The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, June 23, 1881, Image 3

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Middle Georgia Argus ■V. F. SMITH, _ EDITOii 1 HUIiSDAY MORNIKq JUKKat 1881 ..NEW MILLINERY GOODS. Miss E. Finley of Jackson, nae .iow on hand, and to afrivtj A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF MIL LINERY GOODS ■ of tho latest styles. She has been Jn the business long enough to un derstand the wants Of the trade, and has prepared, to meet them, no one SlioUld pulfchase anything in the lirie bt MILHNERY GOODS before looking through her KfiW GOODHJ she lißfe lor sale MRS. L. L. JACKIN’S “pRKSM tIDIDES and makes them a sieoialty. Be sure to examine her goods and price Iheitf before purchasing else where. Rev. W. C. Felts writes : “I certify that ‘Gipsy Secret' is all that is claimed for it. I have used it on my horse, and its affects have far surpassed my sanquine hftpes. Stock liolders that know the merits of “G. S.” cannot af jford to do without it. A trial will convince the most inedulousd Big Ills Adjusted! All business intrusted to my care will receive immediate attention •Collections a specialty. Office at Gibson’s store,lndian {Spring,Ga. juDe3l-tf J. P. Neal, J.P. K I have nover, in my life, sold any medicine, for any purpose, which /ms given niore universally com plete satisfaction than has ‘Gipsy secret/ and I have been in the drug business more than 20 years. GEO. B. Broadfoot' W. V.'-DOUGLASS N. P. & -EX. J. P., Indian.Spring,Ca *_ All business insisted to his car*' wil'• receive prompt attention and satisfaction given. • Collection of claims closely looked after and prompt returns made. Court days third Mondays in.each month. I had been humbugged o often. 1 w’as loath to try “Gipsy Seeret,” but I'have most agreeably disappointed.. “G. S.” eUi’ed my herse of severe colic, and l run more than pleased with it. \V. G. Croder. For bargains, ui sash, doors blinds, and all kinds of builder’s supply address B. H. Broomhead ifc.iJo.j successors t-o Longly & Bob- tliey will,- by prompt attention tobusiness and fair dehl ing merit tlife >. patronage ,of the public. Sec. their ad in another column. „ The Epezootic left my horse \v}th a bad cough and I feared t wohld ; lose him; buty .thanks to ‘*G. S. M he is alright again. It is tlie best med icine I havs used., . T - B. ganders. Dr. JfcT. Enis hastried ‘‘jGipsySecret’' and gives jit hft unqualified endorsement. Butler one of the best known horsemen in Georgia Ten nessee and Kentucky, gives “Gip sy Secret” his unequalified endorse v.ment, after a thorough test, and rbccommelids it heartily to all stock men. ‘•Gipsy Secret” is not merely to im prove tire general condition of stock, re storing thefijmetions of kidneys, stom ach, etc., to healthy action, Which i invariablf dees, but in acute of disease, af Grubbs, Colic, Gravel, &c., it is unsurpassed. W. G. Krnbo. pf Newman, eavk: “My horse was violently attacked with Grubbs, and I’ felt sure I wpuld lose him, but a half bottle of ‘Gipsy. Se cret’ completely cured him in a , few hours.” Wholesale and Retail by m. Reeves & G.