The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, April 21, 1881, Image 3

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r Middle Georgia Argus W. F. SMITH, - EDITOR. THURSDAY MORNING APR 21 mi- EARS for the MILLION ! l oo Cioo’3 Balaam of Shark's Oil Positively Bo stores the Hearing, and is the Only 'Absolute Cure for Deafness Known , This Oil is extracted from small spe cies of small White Shark, caught in the lieUow Sea, known as Carcarodon Rondeletn. Every Chinese fisherman knows it. Itovirtuies as a restorative Ot hearing were discovered bv a Budd hist Priest about lhe year 1410. Its cures were nuwerous and many so seemingly miraculous, that the remedv was official ]y proclaimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so universal that for over 300 years no Deafness has existed among the Chinese people. Sent charg es prepaid, to any address at $1 per bot- Only imported by IIAYLOCK <fc CO., -OLE AGENT; FOR AMERICA. 7 Bey Street, Now York N. Y. Its virtures aio unquestionable and its curative character absolute, as the writer can personally testify, both from •Apericnee Rnd observation. Among the many'readers of tlie Re view id one part aifd other of tlie conn uy, it is probabm tnat numbers.are afilic •-1 with clccfness, and to such it may he said; “Write at once to Havloek & . *o., 7 Dcp Street, New York, enclosing rJ, and you will receive by'return arem edv that will enable you to hear likd any body e lse, and whose cuyative effects will permanentT never regret doing sv —Editor of York Mer antile RView, Sept. 25, 18&0. Robinson Wagon. Go. Manufacturers ot WAGONS. Buggies Phaetons. Soml for clesigna yu<l prieca to ROBINSON WAGON CO., CINCINNATI.’ O'. THE HORSE & WAS mjf&Lb A MAV BOOK 0,1 the Horse. *r.~\ OEaSjft-- II is history. structure, uses met treatment. Also giving a tew of the tnos^ important and Mloctivc Itemedies for the cure of'the diseases of the horse. S•’ . M.: to every owner and lover of the horse. Publishv.i by the BC3Iit3OK T7AQOH CC., Cincin nati, 0., and scut, postage paid, to any address, on ,-cceipr of t:iki:i:u-cent stamts. fehVßv<L, ’V. H-ii!‘ 00M ' Three '’beets, 19.\2t, heavy plate p aper.' contain ing elevations, plans and details f< r tIA stove house; . ,so book of 20 pages, giving specifications, itemized i uinate and form of contract —invaluable'to every ..arpentcr or party proposing building, as a guide in i inking bids or drawing contracts. Uric jV.I.O'f. fent by, mail, postpaid, on receipt of h. e. walton, - J W. Ninth St., Cincinnati, O W. F- DOVQI#aSS N. P. & EX. J. P. Indian Spring, r * (?a All business intrusted to big %ra w:l* receive prompt Rtteniion and satisfaction given. Collection of claims olosely looked after and prompt returns made. Court day ß third Mondays in each ontl[. Improved Excelsior CURE YOUR BACK AC H And all diseases of the Kidney,Bladder anc Urinary Organs by wearing the IMPROVED EXCELSIOR KIDNY PAD It is a Marvel of Healing and lieliei SIMPLE, SENSIBLE, DIRECT, PAINLDSS, POWERFUL. It cubes where ail else tails. A rkv klation and revolution in Medi cine. Absorbtion or direct apphca>* tion, as opposed to unsatisfactory internal medioines. Send lor our treatise on Kidney troubles, sent free. Sold by Druggist, or sent by mail, on receipt ot price, $2 Address this is the ‘ONLY’ LUNG I’AD (X). Ongiual and WILLIAMS BLOCK, Genuine Kid. Detroit, aey Pad. Ask Mich for it and take no other. oct27-Gn> At wholesale in Atlanta, Ga., Lamar, *Uhkin & Lamar, * | N fJuieVfWlX/. n LU N 6 </& Cures by ABSORPTION (Nature’s away 2 A LUNG DISEASES, *ALL throat DISEASES, 7 BREATHING TROUBLES* It drives into the system curative agents and healing medicines. - It draws from the diseased parts the poisons that cause death. THOUSANS TESTIFY TO ITS VIRTUES. You Can be Believed and Cured Don't despair nntil you have tried thie Sensible,--Easily Applied and radically effectual Remedy: • Sold by Druggist, or sent by maii on re ceipt of Prick, $2,00,' by Scud fer testi-* THE “ONLY’* LUNG mouials and our PAD CO. book, "‘Three )VILMAMS BLO< K. Millions a year 1 ' • ' l , Midi, gant tree. . -• - ,f 4 oct27-(jin HOtBAITS