The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, August 04, 1881, Image 3

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Middle Georgia Argus W. F. SMITH, - EDITOR Thursday morning a ug. 4, \m ' new MILLINERY GOODS. Miss E. Finley of Jackson, xus now on hand, and to arrive, A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF MIL LINERY GOODS, of the latest styles. Bhe has been In the business long tnourh to un derstand the. wants 0/ the trade, and has prepared to meet them, no one should purchase anything ih the line of MILLINERY GOODS before looking through her NEW GOODS she has for sale teas. l. l. jackbon’s “dress GUIDES and makes them a specialty- Be sure to examine her goods and price them before purchasing else where. Rev. W. C. Felts writes: “I certify that ‘Gipsy Secret’ is all that is claimed for it, I have used it on my horse, and its affects have far surpassed my sanquinc hopes. Stock holders that know the merits of “G, 8.” cannot af ford t'o do without it. A trial will convince the most inedulous.’ Rights Adjusted] All business intrusted to my care will receive immediate attention Collections a specialty. Office at Gibson’s store,lndian Spring,Ga. juneiil-ti J. P. Neal, J.P. *V< 1 u * Jk#* X have never, in my life, sold any medicine, for any purpose, which lias given more universally com plete satisfaction than has ‘Gipsy Secret,’ and I have been in the drug business moro than 20 years. GEO. B. Broadfoot W. F. DOUGLASS ;n, p. h ex. j. p.j Indian Spring, - _ - Oa intrusted to hie car# wif Teceivsr'L-Cmpi attention and aatlif^ction given. ” , iv*Tlectr©fi claims olosely looked after end' prompt returns made. Court days third i'ondays in each month. I had been humbugged to often 1 Yritt loath to try “Gipsy Secret,” but i have been most agreeably disappointed. “U. S.” cured my hcrse of severe 1 colic, and I am more than pleased with it. W. Cb Croder. ' For bargains, in sash, doors blinds, and all : kinds of builders supplies address 13. H. Broopibead <& Cos., successors to Longiy & Rob inson Atlanta they will, by prompt - attention to business and fair deal ing merit the patronage of the public. See their ud in another colvunp. ‘i. 1 ii it' The Speiootic left my liorst with a bad congli and I feared i would lose him; but, thanks to “G. S.” he is alright again. It is the best med icine I have ever used T. B. Sanders. Dr. J. T. Ellis hastried ‘ GipsySecret’ and gives it hi# unqualified endorsement. Butler Hudson, one of the best known horsemen in Georgia Ten nessee and Kentucky, gives “Gip sy Secret*’ his unequaliiied endorse ment, after ft thorough test, and reccommenda it heartily to all stock men. , *-Gipsy Secret” is not merely to im prove the general condition ol stock, re storing the functions of kidneys, stom ach, etc., to healthy action, which i invariably does, but in acute attacks of disease, as Grubbs, Colic, Gravel, Ac., it is unsurpassed. W. G. Kinbo, of Newn&r, says: “My horse was violently attacked with Grubbs,, and I felt sure I would lose him, but a half bottle of ‘Gipsy Se cret* completely cured him in a few hours. ’' .Wholesale and Retail by Wm. Reeves A Cos., Griffin, Ga. BUILDERS’ , SUPPLY HOUSE B. H. ROOMHEAD & CO, SuccMion to LONGLEY & ROBINSON, flic# *U<i Wftteroom, 26 DECATUR Street, ATLANTA, UEORUIA OORS, 8 ASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, STAIR|RAILS, NEWELS, SCROLLS, BALUSTERS, BUILDERS’HARDWARE, - NAILS, MIXED