$. BUILDERS’ SUPPLY HOUSE fS. H. BROOMHEAD & QO., Successors to LONGLEY & BOBIN:sON, : flics audWfireioom, 26 DECATUR Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. OORS, SASH, \ BLINDS, . MOULDINGS, BRACK’ET 9 , STAIR RAILS, NEWELS, SCROLLS, - BALUSTERS, BUILDERS’ HARDWA RE, NAILS, MIXED PAINT, “DEE WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, Colors oi' -ali Kiuus, Dry aaJ in Oil GLASS, PUTTY, GLAZIERS’ POINTS, KAL SOMININE, PAPER BORDERS f \NH CENTERS. ~ . .. & * SHERIFF SALE. }\ il. be sold before the Court house door in the town of Jackson Butts countv Ga. between the usual hours of Sheriff Sales on the first Tuesday in July 1881 the following property to-wit: One Ten Horse Pour Eclipse Engine on sills. Levied unon as theproperty of Wiley W. Thaxton by vhtue of one mortgage fi-fa issued in favor of ]• rick & Companv against Wijey W. Thaxton property pointed oilt by I’laintiffs attornevs. This May 18th 1881.-Kl. J. 0. Beauchamp, Sheriff B. r .C. [SHERIFF SALE. M ill he boM !?eforo the Court House door in the town Of Jackson Butts Cos., Ga. on the first Tuesday in July next between the legal hours of sale the following described property to-wit: 20 Imitation walnut Kg. 2 becl-stids, 20 Im itation walnut whsh-stands with wal nut tons, 20 cotton t o p mattresses. 20 2 bv 3 feet Imitation tables with walnut Tops. Levied upon by virtue of one attachment fi-fa rssued from the Justice Court or the 612th Dist. G. M. and made returnable to the September Term of the Superior court of said county 1881, in favor of the Dickerson, M’F’G. Cos. vs. B. W. Collier agent> property pointed out by plaintiff Attor ney. JXs. O. Beauchamp. may26*tu Sheriff B. C. jo; f99s I rin X) ••SjK i do,I ptr oocq<n 'ttmjdo jo con ‘c>tr-ja joi g ip im xnj<>q g , -q -j 225!25SSSawSSS XtSySSSS. ■owi pa. imr* aiioo son secern *►* )• Ptyfr* <QWI -o oc > Ar * P** Pa*Pl .Pli®Air,, |m Ivyvtc -jfiraip'poMiup <*ftAouisiutwwioH*aomaCT*y JW wno *”•< wwnao, ntkoovi f • wovißUi, JO riunw, !rao< Swm ojT| |qtmrAsri“-'vn jOLtintrruiWj, i.fftioo BtixomXoxduia oeoqM t[v oj, ,at *9l rw • • p* • •*> l**i Wvo *uoi x W pod u M dq| Kjftui ipj jo 9orM^4oATißA^ pw-uiTfer JA*ttpipxtma FK*)Manj M . ,| AGENTS WAHTfcD-g7S to 11*0 P*r JWontn, HOME Fun. of PRACTICAL ATtOjf, TAt Yeurd filfilHC Ti Mce-kref:‘r , fi FRIENB. "AKI of prae-toil w.Hi>•/*rUnr-ldom.if evar 1., W'.lV* !. v4| 0\ It. .{..4 i'-iO t.’ivCUtc Id T r U; C *X \'\ vtr CitT t or,!, p y Mich *-,! Piw ■III ULM *.( *:ft fa> * )<i UHtf <±nd Uln . P .j i r, <’J. f !•*'Vtil t! Piw.linr ~-tplon tv { USu / r * r. ■/ • ••? : . *di i'Ci , I. . : <’ H.< V .V , rFiUadtlMhU, Fi. ***• * mmi ut bcuitv t-ta, wsaA# by th* ctr% ,rt your mqM i; gr n JO* toillMc orw fair wuiaigM work *o rmtof brain n*rr iukl waato, om „ Y&V from •rrlivcuarthtlnn or mjtlpaHoj*, t/ you art tuwrtrd or Nutf*. old or from poor hotUh or llr.f "lfh- m Inr oaabod of alcknrm, rrljon* ■. Wineraryonn , wtwirar yon arr.wbriwreryon feel lAalronrjn*KamMd rlaaiulnctoßtßf (r __ tUrnUrfuff, wnhoot <*t*m+a}ta4,t&e ■ Bar# youdtriptm**, SJmj or mrtmory •omplaint, di lU*r,Qt—rmrt • Will ho owed If yon nan !v\oy II mow MTt fJmrUtk. II kti mth kWrtA, Rif CMfk Cirl ill iwmlml, MliitMl teat iiktUUm. Tki H>r tu It* twyA. Llrw aid NMrtar iUvl Owwiy Wer>ttca. Illiyafitt. liHanWi. |i I. C. fa n mi irniMaFU omrt (m Iralw, m. W MH| •ran, Mmm *r wrote. mmmm XterTnMAy drtyfa*fcKp BlMm M%., C*., S. T IMPROVED CABOOfI Sows Grain , dross Seed, Bempy Bice, Everything, No tum> can do it so well by hand. ’ r "j It does the work of 5 then. It has stood the test of years. Re ceived First Premium Btate Fairs ia 2 years; Good, Reliable Machine, warranted to do all that ia claimed for it. I Price only s6^)o. Send stamp for descriptive circular, J. Wild as & Cos. Agents, t Cincinnati, Ohio* W. K. Spboulb, Agents, Indianapolis, lnd. GOODELL COMPANY, ANTRIM, N, EL,; , t \ , Solo Manufacturer*. 