The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, September 15, 1881, Image 2

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Middle Georgia Argus —. —-r.-ix:..!. nr —* ff|| [ | W. P. BKTH, - EDITOR i *gpeg33BKaga^aeaßr > THURSDAY MOBBING SEPT islßll. NEW MILLINERY GOODS. Mis# E. Fkileyof JeccioD, ate now on hand, and to arrive, A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF MIL LINERY GOODS, afth© latert etvles. Sht ha# been in the bnemeas lorg enough to un derstand the wants of the trade, i'iid has j)r<3pa. ed to meet them, no one ehould purchase anything in *&• line el ; ♦ MILLINERY OOODB before looking through her NEW GOODS she he* for sale s 1., L. JACKFON'e and makee them a specialty. Be sure to examine her goods and price them h ore purchasing else where. Hl|t •t* Ail burdreas intrusted to my cara ] r. i'Tirr^ttf-ntion Collect., c * a specialty. '■ * bU rojlndiar* Spring,Ga. muefU-tf J. F. Nhal. . T .f\ •‘A r. 'douolasss. •N. ft & KX. J. P. * "Far Spring; - Ch ..All business int'*ted to bis eiue vrll’ r ,\\ uttfimlcxa and s*t]?Wrtif*n *pTCD, Colleoliaa of claiiu* olosolr looked nf'erreA pre-apt, return* Cowrt >n * f ondays irmaoh tnGntb. For bargains, in sash, doors blinds, find all kinds ©f builder’* ••nppltes address B. H. Broomhead ft Cos., successors to Longly A Itob \neon Atlanta they Trill, by prompt attention to business and fair deal ing merit the patronage of the üblic. See their ad in another ©lumn. | - PAD P P’S El. e !tly P.rftmtd. * ***•**® UtmeTtiDkadnA HAIR BALSAM. Pr.v.rU I t All Fanners, Mothers p . a? ■ k Business men, Mechan ics, &c., who are tired .*i cut by work or worry, find all who ore miscra " ble . with XYyspepsG, -arism, Neuralgia Bowel, Kidney or Liver 2* Complaints, you can bo ' invigorated and cured n* If you hre wasting away with Consumption, Age, I 0* " v\V ikness, you will find this Tonic tho *c 4 medicine FonCanl’se for tpa.orlnir iiealtb St strength, ‘ut -norto Bitters and other Tonics, es it builds fup !b*; m but never intoxicates. 50c. and $s 'one genuine without signature of Hiscex Cos , V Y. Largo saving in buying dollar size.© nrt A Kw, fuhlooabl* aad Rxc4- * V rajfrvit Pcrfoiae. Sold by OemO. hwltn In rrfai<;ry at *6 aud IS eta. ’ Iqy QlMf bSiTidkO u*UoS 3? ft? IfWlS# EMERSC OHIO, make a good, ■ Top Baggy for SIOO, •,••„•* a strong, durable Fliaoton for si-c.O. a- uvmr.n excellence of these ’■chicks, resulting from carefully selected mate-ia' - jor-d workr: anrlup, Las given their Carriages a favorable tput. ' a vourbe*; U:<* Uniomin localities .here they have been used for year? by Liver/* -...a, l*bysici;iy<\ Farmers, and ot *j requiring hard and constant use, r.H ■m, made f sv firm of fia'.crSOfl, A-. "ICT & Cos. the acknowledgei ieadi 'j jot* the American Continent. These Tco Pwarien are in every State from Maine .'o California, and from the Lakes to the Gnr, an ; hur-ureds of testimonials have been received from every part of the country evinein ; the e ‘th e eatisiaction of purohaafrs.h* Upwards of ,35,000 CAKRI&ftBS manufactured by I?mersOTi f Fisher & Cos. arc now in use, attesting their rr^at’and merited popularity, and in occur to meet the demand which has icr?asQ year by year, the facilities of their mammoth establishment bare cently lean extended, enabling them note to turn out in good style, during die Mf season, about /40Q Jk, The unequalled faeffities of this firm enables i‘ o produce good Carriages at 41 far It-ss coet than the work of small maker? tu country wagon shops, and that eta?