j- ■ Ae■. l. . . l.iVv re* - ... .-• tv.,..- \vi a Kendall's [••tv j; . .ue ve’y large one, don’t kiM • .u ,V .ug ihs ad -;eou there 1•• : - • ■-. ho:sa eijjn.t.m nt’us. It n : as tu tase the i.,rge -jit* i; ii a o To! the small one, I U tv e used ••u i) :• ■■•'. i.'ii • hors; 'X en’irely well -■ i- l ■ it. ai-.i no '■.•'i to bv -ecu' • ■ •- -i a-, lui u.eaici . it i? a 1.5 •-,! he a. U. if it -.toe- fe a.I ivii:it :t ha-* and ion :hi* me its < ..:• will joe e*, great. iv vc iuily yours Ciia-, F. I’a uker. Si t *V-. i! s MjlHViil < nrc*. J\e’.iey l d I=l tnd, Erie Cos., Ohio, March LB,b, 1880, ['<:•. ii. Ken.tail X Cos, Gents;— l nave used your Kcadali up ,vi i Cure ou boi.e spavin and am pleased to report that it iiij-i taken the enlargement completely : otf. it took only one b title t> ; ertorm the | uie. I urn ci niideut ir it is properl ■i.-o i it \' ill d.j all you claim for it. Yours truly, (J. M. Lincoln. Mjijfiiai isl Haile t'utier Oatli. I’o\Yi;om It May Concern.— la the year 1875 \ irsateu with ill = fctp via Cure ja. bo. e ;t several months growth - atariy lialt iu ar. Qas a hen’s e-g, m ; e -lapiete.y sft-pp< and the i.ui-en.iss and re- I niov.d the eulargtdmeut, j. h ye worked ■ iUe horse every since yei v hayj, -n > he itev. r hrs been Saute, no: oouid y\er ai , ; I.y d.liliy.iCe 2,11 the s./O o t! 0 Hi<3 j -i.its fUu e i t lea 11 and bun \yitii i.\ei;d.E’. BpaViU uiv. K. 1 . (i.vjtxs, i uirgh i' is, \- , r eb. 25 i, L 87'J, Swot ti ami s User be to betore nn t i Id. ii lav t>. 1-’ r>. A. i'. 1 C'7'h Jou, C Jon. j:, Ju.s td the Peace. Kpi i}. *. IS Spaviil Cin e <>*.; la*;- ’" * ~., 4 A , - - Pat eu’a-Mii v, H-’-shingt-on Cos., N. Y., . l*\binary 21st, 1878. if J. K nel; 1! M. D,, iieiir —The hi :ie. it- >-e on wfiioii 1 us.vtl yonriSpav u Cur vt Wits a malt, lutat ankle spavin, >;<■ ii u e-e -t:u ;L : g. 1 had trie mt. , tui . but in v ir. Your Spavin tne pip iim toot i- iii ground again, n.d Sot Li e ii;** ; ;.o s ■ -o hurt, iu a nat- Ui'i> ■ ’on. r, v > f" t.> liniment it X-roi .uy -.i . . vve i V 'us i, Y u." !”u v. ! i.v. P, M. Bell. .~! ei v E. f:• • t Ci l , I*.U n's Mills, N. Y. iv j - ail'.' 8, ,i .'.ti Cure ia sure Jn its ei it;, lei ..i ;= act in ac it does not : bliaivr, ti t [e e r ting and poweifu iei iiu'.iiv,i ; ii c,i eated pain or to re n v..- ,y ei y A ..v .) or other eularge ...t-iii, ikj sji.t: ts. plins, curbs, cal ,oi.s, spi.ti .- e.i; and lanieneis and i . eiii-iM iu.,i 1t ae joi -:s or limbs, or me m ut m iu .imu a at for any purpose lb..- ,mj.i u i hi-, cut .s used for m.n or oe is- u .s to he the liui :a i I-..i e.e use*-:, actiug cjild and vet Q :i iu in its eilec s. i'e.el nil.. v‘s- i r ; uj;tr.i* ei Cite aY ..iC V, e ■ ink IY os oi i- <V p ,‘l UvM o- it S Vitl ho ,cm and . :: ,s ever met wet vv ;■ yii e- 1 s u i lied =Uuo- ss> t- • oaf Knowl edge. to; bfc. = i .