PAINT, , . PURE WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, Color# of *ll Kindi, Dry nd in OU GLASS, PUTTY, GLAZIERS’ -POINTS, KAL SOMININEJPAPER BORDERS • ' * A I % AND CENTERS. LEGAL NOTICES. * COURT OF ORDINAR Y IN CH AM BERS. G .ORGIA, Butts County : Whereas J. G. Elder has made application for letters of Administration on the Estate of John B. Dumble late of said county deceased. These are there oro to cite and admonish fit persons interested in tali estate to be nrd ap pear at my office on the first Monday in August 1881 at Jackson in said county at ten o’clock in the forenoon to show cause if any they have why said letters should net granted in terms of law. Given under my hand and official sig nature this Slat day of June 1881. J . F. Carmichael, Ordinary B. C. STATE OF GKORGIA, Butts County : Whereas, J. A. King, Administrator of Alfred H. King, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Alfred H. King’s estate;. This is to cite all persons contcriisd, heirs and creditors to show cause if dfiy they can, why said administrator, should iiot be discharged rom his adnlmministrdtion, and receive letters of dismission, oh the first Mon day in October iBBI. J. F. CARMiCHifcL. 3m Ordinary B. C. Postponed Sheriff Salk. —Will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Jackson Butts County Ga. on the Ist Tuesday in, August next within the legal hours ox sale the following de scribed property to-wit: One lot of land No. 199 lying and being ih the eightn Diet, of originally Henry how Butts Cos. Ga., all joining land of J. L. Fincher on the south Ruff Maddox on the west, K. P. Mann on the north on the east by lands of W. R. Tliaxton, said lot con taining 202>a acres more or less. Lev ied on by virtue of one fi-fa issued from Butts Buperior Court in favor of M. V. McKibben executor on the estate of W. J. Foster vs. W. .R. Thai ton and others levied on as the property of W. R. Thaxton, tenant in . possession given written notice. , Jas. 0. Beauchamp. july sth 1881. Sheriff B. C. STATE OF GEORGIA, Bux?a County: Whereas M. V. Mcßibbqp Adminis trator of Samuel Collins,. Represents to the court his petition, thut he has ful ly administered Samuel Collins’ estate: This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause if any. they can why said adminis trator, should not be discharged from his administration, and receive leters oi dismission on the first Monday in Octo ber 1881. Given under, my ; hand and official signature, this July 8,1881 J. F. CAMIpHAEL, Ordinary B. C. Fink Carriages and. Buggies man- FACTUKED IN FORBYTH. BRAMLETT&BRO. .. ■ I .. -- % At great expense have eroded a large- and commodious Brick Building ,for the manufac ture of C A R RI A G t S buggies and wagons. < , •• hi They have employed SKILLED WORK MEN, ana honestly 1 bdliave. their work cannot be excelled in Middle' Georgia. We are prepared to* fcupplv Monroe and adjoining counties with the best of work. Have eclJ vehicles that have GIVEN iLItILGI SATISFACTION. We are also Agents for the best manu facturers of the country and sell all goods #t bottom prices.v*-\ FINE NEW YORlv PHATONSI ~ t . -- I \ ‘. Soon to arrive— the best carraige ever sold ill Forsysth. All kinds oi .feairinfe Work done, as cheap as the cheapest and as good as the Satisfaction in every respect guaranteed. a call and bo