* are row purchasing largely of us to supply their local trade. Send fct X.uxarated Price Lt of Carriages. EMERSON, FISHER & CO.. Cincinnati, ©. JUILDBRo SUPPLY HOUSE B. H. ROOMHEAD a CO., Succo.tcra to LONGLEY 4 ROBINSON, tud Wrrootn, 26 DE CATUK Stieet, ATLANTA, GEORGIA OORS, SASH, BIjINDS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, SCROLLS, BALUSTERS, BUII DERS’ HARDWARE, NAILS, MIXED PAINT, PURE WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, Color* of Ml KiuOn, Dry in Oil GLASS, PUTTY, GLAZIERS' POINTS, KAL SOMININE, PAPER BORDERS • * AND CENTERS Fin* Carriagi* mah facturid nt Forsyth. BRAMLETT&BRO. At great expense ’,haYe createi 3 Prge and commodious Brick Building for the manufae rare cf' ’ C A R RI A G F S BUGGIES AND WAGONS. They have employed SKILLED WORK MEN, *n>l honestly behave their work cannot be excelled in Middle Georgia. We are prepared to supply Monroe and adjoining counties with the best of work. Have sold numbers of buggies and other vehicles that have Gl VEN PERFECT s vtisEaotion We are also Agents for the best manu facturers cf the country and eefi all goods i . at'bottom prices. FilS’E NEW YORK PHOTONS!; ./r t 1 j Goon to arrive—the bent cnrrfuye ever . Hold in Forsysth. All kinds ot Repairing and Plantation Work done, as cheap as the cheapest and B good as the host. (Satisfaction in every respect guaranteed. give us a call and be convined that business. BRAMLETT & BRO. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. I have secured the Agency oi Butts County, for the sale of This Eclipse Enqin* acknowledged the best ever made, also the ECLIPSE SEPARATORS AND GINS all standard Gins including feeder? and condensers COTTON PRESSES AND SAW MILLS. and will duplicate any broken pipe of piping or valvs, can furnish any broken part about an engine, all kind of CASTING AND BELTING All wh time and J. C. Mkridsth, Indian Spring, Ga. 7 YREKDAISm \SWV]N CUREIp -■' /I* KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Tk- it#t suaoesaful remedy ever discov ered uit is certain ia effects and dees not kbiter. Read preof below, .>©*i Rev. P. UT* Granger* Presiding Eider of thaSt. Albans District. t. Alban, Vt., Jan. 20 18S0. Dr. K. J. Keadall & Cos„ dents ; —la re ply to yeur letter I will gay that my ex penc we wdh Kendall * Spavin Cure ? f ban been rgut'sfactory indeed. Three or fur yer is age I procured a battle of rrur ageut, and wi' it, cured a horse ef - ness can?'-! by a spavin. Last eeasoa my herxe bcc&uif very lame and I turned ida eut for a i?w vreoks when he became bol ter, bvt when I put him on the read h* grew worse, v. hen ] discovered that a ringhena vi. forming, I procured a -'Ot tle of KcndalPs Spavin Cure and with than a bottle cured him so that he is not la*or, neither can tha branch be found. KespectfuUy yeur?, P. N. Grahoeu. ferscvfi’ffiiice Will Tell. Stoughton, Mfteg., March 16tk 1860. Dr. B. 1 Kendall A C,. Gems;—ln ju?ticd to you -••( rnv-'rif, !. ti.ick 1 o’-H'hi tr let y> . cl'.t I have re r.juyr . U/o boa* -.nth Keu iu '? • j'uvra Cur.?, one >j- , 1.-.rgr one, don , t kno bo \r ] • ,sg (ha <* - vir had been there 1 have owned I. ;• t months l, I took. m.- far • ?: r * j 'it* thlarge one ; oft aui tr.'o fox i■ : > . e. I bavg usv>! j *en V4t’l*s. r ’ '• *>" entirely wil, not *• tea to bo seen ,ri* fd x, This a ’ ■ t’.xl modiciuo. It Is n 53'.;*'“ ;b> . t ‘ ! moOs t>r all wit has u •••? rzt its sale will be > great. ItesT'Ccttully yours, Ohas, Farkbr, Cure. Kellsy’s r b) Cos.. Ohio. •a ‘B;h, 1880. Dr. B. J. accu -u C , CAn s /—S have used your Saaf aU Bpaviu Curs on * bene spavin am. an to report that it has taken the enlargement completely cff. It took only ene battle to per for ar the cure: I am confident H is properly u*od it will do all you claim fer it. Yours truly, 0. 