7 Fl{ENDAuslli KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Themost successful remedy ever discov ered as it is certain in effects and does not blister. Read proof below. From Rev. P. Hf. Granger, Presiding Elder of the St Albans District. St. Yt., Jan, 20 1880. Dr. B. J. Keadall & Cos., Gents j—ln re* ply to your letter I will say that my ex perience with Kendall’s Spavin has been very satisfactory indeed. Three or four years ago I procured a bottle of your agent, and with it, cllred a horse of lame ness cansed by a spavin. Last season my horse became very lame and t turned him out for a few weeks when he became bet* ter, bvt when I put him on the road he grew worse, when J discovered that a ringbone was forming, I procured a bot tle of Kendall’s Spavin Cur'e and with than a bottle cured him so tha't !he is not lame, neither can the brauch be found. Respectfully yours, P. N. Granger. Perseverance Will Tell. Stoughton, Mass., March 16th 1880. Dr. B. 3 Kendall & Cos„ Gents; —In- justice to you and myself, I think 1 ought to let yoa know that I have re moved two b‘6ne spavins with Kendall's Spavin Cure, one very large one, dou*t know how long the spavin had been there I have owned the horse eight months. It took me for menths to take the large one off and two for the small one. I have used en bottles, .tfhe horbe is entirely well, not at all stiff and no buboh "to be seen Jr fdlt, Tliis is a wonderful medicine. It is anew thing here, but if it does for all what it has done fob me its sale will! be v evy great. Respectfully yours, Ciia*3. F, Parker. KemliiH’s Spavin cure, Kelley’s Island. Erie Cos., March 28th, 1880, Dr. B; J. Kendall & Cos , Gents;—! have used your/Kendall Spaviu Cure on n bone spavin and am pleased to report that; it has taken the enlargement completely, off. It took only ohe bottle to perform the cure. I am confident ir it is properly usod it will do all you claim for it. Yours truly, C. M. Lincoln. | Statement IVlinle Uiifler Oatli. 1 ToWhom It May Concern.—lu the year 1 ■ i •"> I trsafed v\,ith Kendall’. Spavin Cure, a bone spavin .'noutlis growth, nearly hull' large as a hen’s ( u.d completely stopped .h- lameness and re- ,: moved the enl:. •go ho ;u: 7 jtu ve vorkedt' the horse tv <y .io .■■■> ,-i y bard and be never Inr been lame. nor. eon: ! ever see toy diffei- uce u. .of the hosk joints sjme I !. mod him with Keudall’s opaviu Cure. : A,t a|ns. Lsosburgh Fails, V ~ Feb. 25tii, 1379. Sworn and subscribed tp before me this 25th day of Feb.’A. D. 1879. John ,G. Jknne, Justice of the Peace. •' \ KcmlallN S|:vi\ Cine on Hu*- man Flesli. Patten’s Mills, Washington Cos N. Y., February 2lst, 1878. B. J. Kendall, M. 1>„ Dear Sir—The particular case on which I used yonr Spav in Cure was a malignant anklg spavin, of sixteen months’ standiog. , I had tried many things, but in Vain. Your Spavin (Jure put the foot to the ground agtin,> and for the first time since hurt, in a nat ural position. For a family liniment it excels,anything we ever used; ■*. Yowss truly, Bkv. P. 11, Bell. Paster M. E. Church, Patten’s Mills, N. Y. Kendall’s Spaviu Cure is-sure im its ef fects, mild in its action as it does not. blister, yet it is penei rating and powerful to reach'every deep seated pain or* to