= vv .lin... i’r y ■ u-ttt , , r t- nuttks for $5. Ah D Uggi -ts ei s\e n or can get. it. for , ye> . r a t; so a to any address on i tM: t ■; oJ pi ice by tin- proprietors. Bn ii. Kenpall X Cos,. Lnosburgu Falls. Vt L m.-. i, iiiJvijj X Laianp. agents. At I i:i . ei., julyltily GRAND DISPLAY —OF — Stare ame jpApcy - ■- ' ILlLus| t AND - tO r stack is im mense, o;:r o<l o! the best quality, our prices arc 1 tlic ;o\v6si, i and our t* oovi must an i\v 11. ac 1 111si)osod or. a nunc our StoCt;. • - v * i l killl yoa Aid io v* es£ j>r.cps %f iti .*-■>’. A, Vic. (V - ' s\"iS & --OAS tiovlD- A (J*. - )V TJir.UN, IU’FINII'-'s X OLLHr.E Lv)i T :sii;LK vy PRAOTtCAL VMv KEEPING. - V,v ’ I'KXY LOCKS Ov*?r *2'? 'ea vs a Tra tun'. ' Mira at., -< Xr. -ai h a A o*- - ' 1• ;m i!L> ScUu ii * ii- -i A; . I .];(■.< title • I ) n'i Ii n.i I i.d 111. m-’N.r. v : la a.- DkSOLLAII- Secretary dk T. HAY DUCK lias tin* iai _■ -.-t md l. cst cuinpvb f> \v< r’cs for tlie ipju'it'f.aaure ot Cm ii g,.. >’ fc iiE Vi . Sim Yes for too tyide a HpitOaltg. COBXEK ALUM A,X i > T'V KXi'T' ‘ KKT, (.x ix x v ri. u, Jtf.- Ji- X‘:# J"' " A vi/ f 'U&£§om • -ws: s’T-; vagaetijyl sj u \ . ' '>*u Y i' --I-Ts, ‘.k •* a'l . i ..•vU'-'k- X e Y. ! . PpPr* t aib.liMl ’ . The Eclipse leads the World Cor ! reliable lllxceih'sice. iM ':O *IA As ■ i --n ' n'oifi. * • • </OviiP’t4)!l. • -a. ** - . Also Drailei: in Saw Se|):uhitor<s t Oottoii Cfitis. Etc fa! !v GuaronS*;* * i.t evurv'Transneri >t. iprildl-lv FINE . OF— TJISriIF'OiR.iM: EXCELLENCE, Xiiglit 2 Stylioli 2 "Warrantocl 2 SAVE your MONEY, write for Catalogue and PRICE LIST to of the celebrated Boston The Boston Buckhoard Cos., Buckboabi* or MURRAY WAGON. NEW HAVEN, CONN, RIE N DELS BOHN PIANO CO *“ AVili make, lor the next <;0 days only, a Grand Offer of PIANOS AND DPt:APS. •fS4i> Square < hand Piano lor < n'v .f240. Style h Magnificent i-oseMood ease elegantly finished, 7 1-15 Octaves full patent can tante astrads, our new patent overstrung scale, beantifs# carved legs and lyn* heay y serpentine and large ianv*y mouldin'' round rase, full Iron I’rauie. i renrh Granc Action, Orand Hammers, in face every improveunont which ran in any tend to the perfection of the instrument has beer. :tMcd. h price fur this instumeiH linxed and delivered on hoard ears at New York, with tine Cover, Stool a i I:<> Ac. only ims * ’ V. .1 •• oil test tri i j ueast* send vcierence if von .l > not send money with order. Giish sent wither ler will be refunded and frieehr charge paid by us both ways if Piano is not ju.-i as renresen r 1 in this Advertisemimt 14,000 ill use. Send for catalogue. Every mstrunvMi: fuiiv Warranted'"for <i\ ( years. PIANOS SliO To S4OO .with St Cover and Do . AU strict!v 1 : r-i (•!:•>. and sit at wholesale Atetory iricc-s. Tiicse Pianos made of the fir, A: b . ,:t Hu' G ;: - ! ;*uia : I r.