111. LiNConru Stateraciat JTfiade I :tscr Oatga. TANARUS Whom It Mat Oxckas.—ln the year 1875 I treated with Keud \Vs Spavin Cura, a bone spavin of several raonths growth, nearly half rb large as a heaps egg, and completely stepped tho lameness and re moved the euiar£ i-ocut, I here worked the horse every since vary hard, and he never hrs been la roe, nor could ever pcs any difference in the size ©f the hoek joiqis siue l treated him with Kendall’s Spavin fur*.. K. A. Gaik-*, Lsesburgh Fails, V., Feb. 25th, 1379. Sworn and subscribed to before as this 25th day af Feb. A. D. 1579. John G. J esai, Justice ef the Peace. KendaliN Spavin t’Kt‘9 on Hvt man Flesh. • Patten’s Mills, Washington Cos., N. Y., February 21st, 1878. B. J. Kendall, M. D„ Dear Sir—The particular case on which I used yenrSpay in Cure was a maliguaut ankle spavin, of sixteen months’ etandiag. I had trie nany things, but in vaio. Your Spa yin Cure put the foot to the ground aguin, aad for the first time since hurt, in a nat ural position. For a faraily liu-i ne? excels anything we ever m. •<’: Youss truly. b ", M. P’w- Pe.sWrai. 17. ' .u- ’ ii i. A ...Au's Spa’ - .. Cura is surs Ti i.a el fecte, mild in its action *4 it daea n*i bilker, yet it is peaet rating and pjvrenl. to ;ach every -Jeep seated p4n m 'to r - no ,e any bony growth or other eahir aieet, each as spaeins, splints, curbs, cal lous, spraiu3, cweilingi and lamene-e au all eulaige-nents of the jsiois or limb??, ci .rheumatism in man aa fer any purpose for which r liniment is used for arm or tecs* It la at-v* ii\u-.vii to b# the be.t lini ment'or rati ever Mate acting mild and i yet certain in u j Send address for ...stii-'t* Circular ? which we t a ink gives ae; itiv* ircof of iU | virtucc. l*v reined ha aver met wet [ T.-i ii such equal Hie l success to out knowl ! edfe. for t ,s v 1 r, I id iye SI, per hoifl-t, or b bottles for $5, I Ai\ Druggists have it or can set it for ; ydu or it will be sent to &ny address oi. [receipt cf price by th® proprietors. Dr | B. Ksndam. Sl Cos,. Enosburgh Falls. Vt. Laciui . Baakin & Lamar, agents. At* ! lar.tu. ua. julylbly PEARCE’S SSIPEOVJSO CAJKOOW Broadcast Sied-Sewe*. ■ •. - / •. ■. Sotvs Grain, GWSS3 BZttnp, lUee 7 E2vtryiMng, No man can do it so well by hand. It does the work of 6 men. It has stood the test of y 3&T3. Bs solved First Premima at 23 Sfete Fa!rs is 2 jeers, Good, eubtothiL Ilclirvofc Machine, vrarranied to do all that ii claimed for it. Price only $6,00* Scad stamp fordoseriptivetiiroaHr,. J. "Wudsb & Go. Agents, Cincinnati/ Ohio, W. K. Bpbocib, Arantj, v Indianapolis, lad. GOODELLCO3PANT; antoim, a. h.,- i Solo Miaufactarere, SOUTHERw BUSINESS COLLEGE* Louisville, Ky. ; PRACTICAL 1 KEEPING No TEXT BOOKS Dver 25 year* a Practical Accountant, Gorged by all th© Prominent merchant? of Louisville. Send Stamp* forJCircular? and *pseimens penmanghip. ‘ BFN. C. WEAVER, Principal. H. [S. DsSOLLAR Secretary jjjTCnBLIi, SjEWSS & CO M Racine, Wis., Manufacturers of WARM HJTB JPR3EMOBT 9 THE MITCHELL STANDARD PLATFORM SPRING WAGON. Aiso Three-Rpring and Four-Spring Wagons, aud Side-Spring Buggie3. The MITCHELL WAGON is Monarch of the Read; only the very best stock used In its con struction and mads by the best mechanics in the world. The Spring Wagon and Buggy De partment is entirely separate from the Farm Wagon shops. And for the manufacture of this class of •verk tvs have facilities unsurpassed. Seed for Catalogue and Illustrated Price List. IBATC,£IKLL, LEWIS & CO., Kaclne, Wsa -y if '’-'‘.jr - fT MAP C.;: i yf*lC 4 ; i %, S'-*- **:* J Wf £l .