re move any bony growth or other enlarge ment,- such as epaeios, splintspcurbs, caii lous, spraiufe,- swellings and lameness and all enlargements of the joinls sr limbs, or rheumatism in untn qucF for- any purpose for w'bloh a IftaimeutTs used for man or beast It is nowituown to he tire- • e.t lini m fit for mani eYer used, aoting mild an yet frertnin in its effect!a; Send address ’for iUustrat‘.d Circular which we thinkgivva positive proof of ils virtues, -No remedy lias ever met wet with' such equalised success to our knowl edge, for beatjt as well as man; ‘ <, per bottl ,orJG bottles for 1 $5. All Druggists, have it or can get it for you or it will be seut to any address on receipt of pVioe by the proprietors. Dr. B. Kendall & Cos;. Enbsbitrgh- Falls. Vt Lamar. Ivankin & Lamar. ’ ngems. At lanta. Ga. “ ' jniylttly • GRAND DISPLAY —OF— * ' \ l JStape AND —AND— GROCERIES V '* * Oar slock is im mense;, ourtGood of the best "quality, our prices are the lowest: and our. Goods must and will he dis osed of. Examine oui stock. <W. warrant you the tewest prices in A, Me. WATMNS& S.ONS novlO-iy Jackioa, Q% % , SOUTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE ~ - Lmisville, Ky„ PRACTICAL ' . BOOK KEEPING NO TEXT BOOKS Over 25 years a Practical Accountant, endorsed by all the Prominent m ercliants of Ivouisville. Send Stamps for Circulars ’ and specimens penmanship. _ WEAVER, Principal IL S. DeSOLLAR Secretary ' S^m T. T. HaYDOCK Tins-the largest and most Complete tvofks for thfe tnanufactuH of Cafriif’o4 •LS THE AVORLD. for the trade a specialty. CORNER PLUM AND TWELFTH STREETS, * CINCINNATI,O, fte P’or Ueliiabl Excellence. . T HOS CAiVIF General Agenl, Covington, Ga-. J. C. MerkUthLocal Ag’t. Butts Cos. too Dealer in Saw Mills, Separators, Cotton. Q-ius. Etc •Satisfaction fully Guarantee ! in overy Transaction. spri}2l-ly E %TABUtSHED m#/ :£r j FORS‘M^ft:;S§^: SCALES H 422332*2223^ Scales of rffiV kind sent by express or freight, .C.l O. P., Stim' ttmiUpge of examination. Wmc for I priccaawdattemoTiey. *•' ’I Address, FORSYTH SCAkE CO., Chicago I , ■——— m Tmnm:mm.s piam) c.p: -—^ Will make, for the next (iO-ilayS only, a Grand Offer of ftANO# AND ORGANS. Square Grand Piano for onlv ri2 I-"i . . 1 -'‘STYLE 3 Magnificent rosewood .cash elegantly finished, 7 i-3 Octaves’ full, pateht can-: tante a grafts, our new patent ’overstrung scale, beantifnl carved legs and lvrbheav y serpentine and large fancy moulding round case, full Iron Frame,; French Grand Action, Grand Hammers, in fact every improvement which can in hnv tehd to the pertectibn df the instrument has been added, ' ..... pri'ce ? for this infetument boxed and delivered on board chrs at New •York; with fine Piano Cover, Stool and Book, only $245,00, ... ’ Tfiis Piano will be tent orrtest trial. Please send reference if you do not send money’ Vith order. Cash sent with order will be refunded and frieght charge* paid by us both ways it Piano '-4s> not just as represented in this Advertisement 14,000 in use, Send for catalogue. .Every instrument fully Warranted for five years, : , PIANOS ■*' ■. .. , • sl6s To S4OO (w ith StoblpCoVer and Book). Aft strict)v+Firat-class and sold at whbleale factory prices, * These Pifenos made ‘of the'fines*(*.