convinced' that business. BRAMLETT & -BR&- , KENDALL'S SLAVIK CUBS. Tbemest successful remedy svsr discov ered as it is certain ia effsstf sad dees ■et blister. Read preof belew, Fran Ber. r. Ni Ganger, Presidiag Ildar af the Bt, Albaia Diatriat. Bt. Alhan, Vt., Jan. 10 lilt. Dr. I, J. Keadall A Cs„ Gents Ia re* ply if yaar lattar I will say tkat ajr w* icrienee with KlftdaU'# Byavin CnrsJ| has aa vary aatisfaetary indeed. Three tr f*ar years age I vreourtd a kettle ef year agaat, aad with U, eared a harsa af tans* aaaa esasad by a ipavia* Last aaasaa ay karst beeaflie Vary lams aad 1 tamed him aut far a fa# weak* whea ka htoame bet* tar, bvt Whea I pvt hiss an tkl raad .ka grew wsrle, when J diseeverad that a riagbane Was farming, I preedred a bat* tit of Kendall's Spavifi Cara and witk tkaa a battle cured hna sa tkat ka ia aet lame, neither eaa the branch be fouad. Respectfully years, P. N. OsAiasE. Perseverance Will Tell. Steughten, Mass.) March 16th 1880. hr; B. J Kendall k Ca„ Gants; —In- justice to . you and myself; I think I ought to let yoa knew that I have re moved two bone spavins With Kendall’s Spavin Cura, ana vary large #nb,- don’t know how long the spavin Had been there I have dirtied the bane eight monibs; It took me for menths to taka the large ana off and two for the smhll one. I have used ten bqttlei. The horse is entirely 'well, not af all and no bilnoh to be peep or fdlt. This is i wonderful Epediciae.; It la a new.thing hero,, hut it it does ' fpr! all what it Has done for me its sale will be r great. *” . • ,• Respectfully yours, Chas. F. Parxm.- | Kendall’s Spuiin citre. Kelley’s Island, Erie Co,',’ Ohio. ’ ' ■ - March 28th, 1880, , i)r,. 13. Ji Kendall & Ce , . Gents I have used yoyr Kendall Spay in Cure on a bone spavin and hot pleaded to ryport that It has taken the enlargement completely off. It took spl j one bottle te perferm the cure.* I am eenftdent ir it is prepsrly used it will da pl.l you claim for it. , Yours truly, C. M. Lixoolk. . Statement IQnde Under Oath. To Whom It Mat C*hoern.— ln the year 1875 1 treated with. Kendall’s Spavin, Cure, a bone opavin, of several months gxewth, nearly half as large as a hen’s egg, and completely stepped the lameness apd re moved the enl&igedmeut, I have Worked the horse every sinoe very hard, ..and he never hrs been lame, nor could ever see any difference in the size of the bosk: Johns since I treatod him with Kendall’s Spa /in Cure. v R. A, Gains. Esosburgh Fails, V„ Feb. 25th, 1879. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 25th day ef Feb. A. D. 1879. John G. Jen.-. k, Justice ef the Pcaos. Kendall’s Spavin Cur# on Hu* man Fiesta. Patten’s Mills, Washington Cos., N. Y., • February 21st, 1878..? B. J. Kendall, M. D„ Dear Sir— I The particular oase on which I used ynnr Spav in Cure was a-malignant ankle spavin, of sixteen months’ etandiag. >1 had tried many things, bfat in vain. Your Spavin Cure put the ifoot*t9 iihe ground agai?', p .ml Gr the first time since hurt, in a naU uni position. For a family liniment, it excels iny thing we ever uped* Youss truly, Rev. M. Fell. Paster M. E. Church Patten < Mills, N.Y.