PADS CURE £1 THE ONLY simply JML V /TOMALARiAI Antidote. Holman’s Ante. Liver and Stomach Pad—For MALARIA. ► AGUE, LIVER and STOMACH TROU _ . BLES. Price $2.00. - Holman’s Special Pad—Adapted to old chronic (foies/ Price $3.00. ‘ ® Holman’s Spleen Belt-For Btubbore • cases of Enlarged 'Spleen and Unyielding Liver ana 1 Stomach trouble*. <f Frice $5.00.' Holman’s Infant’s Pad—For ailments of '■ Infants and children. Price $1.50 Holman’s Renal Pad—For Kidney and ■ Bladder Complaints. Price $2.00. Holman’s Uterine 1 Pad —For Femala * ' • troubles. Price $5.00. Holman’s Absorptive Medicinal Bodj The best plaster made— porous on rubber basis. Price 25a Holman’s Absorptive Medicinal Fool Plasters—Fornmupfeetandslug. gish circulation. Price per pair 25c, Absorption Salt—Medicated Foot; Baths— ' For -Colds, 1 Obstructions and all cases where a foot bath it needed. Per half tb. package, 25e. For sale by all druggists—or sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of price. The Absorption Salt is not “ mailable ” and must be sent by Express at purchaser’s expense. The success of Holman’s Pads has !• spired imitators who offer Pads similar in form and odor to fhe>'TßtiE HoLMAira, saying, “They are the same, ‘Ad* * Beware of all Bogus Pads, only gotten up to sell on the repu tat ion of the genuine. 1 See that each Pad bears tlie green private revenue STAMP of the Holman Fad with above Trade-Mark. If atflicted with chronic ailments Bend a ton else description of sytfaptbms, which 1 will re ceive prompt and careful'attention. ' Dr. Holman’s advice is free. Full treatisf lent free on application. Address, „ HOLMAN PAD CO., IP. O. Box 2,112) 93 Willlfttn Street, tfew York. 1110$ ms PAY BOARD, TUITI d( 1,0N ’ BOOKS * STAT,ON - Jr IcSA EK* FOR >2 WEEKS AT THE /} J Toledo Business College. V if Cr pot College Journal containing / full particular*, hddtps?, XOI-KlO. OHIO. say where you saw this advertisement. HOLMES, BOOTH & HAYDENS MANUFACTURERS OF FINEST QUALITY Silver-Plated Spoons, Forks, Knives, etc. KIDNEY PAD 7 Wkendalus|%, KENDALL'S SPAVINj CURE. Themost successful remedy ever discov ered as it is certain in effects and does not blister. Read proof below. From Rev. P. TV. f; ranger, Presiding Elder of the St. Albans District. St. Alban ? Vt., Jan. 20 1880. Dr. J. Keadall & Cos„ Gents ; —ln re ply to your letter 'I will say that my ex perience with Kendall’f Spavin Cure’ lias been very satisfactory indeed. Three or fou years ago I procured a bottle of your agent, and with it, cured a horse of lame ness canacd by a spavin. Last season mv horse became very lame and I turned him out for a few weeks when he became bet ter, bvt, when I put him on the road ho grew worse, when I discovered that a ringbone was forming, I procured a bot tle of Kendall’s Spaviri Cure and with than a bottle cured him s’o that he is not laiue, neither can the branch be found. Respectfully yours, 1\ N. Grange®. Perseverance Will Tell- Stoughton, Mass., March lGth 1880. Dr, B. J Kendall & Cos„ Gents/—ln justice to you and myself, I think 1 ought to let yoa know chat I have re moved two boiie spavins with Kendall's Spavin Cube, One very large one, don’t know bo\tf long the spavin 'liad been there I have owned the horse eight months. It took me for menths to take' the large one off and two for the small one* I have used ten bottles. The hoTse is entirely well, not at all stiff and no bunch to be seen or ftilt. This 1 is a" wonderful medicine. It l's-a new thing here, but it it does for all what it has done for ufe its sale will be v evy great. Respectfully yours, Cuas. F. Parker. Kendall's Spavin Cure, ♦* f i \ m -1 Kelley’s Island, Erie Cos., Ohio, March 28ih, 1880, Dr. 13, J. Kendall & Cos, Gentsl nave used your Kendall’ Spiviu Cure on bone spavin and am pleased to report that it has ‘taken the erilargbmciit completely off. It took only one bottle to perform the cure. T 'am confident ir it is properly used it will do all you claim for it. Yours truly, C, M. Lincoln. Statement Made Under Oath. i’o Whom It May Concern.