The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, December 08, 1881, Image 3

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*>.♦>&& Georgia Argus '’•""■i— a n.n I, .1 W. 2*. fcjJiTH, - EDITOR —.. ..•ariKri ~~ -' - THURSDAY MOBBING Dec 8 1881. gBOW^g Iron ! r ?S?yTO ? S 2SOJt BfWaßfl ore *.;aMfita acre fhr nil <3lMoeec 'C-g®irl33 a cocnplota toaioi capo* Fy DyupcpaUt, Integ* Ferora, W®a£ of Appetite, Ifexs cf I/ac2£ of EncsKft i .artclaes t&o blood* atecogtib* Uw meeoteg, cad gives atnr to ffco norvco. Aofee a &Zl£-?r2\ fcv* UlO tltgCStiv© OTgSmS, ~-.vr :vkQ mil dpapcpCio symptoms, nsc'h an ti >' laff tte fbod* Cl-.'-Kut in tli© etomrvdi, Heartlmni, •No. Sae onl-r Iron Prepoimtioa y* .i aol b'iAck.*m tlxo teeth oar *ivo teaC&cfce. Sold by oil Drag* teto at SI.OO a bottle. ZS '.rTii OHE3tIOAIi OCX Bcltimoro, SSd. • ■•'■•' bit kN MHvd ere mote l>7 Sion Ohms** > c£ here ero>w4 red M* aa>t tela aat a th,^> ?uWARS OF i'.snrAFSO^a. ■7HINRDE TAYtfIR BBTABLI3IIIED 1844, ■ V>:T; £j n^- t . ©ago* (i # j ~r .** 4;K*ld *al tlUlAMffitftll Jk i 8 WA7JSR B®., NEV 7 Thousands, disgusted with the many poor articles offered in markei, are now Gappy in tiding J. Monbcxis Taylor’s Gold Msaal prepf rations. They axe guaranteed •trictiy pure r.nd superior to ary other in market. At.k jour grocer fox them, and do not be put efi with ar.y others until you t jvc given them a trial. OUR BELOVED G ARFIELD AND HIS FAITHFUL CABINET An elegant Chromo Lithograph of pur Bits ''resident, mnking 8 full L-jiv-th portraits, printed in 10 col lor on bt avy oapere with a rich void border. Siie, 18xe6 inches. The sale t i this beautiful work of r'v hu? been Amply unprecedented fci $1 p r ; v;py. In order that every ; v be able to possess this fciful nd tot Ling Ruvenir of c in..** ? • sident and his Cabinet, w 11 .•mi : it for only 50 cents per . Yvo can furnish this same I.} ted in 8 colors, reduced ' L? AT'J'Qfor only 1.5 cts. ‘ . i I OPostagestampß f ~ "l ' |_7 IY token Now is the . 1 . ' 1 > I7ti 3 for agents to 'v-1 Luivest with these be au ' nr.dit'-. Nothing sells like * Send lor samples and terms, v "* N 7 CO., Publishers, m i Dev St., New York. rI'RN:TURE EMPORIUM. - - Georgia 'Ye Ft;- Yurc Manufactory oi S. S MIDDLETON 1 r rn in .u l Hast. His Brick Build ' nor. ff all kinds cf Furniture T? ott<>m Virv-u * 1 rices. :;• ‘loci'- s to: .. is a Practical Cabinet IlaVer iixu -air ht up anything to suit >urvh?.‘'*-- Fesihes he has a Large Stock c* F ; st-oi6.s Furniture frem other . ie ’ • . ' ncltiding burial Ca&keis. L\[ t- - desire to make a purchase ’ cn <r~e hi-.ur. trial. sept 17-tf l _ gardeninq^ -ad \ FOR PROFIT. r l PRACTICAL 'X \ FLORICULTURE and . ; P:Su?eiSStJ GARDENING crX.r :c s Use , FOR PLEASURE. . ilv, read * L U t- P3KB EZ.WUSOS. ‘ Uce f 1 to each,postpaid by call. C.'iaEked Catalogue ©I fffffffffff 'or 18S?, sent f-ee cn application. . . | 36 Corilaaidt St., New York. _ lXC e C' # T'‘tsusmeßß belofts'T7e L>IAQ I public. You can make mon ey faster at work for us than at anythin* cI-jc. Capital not needed. We will start you. £l2 a day and upwards made at home by the industrious. Men, wo men, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work far us. Now ia the time. You can work in spare time only or give your whole time to the business. You can hve at home and do the work. No other business will pay you nearly as well. No one can fad to make eaormoi >ay by engaging at once. Costly Outfit'ana terms free. Money made fart, easily, and honorably. Address True <* Cos., Augusta,""Maine. Because it adds to personal Beaut}’ by restoring color and lustre to gray or faded hair, and beneficiU to the scalp, is why parker’s Hair Balsam is such a popular dressing. nov.3-lm AG3NTB WANTED for the Stakdard Edition REVISED NEW TESTAMENT. Tof* Y K L r E 8 Elegant Edit ion 1 £ labor type about; 600 pages. From £IOO to S7OO Comj mrativ© Edi- tion, over 1100 pag< s History of the Bible and of the New Revision” given to subscribers. The secret of successful canvassing given ev ery agent. Bend for our liberal term?. [Mention this paper.] The Henry Bill Publishing Company, Norwich, Con:.. Established 1847.] HENDRIC K y. A. WRIGHT. 3ENDRICK & WRIGHT. ATT Y 8 & COUXSELLORS-AT-LAW. .TACKsON - r - - GA. Ail business receive prompt attention collections a specialty, aug-ly $25 To SSO Per Day, Can easily bo made by using the||Cel* brated VICTOR WELL aUGER AND ROCK BORING MACHINERY la[any[pArt*of the Country. We mean it, and are prepared to dem onstrate the fact. They are operated by eithei Man, Horse or Steam Power, end bore very rapid. They range in size from 8 INCH TO.4}* FEET IN DIAM ETER, and will bore to any REQUIRED DEPTH! They will bora successfully and satin factorih in all kinds of Earth, 80ft San and Limkstone, Bituminous Stone Coal, Slate, Hard Pan Gravel, Lava, Builders’ Serpentine and Conglomerate Rock, and guaranteed to make the very best Wells in Quick Sand. They are light running, in construction, easily operated, durable, an; acknowledged as the best and most practical Machine extant. They are aa dorsod bv some 0/ the highest State Offi ciuls., vV e contract for •'respecting for COAL, GOLD, SILVER,' COAL OIL AND ALL KINDS OF MINERALS. A;?o foi sinking Artesian Wells aed Coal Shafts. Ac. W© furnish Engines. Boilers, Wind Mills, Hydraulic Rams. Power, .Brick Machines, Miming Tools, Portable Forge?, Rock Diilla, and Machinery of all kinds. OT'Good active Agents wanted In cv ery Country in the World. ADDRESS, Western Machinery Supply Depot, 511 Walnut Street, Saint Louis, Missouri, U. S. A State In what Paper you oaw this July 24 1881-£sin Gold ESo&al Sahhiff Petr-Jor, (k>id Modal Cream Tartar, Gold Medal WrutkingtfTrysfeß IHLM BshiiJiaU£:M| $ IPJ ffkD&h YTY-r* &%-% T fto , gfcL . pafes..# & n* .... tniNCINNATI, OHIO, make a goch v.Vshr- AJ Y Cy; fos?$100, and a strong, durable Phaeton fer f:>f,k'v. bht >•:; -r:o ; • ' 'Vnce of these Vehide3; requiting iron cwtiully .cct* J - . . -. .i.vmanship, has igiven thsh Garriagoi favorsble . al ■ :Ci km, in localities -where they ha*c bean ucei •':• w . > : ~ ‘ • krysic .ers, and others requiring hard ai:d ’ . -i >- -va c-i klv^crSODf Fisher & Go* tha Mlf|| 1H ii r rn 11 IK f ! rt iBIB i3•-. *-s ti. ,uto 1a w 'A J the American'Con- in-nt. I'b.esa Top Bi'gjeiea are in every Sc.\te Src-m Maine to California, and from iho Lkk: ?tot. e Gulf, and f ar.dreds of ysfmenials have [been received from every put c. tha couauy crktc*uy to catire sat!if£CLoa Of purchasers. Upwarda of 'feis n YS't&'i b <f2t^nja fcafiufactnred by Elmers an, -Ff J .'fi©r &£ Cos. ars now in use, attesting the!* treat and merited popularity, a:vi in order to meet tha demand which has increased year by year, the facilities of their mammoth establishment have 'recently been extended, enabling them now to turn cat in good style, during tha busy season, about m , 400 CABSZA6ES A WEEK. The unequalled facilities of Srm enables 5: t reduce good Carriages at a far lees cost than Lhc work of small saeke*B country wxigon chops, and that class are now purchasing largely cf ua to supply their local trade. Send lor Illustrated Price'Ust cf Carri&c© 3 * B'sKBESOIZ, FISHER & CO. r O. BUILDERS’ SUPPLY KOUSe Successors io Long y & Robinson, B. H. BROOMHBAD &CO., OMca and Warcroom, 26 Dcoatur street, Atlsnta, Georgia. Doors, Sash, Blinda, Mouldings, Bracket*, Stair Rails, Newels, Scrolls, B&lustor3 BuilderD ! Hardware, Nails, Mixed Paint, Pure White Lead, Linsead Oil, Color3 of all Kinds Dry and in Oil Glass, Putty, Glaaiars* To.n-3, Kahiominm?, Paper Borders and Centare. MAT..?, ItWm T 's CTBMENT OF DRAM LETT & BRO. Forstth, - - Ga. We desire to ca l the attention of the trading public to our unusually large and complete stock of general Blacksmith’? l Tools. Stoves, Grates and Hollow ware. Wood and ware, Broom a and Brushes Table and Pocket Cutlery, Buggy an J Wagon Harness. Plow wagon and Rid ing Bridles, Collars, Lines, Halters and Whins, Wagon and Buggy material Iron and Steel. Forty dozen ol the justly celebrated Monroe Clipper Axes just received, over on© of which isj fully warranted. Th© finest and most complete stock of fine silver Plated ware suit able for Wedclin? Birth day for Christmas presents over off ered in Forayth. Incur fancy geode de partment may be found present for all ages and condifiona of mankind from the wea todler to the aged fire. We ar agents for what every farmer ought to Lavo Furst <k Bradleys Bulky, Plows and Cultivators which we claim superior to anything in a market. Our Buggy r.rd Wagon Department is in full 1 aat and we are turning out wor* that cannot bo exccibl. Besides our own manufacture we are agent for some the best houses in the eo nay, and are prepared to fit you up with a cheap or fine buggy as your purse may indicate. A few more of the celebrated Hickman Wagons on hand at prices that would astonish you. Repairing Buggies and Wogons and gsneral plantation work and Horse shoeing a specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed or money re funded. Thanking the public for the very liber al patronage heretofore extended us, we hope by fair dealing and low prices to merit a continuation of the same. No yaw days time trade solicited a9 we want the cast for the next six months at least. Call and see us. BRAMLETT A BRO. Eights li^nstsd; All buaiaaee iatrtasted to nay caro will recsi7o iasiaedist® attautior. Collections a specialty. Office at GibaosFa store,lndian Spring,Ga. juß*3l—t.f J. F. Neal, J.P. THE BSBT IN THE WORLD. I have secured the Agency^ ol Butts County, for the sals ..... ot The Ecliphe Enqikb acknorfHdged' the best ev^r al go ti to FOLIPSE SEPARATORS AND GINS all standard Gins including feeders and condensers COTTON PRESSES AND; SAW MILLS. and will duplicate any broken pipe of piping or valvs, can furnish&ny broken part, about an all kind of CASTING AND All wh time &pd J. C. Mesidetm, Indian Spring, G &. ' SOUTHERN BUSINESS' COLLEGE. Louisville, Ky- PRACTICAL BOOK KEEPING NO TEXT BOOF% t * Dver 25 years ft Practical Accountant, endorsed by all the Prominent merchants of Louisville. Send Stamps for. Circulars'•and i specimens penmanship, BFN.;C. WEAVER, Principal. H. S. DeSOLLAR Secretary IJEWIS & CO M Bacfne, Wls” Kawrfactweraof •&&& S'REE OS T THB MITCHELL ' WaJSK"' Abo Tlsrae-Spriiig and Wagoo*, and Side-Spring Buggie*. The MITCHELL is Monarch of the Road; only the very best stock uc?d la tfc* CK& fttmction and made by the best machines fa the world. The Spring Wajoa and Buggy Do gxntiaeat u. entirely separate from the Farm Wagon rhops. And for the manufacture cf this class oJ WOT Vt LiW wCtUtiiSft tiitiiapasscd. Ska and for Catalogue and Illustrated Price List. jaraCHBIiE,, HjEsWIS Sc C®. t 2|aetoa 9 ar : ‘ v ti'J S f % . • '' t ‘t? The Eclipss the World For ~ lieliabl Excellence. Til OS OAMF ’General Agent, Covington. Gel, J. C. Meridith Local Ag } t. Butta Cos. Also Dealer in Saw Mills, Separators, CottonlQ-ius, Etc Satisfaction fully Guaranteed in evsry Transaction, %pril2l-ly UPIGHT PiANOST nn Wb s f iS* UEtWySS } PARLOR OR AN GEO. WOO D5 & GO MPA N Y MANUFACTUSERB CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS. CATALOGUES SENT FREE. . AGENTS WANTED. f ——CORRBSPONCE SOLICITED.