• **l■■A *- - |CJ- • t-A ' ■' -.“-.•'V '.V* , L . The Fciipse leads the World For .Blelinbl Excellence. T BOS CMCIP" General Agent, ft frf Q-p J. C. Mer’dith Local Ag’t. Butts Cos. Abo Dealer in 55aw Nfills* Sena CottonlGiussEtc Satisfaction fully Guaranteed "everv " ■■■*. n* •- 12'Lly ■ tv ' Nino • i • r T - ou a t try fon ij 7 j “• 1 I ; is y- >' ■- j TO > r 7. A 'f TANARUS) I> F> T 0 : I PARLOR ORGAN GiiORGEWOOI) S a C 0 M F A N Y MANUFACTURERS CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS. CATALOGUES :*F)NT FREE. AGENTS WANTED. f OORRESPONCE SOLICITED. — 1— —~ July 14-20 t ARE YOU GIONC TO PAINT? then use Miller Brothers 4 __ M I X E D PAI N T Ready for use in White and over One Hundred Different Colors, made of strict !v Pure White Lead, Zlr? and Idnaeed Oil, chemically combined, warranted much U ;V h unerand ■ ,ies.prr snd to last TWICE AS LONG as any other Paint. It has Gm Cv-FUtST PREMIUM at twenty of th-e State Fairs of the Union, and is on Si ■ KOU y AND cf t l '" finest Heuse* in the country. V and yYUI-FN > . < l JJ ..-vO, We have completed our re~ Varnish Factory, being the LARGEST an<l MOST COMPLETE m United States, end making Varnish superior to any in he World, and at prices that defy competition. St. rrmnseron, Pa., Jan 10th 1879. ' uni Famishes,.aa-i osriier {S'•> sa: .a ape? r highly o i too durability ;yd finish ■■ I yoiii- ■ ' .’a-v . * a the colors end mixture just ?s you represar-t. vc a-'he "o ;v-. . . :n ■ ■-’Are to ihe heat and cold, and anyone usiny ore W; ! surely ■; to;u y. . Your Yarr.yo is also giving the best of satisfaction lis pronounced i!v b; •" To- 5 ? ever sol Lin tilt* set don. You are at.liberiy tc /■ - . • . . y| .. - • . .. ADDRESS, MILLER BROTHERS, 20, 31 & 33 St. Stair St.. CLEVELAND OHTC SAMPLE CARD AND PRTCE t-IST SENT FREE. _ iuly24-6m LEGAL ~ NOTICES. -* STATE OF GEORGIA, Bptts Coroir Whereas, J. A. King, Administrator n, Alfred H. King, represents to the Cor * in bis petition, duly filed and entered o ; record, that-he lias fully administer* r Alfred H. King’s estate. This is to ci-.-J all persons concerned, heirs and creditor. ; to show cause if any they can. why sal * administrator, should not be dischargeo? from hi.' ndminministration, and receiy*. letters of dismission, on the first Mon , day In October 1881. J. F. Oarmichabt . ‘dm Ordinary E. C. STATE OF GEORGIA, Butts County: ■Whereas M. V. McKibben Adminis trator of Samuel Collins, represent* to the court his petition, thut he lias ful. lv administered Samuel Collins’ est tc • This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause if any they can why said adminh trator, should not be discharged from his administration, and recsive leters o. dismission on the first Monday in Octo her 3 SSI. Given under my band tn o fici- ’ signature, this July B,IBSI ii. J. F. C A MICHAEL, Ordinary B. C. AIT !CATION FOR LETTERS 0- ADMINISTRATION. STATE OF GEORGIA, Butts Coumw To all Whom it May Concekn. Martha, C. Wright, of said state, l,:>v iog applied to me tor letters ot arirn ■ istration be bonis non, on estate ofJae r Brady, of said comity, this is to cite ai l and singular the heirs and creditors o ames Brady, to be and appear at Oc tober term 1881, of said court, and shov. cause, if any they can, why letter* v admintistratlon de bonis non should no’ •e granted on estate of said James Bra * dy. _ 1 ■Witness my o/'leial sigaalnre this August 11,1881. J. F Cai!