—ln the year 1875 1 trsated with Kendall’s Spavin Cure, a bone spavin of several months growth, nearly half as large as a hen's egg, ;.mi completely stopped the lameness and re moved the enlargedmeut, I hrve worked the horse every since very hard, and he never hfs been lame, nor could ever see any difference in the size of the hook joints since 1 treated him with Kendall’s Spavin Cure. R. A, Gains. Esosburgh Fails, V., Feb. 25th, 187'J. Sworn and 'subscribed to before me this 25th day of Feb. A. D. 1879. John G. Jkn.\e, Justice of the Peace. ■' i • Kendall’s Spavift Cure on llif inarrFlesli, Patten’s Mills, Washington Cos„ N. Y., February 21st, 1878. B. J. Kendall, M. 1)|, Dear Sir —The particular case on which 1 used yonr Spav in Cure was a malignant ankle spavin, of sixteen months’ stancliag. I had tried many things, but jn vain. Your Spavin Cure put the foot to thfe ground again, and fortiie first time -since hurt, in a nat ural position. For a 'family liniment it excels anythiug weeyerused: Youss fruly, Bky. P. M. Bell. Paster At. E. 'Church, Patten’s Mills, N. Y. Kendall’s Spavin Cure is in its ef fects, mild m its actiun as it does not blister, 3et it is pe. e r .iing and powerful to reach every deep -eated j aju oh to re move any giu\y:h or other enlarge ment, such a.< sp ieu:s. spljirs. curbs, cal lous, sprains, sc e.lilies and lnniene sand all enlaigements if the joints or Limbs, or rheumatism in man and' far apy purpose for which a imuneut is used far m.n ir beast ft is now kuowp to be tae ' e,.t liui- Qi' ut for man ever used, acting mild an . yet certain in its effects. Send address fop illustrated Circular which we think gives positive prool of its virtues. No remedy has ever met wet with such equaliffed success to uur knowl edge, for beast as well as man. Price sl, per bottl;, or ,0 bottles for $5. All Druggists have it or can get it for you or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. Dr B. Kendall & Cos.. Enosburgh Falls. Vt Lamar. Lankin & Lamar, agtutg. At lanta. Gu. julyloly GRAND DISPLAY —OF— JStAPE /IND pA^CY lteylif©#€to —AND GROCERIES Our stock is im mense, our Good of the best, quality, our prices are the lowest, and our Goods must and will be disposed of. Examine our stock. We warrant you the lowest prices in Jackson. A. Me. WATKINS & SONS novlO-ly Jftukion, Ga. SOUTHERN, ’BUSINESS COLLEGE LOVISILLE KY PRACTICAL ROOK KEEPING NO TEXT ROOKS Over 2*') years a Practical Accountant, endorsed by all the 1 Prominent merchants of Louisville. * on<.. Stamps for (Circulars ami specimens penmanship X- c. M LAVER, Principal 11. s. DeSOLLAR Secretary, TANARUS: T. JLIVDoCK J las the lamest aiuj most complete works for the manufacture of Carriages Its IHE \\ OKU). for the trade a specialty. CORNER PLUM ANI) TWELFTH STREETS, ‘ ./ •. I I i-s-'-gi- tJffs '-.7- . ' - F 1- ‘ C~: N • •? , f p ..s.C’f'i'! •O Y; ■m Hi;' *-.' ' . ■:. ' : -r- ? ' V •Itiitk a * jv-gjf 1 ,•.•.•.*.■ mwi g*?J ~ J): ••/; < •’ :\ / • i -“ Os ir*s**z- £sfc*; • * j£* ; • —” V C'JiO .4 • ;•*•’ . ;..,V 'it- -:,fc / / ei':,;,. r, R\ O■ i; Cl C .C'T7<f \ ’/... The Eclipse Leads the World For Reliable Excellence. TIIO CAMI : General Agent. Covington, Ga. Also Dealer in Saw Mills, Separators? Cotton Ghiiis. Htc Satisfaction fully Guarantee ] in every Transaction. sprii2l-ly E S TABU SHED 18 4-1 FOR S Y THf Sjg a Scales of any kind sent by express or freight-, < . p. D., with privilege of examination. Write for prices and save money. Address, FORSYTH SCALE CO., Chicago. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO’ Will make, for the next <R) (lavs only, a Grand Otter of PIANOS ANI) ORGANS. $845 Square Grand Piano for only $245. STYLE 3 Magnificent rosewood ease elegantly finished, 7 I-3 Octaves full patent can* tante agrafis, our new patent overstrung scale, heantk'ul carved fi-irs and lyre heav y serpentine and large fancy moulding round case, full 1 rop Frame, French Grand Action, Grand Hammers, in fact every improvement which can in any tend to the perfection ol the instrument has been added. £gr<)ur price for this instument boxed and delivered on board cars tit New York, with fine Piano Cover, Stool and Book, oiily $2-15,00. This Piano will be sent on test trial. Please send reference if you do not send money with order. Cash sent with order will be refunded and i'rieght charges paid by us both ways if Piano is not just as represented in this Advertisement. 