‘‘.:r.;. :. id \yo-e una.:umou.s!y rocoiumcn* ic*d • mo id;, mil si Honors 1 \S.yuu - r -lirahi <*rr N-w Patent S Die, the greatc- fim .rovcnicnt in the- histo ry of Plano mak g. uX. prig ts are the finest in . n rica P sitiveiy we nwik< me hiu st * !..!;• *s, ii itie h‘iio uutl greatest, rite arereco.niincn led by the highest musical authorities in the country. - u.omo in use. mu not oue disiitisfied pnrehaser. All Pianos-and Organs sent on lodavs" test trial— FUEioirr ! 5’K v. ii roil •. Gon ; iail to write;: ■ ; .-ec ;-rc buying, p.isiti* e ly vre -dfer the ‘com bargains. (’atalogue mailed fry.-. I bint! -omc Illustrated am Desyriptive Catalogue *f 4-S pairs mailed stamp. Every }hi aifuiiy warrants J UP. [LET. OR( IANS" < itir “Parlor Grand Jubilee Organ, ’ - ! yle:;>, is the -ml sueetest tont-t Peed organ eve? o’fere ! the musical pub.:.'. H contain- Five (• oaves,Five sets Reeds, four of of - G Octaves earn. One o: Three Gel ayes. Thirteen Stop-s uiti Grand Organ —Diatutson, Melodia. Viola. Flute, Dulcet. Echo, Media Forte,Celesiinin. Molina. Eiu?.e-Fort,, ( : Oman and Grand-Swell. Knee-stops.HHeight, 7 bi.: Width, 24 m.: Wei rh,\ > ixetl.'ieo Xho eas-.-*i, of solid wn nu . vimeeve; t dh choice wood .....: <., an entirely new and beaiui fnl : .r- _ ' ‘ V‘ , '• ' - raieed pai ■ - . . stands, fret work, elcgantfv finished. . • ; ■ . •- ■ . .. -in with gT\ r.i } lower, ovpi.i. i o .aucy .iiic >y n; pa t net it* ; fv * 'nr, Bviuitiiulso' io effeandp-vic ' - ii i _ • : s; ;> ::on.. ibymi - orire sjs>. *)u ivuouvmu: xet < v-.ii vu-> h. *? ; xt:, >-_ • :o, -b . rri'and oJo’x. mly ••• •. • n •’ : : ,' ‘ ,r hi price ► pavitira required ui .11 you iiavo rjir/ test- i.j- srga,*i m hutr own no: b*. y\‘e —ndab or ...i.*;-' to. i) ‘ 1 i -'i ant. j.y nt o •to wavs n Instriiment-is not *s retv rexrnird. rc ?: v•' U‘k\ ntko for o years*. Other style -—x h**.. organ -onlv >iA ) >: A St ;, h, s 'Overa2,K;) sojd. an*: every O Rn has given the fub ; cAi.-iact*o:i. iliusiiioe<i orcuJai va' fhee. lat torv and Warrcrothjis "7th-S:. and 10th Ave. SHEET MUSIC At one-third v.fietu < ’utalogae^of-8000 chgice nit - s-.,., :.r •. stmap, T-is i* ■; 1 ' • ,:*K e.:*irpt {• *c ,}y u- !•; v u.-bio. -■ hiidreah ; . | , 4 1, t*fi i ‘‘H ; i ir. ,( '*(_> .p Q Hi sJ.kji* 'U \\ Y*<k ( it” * * osborn & w.Qico ft, of rli* WOLCOTT COTTAGE Dfi \IKS "DesWs in FUR N I TIT RT 'll IH'lfi, - •> This pbair has stood th tvst :f* 30 y. ais and gives eutire sdtisiuc-? im. ‘ full line of furniture ‘' -v.-y-i on Land WU! ! *‘t‘|! vn hand ;i complete tuck vA i uggies, Cnrriai: i A A’ay u tiul prices as low u> <u ■ '0 \'' Special rates u O's, f r vaA,. T 1 ankful • , i rtiirr’.oiucra for juts: :v*. r y i hiTi •>;; solicit your p iTV't; ;e mure. II k'IIUMS, , c :11 ■! •„ |*; i - f* ■i, < • . GUEaT SACiUCfCE . IN MlLhiSEiiy I &1H HOW offering my put ire SRock C Millinery [\ At and Below Cost! lv Tiiitiminu SlpjuirSmoMt r in.iot be excelled in the S ate in any pal tienlir. -o .