* **'. u V • .1+ ? .X -lU it3 ef fw it tenon as it does? not blu it impenetrating and powerful, to reach every deep seated pain or to re move ny‘bvny growth o-r other enlarge-i ment, such as sptoins, splintveurba, cal*’ loug, sprains, vwelllngß and lameness and. all enlargtmlents-ef the joints or limbs, or rheumatism' in mita auid'-fer may-‘.purpose, for wbioh a'iinimewt hi used for man or beast IfeisMUW knowiMe &V |ho*b3st lini-j m> nt ‘or man ever used, aoting mild and' yet oertain in it ! ' , Send address for ..Vuti i Circular which we think givers positive of its virtues. ha jever met wett with such ebualiShd success to our knowl> edge, for‘beast as well as than. Price $1; per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5.! All Druggists have it or can get it for! you or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. Dm B. Kendall & Cos,. Enosburgh Falls. Vt; Lamar, Lankin & Lamar, agents. At lanta. Ga.~ . ~ 'julylftly f -JLA? *■ i . PEARCE’S. * • • IMPROVED feAif4£| Broadcast Seed-Sow#., He nubido It Ct? Rehab* Machiae, : warriafc? that ia claimed for it*? ' onrp - s-* r; J. lom A Cos. Amor _ _ _ _ . Ciachmntl.tOW^ W. X. Bnouu, Agents, SefeMißufeetom > * SOUTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE Louisville, Im practical book kkbping NO TCXT BOOKS Drr 35 yean a Practical Accountant, endoraed ky all the Prominent m or chants of LouieriUe. Sand Stamps for'Circulars land specimens penmanship. BFN. C. WEAVER, Principal. H. S. DaSOLLAR Secretary \ A // V // V / Has the largest and most complete work! fed the mfciuifllcttire of Carriages .IN THE WORLD. Buggies foi thS tride a SjfbbiMtV. , •- CORNER PLUM AND TWELFTH STREETS, ' CINCINNyTIjO, “ ' t - • y/J ..... jyrtL I I M i ‘ ‘Jh Q 3 £3SXh JfcJv'Bvjy jl& I The Eclipse Leads the World ¥ ReHftbl Excellence. '.(Reheral Agent, C ovinfftori, Ga. J - C * Meri<iith I-*** Ag’t. Butts Cos. Mill** Separators, CottonlGKus. Etc UFIGHT PIANOS 1 ;g FA&JbOR ORGAN rt -Bd %‘Q E ; WOOD S‘ * t COMPANY '*• . t ' * s • ■* <* , i * *•t" *' ‘ *<•. . —<- “■ ■ J*** ••• !. i. , 1 I | - 1 n —i-“MAUFkC^Ui*ttS—-2 - #sm* ff f *fpky, HAK‘l* *’r • rs *Tt , 'V - <JAMtoRIDGiS MASSACHUSETTS CATALOGUES SENT FREE. AGENTS WANTED. -! 1 M~‘ ■•-■CoII^ESPONci)^SOLICITED. f.-■ * - jttly‘l£2ot ~ V v ' ~ - ARE YOU GIO.NG TOftfflT? . ' w . '* \.i . * i— -THEN USE ; .**- . ■ .•>.' ‘ ■'7*V f • -" ' '* • tte, _ * ! h./r*-*-, -.f. 'r ; , . • . ,*. <■ - 4* t. *. ■- i ' i a* ■* ,w >■ * Ready for unein-White andovpr One Hundred Djffeteht made of itnet 1y Pure White L?kd,. Ziny and lan*sedjOif warranted much handsomer and A).Vast TWICE AS tfSMfef VWEIVHUM at Cany the e^U A . v VAlvplHli - ” *4-\ m* r ' ■ • j ' i * - v,* ;uj .-.i, i. ■ V? f ***t , : -.-; - *■ '-•••* - ' . • - We have completed our new Varnish Factory, being the LARGEST MQot in the United States, and making Varnish superior to any in the World, -imd at prices ‘that- defy corrrpefition. —o- U- ' y 1 St. Petersbugh/ Pa.", Jan lQth 1879. 1 MILLER BROS.,—Gentlemen : W© have sold large quantities? of Vod* Taints and Pafnishes, and parties having used the same speak highly of the durability and finiah of yeur Paints, and find thfe Golors and mixture just as you represent. Thete can be no netter Paint for the heat and cold, and anyone using it once. Will surely do so again. - Your Varrfish is also giving the best of satisfaction and is pronounced the best goods ever sold in* this section. You are at liberty to Use our dame m rsfrence. Respectfully (JHALFAM A GAFF. ADDRESS, . . MILLER BROTHERS, >:■ >. A. > 1 29,-31'A'33St.Ohir St., CLEVELAND, OHIQ SAMPLE CARD AND PRICE LIST SENT FREE. july24-6m Floreflton