>.ic:i*el, aug 18-4 times Ordmaij, r>. C. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE Tt SELL LAND. GEORGIA, Bims County : Whereas E. P. aad J. W. Newton ad ministrators on the estate of E. P. New ton deceased, iias apv-b‘eJ to me foi loave to Lcii the l.m-b- b \ to the estate of said E. P. Newton deceased, these are therefore to cite mid admonish, all persons iiiiora.sted to sir ,/ cause it any they luive before me on die firm Mon day in October neat why said onlei sliould not-be. granted. Witness my Jmnd and oflicial signa ture. J> F. O.vKMICJ!.. aug. 24—A Orchnuy. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TC SELL LAND. } GEORGIA, Butts County : Application will be made to the court of Ordinary of Butts county Georgia at the first regular term after expiration of four weeks after notice, for loava to sell the hinds belonging to tire estate of John Currie, late of said county, deceas ed, for the benefit of heirs and creditors of said deceased. L. D. Watson, august 21, XB6i'4t Adm. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO* SELL LAND. GEORGIA. .Burrs County: Application will be mado to the Court of Ordinary of Butts county Georgia, at the fiirst reguhir term after expiration* of four weeks i'tom this notice, tor leave to sell the lands belonging to the < .ate of Alexander Harper. Ute of said coun tv deceased, for the be: >fit of ? irs an 1 creditors ui saw deer sc<i. ser>l.-4t L 7vA''.iON. Adiii. NOTICE OF _ ABSESSMENTB OF TAXES. butts COURT ou Ordinary : At Chambers, au;% 30th 1881. It is Lerebv ordered by the court th it one liundred and ninty eight per t ent i >e levied on the state tax for county pur poses for the year 3831, as follows —the ;m?v ee?,ta£?u bcintf ounted oil ehe state: tax wit: For bridge fund 100 per cent. * ‘ general purpose fuad 80 ‘ ‘ t i oq ;j „ V , [u r .,T 10 * ‘ * ‘ jail fund 8 4 ‘ It is redered that W. C. Nutt, Tax’ collector do proeu*id to cob*; t tho saiije Wl’.'tu: . / Land ■■■•.. i •;U< ial signa-. are. .’-it: J. F. C ' tael, C' din my. APPPi ICATION PCR LETTERS Or* ADMINISTR ATI ON. GEORGIA, Butts Corx-v: To all whom .t may concern: Wil liam Fo Iget; having in y oper foi-m plied to me, for permanent letters of ed* ministration on' the estate t J hn M. Hodgos, late of yaid county, this is to l cite all and singular the creditors : n next oi kin of John M. Hodges, to and f ppear at my office, within the ;d!o v rj d by law, and shew cause, if mg they can/ why jiermanent administra tion should not be granted to William Hodges on John M. Hodges estate. Witness myliand and official signature this August 35, 1881. —4 times. J. F. Carmichael, Ordinary B. C. PYE & BECKHAM, —DEALERS IX — HARDWARE! IRON AND STEEL Tabic and Packet Cutlery, Stoves Tinware and Hcus of u r Goods, Crockery, Glassware, Wood and Willow-ware, Harness, Saddle? and Leather, Gimp. Revolvers, Few ‘ der, Shot, Caps and Cartridge & Farming Implements and F.s.nts ion Hardware, of all kinds at Box-' ! tom Prices, Lamps all grades, tb* m rivaled <; Farmcr Girl” ccokm* stove. Also Agents for the ceh irated Avery <k Wagon at lon and ?r <fc Ha m sol and atand Forsyth Oa. ■r y 'YCHTUI Y. A. W RIGTT HENDRICK & WRIGHT, ATTA'S Sc COUNSELLORS-AT-LAW. TACKsON - - GA* All business receive prompt attention* m 1 eel ion g a specialty. au-ly