\ is ft) time to get e, Nice flat it I) mnet for u littlo jtcfiejr. Ahi, RIBBONS, ‘‘LOWERS, JFEATH Ell 3. ,vc. TERMS Sd HICTLY CA&H. MltS. A. LOWER. ‘?y Dill r , Griftir, Gi, NOTICE. All ptivtio itulehtoil to us a ret rt sp ulfully invited to come lor* ward and settle within d0 days- or they will find their account* in tlis hands of our Attorney, t f A. ATeWditkins iV: Son’s. ■-I" ; HOLMAN’S PADS CURE |S THE ONLY Mpbv TB<UE by Absorption.! |MMfJ Antidote. Traus Mark, Holman’s Ague* Liver and Stomach Pad— For MALARIA, AO UR LIVER and STOMACH TROU BLES. Price $2.00. Holman’s Special Pad—Adapted to oM chronic cases. Price $3.00. Holman’s Spleen Belt—For stubborn Cases of Enlarged Spleen and unyielding Liver and Stomach troubles. Price $5.00. Holman’s Infant’s ailments ot Infants and children. Price $1.50 Holman’s Renal Pad —For Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Price $2.00 Holman’s Uterine Pad— For Feinali troubles. Price $5.00. Holman’s Absorptive Medicinal Fodj Plaster —The best plaster made—■ porous on rubber basis. Price 25c, Holman’s Absorptive Medicinal Fool Plasters-'*Fornumbfoet and sing, giah circulation. Price per pair 250, Absorption Salt— Medicated Foot Baths-' For Colds, Obstructions ur . all cases where a foot hath is needed. Per half lb. package, 25c. For sale by all druggists—or sen t by mat’, postpaid, on receipt of price. The Absorptions Salt is not “mailable” and must be sent by Express at purchaser's expense. The success of Holman’s Pads has lit spired imitators who offer Pads sirnilßi* in *orm and odor to the true Holman’s, saying.. “They are the Bame, &o.” Beware or alt Bogus Pads, only gotten up to soil on the repu tation of the genuine. See that each Pad bears the green privvt* revenue stamp of the Holman Pari C<-' .y with, above Trade-Mark. If afflicted with chronic ailments send a i-.on else description of symptoms, which wid kk ceive prompt and careful attention. I)r Holman’s advice is free. Full treaties sent free ou application. Address, HOLMAN PAP CO., JP. O. Box 2,112) William Btreet, Blew V<>rfiL LIGHT-RUN^: Biff HOMB BTHI KEEPS THE LEAD! Because i'.. 1 the pSmpicM, most rell able, bej*t Mewing Mac hine ever in* von ted. It does it ? work (juickiv, cul*. otlyand well, an** always gives perfect nii*>rac(lcn. It is the result of 25 years of patient and practical experience by most skilled mechanics. 11 combines tbo pood rointso? all other machines, none of thtcli* defects. There are many Sewing Machined Of merit in the market, but neno aro sc Jjmplete and perfect in detail; acow possess the marked advantage* and (uperlor worvfe that have rendered :h New HoiiEgc famous -11 has won the confidence of all who hava 3een It, being novr beyond doubt the nior perfect Sewing Machine in tire market. AGENTS WANTED, Bead for Descriptive Circulars &c- JOHNSON, CLARK A Co* W Union Square, N. Y.