ColormzA a lew, lelfchtfribb<VßlinaMt! \ SxMaacirrrßrrßßt. f LsM4ra Ibw •'• t*:. §*U kr 4 <uey |M4a dialyi. ■ ) • wnbx a cb., ckiniitit if • 1 pniiM—a—g ; / - ;. Sllfir, Btehi, luink*, *** l mtn oOtr •( the beet neSktscß kaomi aia o * Übm M skillfully ia Pabmbb’b Owtuut Tonic *4 t make it thegretteet Ble4 FaHflratit*c inwlft ami tfßSctk InUik eta as§4. L ; Itoarea Dysaopsia. RhMmaS, Nsanlak-r SSSssg^^i * II y# ar* wmtom away with CeaMtmyttei *rV *oy <l*4* the Tonic Ne%iw wfc*-, y—f syitwa ■U, to wiUawly fc*ly yaa. ? KwwiWf 1 This Tome ctuea Snt&VeauMM > the Beet Family MeSletee ever au4e. i Biflccest frost Biuen, Oiua Fwpaiatlum aI other ertieeof e!L Bey a sec. kettle •< yowfouiat.l None genuine witheet wm sjaaeteie oe mmidat Wenper. . HncovßCr^ttrehli^ KrrrYork* PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Meaers. Reeyes & Cos , I take )leaßure in recommending “O. 6. as the best medicine known for stock, it acts like a charm, su its effects are readily reen. does all that is claimed for : farmers will be convinced, by try ing it, that it is just the thing their stock needs. Yours truly, W. P. Hemphill. Robinson Wagon Cos. Manufacturer* of FARM St WJ A ft ft&r " SPRING ft AIVlIlv • Buggies Phaetoa*- Seal for deßt§no *nJ prices to ROBIWSON WAGO;f CO - 0 mmE end treatment AW giving Af w cf Vn me- Important and liL<KTt: , '4 i><nsc for the curs of the of < i> hot*, |Jg" t.> every t vnur a&d 49V*r n hone. * Pablithel by the £03W039 WiW W,, *l/ aad seat, ?ostsc paid, to add 'v receipt of there stamv# BwiUiMi ‘ v ! log elevation;, plane anu *■ '■■■ also book of 90 pr i, f.v - ■'.! •> ' u -- ,' ; - eetlaate and form of C’*tr.*i •. m'M * carpenter or party propenoj lir *. s* a ;.•• >• bids cr rkav/iog co' ir;-cu; Pries $2,00. Sent by mail, postpaid * • priCC ' H. S. WAXiTOI'T, •*0 W. Ninth 8t ClAtlewa.-.. ■• PYB & BECKHAM, —DEALKII3 IN HARDWARE f IRON AND STEEL Table and Packet Cutlery, £;•:• : ‘- Tiuware and II ouae fu r nisi- ; Goodp, Crockery, Glassware, W..“*J and V/illow-ware.) larness, Sad* and Leather, Guns, Revolvers. I der, Shot, Caps and Cartrid;-? - Farming Implements and Pla: *r. tion Hardware, of all kinds at Dot tom Prices, Lamps all grades, the un rivaled “Farmer Girl” cooking stove. Also Agents the .-Sit brated Avery plow* Wagon C Ponder & Hams old stand, Forsyth Ga. eWM *e24o JO "BJIt *X *M ( ©JUUbs <So;U |[ *O9 * MMVIO ‘MOSMtiO *AU'ii*c; s iT j'ej oa-w .•Q3JLNVM BJLN3t;y. / *?M[;nrax etr) oj ouraovjf Worn *qs pnoAq mou M OAVq oqk tr jo •ouspyuoa ©qi qom cvh \ -inounj oe wnu-n oqi paxopuoj eavq 4*u> . ?• nl©Af fwigjatm e?ii sw WOE I vtx psipai! 09 am ©non snq ‘ieqisra. n yin-*: $ Waiqwsh 2CTit9g lmm oiv *>!rcqx '*T' ? , ©sqi jo noa wjiM ‘saurqavv* ■ ;09|TZT9d poos q% saa|qcuf>o n- -. r * • *oin Xq oDu©{iodr9 7- aoqei jo aresl %jo c • -1 J *AfJe.{sAi? jus's t ■IB# 3fJOJ4.n w-f t ; - •q.A6 ©ujqasjf Intiicg tuaq --u t 7 •iIM Jto.s ‘iaejdraju Y - !OV3I3HJLSd2& - V ONINNHa iH • THE BEST IN THE WORL I have secured the Agency Butts County, for the sale * of The Eclipse Enquus acknowledged the beet ever im also the ECLIPSE SEPARATORS AND C allustandard Gins including fee A and condensers COTTON PRESSES AND SAW MILLS. duplicate any broken p of piping or valvs, can furnie 1 broken part about an engine kind of CASTING AND BELTIN 5 w All who wish t© purchase can time and trouble by cor.Bultir . - , i J. C. MbRIPBT!’ Indian Spring, Ga