44,000 in use. Send for catalogue. Every instrument fully Warranted for five years. PIANOS $lO5 To S4OO (with Stool, Cover and Book). All strictly First-class and sold at wholesale factory prices, These Pianos made of the finest displays at the Cen tenial Exhibition, and were unanimously recommended for the Highest Honors. The Squares contain our New Patent Seale, the greatest improvement in the histo ry G f piano making. The Uprights are the finest in America. Positively we make the finest Pianos, of the richest tone and greatest durability. The are reeeoramen ded by the highest musical authorities in the country. Over 14,000 in use, and not one disatistied purchaser. All Pianos and Organs sent on 15 days’test trial — freight free if unsatisf.vctoky. Don’t fail to write us before buying. Positive ly we offer the best bargains. Catalogue mailed free. Handsome Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of 48 pages mailed sc. stamp. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 years. JUBILEE ORGANS Our “Parlor Grand Jubilee Organ,” style 55, is the finest and sweetest toned Reed onran ever offered the musical public. It contains Five Octaves,Five sets of Reeds, four of of 20 Octaves each, One of Three Octaves. Thirteen Stops with Grand Organ —Diapason, Melodia. Viola, Flute, Celeste, Dulcet, Echo, Media- Forte Celestinia, Yiolina, Flute-Forto, Tremolo, Grand Organ and Grand-Swell, Knee-Stops. Height, 74 in.; Width, 24 in.; Weight, boxed, 360 lbs. The ease is of solid walnut, veneered with choice woods, and in'of an entirely new and beauti ful desigu, elaborately carved, with raised panels, music closet, lamp stands, fret work. Kc., all elegantly finished. Possessed all the latest and best improvements, with yreat power, depth, brilliancy and sympathetic quality of tone. Beautiful so lo effects anil perfects and perfect stop action. Regular retail price $285. Our wholesale net cash price to have it INTRODUCED, with stood and book, only *97 organ sold sells others. Positively no deviation in price. Nopaymen, required until you have fully tested the organ in your own home. We send all or ir-alls ou 15 days test trail and pay freight both ways if Instrument is not as rept resented* Fully warranted for 5 years. Other styles —8 stop organ only $65 M stops, SBS; 14 stops, slls. Over 32,000 sold, and’everv Organ has given the fill ip satisfaction. Illustrated circular mailed free . Factory and Warrerooms 57tli St. and 10tli Ave. I SHEET MUSIC Vt one-third price. Catalogue of 3000 choice pieces sent for 3. stamp. This | Catalogue mhliulcs mo*d of the popular music of the day and every variety of mu Yd coiupoDnion, by the best authors. Address, I MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO.. P. O. BOX 2058, New York City TWENTY DOLLARS The PENNSYLVANIA Style Singer Machine is the best SINGER EVER MADE. Drop Leaf, two large drawers, fancy cover, with castors on stand, winds the bobbins without 1 running the Machine, for 520.00. J Remember we send the Machine to be examined before paying J anything upon it. Every Ma- A chine fully warranted for five ~ years. ADDRESS, WILLETS & CO., 144 N, Seventh St., Philadelphia, Pa, " LEGAL NOTICES. IN CHAMBERS. To the Ci.erk of the Superior Court of Butts County : You are hereby informed that I will not hold the regular March Term oi. Butts Superior Court commencing next Monday on accent of sickness in my family.* You will therefore adjourn thb Court to the third Monday in .luno next to* wit : 20th day of Juno i SSI to be con vened on that day at 10 o’clock A. M. By order of the Hon.Jno. D. Stewart Judsre of said Court. L. D. Watson, ~ Clerk B. C, cgiFTnri'Fi'Mf' 11 w——w——wpgpyaaßsy APLLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. g - State of Georgia, County of Butts. j Whereas. Henry IT. Higgins, ad minis trator of David Higgins, represents to the court in his petition, duly tiled and onto* retl on record, that he has fully adminis tered David Higgiivs estate :*. r ,/This is; therefore, to cite all persons concerned heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should’ not be discharged from his administra* tion, and receive letters of di mission, on' the tlrst Monday in June 1 SSI.