<ii*plays at the Ceri tenial Exhibition, and Were.unanimously recommended for the jfrrniKsT Honors. The Squares contain our New Patent Seale, the greatest improvement jn tlie histo ry of Piano making. The Uprights are the finest in America. Positively w e make the finest Pianos, of the richest tbne and greatest durability. The are reccommen ded by the highest musical not one disatisfied pnrehaser. All Pianos and Organs sent on 15 days' test trial— freight free if unsatisfactory. Don’t fail-to write us before buying. Positive lv we ofler the best bargains. 4 - Catalogue mailed free-. ' Handsome* illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of 48 pages mailed 3p... stamp. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 years. . JUBILEE ORGANS Our “Parlor Grand Jubllee'Organ,” style 35, is tlic finest and'sweetest toned Reed'organ ever offered the musical public. It contains Fite Octaves,Five sets of Reeds, four of of 2U Octaves each, One of Three Octaves. ThiHeen Stops ' with Grand Organ—Diapason, Melbdia. Viola, Flute, Celeste, Dulcet, Echo, Media- Forte, Celestima, Violina, Flute-Forte, Tremolo,.Grand.Organ and .Grand-Swell Knee-Stops. Height, 74 in.; Width, 24 in.; Weight, brtfcd/.W) lbs. -The case is of solid w alnut, veneered with choice woods, and is of an -entirely new am! .beafeti fill design, elaborately carved. with raised panels, ir4i4iecloset,lamp stands;.fret work AC., all elegantly finislied. Possessed all the latest and best improvements with gveat power, dentil. bviiUaney and sympathetic quality ofazme. io effects andperte is :md peri, t s* Hcirufiit? ’retnil priee $285. Qur wholesaie skt c\ssi ran Kt* have it in-I: mfc+n, with -ytoed and book, -only s97r-9 8 f,u *' ' Vgan yt-ild >ei - '.icrs im4yti ••deviation in price. No |eymep, r©qjjttv:*4 until you haveiußy Utstvd thi- organ iv- ynt ..wn home. We seird all or gans on 1-5 diys TEjft ruAii tnd pay freight hih way- if Instrument is not as rent rfcse&t l^. Jb w,Aßß_vs’riin Lr 5 year.-,. Other styles—B stop organ only si>s 9 Stop?! h H stems. $415. Over 32,000 sold, and ca cry Organ has giwn the ful lest satisfaction. Illustrated circular ataiued free. Factory and Warrerooma }7th St. fcjid 10th Ave< * SHEET MUSIC? „ At one-thh-d pri?e. Catalogue of 3000 choice pieces sent fqr o. stamp. Tips Catalogue ibjtludesjpqst of t!\e music of the day and every variety of mu sical composition, % the best Authors. ’Address, ;v) >h . < MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO.. P. 0. BOX 2058, New York City TWENTY DOLLARS The PENNSYLVANIA Style Singer Machine is the best BINGEft ... EVER MADE. Drop Leaf, two large drawers, MB|pfe£j*a fancy cover, with castors on stand, winds the bobbins without winning the Machine, for Jao.oo. , Remember we sendthe Machine ' .' tQ be, examined before paying .. wl miything upon ib , £very M. wgßajßßggQ chine fully warranted for five year*. ADDRESS, WILLEtS & CO., 144 N. Seventh St., ' ■•Vladelphla, Pa. Floreston Cologne.' A and Fashionable Fr rfnnic. j ■iu*" 1 5!l .***irr*nt,Ltl* * Uefreahing. ! bold ud fancy jo-xli d]ra. B|cox Sc Cos., ChemiiU) N. Y, : Ginger, Kucha, Mandrake, Stmiegf* ar .many other ©f the best medicines known are coin-' lined so skillfully in Pakmkr's Gingkk ToNIC-fts to mak It the greatest Bleod Puritan and thft < Best Health and Strength Restorer Tr vrtd.l ] Itcuree Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia,' Sleeplessness, and all diseases of the Stoma eh,. &r.'iMiSsi£ST > Uri " r,ors “ , i i ■ If you are wasting away with Consumption or, any disease, use the Tonic to-day- No nutter what' your symptoms may be, it will Surely help you. Remember! This Tonic cures drunkenness,] ■is the Best Family Medicine ever made. entirely. | [different from Bitters, Ginger Preparations and' .other Tonics, and combines the best curative prop-' •ertiesofalL Buy a 50c. bottle of your druggist.] 