— f- july 14-20 t Robinson Wages, r vV < “T '■ —'-K : V ' ...^ TANARUS, f, —> . V •* ■ *1 ", V . . ... SBaßu-'iotMro9 rj farm &• rtra SPKXaSTGr Buggies & %*i*gb©&©®3.; Bead for designs acd pri<jcs to BCBIHSON WAGOIT (X).; ;i CINCINNATI. O. ‘ THB A ?**H2W Ildj Wsirry. Knveter*. eaeg and t'sr^K 1 •! • Also f\ y ra #f tita SUCi '*"' aucL Sse£&’C3 for tie c-ara of tie caeeases e* i?.e bene. . - f“gT“ YhVaoiA* £a c^r 7 wreca ced irra e# Sfce Vy r fSgSgSS f’AfSS L%m&- tail, €., ••- i &t, *cS:**s paid, ■=-> cay sddncs. ca recti?: c-* Wr-rr t-tmztz. 4-v*V>‘ -~ -- 1 ? : ... > 2: ' ... : -■.-• r-*r^r •i.-• ■ " —s*. r. * . - , £ e-r- aj c.clti *J7£%ft ■ ; ■ •■ : . TANARUS, - 'r 1 . -. , .-St*-}. i’ ■ I ~s. •■ *.*. . s*#.Hs*e * 3=-'-• • I ir ji-r -_. V ... s'e.i. iddL. I'* J >'ltA f b' -f. .Opiate ~ ’,_• ’ 1 .' i— Ms .jve* c _,‘ r l—r-•• J *T ''-'‘'’-vxi'vj; k ■.' . . a £•&*£ - * r ... v,v e* w;ae :■ SestLyiul -W;*£L iW Fpoee^td ***“ IL il *27 MJIX f-. -cfi W. i ’ -< H -b * C f.t-'i.iftii- '■> ffff rTitfecsit ggonticn tfeo flaatt and EVERY OKE of tte (41 SIZES """" ','""j® eokc> r 72 0, - > Writteb Ehirmtie O’o IT3 BTiUAZi in point of rf •’ ■. ECONOMr. :.. Hißßa tf WEII pj&mz Bass Csfaet esi Fawrile Coofeg Sto?ea AW A STfID MMi-iMaimii fegmifeilfeiMSlLlSSL Do not bo Soc&tver” by imitation** terntnino toeil FAVCHXTID GOOjLIXQ qrov:.:3 a*. l west pgtxt baab before buying any ether** Pot Sal* by LEGAL NOTICES POSTPONED PITFRIFF SALE will be sold before the court Honf door in tho town ->f Jackson But’- county Ga. on tha Ist Tuesday January next 1882, within the If* gal hours of sale, one dark b mare mule about ix years old ; ; v ied upon by virtue of one i\ fa. L sued from the Superior cot . I Butte county, aa the property of J L. Byars in jfayor of Ridgway & Daughtry vs. J, L. Byars. Thu Noy. 30th 1881. J. 0. Bdauchamp, Sheriff B. 0. GEORGIA, Butts County: John G. Lindsey, residing in the state of Georgia, having applied td be appointed guardian oi George Limb sev a residem oi said countv, mvl a minor uuder the age ot Twenty one years, this is io cite all persona con cerned U > and appear at the term and the court oi Ordinary, to be held on tho first Monday of January next, and si ow cause if Ihey can why said John G, Lindsey, should not be intrusted with the guardianship of George Lindsey) Witness my oificial signature. Decem ber 3rd 1881. J. F. Carmichael, Ordinary u. C. STATE OF GEORGIA, BurTs'cerNry' Notice is hereby gi\en that I will np ply to the courtof Ordinary of said boun ty on the first Monday in January 1 - Rif for leave to sell the undivided interest:? of Jere Cleveland and Mary i\ On . land minors in cei ruin real estate .