-Tin.* March the Gt PM. .T vs. E. Caumicitai:!.. 3m * Ordinary. B, (J„ APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC ROAD The Commissioners appointed having reported to making the road bogining at. a point on the Griffin ami Flat Shoal road bear l>. M. Bell’s resi dunce in the county of .Butts running South and intersecting the High-Fall and Griffin road, near W- P. Spruce'' dwelling, in Monroe County, Ga. 1 tvift on the Ist Monday in May 1 Sts 1, grant and order establishing said road, if m good cause is shown to the contrary. J mar.2l;’Bl-td J. F. Cau>ii< iiaki., < )rdinary B. C. Balcksmithing done to order, I have employed a first class smirk am am prepare*! to do work promptlv, :YI~ kind of black-smith work solicited tor cash or on account due October loth. sho> at Iron Spring. '• • A tt Thos. Gibs, —_ - rrr ■ 1,1 :tt RYE <fc BECKHAM, —DEALERS in — HARDWARE! IRON AND STEEL, Table and Racket Cutlery, Stove?: Tinware and Hon s e fii r nishing Goods, Crockery, Glassware, Wood and Willow-ware, Hayuess, S add ley and Leather, Gnus, Revolvers, Rovy der, Shot, Caps and Cartridges Farming Implements and Rlanta tion Hardware, of all kinds at B,ot : tom Prices, Lamps all grades, the un rivaled “Farmer Girl'’ cooking stove. Also Agents for the ceje brated Averv plows Sc Wagons, <•'.l Ponder & Hams old stand. Forsyth Ga. Floreston Cologne^ A New, Delightful and Fashionable Per fume. Exceedingly Fragrant, Last!mr & Refreshing. Sold bydrnggists and fancy goods dealers. Hiscoxde Cos., Chemists, N. Y. W AA i M: I M [ Ginger, Buchu, Mandrake, Stilling.'a aiidg .many other of the best medicines known are ccm-> ■Lined so skillfully in Parker’s Ginger Tonic asi, ’to make it the greatest Blood Purifier and the J ■ Best Health and Strength Restorer ever used. | [ It ures Dyspepsia, Rheumatism. Neuralgia, 4 ■Sleeplessness, and all diseases of the Stomach,* 'Bowels, Lunas, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs? land all Female Complaints. > If you are wasting away with Consumption or3 ■any disease, use the Tonic to-day. No matter what? |your symptoms may be, it will surely help you. 1 Remember! This Tonic cures drunkenness,! is the Best Family Medicine ever made, entirely* [different from Fitters, Ginger Preparations and J [other Tonics, and combines the best curative prop-j •ertiesof all. Buy a 50c. bottle of your druggist 3 ’None genuine without our signature on outside? [wrapper. Hi'.con &Cl fD’Y *''■ liiil) (Aw'?* i 4 “PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM EgasSSSK' r :'.u NEW HOME STILL KEEPS THE LEAD 1 Because it is the ftlmplent, most rclL able, and best Sewing 1 Machine ever in vented. It docs its work quickly, qui etly and well, and aiwaysgives perfect satisfaction. It is the result of 25 years of patient labor* and practical experience by most skilled mechanics. It combines the good pointsof all other machines, ititl* none of tiicir and efecta. TANARUS: ere arc many Sewing Machine^ Of merit in the market, but r;ono cro &c, fjmptcte anrl perfect ii* ilttcil j non*t possess the marked adrenfngcs and superior worth that have rendered th*. New Home so famous. It has won the confidence of all wlio huve seen it, being now beyond doubt thv moot, perfect Sewing Machine in the market. AQENJS WANTED. Scad for Descriptive Circulars Ac JOHNSON, CLARK & CO* 30 Union Square, N. V. CBirago, Ilia., or branic. Massi ■ .1 ■'■■■■■ ■ ■ * ~ Ml ■ Rights Adjust'd All business intruate 1 to my euro will receive immediate attention Collections a specialty. Office ai Gibson’s store,lndian Spring,Ga. jupc3 l -ii J. P. Neal, J.l\ GUANO! GUANO!! We have on hand and will keep a good Stock of the best, Brands of GUANOS A: ACIDS. All of which we will sell on the best of terms. COTTON AT 15 CENTS, You will do well to give us a call before buying. L. HOLMS <fe S. J. HALE. febl-1881 MiinerGa