1 [None genuine without our signature on outside' ] PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM SEEKS Messrs. Reeves <fc Cos., I take* pleasure in recommending “G. S. ns the best medicine known for stock. It acts like a charm, and its effects ni'c readily seen. It does all that; is claimed for it, Farmers will be convinced, by try-- ing it, that it is just the thing the it-' stock needs. Yours truly, AY. P. nempbill. Robinson Wagon Co,- Mariufkettfiters §f SPRING WAGONS. Buggies 4c Phaetons. Bend for designs .rid prices to ROBINSON WAGON CO., CINCINNATI, O. THE HOUSE A WAdOHi A iIEW BOOK or,e * ®* * ll -**—--s^— ■“ Ilis history, structure, usei ririd treatment. Also giving a. lew of the most ! ’ Important and Effective ttomedies for the cure of the diseases cf the horse. Fff" ValuAblf t<S cverj’ owher and lover *f the horse. published hy the BMUtSOIt WAOQH C 0„ Clads- OBtl, o.’, arid Sent, postage paid, td any address, oil receipt of TitßKjt&cpjtT stamps, Three sheets, 10x34, heavtf plat< paper, contaiu . Ing elevations, plaps and details f<rthe i.l*ovhouse; also Book pf giving itemired estimate and form cf fcohtractT-iiav.luable to every carpenter or party proposing buulding, as a guide in making bids er drawing contracts. , Price $2,00. Sent by mill, postpfi<*. oft VecMptoT nrire. , H. E. WALTON, W. Ninth St. Cincinnati, C PYE & BECKHAM, : IN — HARDWARE! IRON AND STEEL Table and Packet Cutlery r Stoves Tiuware and HousefurnisHfne Goods, Crockery, Glassware, Wooo and Willow-ware, Harness, Saddled and Leather, Guns, Revolvers, Pow der, Shot, Caps aud. Cartridges, Farming ImplcpTents and Planta tion Hardware, of all kinds at Bot tom Prices, Lamps all grades, tlifc un rivaled “Farmer Girl” cooking stove. Also Agents for the cele brated Avery plows & Wagons, ift Ponder & Hams old stand. Forsyth Ga^ K.SWillMlli: STiLLKHHBTHUyfc! Reams'; it tj-.f alrtt “!<■<<, iAox > h'.V. able, ftcd !at ‘v\ !;;>chin> <r‘ j v nted. Itd'Krs jinV-ork V* , oni. ®tly and well, aixl a,iw7ty*,. *V . v satierctioß, • n , r __ It Is the roinH of, zw. jO . Lbyr und.’pf&ctidjU by iuoA meelwiio#. U roT:;’j : nr:i th~ ; ot' yointsof all other maefluj.■s, Vllt x, r< f There iico many Son luc Machine* Of rawit iu tho market, but uooo nro ic bapleta and perfect iu UUI1 1 nolle possess tho marked advantage* an.' . ni>arjar w*r|J* that Uavq rcudored tfce New Hox J so fynous- It has won JlAeCr'onfldemt'of a)] who have eoea it, Ijqing hkybeyoud doubt Ike mot, perfect Sewing Mtidbinc in tho market AOEN*fs Wanted. Bead for D&rrjptiw Circulars Ac JOHNSON, CLARK k Cit riO ptoion ftqvtare, N. T. Cblragw IJIb,, or Orange. Mass n' -> /•' l . - > * ... 'THE BEST IN THE WORLD. I have, secured the Agency £ ot Butts fcounty, tor the sale Eciatse Engine acknowledged the best ever made, ECLIPSE HePAh>D>KS AND GljwS all standard Gins including feeders and condensers COTTON PRESSES AND SAW • IVIILLS. and will duplicate any broken pice of piping of vidvS, can furnish broken part about an engine, all kind of . * S CASTING AND BELTING. All who wish to purchase can spi v time and trouble by consulting me J.C. Merideth, Indian Spring, Ga