--UinOed in Indian Spring reserve called the Mc- Intosh Hotel property and adjoining lots in said county, the interests of each minor being the one forty fourth part oi said real estate. If. o*. Colliuh, Guardian of tho property of said minora. BUTTS SHLBIFF S ALE. WILL EE SOLD before tho court House door in the town of Jackson Butts county, Ga., on tho Ist Tuesday in Jan- 1 uarv next 1882 Wifchiti the legal hours of sale, the following deseribedpropertV to wit: One top Buggy “Cook's Manu facture, M and harness —ono cream color ed mare about five year* old. Levied upon by virtue of one mortgage fi.f;*. r sued from the 'Superior court cf Butt Cos., in favor of C. f H. Osborn vs. Zacha riah Hardy; levied upon as the proper ty of Zach, Hardy. This Nov. 30th 1381. J. o. BEACH AMP, 1 Sheriff b. C. BUTTS' SHERIFF SALE. WILL BE SOLD before the Court House door in the town of Jackson Butts co., Ga., on the Ist Tuesday in January next 1882 within the loyal hour#, of Bale the following described property Twenty four hundred and t.wen ty pounds of white cetlon, also four sou hundred pounds of yellow cotton, twen ty five busheis of corn and t’-'-i'V- o dred pounds of fbk v, 1 •. on by virtue of cue fi'.fa. -wd -'re. t,.-1 :-lup*- rior court of l ' ir.t; L in Gvor oi Vv. Mays vs. ?•* Moreland, lev 8 upon as the property of Mike More:; tr-8 Nov. 30th 1881. J. 0. c;rvw-. gJIEFF B C SHERIFF SALE. WILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE Court house door in the town o{ Jackson Butts County, Ga., on the Ist Tuesday in January next !SB2 within the’ lugal liourrf' of sale, the following do* scribed property, ’.j-vit: tv. o hundred and ninety acres (more or le'is) of l?nd lying in the Indian Sprir, district of Butts County, 80. of lc! not known, bounded as follows: On the w fi '?t by 4 lands of W. F. Dong’sHs and ethers and on the south by l&r sot E. "P. Fears, and on the north by lends of Rosanah Greer, and on the eaitby the Und: oi J. W. Heard and other*, i . 1 iod on by urtue of one :1. f&. 1 ;oued from f larch Term of 1867 Butts .Superior court i 1 fa,* ver of John L. Moore Guardian &c vs. EL N. Bysrs is, W. C.Nutt A 1; 1. on the estate of Win. B. Nutt J,ov ; . and upon as the property : b*id W. B Is utt deceased. Tenant iii pof’session given written notfee, this Nov. :J0 1881. Vv r . D. Cur.liY, Deputy Sheriff B. C. HEADQR’B FOR HARDWARE (5 H JOHNSON & SON. No. 13 Hill St.,GRIFFIN - G i We have an Immons'? Stock for the coming season of JUBT Ouch Goods as arc always needed by the Farmer, Mechanic and Housekeeper, con sisting in part, ai fallows : Axes, Blacksmith Tooht, Bo!t§. Butts, Carrriage and Wagon Mate rial, Carpenters’ Tools, Chains, Cutlery. Grinds ton a;-, Housefur nishing Goods, Horae and L r n!a s Shoes, Iron, Locks, Naiis, Oils, Paints, Packing, PlarAp.tion Hard ware, Plows, Rubber Belting, Saws cf all kinds, Sewing Machines, Shov els, Spades, Steel, Farmer a* Tools, Varnishes, etc., etc. The Largest and Finest asssort ment of CUTLERY ever brought to this market. A Largo lot of the “Snalding Clipper” Axes, manufactured to our order for this section. We eell our goods at the LOWEST PRICES. C. H. JOHNSON & SON., 3m General Hardware Dealers. PARKER’S GMGERTONIC &a inxigoratlsg BedWaa tot Hcv fc^jeSM. This delicious compo-md of Bachu and many other of the best vegetable medicinM known, cures Female Complaints, Nervousness, Waicetui, ness, and all disorders of the fcovveis, stc cnaci., aver, kidneys, nerves and nrinary organs. f 100 IDOLIARS- Paid for anything Injurious in Giager Tonic, or for a failure to help or cure. Try it or ask your skit friend to try it T O*DSY 50c. and $1 sites at £ll ggists. Larra saving buying dollar size. Send for circular to Hiscox & Cos., 163 William Street, N. Y. Psrkeus HaibVsal^a^. Satisfies the most fastidious as a perieft Hair 1 i storer and Drcssiag. Scid by ail tieak rt in drugs 4 at -oc. and sl. f 1 AY FLOatSTOW OOLOGXX m ..(jvjlwly frsfrMU | pr-av Wlta tmmfOmmtty I—Mag|>roprtl*s. WntM*. |